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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. A queue is a great idea actually. Allowing to start another import might just be an oversight, it's certainly not currently intended to work like that. Check the BitBucket, if that feature request exists then vote on the already existing ticket, otherwise please feel free to add an Import Queue feature request (vote on your own ticket too!). You can get to the LB BitBucket by clicking Issues/Requests at the top of the forums.
  2. They might currently be under server load. @circo would know best though.
  3. If a game has the metadata set for multiplayer, then you can use custom filters to do this. In the game details side bar of LB, there should be a "Play Mode" spot. If it doesn't have it there, it's not been set on the database or the metadata for that gave hasn't been updated by you. In the left pane, at the top, click the drop down and select Play Mode, or even custom filters. This should help. Also, LaunchBox is very different than most other front end's, so I wouldn't usually apply knowledge you know of HS to LB, as it wont always apply; or at least wont apply in nearly the same way.
  4. Has there been enough approval, and have you given the Database at least 24-48 hours after the final approval? There could certainly be an issue, but the Database doesn't update right away after the final approval has been made.
  5. There were a few console duplicates like this, but what was there is or should be getting merged soon, and some of them never had extra platforms to begin with. In every case, a console is only going to have 1 category, SNES is going to stay it even for the Super Famicom. There will be multiple pages for each variation eventually, but that's when @Vlansix gets around to it. Think the Alternate Names feature that currently exists, for but also for Console Metadata and Media. There is no need really for there to be the SNES and Super Famicom as two separate entries. This also creates confusion, and it should be best in the long run for there to be only one location someone submits a game to. Scrape As also solves any potential issues as you can create any number of custom platforms with this method. Famicom, Super Famicom, PC Engine, etc, all in the same boat. If any platform still currently has an alternate still up on the database, it's going to be removed.
  6. Do not let LB move MAME files. In most cases letting LB move files is bad (unless they're single files), but if there is a complicated file structure or multiple files required, never do it. Have either of you watch the MAME Tutorial on our YT channel? Try that and see if you're missing a step. Ignore that It's a bit older, just plug in to new .180 MAME Rom set, MAME .180, ignore the Lighgtspeed stuff as well as it's very much outdated (I don't know what's going on there), but then otherwise it's the same tutorial.
  7. This, in my experience, has always solved video or audio related issues when things refuse to play. It almost always comes down to codec issues. You're quite welcome though!
  8. Yea, I've never even heard of them actually, and usually 3rd Party AV Software flags us constantly. We've sent reports to some of them a lot, to fix the issue, but it's extremely slow moving. By the time they may have received the reports and want to do something about it, we're on to the next version or two.
  9. See if this works: http://www.codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_standard.htm If it says it found any issues, click yes and let it fix them.
  10. It was just a thought. Google Translate isn't the only thing out there, but when we go from nothing to have at least something, that can be a big deal. CPU is the most important part for LaunchBox, then RAM, then HDD, then GPU. GPU can help, in a cursory way that is inherent to how PC's work, but Jason doesn't actively take GPU power. You're on a slightly older laptop, and 50k is a lot. Increasing your LB Ram usage a bit can help, but since you have 8GB I would only put 512mb to 1GB, maybe.
  11. Would you be able to give us some examples? What game, what are the duplicates called? Maybe even a screenshot of their properties page so we can see things like file size, date, etc?
  12. LaunchBox can handle as much as you want it to. The slower a computer, the smaller a library it can handle at decent speeds without needing to edit whats running on the machine, turn down the image size or make some software changes. I have 30k, I've had 50k previously, and LB worked fantastically. I have my LB RAM usage set to 4GB in the options as well. So, we're looking in to if Google Translate has an API or something we could use, that could be a huge step in translating game descriptions without needing to translate the database, which would honestly be a gigantic undertaking. All it would require is implementation and for the user to have internet. Also, Alternate Names will be a huge benefit for users who's first language isn't English. It will require users to input the names, but the names get associated with a region (for Data purposes, like images etc), and eventually when it's all matured enough and cohesive, you can set your Language of LB, and set your metadata preference. Even if you download the game in english, it will know what it is and display the name in your requested language, and if that game has images associated with that region as well it can then display those images too. Some of that does already exist in LaunchBox, but to make it fully realized will take some time.
