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Custom Themes

25 files

  1. Frogg theme

    Here is my Launchbox theme, imaginatively titled "Frogg".
    This is a rework of the default theme, as there were a number of things I wanted to change. See the second screenshot for a list of the changes made. Most of the changes were to the game details pane. I also removed the rounded edges from the boxes in the main grid view. The platform tree is the same.
    Overall I wanted to maximise the use of available screen area and show as much metadata as possible, minimising the necessity to scroll. Some scrolling is still required to view the retroachievements and related games, but for general game browsing often no scrolling is required to see the banner, images, metadata and notes. The very latest default them has returned to having the related game in a separate tab; I might update this theme at some point to incorporate that (now done with version 2 of this theme).
    I have an ultrawide monitor and this theme makes good use of the extra screen real estate. If your monitor isn't quite as wide you can resize the game details pane to your satisfaction. Also, I have a separate marquee screen on which the banner is displayed. That's why I kept the scratched arcade marquee aesthetic with the clear logo in the game details pane. It probably fits the theme better than the marquee anyway.
    A few things I'd like to change with updated versions (any help with these would be appreciated):
    - the height of the image preview area; videos fill the space well, though for the images it only uses around 80% of the available height. It looks OK but it's something I want to improve
    - I'd like to have Retroachievements in a separate tab, like "related games" has; same for MAME high scores


       (1 review)



  2. Default - Featherweight

    For users that wanted to play their games with no "fluff". This theme removes a lot of the "extras" that a game could have, while keeping as close to the look of the default theme that you can get.
    This theme was built during an official live stream. Come join in the next one: https://www.twitch.tv/launchboxofficial
    What is removed/changed?
    The Platform View Game Details View Top banner Full screen mode Badges All dynamic elements that react to different width sizes All load delay animations Achievements MAME High Score Leaderboards Box View Change alignment to Left (instead of Stretched)


       (1 review)



  3. Big Details

    The newest version of this theme requires version 13.4, or higher.
    Big Details is a new theme that reimagines what the LaunchBox interface can be. Every piece of the interface has been tweaked and adjusted to provide a smooth and modern experience with subtle animations across the theme. The main highlight is the transition to a banner-type horizontal Game Details view.
    There's a lot to unbundle in this one, and any potential theme developers are welcome to take a peak into the code to get inspiration.
    Some features of this theme include:
    Banner style game details view with  Uniform Image Grid View with rounded corners and vertically aligned images New controls pop-up that houses the music controls, and image and volume sliders Redesigned top menu bar Dynamic Play button with multiple version support, and states for: Play, Install, Unavailable  


       (7 reviews)



  4. Omni

    "Omni" is a prefix meaning "all", in that regard this theme strives to do "all the things" in ONE theme!
    Omni has both a content view selector and game details selector that lets you choose the content view and details view that looks best to you. There are 15 different configurations to choose from! All of these settings are saved in a ThemeValues.xaml file that allows you to customize them EVEN MORE!

    NOTICE: Omni requires LaunchBox v13.12 or greater!


       (4 reviews)



  5. Snappy

    This theme is a simplified version of the default LaunchBox theme, designed for instant responsiveness and stability. I created it to address issues such as memory leaks and crashes that often occur when managing large game libraries over extended periods. To achieve these improvements, certain elements like videos in the game view have been removed. While not intended for everyday use, this theme prioritizes performance for situations where stability is more important than additional features.
    Please feel free to suggest any features. I will gladly consider adding them as long as they can be implemented without reintroducing previous issues.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Neptune

    The newest version of this theme requires version 13.3, or higher.
    A LaunchBox Custom Theme I developed to help me understand the code behind themes. Because of this, most items within the XAML files are commented, which were added in order to help me keep track of what was going on. Sources of inspiration include the Lambda theme and GOG Galaxy.
    The notable item this theme accomplishes is the tab approach to the Game Details Page.
    Please feel free to use parts of this theme in your own creations.
    Extract the Neptune folder into LaunchBox\LBThemes In LaunchBox, open Options, under Visuals > Main Window Theme and select Neptune from the dropdown.


       (3 reviews)



  7. Default Plus

    The newest version of this theme requires version 13.3, or higher.
    An alternative to the LaunchBox Default theme. This theme's main difference is the Game Details. Providing an alternative layout, with an image border at the top, and smooth animations upon load.

