246 files
Pandora Box 10th Anniversary
By kim_sama98
This is a recreation of the Pandora Box 10th Anniversary multicade menu, with custom views.
Available in both 16:9 and 4:3 modes.
Platform and Wheel views were inspired by CoinOps. Controller images by @Dan Patrick and Arcade cabinets in 2nd Platfrom view by CoinOps
Includes 2 Platform views with video backgrounds. View 1 is characters representing each platform, and View 2 is the controller or arcade cabinet representing each platform
It includes 2 wheel views. 1 is the default and plain view, and the second has a background of an arcade with ambience sounds. A moddified version of @Mr. RetroLust's Japanese Arcade Ambience in Stereo with extra sounds
Theme includes a recreation of the bootup intro made by me
Arcade Floor
Arcade Floor Theme for BigBox 1.02
by chinagreenelvis
Arcade Floor is designed for use and visibility on a traditional arcade cabinet CRT or television set in 4x3 but will stretch to any aspect ratio. It relies entirely on the text-based menu system and works well with Platform Categories views for those who take advantage of custom playlists and sub-lists for platforms.
Game fanart backgrounds will display in the games details view if they are enabled in the background priorities list in the LaunchBox settings.
To create your own background images for non-included platforms, a Photoshop file has been included in the Arcade Floor DIY Backgrounds ZIP file. Just place the background image of your choice into the platform folder layer and the vaporwave overlay will give it the right look. Exported images must go into two folders: Arcade Floor/Media/Platforms and Arcade Floor/Images/Platforms/Fanart.
Theme colors (purple and blue hues) are produced entirely by the background images, so if you want to create a whole new look, you can subsitute your own backgrounds by replacing those images. Deleting the images entirely will default each view to the images in the Aracdian/Media/Backgrounds folder.
In order to prevent audio from game videos from continuing to play when entering games details view or scrolling through the list, try setting the video playback engine in Big Box to Windows Media Player instead of VLC.
Most of Arcade Floor was made with the Community Theme Creator for BigBox 2.3 and is compatible with LaunchBox 12.9 as of this version.
Get the CTC here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
This version contains a modified (simplified) version of the Random Game Selector by G-rila (https://github.com/G-rila/BigBoxRGS). In any games menu, hold right in order to get a pop up item for randomly selecting a game. Pressing the select button in the pop-up will automatically begin a random game from your current playlist.
The CTC files for version 1.00 do not include the code for this plugin, but you get can get the DLL from 1.01 and re-add it to TextGamesView.xaml after publishing by following the instructions on GitHub. The secondary grid code for this theme is slightly different than the example provided:
<Grid x:Name="RGSGrid" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualHeight}" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Panel.ZIndex="1000" > <bbrgs:RGSv2_0 HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" ShowGameDetails="False" ShowGameNotes="False" CheckForUpdates="True"/> </Grid>536 downloads
theme Flashycart
By walter10h
Hello and thank you for checking out my brand new theme. Flashycart is an attempt at recreating ODE/Flashcart/Loader interfaces for many different systems. It has taken me hours upon hours of work, and I'm most happy to finally make it public.
Most consoles on this theme make use of Text views. The point is simplicity and speed. 3DS Uses a horizontal wheel.
Each screen is also customizable, as you can change the backgrounds to your liking. On N64 you can add a gif file named animbg.gif if you wish for an animated background. NES, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Turbografx, and Snes/Sufami support animated backgrounds as well (animbg.gif and animlistbg.gif). 3DS supports regular and animated background (pt_bottom.gif and pt_top.gif).
