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Everything posted by THK

  1. "the rest of the overlays and the main GCE Vectrex Device are from the "mrdo.mameworld.info" site" Those were created by me & Gigapig back in the day over at HyperSpin. No idea how they ended up over there. Not that I care too much.
  2. No thank you for continuing the work! though it might be another few years before I finally build an arcade system again and make use of yours
  3. Dunno if this is the same set as I've once found in Reddit. But I'll be having some fun comparing my very non-professional redrawn logos set to this, once downloaded
  4. Ah yes, I remember cleaning/restoring and redrawing a bunch of these. Brings me back I had such a big to do list with various quality source material left, before I buggered out of the scene. At least I managed to finished my collection of system logo redraws (and a shit ton of arcade manufacturers/publishers)! 😄
  5. I believe I once traced it in vector for a HyperSpin theme. But it's on a hdd in a box (recently moved)
  6. THK


    wrong forum section maybe?
  7. too bad the official Rockman website didn't have the chars separated
  8. Why? it's a very easy vector redraw, I bet you could redraw it in a few minutes.
  9. but OCD!
  10. I've done a NESiCAxLive, should be in the arcade system logo set Taito Nesica.zip
  11. Just request: make THK's logo set into Neon logos
  12. I get that I know my way around PS, just that if the variations weren't that great, it might've been a decent starting point for anyone trying to make a similar logo.
  13. You could save the layer style(s) for others to use of course. Even though they might vary from logo to logo.
  14. Just get your hands on Photoshop through normal or 'alternative' channels if you want anything done efficiently and have the people able to help you
  15. GIMP... I feel for you unfortunately I can't help outside of PS
  16. commons.wikimedia
  17. Maybe something more like this, but the letters better stylized
  18. the logo's text style is crap I could do something better in a jiffy, just not any specific idea on what style would fit. But basically anything other than this would be better. I'm from HS, one of those OCD quality control bastards
  19. This is a verrrry poor logo done by me a long time ago. Did it for a requested theme, dunno if I ever even released it as I thought my 1st attempt at the logo was utter crap. Always hard, looking back at your early work when your skill set was so much smaller.
  20. what @Riffman81 said
  21. I like it
  22. Better yes, but it has some weird little flaws. Maybe PM me your source and wip .psd zipped up and I'll have a look at it.
  23. Haha, no need for permission. Thought I'd made that clear in the thread But you really want to use the pen and shape tool as much as possible redrawing stuff. Makes it crisp and gives better strokes that don't pixelate so much (shape properties, not layer style strokes). If you're having a hard time with those I'm willing to help out.
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