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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. You could just move your LaunchBox install to a different drive, it's completely portable.
  2. You can delete it, but it will re-cache automatically. If you're constantly adding / removing games, it's a good idea to compeltely delete it from time to time to make sure it's still as lean and mean, but the cache will re-cache regardless. There wont be any problems, and sometimes there's a reason to clear the cache, but there are also options to do this in App. Still, ther's no problem deleting the folder, but when you re-run LB, it will automatically come back. It can take a long time depending on your library, cpu and HDD, but if you leave LB open for a while it should re-cache automatically over time. When I re-cache, in a platform im working on I'll scroll through slowly for a little while, wait 5 min, come back, and past where I scrolled comes in.
  3. That's really really really creepy...
  4. As long as the game details bar on the right is open, it should appear above all the images. If it's open and still not playing, try switching playback engines in the LB options.
  5. It's been a while since I've come in here and thanked all of our translators for their amazing work, so thank you. It is very very helpful to us.
  6. Would you mind re-installing the same version, or a recent version on top of your install? I wonder if something got corrupted. In your LB folder is an Updates folder. Sort them by date and the setup with the most recent date is the LB you downloaded last.
  7. Ah, then yea that functionality would need to be added, but it is probably a good idea regardless. My suggestion was more of a workaround. Feel free to see if someone has requested the feature at our BitBucket, and if not feel free to add it yourself. Vote on the ticket either way. You can get there by clicking Issues / Requests. Feel free to also post the ticket link here so others see it.
  8. Set your default Windows device to the one you want to use all the time. Right click on the Sound icon in your Windows taskbar and go to Playback devices. I've personally disabled devices I will never use in here, but also, right click your primary sound device and set it to default for everything. It may take a min to switch over, or a Big Box restart, but try that and it should work.
  9. Sometimes that happens, glad it's fixed though.
  10. There is shelling software that you can use. You set the application, and it puts your PC in to a mode so that that software launches and hides Explorerl; if you want to go that route, if it's a dedicated machine.
  11. With No-Intro's extra tags though, information can be garnered from that for the audit system, helping more than hurting, so No-Intro is still the overall suggested rom set to grab. Also, at least in the Arcade's case, most of the set is covered on the Database automatically, so if you import correctly and let it do it's thing, a majority of your games should have images. Quite honestly, between the Database and EmuMovies, quite a lot of my games have images and it's constantly getting better, so over time it's becoming less and less of an issue.
  12. SentaiBrad

    Start time

    It takes me a little longer, but I have almost 30k games.
  13. The price of the accessories is absolutely insane, but all the games, even 1, 2 Switch and Arms have value. MK8 is a definitive edition, with more content. It's got all the DLC + a real battle mode now. It will also look better, and have enhancements, like 4 players playing on one console and the framerate sticking to 60fps. Splatoon is Splatoon 2. It was rumored to be a port, but they shocked us with a full fledged sequel. There's a bunch of new moves, new stages, new weapons, new clothing (it serves a purpose in Splatoon for stats), etc. A lot of those 3rd party titles they shown are also actually exclusive. They may not be launch, but they are exclusive. Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, and DQ Heroes in a combo pack is so far exclusive. Those games do exist on the Wii U, and if you don't care for the few enhanced versions, then don't bother buying it. I however, have mine pre-ordered and so I will be ready to go. I would rather Zelda on Switch than Wii U, and those versions of those games. Now I can take them on the go, and Zelda will run better on Switch. Saw a few comparisons, and Switch version looks way better. You might also want to go through and read some stuff, because some of the info you have is out dated or just wrong. The switch for example has 32GB of internal storage, with an SD Card slot, so there probably will never be a bigger version available if the Wii U is anything to go by. It being $300 is the sweet spot. People were hoping for $250, some were fearing $350, but $300 is the right price for what you're getting. You can not look at the competition and think they're the same thing, they're not. The PS4 and Xbox One are pretty much the same exact thing, any Nintendo product is simply not the same by default. Even ignoring the gimmicks, this is a powerful piece of hardware on the go. Battery and Screen alone are costs no one is figuring in. Then when you add on the complex controllers in such a small form factor (which the I don't like the size either), that go on and off the console at will... yea, $300 is justified. I think they could have waited 6 months and had more games to go, but most console launches aren't great. The 3DS launch was abysmal. This isn't the worse launch ever, this is fairly decent considering Zelda, but the PS4 had a pretty damn good launch in recent memory. For the pricing too, I can see another 3DS situation happening again, where a price cut happens and they give out a bunch of games. 