Saieno for his incredible Mini Consoles Theme - RetroSai Nostalgia - Form over Function
Tired Ric for Top 100 Mame Arcade Games - watch?v=9EWKbtXavxI
MAME logo was designed by chemical and cleaned up by Exodus3D
Vertical lines wallpaper by wallpaperflare.com
Pixel City by CRUISE CANYON - https://cruisecanyon.tumblr.com/post/131152180891
Animated starry sky by CHOCOHONEY-
DS overlays by Retro808
3DS overlays by Retro808
Game boy overlays by hydef
3DS Font by https://www.ffonts.net/3ds.font
Undertale Waterfall theme by ShadowCM8 - https://themeplaza.art/item/2297
Swiss GC and all assets by @emukidid - https://github.com/emukidid/swiss-gc/releases
PS2 Assets by Francisco Álefe
UPDATE: Got a full time job, I'm A-OK! Thanks to everyone who helped out, no matter how much. I can breathe a little easier now.
By DemmyTree
Not really much to say just tried to make a theme though may not be preferred, i have given it an option on each view i've used to hide the wheel option for the fanart, if no fanart is found it will have a blue background for the text. the CTC files are included alongside should you wish to modify and make a better version for yourself this may not be good but i was happy with the attempt.
Platform view 1: Horizontal with wheel
Platform View 2: Horizonal without wheel
Platform View 3: Vertical with Wheel
Platform View 4, Vertical Without Wheel
V Wheel 1, With Wheel
V Wheel 2, Without Wheel
H Wheel 1. With Wheel
H Wheel 2. Without Wheel
My Room
By Telecom
The theme was created for myself a couple of years ago, so I'm putting it here. It was created on the basis of the amazing Unified theme from the author CriticalCid. Because it was the most suitable candidate for realization of my idea.
The idea was to recreate the atmosphere of a room from those times.
I couldn't find suitable backgrounds on the internet, so I had to learn 3D, namely Blender, to create a couple of pictures for this theme. Yes, I'm probably crazy to learn 3D from scratch for the sake of two pictures. The plan was to create a choice of atmosphere of different console generations.
If the topic is in demand, I will resume updates.
By faeran
A stylish, background heavy focused theme with inspiration from the unreleased Aura 4k theme by iGarikoitz. The theme itself uses your clear logo images, fanart - background images, screenshot images, and game video snaps to create this completed theme. There is a number of white platform clear logos made by Dan Patrick and 100+ platform/playlist/category backgrounds are included that I have curated with the ability to add your own. This theme will gracefully fall back to different images to make sure something is always displayed.
LaunchBox must be on version 13.1 or higher (or you'll get errors) Theme is made for a 16:9 aspect ratio Views
Platform Wheel 1 - The main platform wheel for this theme Text Filters View - Used primarily when viewing other filter sections Horizontal Wheel 1 - The main game view for this theme Horizontal Wheel 2 - An alternate game view that uses your screenshots and video snaps Text Games View - Mostly used for the Game Details Menu view, but could be used as a game view
Things to Note
100+ Platform Backgrounds have been included in this theme. You can include your own by placing them in the following folders (The file name needs to match the name of your platform, category, or playlist): Platform Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platforms\Fanart Category Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platform Categories\Fanart Playlist Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Playlists\Fanart White Platform Clear Logos have been included by Dan Patrick. You can add your own by placing them into the following folders (The file name needs to match the name of your platform, category, or playlist): Platform Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platforms\Clear Logo Category Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Platform Categories\Clear Logo Playlist Images: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Playlists\Clear Logo You can add your own Game Backgrounds that are specific to this theme. You can place them into the following folder (file name must either be based on the game's title, replacing special characters, or named after the LaunchBox Game ID. Check folder for some examples.) LAUNCHBOX\Themes\VisioN\Images\Games\Game Background\[platform name]
For Theme Developers
There are a number of features in this theme that have never been done before. You can examine the code to learn the following:
Use of a progress bar with the game count bindings that provides dynamic visual feedback of where you are in your game list as you are navigating around Use of the Index Visibility binding to provide animation triggers. This allows you to provide smooth animations to any element when opening and closing the alpha-numeric index The use of FlowImage (and its bindings) to provide performant image fallbacks. Using FlowImage over an Image element increases performance by loading images in an off-thread, provides better disposal logic, and doesn't lock the file that is located on the hard drive. The use of an item offset converter, which allows you to display images (or metadata) for games that are (+ or -) around the game or platform that is selected.
