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Chris Kant

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Everything posted by Chris Kant

  1. don't know why but from all in a sudden the plug in has an issue. every time I want to add a new game chrome opens it, start everything but then failed with this error message
  2. thousand times the same discussion, even when you also have the chance to put in your own music directly ripped with whatever you want... and also nice to know what the 10000000000 times better Music Box is out for Apple ;-0 so please don't jump like a kid around your dark corner spreading your heat ;-)
  3. It is really not what I expected and nothing I can relate to Launchbox so far. for my music collection I use Apples iTunes.
  4. He will announce the take over of rocketlauncher :-P
  5. no Idea what I've changed on my system but now it works flawless with Chrome. Thank you so much. I already send hundreds of games to the DB for approval. Now we can have a large set of NeoGeo CD Games and so on :-)
  6. normally this means, that all the stuff is already moderate. so the guys who working as moderators in the background do a good job :-) and all your uploads looks like they are now approved.
  7. Hey, welcome you can help LaunchBox to update the Games DB. The system works like someone has to fill in all the data and others can then moderate it. if enough accepted are there the games it comes into the official GamesDB. so we all work together to make it better and complete, incl. Artworks and so on. Here is the Link https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/add regards, Chris
  8. Hi everyone, I try to get the Game JuJu into the GamesDB for Windows. I have this game and I pushed it into the GamesDB and it gets rejected. Two person also said that this game already exists but I cannot find it. I know there are not enough information in it but I also put a few artworks like clear logo into it. thank you for helping me
  9. Setup exe. Than I had an issue with a strange path. Than I want to delete all and re set it up again. Than it won't work anymore and i got that failure message that it is already installed in a different path
  10. Hi together, I like to help to moderate as much as possible to get a good working Games DB within LaunchBox as well. Bad thing, I have not so much experience with a lot of old systems. so I have to skip a lot of games I cannot really good moderate in the Database. Would it be possible to get an additional option for moderation before it coming to the games moderation to choose the platform which someone want to moderate and after that all games request for that platform will comes up? this would makes it easier for me to help most of the system I know and can help instead of skipping over 100s of games (and the speed is not really lighting fast for waiting until the next game comes up).
  11. cannot work with that tool. it says it is already installed, even when I delete that old version anymore.
  12. great bezels
  13. Even for me cemu is way slower than a few versionsbefore... maybe one of the options are to much it
  14. how can I download the whole set?
  15. Something like 32x for Sega genesis, isn't it?
  16. Chris Kant

    PC Games

    Hi Guys, I am going deeper in the Launchbox / BigBox thing and having now a lot of my PC Games in this FrontEnd. I realise that Including PC Games are not so easy and comfortable as I thought, like Drag and Drop the Specific Exe file into it. Than I only have two options to choose (Rom File OR MS-DOS). I always choose MS-DOS because I think it is not a rom file. Later I have to deactivate the MS-DOS starting thing in the Game Audit Part. Most of the Games are not in my StartMenu or somewhere else. It Works great and flawless now BUT having a bigger PC section in the forum could help us a lot more. so that we have a thread for each game (like an Darious Burst Chronicles thread) for helping others and so one. Darious Burst needs an AHK or something like that (I have no idea how to solve it) and so one. and important: only one thread per game could help it a lot what do you guys think about that
  17. Do you have pictures? Sounds interessting Did you managed to control the game completely with a controller? I have problems with menus...
  18. and trying to login makes the chrome browser close automatically complete and that message pops up
  19. i have a problem with the login when I want to add a game. Chrome, Firefox and all the others doesn't want to save and auto-login to the database because of the unsafe connection to the page. does this something to do with the plug in? because when I normally go to the games db, everything works smoothly.
  20. Chris Kant


    in some parts your theme is awesome for me. I want to have a best of of three or four themes floating around this front end.
  21. Hughe speed improvement now, awesome
  22. Sounds like the hyper pause feature from rocketlauncher, doesn't it?
  23. Try Nintendo Wii U (with the space between Wii and U) This could help. And every platform has its company name in front like here Nintendo
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