3DS became one of the best selling hardware, so things can be turned around, and this situation is so much better than the Xbox One debacle. That was an absolute travesty and this doesn't come even close. PS3 launch was even worse than this. "Our device is $600, and our fans will work a second job to get it if they have to". I might be remembering that a little off, but Sony basically said it's that price, and people will buy it, deal with it. Switch is rumored to be close to the Xbox One original, in "Teraflops", but it will be behind Pro or Scorpio, but it doesn't matter, it shouldn't matter. Nintendo games are generally far above anything else around it, and the power of the console doesn't make that experience better. In a recent interview with Miyomoto, the power of the system doesn't factor in to the game he's going to make. A more powerful console may mean he can do more advanced things, but power doesn't mean better gameplay inherently. Hell, we're a retro gaming community that still loves the damn NES, so clearly we're not all power hungry anyways, why is this any different? I have a serious issue of people wanting one thing and getting mad when they get it, or wanting one thing and changing their tune just because other people are getting mad. Most people who complained are gonna get this anyways. I know exactly why I am buying the Switch, I know how every other console launch has always gone, this wont be any different and I will be in Nintendo's ecosystem. If the money is too much for this, than it was too much for PS3, Xbox One, a $800 phone, but people do that shit anyways and still complain. The conference wasn't great, but the games they showed off were something to be excited about, and playing Nintendo games strikes a cord that no other company can come close to. So yes, I pre-ordered the switch, Zelda Special Edition and it's 5 amiibo's, and I will be the happiest person alive for a few weeks as I play Zelda, and pick up random stragglers. Then when in a few weeks other games start coming out, I'll have fun with them too. Excuse me if this is harsh, but people need to get the fuck over them selves a bit. The internet is bitching and moaning in every damn direction far far far far too often. If you don't like it, don't buy it, or wait. If you do want it, then get it. There is room for civil discussions about something, like we're having, but you can't bash someone for the way they're feeling about a product (not that it's happening in this thread or community, just a general statement because this topic is hitting the net hard the past few days). They also apparently haven't announced everything yet either, they want to spread it out a bit. If they spent 2 or 3 hours going over everything, then it would be too much all at once for everyone, but right now it's too little? I'm going to trust Nintendo, despite some of their odd hardware decisions, that they're going to make me good games, and that's all I want from them at the end of the day. Achievements, a unified account system where my purchases transfer, and a console that will stand up to the abuse I'll put it through are the only things I have left on my list, and that last one I wont know about till I'm using it. So I get the concern, I have it too in some respects, but for me Zelda is the system seller, for me. So, we're getting it, because Zelda is my favorite series ever. If someone doesn't care for Zelda, or wants to wait, or monetarily it doesn't make sense like for Monkus, then that's also totally valid.
  14. Close any programs taking up CPU power or you'd have to upgrade the CPU. These things are generally very CPU intensive. The more power you can give it, generally the faster it is.
  15. Why don't we utilize the downloads section? Can upload the scripts to the Third-Party Apps and Plugins section.
  16. If all your stuff is on one hard drive, then LaunchBox automatically uses relative paths, which is very good. All you need to do is move everything, including your LB install, to your new PC on the same drive. There is software to clone, but the easiest method might be to set up a homegroup or use FTP software to transfer between the two PC's over your network. If you have an external that you've set everything up on, you can utilize that in both PC's. If you have a big enough external, or don't mind many transfers, you can do it in parts. You could also stream one PC to the other over your network as well, so you have a few different options. To keep them synced up though, there is software out there that can do this. There is software like Dropbox as well, but that requires uploading everything to their servers and downloading it to the other PC, not to mention they do have a size limitation on the total amount of data. Otherwise, there is cloning or sync software that should be able to sync specified folders or drives from one pc to the next over a network.
  17. Yes. When Big Box opens, go back ion to the Menu and go down to "View Genres".
  18. If LaunchBox is on the same drive as all your emulators and roms, or the emulators and roms are inside of your LaunchBox folder, than it's the easiest way. When they're on the same drive (inside the LB folder or not), LauncBox will default to using relative paths, meaning it just assumes that the drive letter is which ever drive everything is on. So when you see '../LaunchBox/.." when you edit stuff, that's a relative path. If you have emulators or roms on a different hard drive, it must use a full drive path in order for it to know where it is, and that's when things will break when moving LB. You can either edit your platform XML's to edit the path letter, or change the drive letters on the PC you're using. Well, except the C drive, never change your C drives letter once Windows is installed.
  19. The files need to match the rom file name or the name of the game inside of LaunchBox, so after you import, run the image clean up process. It may take a while, but it will remove any stragglers, then you can select a platform on the left (or all), then Ctrl + A to highlight every game. From there, go to Tools -> Download Metadata and Media, and select the second option. This will go through and fill in any gaps from the LaunchBox Games Database and Emu Movies. So a benefit from having EM, is that downloading from their servers is completely wrapped up in LB. EM Premium (and LB Premium for it to fully show up) will nab you game video.
  20. Controller Automation needs to be set in LaunchBox and Big Box separately, and the close function is supposed to close your emulator and go back to the LB/BB UI.
  21. Yea, this is the info I went off on, along with personal experience, when I made the tutorial. I made it with the stuff that I did to achieve the results that I have without ever using an archive. I wanted to make sure it was reversible (in every bu 1 situation it is), and that it didn't destroy the game data.
  22. No, some programs, depending on the location on the Windows install drive, it needs extra permissions. For example,I re-installed a program recently, and I accidentally put it on the C drive, and it was giving me errors. Moving it back to a different drive, it ran better with no errors. Not all programs are the same, but sometimes they have functions that Windows doesn't like on certain drives. They made it a lot more complicated when you use your C drive for stuff.
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