    The theme also has icon support on the side bar. Around 90 controller images have been added to the theme to showcase how it works, but the images can be changed out to anything you'd like (icons must be in png format).
    The icons can be replaced in the following location (restart of LaunchBox is required).
    LAUNCHBOX\LBThemes\Default Plus\Images\Icons  
    Extract the Default Plus folder into LaunchBox\LBThemes In LaunchBox, open Options, under Visuals > Main Window Theme and select Default Plus from the dropdown.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme

    Neon Deluxe Arcade - LaunchBox Theme

    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
    In a dark alley lit by black light and neon, an arcade resides; Neon Deluxe Arcade.
    Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme:
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Badges
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street)
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside)
    Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
    Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
    Huge Thanks to @Grila for the inspiration and his permission and kindness to use his codes for especially the left sidebar and more from his LBPlex Launchbox Theme. Also huge thanks to @Rincewind for the inspiration and his permission and kindness to use his code of the Rincewind Launchbox Theme for full screen background images. I couldn't have made it as it is without you guys! Thanks to @C-Beats for adding the steam achievements to the theme, and the code for clear logos! Thanks to @faeran for the tip about video background transparency and the coding for the play time tracker. @Retro808 for the filters code, thanks man!
    More than I can mention, you just have to see it in action, one thing I can mention is that it features a bright green and slightly larger cache progress bar so you can't miss it when it's working to make a smooth experience
    Extract folder "Neon Deluxe Arcade LB" to Launchbox/LBThemes. Open Launchbox, go to Tools/Options/(Leftside bar) Visuals/Choose the theme in the dropdown bar. 
    Tip: Tools/Options/Theme/Colors > Choose "Midnight Blue" for anything that was not possible to color change in Launchbox theming.
    Important: This theme does not use fanart or platform backgrounds but a static 4K quality background, there are 7 backgrounds to choose from in the separate download, the image you want to display should be named "Background-01.jpg" and overwritten in \LBThemes\Neon Deluxe Arcade LB\Images. In order to get it working as you see in the screenshots please set your background settings to:
    Hope you enjoy, have fun brothers!


       (15 reviews)



  9. Rincewind

    This started out as all I wanted to do is make the background image, when selecting a game fill the whole space. So after looking at the default theme and the great LBPlex theme (credit to @Grila) I managed to get all the bits I preferred and made a theme to my liking. Hopefully your like it too  .
    And now with updates from the Default Plus theme (credit to @faeran).
    **NEW** Now you can have any colour you wish by simply changing the "selected Item background" colour. (see below screenshot)



       (7 reviews)



  10. Default with Logos

    This is simply the default Launchbox Theme, but with console logos in place of the Side Bar Icons. Requires LaunchBox 13.2 or newer. Made for 1920x1080 (Not sure how it will look on anything else.)


       (2 reviews)



  11. Beats

    This theme requires LaunchBox version 13.3+

    This is my default theme I use for my own LaunchBox installation. The primary changes are:
    Game Details is laid out differently with the fields always appearing "on top" at the bottom of the detail panel Game Details has hyperlinks that when click automatically go to the Sidebar location that matches the selection and then refreshes the content view The button bar uses iconography instead of text for the buttons Progress bar size has been reduced and displayed on the right half of the screen Side bar was re-arranged a bit to help with space Image View center aligns items and the text is displayed under the item when "Text on all games" is enabled (and only when enabled) List View is no longer a data grid and is instead a single file list of games displaying the following information Game Image Title Platform and Release Year Date Last Played and Time Played Badges Achievement Progress


       (1 review)



  12. LBPlex 2023

    Greetings to everyone around the world! Just wanted to share this updated version of the fantastic "LBPlex" theme. "LBPlex 2023" includes most of the latest additions from the past year or so to LaunchBox, such as filters (top left corner), badges (boxes view) MAME High Scores Leaderboards, Related Games (embedded in the right side panel) along with the new screenshot/media views (right side panel) and platform icons (left side panel). This was edited and put together with some guidance and help from other's wonderful words of wisdom; while keeping everything from the original LBPlex theme exactly as it was, along with those newly added features added in there. Important note: this includes only the "Normal" version (not the "Condensed" one). I have zero programming knowledge and take absolutely no credit for this, and certainly all credit and recognition goes to the very talented (original) programmer/creator @Grila and @faeran with all of the recently updated theme-code to LaunchBox.
    Updated (8/27/22)
    Version 1.2 Updated to include the new  “Platform Details View” feature (added in LaunchBox version 12.15) black bars on side of images/videos for Platforms and Games (sidebar-details) have been removed Version 2.0 (02/07/23)
    - name changed (2023)
    - platform/category icons (left panel) added. (LaunchBox 13.2 or higher)


       (2 reviews)



  13. Steamy

    This theme requires LaunchBox 13.2 or newer

    This theme is more to show off what is possible with LaunchBox theming and see where we can break the mold. I asked the question, "Could you recreate the Steam interface inside of LaunchBox?" This theme is my answer.