Thanks to
Dan Patrick - for use of his white clear logo pack
iGarikoitz - for the initial concept inspiration for this theme
Pop Art
By zbt1898
Hey all!
This is my first attempt at a theme. It goes with what my cab will look like once it's all done - it's Pop Art! I don't own any of these images, and borrowed them from all over the internet, modfied others, and even have some images from other themes.
Would love to know your thoughts, if you'd like to see any changes.
I have two versions, one that should work on a 27 inch monitor (via pc) and one set for a vertical machine (for those that have modfied Arcade 1up's.
Pandora's Box Special
By kim_sama98
Pandora's Box Special Theme
Based off the RetroFE theme "Pandora's Box HD" by Ryuuji and Pandora's Box 4
Made with Community Theme Creator
Available in Blue and Green (Located in Colors folder, just copy them in Media/Theme)
Contains 1 of each Option, System, Text for games and platforms, and horizontal wheel for games and platforms views
This also includes a Startup Theme and Startup video
Neon Deluxe Arcade - 16:9 (Big Box Theme)
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section once updated in the future, if you want notifications for future updates be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
Huge thanks goes out to @y2guru for his Community Theme Creator Software and his endless personal help, also he created the animated wheels for this theme! @Hexxxer for the original inspiration of his FutureState theme. @Rincewind for the inspiration on his use of the icons. @faeranfor explaining the new marquee options in v12. Thanks guys!
1. Download the theme here and place the folder in Launchbox/Themes/
2. You might need to unblock the zip file or all the .DLL's in the plugin folder. Right click the zip or DLL files, choose properties and at the bottom you click "Unblock".
3. I recommend doing the following to speed up Big Box greatly:
- Uncheck all Background Images in Launchbox > Tools > Options > Media > Background Priorities
- Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings
- Use the Clean Up media tool in launchbox/tools/Clean Up Media... (this can really speed up lists with thousands of games and duplicate media)
- Defrag the drive that holds your media files
Hope you like and enjoy! ?
Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes and elements, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme, visit this page to see all my other work:
Arcade stick and buttons sound pack, sounds really good with this theme:
Neon Pulse
By Schuster66
Here is a BigBox-theme that I created in the CTC called "Neon Pulse"
I used the Pulse-Theme from thimolor as a starting point and also used assets from other themes available in this forum. So all the credit for these assets go to their original creators.
This theme needs a separate view for every platform (a very basic Default view is included as a backup). I included the files for the Community Theme Creator, so everyone can edit or add to this theme to his/her liking.
Included Views:
Platform Wheel 1
Platform Wheel 2
Vertical Wheel 1 (Static 3D Boxes)
Vertical Wheel 2 (Interactive 3D Boxes)
Horizontal Wheel 1 (Static 3D Boxes)
Horizontal Wheel 2 (Interactive 3D Boxes)
Included Platforms:
Commodore Amiga
NEC TurboGrafx-16
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii U
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Master System
Sega Mega Drive
Sega Saturn
Sony PlayStation
Sony PlayStation 2
Sony PlayStation 3
Sony PSP
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Fading Elegance
By The Papaw
I have brought the Fading Elegance themes "up-to-date" to work better with the newer versions of Bigbox. Covers over 200 platforms and 60 common playlists. Other cosmetic changes and fixes. (last 8 screenshots are SE only)
Feature: Slow changing color background
Feature: various fading in-and-out information areas
Includes: over 300 custom made genre and play mode images (includes a PS template)
Updated: added or replaced some badges, controllers and artwork.
Updated Video: (12-04-23)
Assets used in the video (already included in the SE version of the theme)
Stephen with Reverb - Platform Audio Clips PSGC Commercials - video snaps (download separately) PSGC Genre & Play Mode Images Startup Video PSGC Quiet Sound Pack some custom made Playlist videos The reason I had called the theme "Fading Elegance" was that I went for an elegant look, sharp edges and straight lines and designed certain information sections to be displayed for a few seconds, then fade out while fading in something new. Like in the platform views, it may start showing an image of the platform device, it will fade out, as the maximum number of players will fade in. These will rotate between the two. You will see this throughout the themes with various types of information. They have a smooth, slowly color changing background and have most all the bells and whistles that are available.
