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Everything posted by WraithTDK

  1. EDIT: I'm recovering from a bout of COVID, and while I'm thankfully free of most other symptoms, I'm dizzy and have a rather extreme case of brain-fog. Can't think worth a damn. That's why I didn't notice that the file was incorrectly named EARTHBOUND 25th anniversay instead of MOTHER 25th anniversary. Everyone ignore the dumb sick guy.
  2. Negative. I even unticked the "hide games marked hidden" option, just in case that had happened for some strange reason.
  3. I can't figure this out. I'm trying to add a fan-translation of Mother known as Mother: 25th Anniversay Edition. It seems to be added properly, but it's nowhere to be scene. I took a scree-cap video of the issue that can be seen here: here. Before anyone asks, Earthbound Beginnings, which is visible in the search results, is a different rom, and they were not combined.
  4. I have a curated collection of older systems. I don't need thirty Sesame Street or Olson Twins games cluttering up a platform. Plus, having fewer games is obviously good for performance. But the obsessive completionist in me was thinking yesterday that it would be pretty cool to have complete collections, even if they're not showing up. I'm curious, if I added the rest of the games, but have them hidden, would that impact performance? Or is it just games that LB has to display?
  5. Sounds very well-thought out, thank you. Luckily I don't really use any themes outside the default.
  6. I have questions about the cleanup media tool. 1. Is it going entirely by filename, or does it do checksums? 2. When it lists duplicate files, is it listing all instances of a duplicate? For example, let's say I have three copies Duplicate1.jpg. Is it going to show me all three? I ask, because if it does, and I check them all, that would take me down to zero copies of that image, which would be bad, correct? 3. I would assume if there are duplicates, they're all in different folders, and they're all be used for something, right? Is this going to leave me with a bunch of games lacking images? I'm up to nearly 100GB of media, pruning would be nice, but I've put a lot of work into this and I'm nervous deleting anything.
  7. How do I apply the 23 files attached? Do some of them make others unnecessary? Do I need to do them all in a particular order?
  8. Did you ever find a platform icon for TeknoParrot?
  9. It seems like the days of platforms like CPS are done, and newer systems are basically just common computers in elaborate cabinets. That's essentially what Raw Thrills, Global VR and Sega are doing. I know a lot of you just lump everything arcade in one platform; and that's fine. You do you. But to those of you who are like me, and have CPSI, CPSII, CPSIII, Sega Naomi etc. as seperate platforms; I'm wondering, have you created separate platforms for these kind of modern machines? Do you have a Sega Lindbergh, Raw Thrills PC, etc. platforms setup? I keep going back and forth in my brain on if I should do this or not, so I thought maybe getting other people's perspectives might help me land on one or the other.
  10. This is going to make my TechnoParrot setup SO much easier. I intend to add TeknoParrot itself as an additional app to allow for controller tweaking. You just made that simple. Thank you!
  11. Absolutely Amazing. Any chance of getting one for Sega Lindbergh? I know it's a bit obscure.
  12. I'm trying like heck to figure out how to adjust a couple of these to work with regional variants. Notably, the Japanese version of Crimefighters has additional content that was censored, which is why it is the only version that works with Retro Achievements. So I'm trying to get the bezels working with crimfghtj.zip instead of crimfight.zip. What I did: Made a copy of crimfght.cfg in RetroArch\overlays\Arcade4k and renamed it crimfghtj.cfg Made a copy of crimfght.png in RetroArch\overlays\Arcade4k and renamed it crimfghtj.png Made a copy of crimfght.cfg in RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo, and renamed it crimfghtj.cfg Edited this new config to recognize input_overlay = ":\overlays\Arcade4k\crimfghtj.cfg" When I load the game, the screen is sized properly, but it's just surrounded by a black border, no bezel. Is there a configuration change I missed?
  13. Just to be clear, these only work when your screen's resolution is properly set to 4k, correct?
  14. I'm toying with the idea of overhauling my MAME setup. I recently gained considerably more drive space, and I was thinking of doing full MAME sets and using Luanchbox to filter. In my current LB setup, I spent a lot of time setting everything up perfectly. I'd prefer to keep it that way for now. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to install a second instance of LB, set up the new MAME library there, work on that over time (filter the games I don't want, make sure the box art is perfect, etc.) and then when it's all good, move it over to my primary library. Any way of doing that?