    Changes from Default:
    EVERYTHING... (no really...)

    The images do a pretty good job at showing off the new features this theme provides, the basic run down is as follows:
    The theme basically has two completely different looks depending on if you are using List view or Image view Image View Game Details is horizontal similar to the Steam UI and utilizes a shelf system to drop down game details, achievements, and leaderboards List view utilizes a single list of games similar to the traditional side bar (the ACTUAL side bar was moved to a drop down menu) List view's Game Details is full sized and takes the space that typically the image view AND details would take in our default themes
      NOTE: The Game Details Panel CAN be resized, the handle for it is invisible, but is located between the Play button and where image view starts (or the rest of the details are listed in list view). This size change IS remembered so should only need to really do it once.
    DISCLAIMER: It is ENTIRELY possible to "break" this theme by hiding some views via the View Menu. Hiding GameDetails or the Sidebar can make it difficult or impossible to do much within the theme and should be left on at all times.


       (10 reviews)



  14. Airy

    Airy is a minimalistic theme designed to allow the game's background image to show through. I was growing weary with how defined many themes look with the side panel and game details having hard borders that really made the UI look like 3 segmented columns. This attempts to let the UI flow quite a bit more, let it "breathe" if you will.

    This theme gets a lot of inspiration from the Beats, Steamy, and Big Details themes as well and attempts to offer a lot of what those themes offer in a slightly different context to address issues some users have with those themes.

    Changes from default:
    A lot of the top menu items are removed and you will need to use the hamburger menu via the icon in the upper left corner.
    Search/Filter section is now visible even when the side bar is hidden
    This theme utilizes a list view similar to Steamy in that all games are listed on the left and the rest of the window is used to display the games details
    The progress bar is displayed in the top center section of the screen when needed
    The controls bar is the same as from the Beats theme and utilizes more iconography than text


       (0 reviews)



  15. Retrofrogg modified game details view

    I've modified the default game details view with a few changes as summarised in the picture above.


       (1 review)



  16. All @nce

    Modification of the nice LB Galaxy Theme by @raviol.
    Added new carousel view and additional informations into the game details view to make most visible at once.
    Also removed some effects to improve the theme performance.
    Disable background blur/color settings for intended experience.


       (0 reviews)



  17. LB Galaxy

    Hi everyone! I'm excited to submit my first theme for LaunchBox.
    Theme Features
    This theme is an intent to mimic GOG Galaxy design. So I worked in an overhaul of almost every aspect of LB design, to adapt (as far as possible) to that look. Everything from SideBar, to Boxes and List Views, Game Details and menus were modified to mimic that aspect. 
    New icons for Menu, Search, and Platforms. New visual style for count item. SideBar is now fixed to the left.
    Main Window
    Box covers are now "UniformToFIll" by default (but I included an optional file in the "Optionals" folder inside the theme to display them as normal (not stretch or cut)). Sub line is always displayed below the title, no matter what amount of lines does the title have. New icons in the main top part of the screen for Play/Edit Game, add new game, visuals, etc. New visuals on mouse over and selected boxes. Badges are displayed inside the image, I recommend using the "Simple White Badges" from JesseBlue (link). No more status bar at the bottom.
    Game Details
    Now GameDetails can be expanded to fill all the window. Fanart is now taking all the vertical space. Top section is now displaying the rating and the Source. There are two columns to show Game Details: The Left column will show the achievements The right column will show all information about the game
    Other Features
    ViewList: There are now more space between lines. ViewList: There are no separators between columns There are some other minor tweaks to mimic GOG Galaxy Design, such as the arrows in the main window (just visual).
    Unzip into LaunchBox\LBThemes directory In LaunchBox go to Options > Visuals > Theme and select LB Galaxy 1.0 Required: Windows 7/8 user: Microsoft's “Segoe MDL2 Assets” font ( SegMDL2.ttf ) is required for the buttons and icons to rendered properly. (If you have it it will work but it’s not included here because of licensing reasons.) Optional: Lato Font is recommended for the theme to be displayed correctly. It is a free web font from Google and it is included in the theme "Optionals" folder. I included a modified version of the BoxesContentView to do not show the boxes as UniformToFill, just replace the file in "Views" folder of the theme. Settings guide
    VISUALS > BACKGROUNDS Background Blur Amount = 36 Background Fade Amount = 121 VISUALS > BACKGROUNDS > DEFAULT I recommend using the Custom Image = LBThemes\LB Galaxy 1.0\Images\background-01.png VISUALS > BOXES Background Opacity = 127 Uncheck "Colorize Background to Match Images" Text Outline Opacity = 128 Text Outline Thickness = 2 Uncheck "Align Text Vertically" Uncheck "Center Text Horizontally" Check "Show Subline" Check "Dynamic Box Sizing" VISUALS > BOXES > SPACING Aspect Ratio = 0.63 Horizontal Spacing = 17 Vertical Spacing = 18 Horizontal Padding = 0 Vertical Padding = 0 Text Spacing = 5 Text Lines to Show = 3 VISUAL > FILTERS SIDE BAR I recommend checking "Show All Item", "Show Counts" and "Align Counts to the Right" VISUAL > GAME DETAILS You can check anything you want, but I recommend checking "Show Fanart" to see the background and "Achievements" to fill the left column, all the other items will be displayed in the top or right column. VISUALS > THEME > COLORS I don't think this could have impact in the theme, but here is how I have it configured: Light Background = 45,45,48 Dark Background = 27,27,28 Selected Item Background = Black (0,0,0) Highlighted Item Background = Black (0,0,0) Highlighted Item Border = Black (0,0,0) Window Border = 100,100,100 Menu Border = 71,71,77 Foreground (text) = White (255,255,255) VISUALS > THEME > FEATURES Uncheck everything VISUALS > THEME > FONTS Don't have an impact in the theme. I included the "Lato" font in the Optionals folder inside the theme. If you don't want to use that font, the theme will use the system font instead. Note: I didn't test the theme with retro stuff, I don't have any retro games, so I please comment if you find issues showing MAME achievements or any retro related stuff. Also, not sure if it is just me, but videos doesn't seem to work in the game details, however I was able to see them by double-clicking the video container. If someone knows how to reproduce the videos in the same window I will be glad to know so I can fix it. Also music feature is not available by default, since it is taking a huge part of the top bar. It can be enabled by tweaking the ControlsView xaml file. I will work on a solution for v1.1 
    Thanks to Shadowfire for allowing me to use his Lambda Beta theme code. Also to Grila, since Lambda is a fork of LBPlex theme.
    LB Galaxy theme CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Raviol 2021