Just a heads up, the Fading Elegance themes are pretty resource hungry as there are some "behind the scenes" videos going on and all animations that are used. Feel free to give them a try on low end systems, if you have issues, you may be able to delete the audio clips and background videos to gain some improvement.
- To activate LAN - add LAN as a new "Play Mode" for the desired game(s)
- To activate ROM - add ROM as a new "Source" for the desired game(s)
- To activate Karaoke - add Karaoke as a new "Genre" for the desired game(s)
(bulk edit is easiest way to add new badges)
If you would like to use the new badges in Launchbox, you will need to download the Badge pack.
The SE version is being used in the video. The SE versions of my themes always have additional views and include Platform & Playlist audio clips. And of course, my supporters can change many of the assets by downloading them from the download section of my BMAC page.
Listen to sample clips of the New voices
Listen to sample clips with Reverb
380 Platform/Playlist Audio Clips (SE versions only)
215 Platform Devices Included:
65 Playlists Devices Included:
196 Conrollers/Keyboards Included:
Requires BigBox Version 13 or above
Assets used in theme:
many COLORFUL Hardware PNG media for devices (thx @viking)
Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Please like and Follow.
*SE versions are only available to Members that have subscribed on my BMAC page (similar to Patreon). All my "Coffee Buyers" and "Members" will be recognized in all my future themes and the ZizzleZazzle website.
Please consider supporting these projects with "buying me a cup of coffee" or even better yet, Subscribe and have access to ALL the SE versions of all my themes with additional features, views, audio pack, video snaps and more personal support and customization.
• The Papaw 🙏❤️🙏
- bigbox theme
- modern
- (and 8 more)
By blattacker
This theme is inspired by Pegasus Frontend's default theme. I personally really love the look of Pegasus, but vastly prefer the functionality of Big Box, so this is me doing my best to combine both worlds. Excluding those credited below, all other custom assets were created by me. As a note: This theme was designed in 4K for use on a large television. Scaling issues present in previous versions have been fixed, to my knowledge. This WIP upload is intended to get fresh eyes on the project and help to identify issues I may not be running into with my limited usage, as well as provide a better version of this theme than was currently available during a period of time where I don't have as much free time as I have previously.
Genre Icons: Game Icons
Platform Clear Logos: v2 Platform Logos Professionally Redrawn + Official Versions, New BigBox Defaults 2.1.0
Platform Banners (Present only in legacy versions): BannerBox 2.1
Platform Media: System Media - Stencil Platform Images 1.0.
Platform Images: COLORFUL Hardware PNG media (1x1) 1.1
Finally, many thanks to @y2guru for the Community Theme Creator. While this version no longer uses the CTC, I would have never started on this journey, nor gotten nearly as far, without it.
PSGC +Arcade
By The Papaw
PSGC +Arcade is about the same as PSGC with an Arcade twist. The PSGC +Arcade themes have been updated with even more custom made Platform/Playlist backgrounds, Audio Clips and Controllers. New screenshots (1-12 basic theme 13-26 SE version) (see changelog below for all the info). PSGC was made to match one of my themes (skins) done for the PSMC media player.
PSGC +Arcade is a Netflix type theme that is great for a home theater experience. The custom colorful fanart backgrounds transition to random Platform/Game artwork on the left side of the screen and to Platform/Playlist/Game video snaps on the right side of the screen after a couple seconds.
SE versions include all the bells and whistles; multiple views, textured backgrounds. SE users also have available to them: 13 platform/playlist audio packs, the platform/playlist video snaps, choice of backgrounds, custom badges that can be used in Launchbox, sound packs, custom made playlists used in the videos, and more.
