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Everything posted by zugswang

  1. Same here. When you have a big collection, using Launchbox or Bigbox is a painful experience. Speeding up the processes across both Launchbox and BigBox should be priority No1 IMO because it is almost unusable due to the way it processes everything in the background each time you try to do something.
  2. How big do you want them, they are carts not boxes ?
  3. Suggestion: Maybe include the word favorites somewhere on the video ? Thanks for the share.
  4. Every game I play where a highscore is created on the boards is using Zombeaver name ! Is it just for me or is this an issue generally for people using C64 Dreams ? Thanks
  5. It is merged into my setup
  6. Hi, I have it in my setup, but wasn't using it.
  7. Hi all, I just posted a high scores for both Bombjack and Frogger on MAME and it has come up with someone else's name (in this case Zombeaver) ! Does anyone know how this has happened ? Thanks
  8. Try Powerpoint, it works well to create videos, as long as you have the images and video files to make it.
  9. Great work, thanks for sharing. ps, You could also run these through a video converter, as they reduce the size by 50% + without any loss of quality.
  10. zugswang

    Ryujinx quit

    It was just for your information seeing as you had seemed to spend a lot of time fixing it for them
  11. zugswang

    Ryujinx quit

    FYI, This works for me if you press escape on the keyboard, but it does not work when trying to escape using a controller (in my case xbox 360). To use a controller (or at least an xbox 360 controller) to exit, just leave exit script blank.
  12. zugswang

    Ryujinx quit

    I don’t understand why it works for me with no settings and not for anyone else. i am just using Windows 10 with latest update , launchbox 11.9 and latest version of ryujinx. ryujinx has full screen enabled and confirm exit disabled. it loads and exits perfectly without doing any scripts at all. maybe I am just special , but I doubt it. it can only be the version of ryujinx you are trying to use or launchbox version.
  13. Lol, some people are never happy ! ?
  14. Any chance of this one ? Thanks in advance
  15. They need to be the correct bios files for the version of MAME you are using, eg MAME 0.228 needs MAME 0.228 bios files etc
  16. What if people uploaded nothing ? Then you wouldn't have ANYTHING to choose from. Maybe be grateful that people take time out to upload free stuff for everyone to choose from in the first place.
  17. It's just another option to throw in the pot so he was aware that he can use txt or xml path if he did it this way.
  18. FYI, That should not have mattered as I have my games running from txt files, but at least it's now working for you. Make sure you add custom command line parameters for each game and you can point to either.
  19. Have a look to see if you have the neo geo bios files if you are using MAME set, or they won't run.
  20. This would be awesome if BigBox didn't take 2 minutes to load up. 14 seconds of video, 1.46 minutes black screen ?
  21. add your own sound using a video/audio converter
  22. Thanks for these. Did you create them using a script or have to do them all manually ?
    Great work. Thanks for sharing
  23. Oh i see, thanks I think it need a cfg file for Retroarch and an ini file for RocketLauncher to load correctly.
  24. Hi, Nice bezel, but what's it for ? RetroArch ? RocketLauncher etc ? Thanks
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