       (0 reviews)



  18. Lambda beta

    This theme attempt to be minimal and modern and maximise screen estate.
    Note: this is a beta release and features may change in future releases.
    Unzip into LaunchBox\LBThemes directory In LaunchBox go to: Options -> Visuals -> Theme: Lambda beta Windows 7/8 user: Microsoft's “Segoe MDL2 Assets” font ( SegMDL2.ttf ) is required for the buttons and icons to rendered properly. (If you have it it will work but it’s not included here because of licensing reasons.)
    Settings guide
    You may have to tweak your Boxes aspect ratio and spacing.  The top Details image is only visible when Fanart is available. Button bar can't be hidden because of the licensing info. Font and colour settings have no effect (font is based on system font). Settings used in screenshots are:
    Options -> Visuals -> Boxes -> Spacing:
    Aspect Ratio: 0.6 * 
    Horizontal Spacing: 2
    Vertical Spacing: 2
    Horizontal Padding: 8
    Vertical Padding: 2
    Text Spacing: 4
    Text Lines to Show: 2
    *) For horizontal box art you may need to use a higher value.
    Options -> Visuals -> Boxes:
    Align Text Vertically : enabled
    Align Text Horizontally : enabled
    Show Subline : enabled (for platform info)
    Other recommended settings:
    Options -> Legacy -> General -> Game Details:
    Show Fanart: enabled
    other options at your own preference
    Options -> Legacy -> Images -> Background Priorities :
    Fanart : enabled
    other options disabled
    Options -> Visuals -> Backgrounds:
    Background Blur Amount : 100
    Background Fade Amount : 0
    (Imo. the theme looks best when blurred background Fanart and Details Fanart are the same image.)
    Settings that don't have any effect:
    Button bar can't be hidden because the license has to stay visible. Colours are hard coded. Font (including size and scaling) is based on your Windows system settings.  
    Thanks to Grila for allowing me to use his LBPlex theme code, Retro808, neil9000, C-Beats and Jason Carr for testing and everyone who supported this release on the forum.
    Lambda beta theme CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Shadowfire 2020


       (7 reviews)



  19. ScreenshotMover

    This theme brings the screenshots to the top of the game details panel. Intended for newer hobbyist/players looking to browse through library via screenshots. 