Listen to sample clips of the New voices
Listen to sample clips with Reverb
380 Platform/Playlist Audio Clips
215 Platform Backgrounds and Devices Included:
65 Playlists Backgrounds and Devices
195 Conrollers/Keyboards Included:
Requires BigBox Version 13 or above
Updated Video: (11-20-23)
Startup Video
Assets used in video (will link things as I upload everything):
Startup Video PSGC Quiet Sound Pack Pause Theme is a slightly modified version of @Retro808's "Pulse Pause" theme Startup Theme is a modified and updated version of @Hazuki's "Starting The Game" theme NEW PSGC Video Snaps (work in progress) some custom made Playlist videos
Assets used in theme:
many COLORFUL Hardware PNG media for devices (thx @viking)
Special thanks goes out to @faeran for letting me use some of his stuff from his awesome CoinOp theme
And I can't forget @y2guru for the incredible job he has done with CTC, thanks Dave
Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Please like and Follow.
*SE versions are only available to Members that have subscribed on my BMAC page (similar to Patreon). All my "Coffee Buyers" and "Members" will be recognized in all my future themes and the ZizzleZazzle website.
Please consider supporting these projects with "buying me a cup of coffee" or even better yet, Subscribe and have access to ALL the SE versions of all my themes with additional features, views, audio pack, video snaps and more personal support and customization.
• The Papaw 🙏❤️🙏
By The Papaw
The PSGC theme has been updated with even more custom made Platform/Playlist backgrounds, Audio Clips and Controllers. New screenshots (1-10 basic theme 11-20 SE version) (see changelog below for all the info). PSGC was made to match one of my themes (skins) done for the PSMC media player.
PSGC is a Netflix type theme that is great for a home theater experience. The custom colorful fanart backgrounds transition to random Platform/Game artwork on the left side of the screen and to Platform/Playlist/Game video snaps on the right side of the screen after a couple seconds.
SE versions include all the bells and whistles; multiple views, textured backgrounds. SE users also have available to them: 13 platform/playlist audio packs, the platform/playlist video snaps, choice of backgrounds, custom badges that can be used in Launchbox, sound packs, custom made playlists used in the videos, and more.
Listen to sample clips of the New voices
Listen to sample clips with Reverb
380 Platform/Playlist Audio Clips
215 Platform Backgrounds and Devices Included:
65 Playlists Backgrounds and Devices
195 Conrollers/Keyboards Included:
Requires BigBox Version 13 or above
Updated Video: (11-20-23)
Startup Video:
Assets used in video (will link things as I upload everything):
Startup Video PSGC Quiet Sound Pack Pause Theme is a slightly modified version of @Retro808's "Pulse Pause" theme Startup Theme is a modified and updated version of @Hazuki's "Starting The Game" theme NEW PSGC Video Snaps (work in progress) some custom made Playlist videos
Assets used in theme:
many COLORFUL Hardware PNG media for devices (thx @viking)
And I can't forget @y2guru for the incredible job he has done with CTC, thanks Dave
Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Please like and Follow.
*SE versions are only available to Members that have subscribed on my BMAC page (similar to Patreon). All my "Coffee Buyers" and "Members" will be recognized in all my future themes and the ZizzleZazzle website.
Please consider supporting these projects with "buying me a cup of coffee" or even better yet, Subscribe and have access to ALL the SE versions of all my themes with additional features, views, audio pack, video snaps and support.
• The Papaw 🙏❤️🙏
Aion Theme
By Whitecrow
New theme for Big Box I have been working on the last couple months.
Thanks to Faeran, Viking, and KingSlayer for all the assets you have shared with the community. I learned how to theme from reverse engineering your source files and I am very grateful. Following in their footsteps i have also released all my source files, feel free to use them in your own themes.
Amiga CD
Atari 2600
Daphne Singe
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Sega 32x
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Gamegear
Sega Genesis
Sega Saturn
Super Nintendo
Tekno Parrot Arcade
Tekno Parrot Console
Turbografx 16
Turbografx CD
XBOX 360
Vertical Prototype (DEAD)
By goblindriver
*Deprecated 10/11/2023
This project is on ice. Launchbox and Bigbox have improved discoverability making most custom playlist work achievable using the in built filtering. The bezel artwork is still available in the links.
