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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. What controller are you using, as xinput ones work out of the box? You can also map them by going to Config/Controllers (pad)/plugin settings.
  2. Citra uses the mouse by default, so you would just need to map mouse to right stick and left mouse button to R3, any software that remaps controllers will allow that.
  3. Can also just run it in Bigscreen Beta these days as well, it has a ton of different environments to choose from.
  4. Flycast works fine, i use it myself. Make sure you have the correct core selected in the associated platforms tab, and that the platform name there matches what you actually called the platform in Launchbox.
  5. You need to download them from Tools/Download Platform/Playlist videos, providing you have premium that is.
  6. Plugins for themes go in the theme folder, so Launchbox/Themes/name of theme/plugins, anything else goes in the Launchbox/Plugins folder, same as its always been.
  7. Seems to be OK here using the Brave browser.
  8. Yeah running as admin will cause many emulators to need elevation when being launched, not good if you have a setup without a mouse or keyboard, it also completely stops dragging and dropping of roms to import working as well. Just two things that will break when running as admin.
  9. I'm on MAME 0.222 and i get the same. I assume there was regression for that machine in 0.222, this does happen as emulation is improved it brings in previously unseen flaws. Just the nature of something that is iterated on every month, one thing may be fixed, but the knock on effect of that may break something else.
  10. Thats a newly added feature. I have them as well and i have never used this plugin. This is my standard MAME import imported via Launchbox's fullset importer.
  11. You dont need anything extra to launch games in cemu, what are you actually trying to accomplish?
  12. My guess is its a Launcher or startup screen issue. launchbox launches steam which in turn loads the game, so Launchbox/LED Blinky see's steam open and then hide, and think the game has exited.
  13. No, where it lists the core name in the Launchbox associated platforms tab, thats a dropdown. Just double click it and choose the correct core.
  14. Yes it is, its done inside the community creator itself, with the provided files.
  15. CHD's are essentially compressed disk images, mostly used with the newer arcade games like street fighter 3, they are needed in order for the game to work, so you would need a rom and a CHD for some games.
  16. If i recall, when i installed the latest beta (11.1 it prompted me to download something called .net core) thats fine, i did. I will say though, there was like four different things on the linked page. How many clicked the wrong one? Anything that is absolutely needed for the app to work, should be included in the download/installer. I understand that you want to keep the install as small as you can Jason, but maybe either have better instructions, or just include the needed files.
  17. Watchdogs 2 imported fine for me, and mine was free in the give away they had a couple of weeks ago.
  18. Some games have a different name in different reigons, and LB by default uses the US name. For example, Contra is Probotector in Europe, so in theory i could specify to use that name if its in the database as a alternate name for Contra.
  19. Windows has perfectly fine antivirus built in, which doesnt make as many mistakes as all the supposedly "good" antivirus solutions out there.
  20. Beta releases often get flagged by shitty antivirus programs, thats nothing new.
  21. Please post beta problems to the actual beta thread.
  22. lol, no probs, just handy info to have. In retroarch i think by default it has 5 controllers active. And you can specify which controller to use for each player. So it sounds like you have the xbox controller selected for multiple players. You will need to go to settings/input and look at the different players and make sure your xbox controller is only being used for player one. You can either set the other players controllers to "none" or you can actually disable the other players completely if you want.
  23. That would be down to the emulator used, which you didnt mention.
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