       (0 reviews)



  20. Cranky Ape

    This theme is a modified version of Jasons New Default No Shadows or Blurred Backgrounds theme.
    The changes were made to function best on a 27" 2560 x 1440 display so your results may vary based on your display size and resolution.
    I will no longer be updating this theme, I have no desire to try and keep up with changes Jason makes or new features added. So if anyone wishes to take this theme and release they are free to do so.
    *Requires Launchbox 10.9 or newer
    Things I changed:
    Reduced vertical space between platform names. Increased the vertical scroll bar width in the Box Images View. Increased the vertical scroll bar width in the List View. Increased the vertical scroll var width in the Details panel. Shifted the vertical scroll bar of Box and List view over to line up with the Details panel. Adjusted the "Platforms" panel dropdown menu so that it shows all entries without having to scroll (unless you have an obscene amount). Extract and copy the Cranky Ape folder into your \LaunchBox\LBThemes folder.
    In Launchbox Options > Visuals choose the Cranky Ape theme from the dropdown menu and restart Launchbox.


       (0 reviews)



  21. Bad Old Monkey

    This theme is not a drastic change from the default but I did change some things about Jasons default theme that did not suit my personal preference.
    I will no longer be updating this theme, I have no desire to try and keep up with changes Jason makes or new features added. So if anyone wishes to take this theme and release they are free to do so.
    *Requires 8.6 Beta 1 or newer
    Things I changed:
    Reduced vertical space between platform names. Shifted platforms text slightly left. Removed gap at the bottom of the Game Details panel. Removed gap on the right hand side of the Game Details panel. Shifted scroll bar in the main game window closer to the Game Details panel. Reduced font size of "Platform Name" at the top of Launchbox. Reduced the space between the top of box art to the top of the Launchbox window. Adjusted the "Platforms" panel dropdown menu so that it shows all entries without having to scroll. Enlarged the vertical and horizontal scrollbars in List View. Reduced the vertical space between the games in List View. Reduced the height of the column headers in List View. Install instructions:
    Copy the Bad Old Monkey folder into your \LaunchBox\LBThemes folder.
    In Launchbox Options > Visuals choose the Bad Old Monkey theme from the dropdown menu and restart Launchbox.
    If anyone applies the theme and it does not seem to work, try this:
    In LB, change theme to Default. Exit app.
    Delete the current Bad Old Monkey theme folder entirely.
    Download the latest zip from the theme download page.
    Extract the new Bad Old Monkey folder into the LBthemes folder.
    Open LB again and change theme to bad old monkey.
    After relaunching app, it should work correctly.
    Spacing settings I use in Launchbox:
    Horizontal Spacing 5 Vertical Spacing 5 Horizontal Padding 5 Vertical Padding 5 Text Spacing 2 Text Lines to Show 2 Aspect Ratio 0.65


       (2 reviews)



  22. LBPlex

    LBPlex is a theme that mimics Plex Media Server's website interface. Two versions are included in the package: LBPlex - which has the default item spacing on the sidebar and list view, and LBPlex Condensed - which has much tighter item spacing on the sidebar and list view. I have also replaced the volume "knob" with a regular slider.
    All the colors in this theme are hard-coded with the exception of the Foreground (text) color in the LaunchBox Options\Legacy\Theme\Colors menu. The Background Opacity slider in the LaunchBox Options\Visuals\Boxes menu has no effect right now. A fix is in-coming so this will work at a later date. Update: If you run the latest LaunchBox Beta (8.7-beta-1 or above) this is fixed. The Fade Background slider in LaunchBox Options\Images\Default Background will adjust the brightness of the theme background image. Enjoy


       (13 reviews)



  23. Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme

    Download the Fonts.zip, extract and install the fonts.
    Download the theme zip and extract to your LBThemes folder. 
    Optional Default_Background.jpg included to use as your default background in LB.
    Note: All colors are handled by the theme, no need to change them in LB settings.
    Other Nosh On This Twice Downloads
    Nosh On This Twice - Banners
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - Black LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - BigBox Theme


       (2 reviews)



  24. Nosh On This Twice Black - LaunchBox Theme

    This is a continuation of Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme... but murdered out ?
    Download the Fonts.zip, extract and install the fonts.
    Download the theme zip and extract to your LBThemes folder. 
    Optional Default_Background.jpg included to use as your default background in LB.
    Note: All colors are handled by the theme, no need to change them in LB settings.
    Other Nosh On This Twice Downloads
    Nosh On This Twice - Banners
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - Black LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - BigBox Theme


       (0 reviews)



  25. Back to the 80's launchbox Theme.

    Based on @Grila amazing Plex Theme (so all credit to him please), i just modifed a few things to give it a Retro 80's feel.
    Fonts are included.
    Simply unzip and place in your LBThemes folder / install fonts (remember to change fonts in options inside launchbox).


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