Not much has changed. I included some images that I use for my platforms/playlists view.
This is a work in progress theme for Big Box Theme creator. It is meant for monitors in portrait mode with vertical game play videos. It is still pretty rough, but it's something to use until something better comes along. In order to use this you must also download the theme creator and drop this file in the my projects folder. There is a font to install in the fonts folder. Open and tweak and then publish to use in big box. Updated for theme creator
Arcade Overlays and Marquees can be found here.
Windows Vertical Videos and Marquees can be found here.
I'm using this theme only for games that support a vertical orientation during gameplay. It is untested with standard resolution games and the corresponding media.
I do have plan to expand this build for all arcade games at some point but I am focusing on vertical resolution stuff for now and there is a lot to do.
Options view is broken ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Very Important links > Reflection Shader - Ars Invictus Retroarch thread - vpinball.com
Theme.mp4280 downloads
Haunted Woods (this is a Novelty theme)
By The Papaw
A year or two back when @faeran was making the "theme videos", he had done a halloween theme. I was cleaning up a bunch of my old theme stuff and ran across this one I had done back then but never uploaded. I did open it up in the current version of CTC and re-published it to see if it still worked.
I was brand spanking new at themes and CTC back then, but I was having so much fun with it and I most certainly got a bit carried away with it.
If you decide to download it and check it out, it will go on and on and on, but hang in there. Eventually it might grab a hold of ya.
WARNING 1: It's silly, but might be a bit scary to the little ones
WARNING 2: if you navigate to a new platform, the video sequence starts all over again, you been warned !
WARNING 3: If you watch the video, I reckon you won't have a reason to download the theme
WARNING 4: Please leave a comment, if you don't, there won't be any comments
- Enjoy
Please consider supporting these projects by donating a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zizzlezazzle or scanning the QR code below. Generosity like yours is rare to find these days. I thank you in advance for your support. I am very grateful for EVERY donation and every subscriber and truly appreciate your kindness!
• The Papaw 🙏❤️🙏
If you would like more information on the type of projects I do, visit: https://zizzlezazzle.com
Cocktail Table Example view
By DemmyTree
I know this isnt very good as such but showing a potential style for the cocktail view that could be done, if anyone wants to use it for template please feel free, this may be useful for style.
My hope with the glass segment was the idea that if it transitioned between menus it would open and close like a door opening to selected platform/view that could occur, this is a single view for Vertical Wheel 1
YART (Yet Another Refried Theme)
By Baggio
So basically i have recreated RetroHumanoid's amazing Unified Refried theme in CTC and made quite a few changes to hopefully make it even better. The most notable changes are that it has more info when viewing games and the new movable 3D model boxes. I’ve also added the abilty to choose if you want Fanart or the default images as the background images and having images or text as in the bottom infobar. Atm its only 16:9 but if there is interest I’ll try and add more aspect ratios.
To get the most out of this theme you need box - fronts, box - backs and box spines in your Launchbox setup. You can do without the box - backs if you dont paln on rotating the 3D models though.
So the views it has so far;
3 Platform views 1 with a full screen video and vertical wheel, one with a smaller video and one that has a selectable favourites and recently played list
3 Wall views to kind of mimic Launchbox (need some tweaking still though)
4 Vertical Wheel games views with 2 different background choices like Refried, one with a big console/handheld/TV and dynamically changing images for different platforms. The other 2 are smaller images of the platform in the corner, without the dynamically changing platform images.
2 of the Vertical Wheel games views (1 dynamic and 1 not as above) have a clear logos wheel and movable 3D model boxes (front, back and spines images needed for full effect for all wheel views) and spinning CD or cart images
2 of the Vertical wheel games views (1 dynamic and 1 not as above) have a vertical box cases wheel as well as 3D movable boxes and and spinning CD or cart images
1 Text view which is mainly for the game selection options (play, read manual ect) with gameplay, title and game select screenshots.
