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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Go to task manager and check if you have Nahimic Services running. This is known to cause issues. Here is a thread on the issue.
  2. @C-Beats Emulator error fixed, formatting or scripts error in AHK tabs fixed.
  3. Exit is so you can exit BigBox with a button.
  4. Unsure of a workaround, but there were some fixes in LB since 11.9 that helped issues with additional apps. So not sure what kind of license you have, but if you are able to update I would recommend trying the latest stable version.
  5. Thanks @jayjay for confirming. Plugins are not something I have skillful knowledge in.
  6. In the current state of the Pause Menu it would likely require a plugin though I am not sure if possible.
  7. There is not a setting. You would have to edit the theme’s code. I am not aware of another theme right now that has a delay like this only because I have not tested them all.
  8. Yeah. Does seem to either come back immediately or after some time. Played around a lot more this morning and after a bit the errors returned.
  9. A couple of my builds did have a bunch of emulators that needed fixing. Since doing so I have not had the issue return.
  10. If you want to revert you can run the last stable update located in your \Updates folder. While I can understand bugs can be aggravating if the beta’s bug are too big an issue for you I suggest not running betas. They are betas for a reason and we look for users to help provide feedback of found bugs.
  11. In LB go to >Tools >Manage Emualtors and edit your Mame. Change the Mame exe path to the exe of a completely different emulator and then close the Manage Emulators window. Once done, edit Mame again and change it back to the actual Mame exe file and close out the Manage Emulators. Should get you back and running. We have brought this up to the devs in our beta thread.
  12. Ah, apologies that is for importing by files type or folder. For the full set just make sure the option for "Import Clones as Additional" is checked. It is on by default.
  13. If you want all the versions make sure during import you choose the option to “Combine Roms with Matching Titles”. This will combine the versions into one game listing. Also check the one for “Force Duplicates” to be safe.
  14. @RULLUR @Wanderer189 Can you both try the steps below. This fixed the issue for me as well as @OhBoy
  15. Did you have to reboot LB or were you able to just make the changes back and forth without shutting down?
  16. Try resetting the emulator .exe path. I got that error with Citra and to be honest I do not remember exactly what I did, but I remember reselecting the path was one of the last things I did and the error went away. Again, not saying that was the fix, but worth a try. Edited: Just got the error with PS3. Changed the exe path to a completely different emulator and saved it and exited the Manage Emulators screen. Then went back in a edited it back to the correct exe path and no error. If that did not work try closing LB after you make the first change. Then reopen LB and edit it back to the correct .exe path.
  17. That's incorrect. I test constantly for LB going back and forth between betas and prior versions. I never delete any installer even if newer than the one I am running and LB never tries to reinstall it until I make it do so. Been that way for years I have been using LB and testing betas. If you have Check for Updates on it will ask you if you want to install, but it does not automatically do it. The Background option will. Which is why that has to be off.
  18. Can you provide an image of what you are seeing? You are logging in with the ID you use to log into Epic with correct?
  19. @4monty The beta does not need to be deleted. Just need to make sure to uncheck the box for "Automatically Download Updates in Background". No matter how many installers you have in your updates folder you can revert to any version and use it without LB trying to update to a more current one in your folder if you have that unchecked.
  20. Not sure what version you are on. However, the issue seems to be a timeout issue if you are also downloading from Emumovies. If memory serves me correct I believe there is a 15 minute or so timeout involving EmuMovies API. So until something is figured out the work around is to either uncheck downloading media from Emumovies or run it in chunks of say 500 games at a time. This is likely because you only had one game selected. You have to select all the games you want to download the media for. That option is not a general one that runs the downloader for all games if you select it. So you either go to a specific platform and select all the games or you can be in the All Games view and choose you full library.
  21. Also if you have videos we know some .flv file types has caused issues when in BB is in attract mode. So I would remove those.
  22. @keithhov I would test removing the entire folder of one image type and test. So maybe remove the marquee image folders (do not delete just move out of LB amd them test. If it crashes put the marquee images back and move the clear logos out and test. This way you can tell which image types might be the culprit. I run this same theme on one build and it has no issues on new LB build. Attract mode has been known to have issues when a user’s build has a bad video file or image file. So likely issue is a bad image as you mentioned.
  23. Easiest thing to do is open Mame directly and map that same button/key combo in Mame. I believe it will ne fore the option “Cancel UI”
  24. To add the license is easy. Take the license.xml file you were sent in the email when you purchased the license and drop it into your \Launchbox folder.
  25. Launch the game and then hit tab to go to the Mame settings menu. Choose the option for Inputs This Machine and see if by chance the bindings for those option are different than what you set.
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