You can most likely use Notepad++ to do it but you would need actual rom file names not just the basic game name.
I used Notepad++ to generate my NoFiller batch files for others to use after I had pulled out a set of roms by hand into a folder. I generated the the raw list of rom files by dropping a batch file with the following command into the folder of roms.
dir /b > _romslist.txt
After I had the I used NP++ to place the word "copy" at the front of each line and at the end of each line the name of a folder those games would get copied into. I also put a new line at the very top of the list that just said:
md foldername
I found out how to do this with a Google search and found these instructions on how to add text in front of and after each line.
Press Ctrl+H to bring up the Find/Replace Dialog.
Choose the Regular expression option near the bottom of the dialog.
To add a word, such as test, at the beginning of each line:
Type ^ in the Find what textbox
Type test in the Replace with textbox
Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected
Click Replace All button
To add a word, such as test, at the end of each line:
Type $ in the Find what textbox
Type test in the Replace with textbox
Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected
Click Replace All button