Dynamically changing platform images (like refried)
Dynamic Marquees for arcade games (like refried)
Dynamic Marquees/Backglass for Pinball games (Future Pinball, Pinball FX3 and Visual Pinball)
Moveable 3D model boxes
Controller images change in playmode for different platforms
Most badges shown
Publisher, genre, playmode and certification in infobar and game notes scrolling along the bottom
Fanart for the background if you wish.
To change/remove certain images;
Wheel Views
For the Fanart as a background delete or rename the folder; Themes>YART>Media>Background. If you want the any of the Publisher, Genre, Playmode and PEGI/ESRB* images to show as text instead of the images, delete or rename the folders; Publisher Logos, Icons Genres, Icons Play Modes and both the Icons PEGI and Icons ESRB folder (to remove the certification), all are in; Themes>YART>Media. *( When the game certification is shown as text I can’t find a way for it to show the PEGI certification so it will say, M-Mature instead of 18 for example)
To change the certification Image from the EU PEGI to the US ESRB ratings, rename or delete folder; Themes>YART>Media>Icons PEGI To change the PEGI text to read ESRB in the wheels views go to the folder; Themes>YART>Views and; Open WheelGamesView.xaml, Wheel2GamesView.xaml, Wheel3GamesView.xaml, Wheel4GamesView.xaml and the TextGamesView.xaml in a text editor (Notepad++ is a good option) and find Text="PEGI: and replace it with Text="ESRB: in all 5 of the above views or just the one you use.
To Stop all the Discs from Spinning Open WheelGamesView.xaml, Wheel2GamesView.xaml, Wheel3GamesView.xaml and Wheel4GamesView.xaml in a text editor and search for BeginTime="00:00:02.5" To="360" Duration="00:00:05" RepeatBehavior="Forever"> and replace with BeginTime="00:00:00.0" To="0" Duration="00:00:00" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
You need to do this twice (or replace all in Notepad++) as there are 2 entries you need to replace to stop them all spinning, one for the CDs and one for the Mini CDs
Wall Views
For Fanart to show for the Wall Views delete or rename the folder; Themes>YART>Media>WallViewBackground To change the certification Image from the EU PEGI to US ESRB overwrite the files in the folder; Themes>YART>Media>Icons PEGI Wall, with files in the Themes>YART>Media>Icons ESRB Wall folder. ----------------------
Text filter and Platform 3, recently played and favourites
For these to show you need to go to Options>Views in Bigbox and enable "show filters recent games" and "show filters favourite games"
Launchbox controls what images are shown in the recently played and favourites. To change what type of image is used go to image group and choose the type of image you want to use in the dropdown (shown below). This seems to be platform specific as well so you need to go through them all. (Boxes or 3D Boxes work best others don't work well)
Front and Back Images
To have more Front and Back boxes show on the 3D models (If the proper front and back ones arent available) i recommend setting these priorities in Launchbox.
@RetroHumanoid and his amazing Unified Refried on which this built on. Whilst i have made a lot of images myself most are from his theme (especially the video borders).
@faeran for his Unified CTC which i used as a template to start this (and it taught me how to use the Community Theme Creator)
@y2guru for the unbelievable Community Theme Creator
If I’m missing others I’m really sorry as i have been at this for a while off and on so may have used other people images somewhere a long the line.
Lastly, this is my first effort at theme creation so bear with me if things aren't as they should be. I'll fix any problems ASAP if you guys find any issues
P.S. Please give me suggestions on what to do with views that haven't been filled yet or changes that could me made to the current views.
Wheel 1, Wheel 2 Handhelds and Wheel 3 views showing the 3D boxes
Wheel1.mp4 wheel 1 handheld.mp4 wheel2.mp4 This is what it looks like with all the images removed (as detailed above) in the infobar
By DazStelfox79
Welcome to Essence an elegant theme with a beautiful animated background that compliments the Home Screen & all Game views .
