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Everything posted by damageinc86

  1. just making a plugins\hiscore folder and putting the .dat in there didn't work. this is the log after trying that. Debug 2020-04-13 12-39-48 PM.log
  2. got the log: 2020-04-13 12:16:54 PM Aborting MameHighScores.Parse: Required hiscore.dat file not found in plugins\hiscore subfolder of MAME emulator directory. It isn't looking in the right spot. my .dat is in \dats not \plugins\hiscore. it's mameuifx from way back, and the hiscore saves work just fine for the emulator itself. Could i just make a copy of it and put it where launchbox wants to look for it?
  3. Ok I decided to pick a game that had no hi score yet (omega race), and i've never even played it before. Got a score and restarted launchbox just in case. They don't show. How often does launchbox pull from the files? I can see my omegrace.hi file was updated a few minutes ago. Wait,...do i have to sync my collection?
  4. OK I was just curious how it worked. I'll just have to BE BETTER lol.
  5. Ms. Pacman. Well I haven't been able to beat my hi score since i have been signed in. That's why I was wondering if any score is taken, or if it has to be one that is beating your previous one. Its higher than some people on there, but its not higher than the one I did before I was signed in.
  6. Is there a timeframe before your scores show up? I signed into LB database, have hiscore enabled, no cheats, everything ticked, and it doesn't seem to be updating my scores. Does it have to surpass your score that you previously had before enabling all this?
  7. Well damn,...making me re-earn my high score huh!? lol. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
  8. this is a super cool feature! Am I reading the comments correctly, in that scores currently stored in the folders aren't being read until you refresh your score through launchbox (play the game again)?
  9. Well apparently it isn't highly requested yet, but yeah I love utilizing all the save slots available for an emulator, just to have options. RL's Pause takes a screenshot when you do a save state, so that you can quickly see where you were at as you scroll through slots to load.
  10. Yes, multiple save states is a must for a pause screen. I'm sure if not this round, or the next round, or the one after that, eventually it will become a feature.
  11. This game is fun, but I can't get past a certain part, and there isn't a list of moves or anything, so I don't know how to do what people in youtube videos are doing to get past that part lol.
  12. Is this using retroarch? I constantly had problems with retroarch using a previous overlay for the next core/game I launched even though I only hit "save core override" Which is not supposed to make a global change, but did anyways lol. I ended up having to make a base clear config and copy it so that once I was done doing all the core override stuff, I could delete the config that had the last overlay still in it, and replace it with the copy I made of the clean/clear base config.
  13. My lord. I just used notepad++ for this like a month ago lol. Guess I wasn't paying attention.
  14. Wow, so no more notepad++ find and replace? That is good news!
  15. I had no idea wootlauncher did bezels. really? that is pretty cool then.
  16. Not natively no, only if you use rocketlauncher can dolphin have a bezel around it.
  17. I figured it out with sort title. Forgot about that. Had to go 01 Nintendo consoles (NES), 02 Nintendo consoles (SNES), 03 Nintendo consoles (n64), and so on. Now they are clumped in release order for Nintendo, then Sega consoles clumped together in release order, and sony,...all the way through.
  18. Wow, that's crazy. I still want my consoles category, I like the category view,...I just want to be able to drag all the nintendo stuff together, sega together, and organize it. The way it is by default is just all over the place. EDIT: Just revisited sort title. DERP. Got it all sorted how I like it using that. I guess it would just be easier to have a drag n drop function that's all.
  19. I wonder if this has gained any traction? I hate how there is no way to organize your platform list other than into consoles, computers, and arcade.
  20. Hell to the yes. I would definitely like to try this out. I like having all those images with the bg image up there, and details below. I like the soft gradient style. Get some help to get this buttoned up. I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy it.
  21. I have turned the on-screen notifications size setting down to 1 and it's basically like it isn't there at all.
  22. I would second this. You could even strip the wires if it wasn't long enough, and use small crimp connectors to add more wire if you needed it to run far away and up somewhere on the side or something. Doing a quick search, I found a youtube video that linked to this page for some cool pre-wired runs and switches to mate them to. https://www.performance-pcs.com/search/momentary vandal switch
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