  13. Windows Defender very very rarely, if ever, marks us. It's always 3rd Anti Virus software. Windows doesn't mark us as anything usually. What AV Software were you using? Windows Defender works great, IOBit Malware Fighter has worked great for me, but my absolute favorite and the best one to have is Malwarebytes Antimalware, and none of these have ever flagged or interfered with LB.
  14. It still removed 273 images, after the cache resets are you still having a lot of duplicates?
  15. I would be willing to bet it's a language issue, something to do with the language code being used? That's my only guess. It's not exactly easy to just have other languages of game details, someone has to translate all of that, and Google Translate is not reliable, so I honestly don't think that will happen any time soon. We would also need to build the feature in, and then have someone be willing to start populating it, which would take an extremely long amount of time. A rudimentary built in Google Translate type of thing could potentially be implemented. You can enable it, then select the language to translate to? That would probably be extremely difficult as well, but more doable than translating the entire database.
  16. Did you try rebooting your PC or seeing if LaunchBox / Big Box was stuck open in your Task Manager? I've had LB or BB open in the task manager, but the application was closed, this prevented from a new one from opening.
  17. No unfortunately, Image Priorities is global, however that is a good thing to add. You're more than welcome to add this to the BitBucket if it hasn't been requested already by clicking Issues/Requests at the top.
  18. Having a merged set is honestly my bet on why it's being thrown off. Merged sets work differently, and our data set is more based off of a split style of rom listings, which is the default. Importing everything like @ckp said is probably the best bet, and if it still doesn't you'll need to grab a .180 split set (they just updated).
  19. It wont react to ID Numbers. There is zero internalization done for anything other than MAME. Also, the emulator doesn't translate anything, it doesn't really care what the name of the game is, it knows what game it is by an internal check if im not mistaken. What @InfinityFox said is the right method if they're in folders, and the folder has the name of the game. There is a check box during import to use the folder name instead of the file name, and this is what you would be looking for. If not, either the folder or the game files need to be renamed to the games.
  20. It's no problem. You can experiment with LaunchBox and Big Box though, chances are you wont break anything.
  21. There are options in the images and backgrounds sub-options menu to do stuff like this, like hide a banner, and there are a ton of themes that will help you get a more customized look on Big Box if you're not exactly happy with all of the views and or customization options already there. Go to the downloads section on the forums (at the top of the forums, not at the top of this whole page. aka not the bar that scrolls down with you).
  22. I would prune out some of your games, ones you don't like, duplicates, that sort of thing, but no, probably not. After all is said and done, if you download all of the media available (including video from EmuMovies), it will exceed 45GB fast. I have 30k games and my install is over 110GB. If you buy a new hard drive, all your games can stay exactly where they are. I would suggest you watch some of the tutorials on our YouTube channel by clicking the Tutorials button at the top. It should really help the most in figuring out LB. The SNES Beginner tutorial (the updated one), is the best place to start. It assumes the users watching don't know LaunchBox or the emulator of choice in that tutorial which is RetroArch. You can also use almost any USB Controller with LB, as long as they're xinput, that's the best option. Big Box (LaunchBox Premium) is the best for a controller as it's completely oriented for a controller, but LaunchBox it's self has some basic functionality with a controller. You can enable it in the options menu. Controller Automation is also a great compliment for a controller as well, but I can't remember if that is a feature behind LB Premium. LaunchBox doesn't control or have anything to do with giving your controller instructions when it comes to playing your games, that's all left up to the emulator. The only thing LB can do is Controller Automation behavior. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and check out the tutorials when you get a chance, they'll help the most: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6pTDaHeAz-WMcNURVPU-1xLN_TVpT3FB
  23. I'm actually not sure if something like this has been requested. Someone would have to correct me (It's getting hard to keep track of ALL the requests. ) Click Issues/Requests at the top and you can search for your request. If it exists, please vote on that ticket instead, otherwise you're more than welcome to create a request of your own.
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