It was designed in a screen resolution of 1920x1080 with Windows Scale & Layout settings at 100% so hopefully it should work with other screen resolutions.
No need for Steam Banners as this theme is just for box images only.
Make sure you Refresh all images in BigBox options/Image Cache.
Make sure you set Platform & Game images as Boxes within the game options in Launchbox.
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes.
Big thanks to faeran for the inspiration of a (Spotlight), Featured game in platform view from his 3-Dimensions theme
By DazStelfox79
Titan is a multimedia theme for all your games, movies, music & tv which shines on your living room TV.
This theme starts up with details of a featured game or movie ect relating to the platform, playlist or category selected on your Home Screen to remind you of what is in your collection. The top row on Home Screen is all your Platforms & Playlists ect & the bottom row is a collection of Recently Played short cuts which once highlighted will display Fan Art & Metadata to remind you of what you were previously playing.
It was designed in a screen resolution of 1920x1080 with Windows Scale & Layout settings at 100% so hopefully it should work with other screen resolutions.
All Steam Banners are required to be in the original size of 460x215 in order to scale correctly in this theme which can be downloaded from www.steamgriddb.com
Make sure you Refresh all images in BigBox options/Image Cache.
This theme is highly customisable as there are many Platform & Games views to choose from all with changeable menu controls, British/European & American Movie & Game age rating images, Avatar pictures for your profile & you can even put your own name with your avatar.
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes.
Make sure you set Platform & Game images as Steam Banners within the game options in Launchbox. Then for them to be used in the theme correctly set the priority of the boxes view to prioritise Steam Banners first - if you ever want to revert this it is then simply a case of lowering the priority of the steam banners in the boxes list rather than having to remove or reorganise images. To do this open Launchbox and go to Tools --> Options and in the window that appear select Box Front Properties in the Images section and use the Up button to move the Steam Banners to the top of the list.
Included in my theme is alternative control layouts for Microsoft Xbox & Sony Playstation consoles, a collection of steam Banners for games of various platforms which i have resized to 460x215 & a collection of Movie Box Images, Clear Logos, Background Wallpapers & Steam Banners to get you started or download the brilliant plugin Movie Scraper (Reboot 2023) from JoeViking245 to download Movie metadata, Link is below.
Big thanks to faeran for the inspiration of a (Spotlight), Featured game in platform view from his 3-Dimensions theme
RetrOS - Commodore Amiga
RetrOS - Commodore Amiga
Here is the last theme for now in my series of little system specific OS based themes I have been working on, this one is based on the Commodore Amiga Workbench 2.0. It is quite a bit more complex than my other two themes, it comes with a whole set of system & genre artwork which are mostly edited and re-coloured versions of the default LaunchBox icons, along with some of my own original pixel-art icons to fill in the gaps. The theme also includes an animated startup theme and a shutdown theme.
There are some little easter eggs here and there that should hit those nostalgia buttons...
RetrOS - Commodore 64
RetrOS - Commodore 64
Here is the first theme for a series of little system specific OS based themes I have in the works, this one is based on the Commodore 64 BASIC screen. It is extremely simple to keep with the BASIC aesthetic, so only has the one list view, for now at least. However there is a nice little surprise on the game-details screen that the people who used the old grey beige breadbin back in the day will appreciate
RetrOS - Sinclair ZX Spectrum
RetrOS - Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Here is the second theme for a series of little system specific OS based themes I have in the works, this one is based on the ZX Spectrum. It is extremely simple to keep with the ZX aesthetic, so only has the one list view, for now at least.
9999999-in-1 Famiclone
By walter10h
Another one of my super simple themes, this one is a homage to one of the pirate consoles that abuela would get for us, but we still loved her because now we get 9999999 games (more like 65 games and clones or romhacks of said games). I'm talking about the Polystation. There's nothing too exciting here. A black background, white text, make your selection and play, but the minimalism does it for me.
- polystation
- famiclone
- (and 2 more)