  15. Perfect! Thanks! It does. The trouble is getting it recognize that it's a DS4. It's apparently a widely-discussed issue. It will do so if you connect via a micro-usb cable, but not wirelessly. I found a ton of Reddit threads about it, and everyone who attempted to fix just gave up and went with DS4W. Supposedly this was one of the major issues that inspired its creation.
  16. I got a couple Dual Shock 4 controllers to use when emulating Playstation games. Unfortunately, Retroarch won't work with with them connected wirelessly unless you run a program called DS4W, which translates makes the DS4 appear to be an XBox controller. It's easy enough to add DS4W as an additional app and check the "run before main application" box, but that'll be a huge pain if I have to do it for twelve hundred games. Anyway to do this for the whole platform?
  17. Yea, that makes sense. It sucks, because they decided to put "~Hack~" in front of their hack titles, but I get it. Maybe on next year's list of improvements (I know we already voted on this year's priorities) there can be some way of either manually linking, or something that checks the "release type" box, and if it sees "ROM hack" searches RA for a title with ~Hack~ in front of it. If not, it's really not the end of the world. Retroarch is still going to track them.
  18. I just created an entry for The Real Ghostbusters Remastered. While this is a fairly new (and well received) ROM hack, it already has retroachievements. Is there a way to link the game with its achievements so that they're tracked properly in Launchbox?
  19. THAT DID IT! I need to add .txt files for each game, but there's only like 20 games that work with MAME anyway; so who cares? BIG THANKS!
  20. I've got my Launchbox settings screnshotted a few comments up, looks the same as yours. I know the .ini file is functioning correctly, because like I said, I can now run the games from a command line prompt, for example mame.exe cdimono1 zeldgamu -v. The trouble - at least as near as I can tell - is that mame is looking for zeldgamu, which is the MAME-formatted name of the zelda - the wand of gamelon (1993)(philips)(us).chd, but instead it's getting the full name of the .chd file. That's why mame.exe cdimono1 zeldgamu -v will launch the game, but LB won't.
  21. This is where I'm running in to issues. I can now run the games from a command line prompt, for example mame.exe cdimono1 zeldgamu -v. The trouble - at least as near as I can tell - is that mame is looking for zeldgamu, which is the MAME-formatted name of the zelda - the wand of gamelon (1993)(philips)(us).chd, but instead it's getting the full name of the .chd file. That's why mame.exe cdimono1 zeldgamu -v will launch the game, but LB - which is sending the full file name/path - won't.
  22. SO CLOSE! Alright, I was able to get an updated set and a good BIOS from PD. The trick was that the BIOS was in the standard MAME ROM set, not the Software List set. That got it working. Now the trick is getting it to work with Launch Box. if I tell it Launchbox that I want to use MAME during the import, it doesn't find any games at all in my ROMS\Phillips CD-I directory. Presumably this is because it's looking for MAME ROMs, and the CD-I games aren't listed in the standard ROM set. I can get around this by telling it that I'm going to use Retroarch, and then swapping the console's default emulator to MAME once all of the games are scrapped. The problem there is that now is that the games aren't launching from Launchbox, which I assume is because it's sending the full name of the .chd file, instead of the shortened name that MAME recognizes. So instead of just sending zeldgamu, it's sending zelda - the wand of gamelon (1993)(philips)(us).chd
  23. It's definitely the BIOS. Looks like MAME is looking for those two files - zx405042p__cdi_slave_2.0__b43t__zzmk9213.mc68hc705c8a_withtestrom.7206 zx405042p__cdi_slave_2.1__b43t__zzmk9213.mc68hc705c8a_withtestrom.7201 and none of the dumps I've found seem to have them, just cdi200.rom & cdi200b.rom.
  24. AHHH-HAAAAA! That IS a useful command! I'll make note of that for later! Looks like I must have got a bad BIOS file from somewhere. I'll have to track down a better one. First time I've seen a site with a bad ROM dump.
  25. I'm sorry,I meant I've got cdimono1.zip (the BIOS file) there. Since you suggested adding cdi\ to my path, I copied the BIOS in there, and just for good measure, I added it to F:\MAME\ROMS\
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