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Everything posted by zetec-s-joe

  1. Always love seeing your work, nothing changes, mint as ever. Shame about the creases... moron
  2. Won't ever be as snappy, and the original Creator has stopped development. The Community Creator files are available, you would have to have a go yourself to get it to at least look the same.
  3. Ahh, t's good to know, I will drop it in my build in a "Dependencies" folder, thanks!
  4. Good write up As far as Dependencies go, .NET Core 3.1 I was sure when opening LaunchBox on a new system without it install prompted you to download it automatically? Or did I imagine this lol
  5. Looks great, will you be doing custom sounds per platform selection and pause/startup? keep it up, very clean
  6. Great theme, keep it up
  7. Looking mint @exodus_cl
  8. Hope all goes well @Saieno
  9. Love that your still working on this quality theme
  10. Just caught up and your G&W work is beautiful, and then this was the cherry on top
  11. awesome work on the G&W stuff, nice seeing it get some proper love
  12. Superb theme, thanks for sharing, excited to see how far you take it
  13. Slick
  14. where the game title is, could make a space there for the clear logo instead of text? would suit the Netflix style vibe
  15. Need custom sounds, pause and startup/shutdown menus matching too But yeah, looks great so far
  16. liking the direction of this, good work
  17. Gotta admit, LaunchBox/Big Box OS would be amazing, but appreciate how much work is involved
  18. Fotosizer is a great tool, it's older now but I've always had joy resizing and such things
  19. So first re-scan of bezels for Sega 32X in 12.13 beta 1 A couple of bezels did not change opacity settings (2 or 3, WrestleMania Arcade game was one, haven't tried a re-scrape yet) If easy to add to the per game configs, for the easiest/cleanest setup it would be good to add the line of code to make mouse pointer move to the bottom right furthest point on load, this way anyone that likes to have use of mouse wont lose it, and at the same time no extra settings will need to be changed by the user after bezels installed. (Mouse only becomes visible once a bezel installed, so this would be useful) The Bezel Project was based on HyperSpin naming convention from all the packs I've looked at, so when using the latest no-intro sets this becomes an issue. a lot of bezels missing that should be matched when scraping 32X UPDATE: Doing a second scan of bezels did fix the opacity settings for the games not done the first time round UPDATE #2: The second scan didnt fix ALL opacity cfg files
  20. Ahhhh, great news on the fixed opacity setting
  21. The opacity really needs to be set to 1.0 as default
  22. I don't know if they're easy fixes, but bezels could really do with auto configs being pre-set to have opacity set to 1.0 and also video for the majority of packs set to 4:3 instead of core provided. (to not lose gameplay over the sides) It's been a while since I used the windows app of bezel project but I am sure it pre-did this for you so fingers crossed it's fairly easy to fix as this will make the whole ease of use much greater
  23. N-Gage looks sweetttt
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