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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. Well that don't help me, help you. Presumably, if you press Alt and the arrow buttons etc. on the keyboard (on the Cab), Keyboard Splitter receives the inputs. Maybe on your cab (for some reason), you need to send it a more literal keypress. Try using SetKeyDelay, 100, 50 This will hold the key down for 50 milliseconds and have the delay of 100 milliseconds between presses. The only other thing might [remotely] cause an issue is, for your Alt command use "LAlt" instead of "Alt". Beyond this, I'm at a loss as to why it's not receiving key inputs from AHK on your cab only. Out of curiosity, (assuming your I-Pac is in keyboard mode and not Xinput mode) instead of using the keyboard, are you able to press Player1-Button2 and then Player1 joystick in lieu of Alt, arrow keys?
  2. Remove "-artwork_crop" from the Default Command-line Parameters.
  3. To clarify, you got the script to work on one computer, but it doesn't work on a different computer? In your 2nd video here, it looks like when you double-click the script, KeyboardSplitter takes focus. But not 6 seconds later. Which tells me, after you start the script, you click on KS to set focus. So we don't know if the 2nd line of the script is even working. Granted, KS has focus and after 6 seconds the key presses should be sent. Speaking of lines in the script, try adding back-in the SetKeyDelay line. Some apps can't handle a rapid succession of key inputs so they need that slight delay. If that line bothers you, you can go back to what the AI told you and put a Sleep after each keypress. These 2 do the exact same thing, it's just the 2nd way gives your brain more of a visual of what's going on (and is fugly ).
  4. The advantage (for me) of having them in their own platform is setting the associated emulator. If they were all in Arcade, I'd have to determine which games I need to change their respective emulators for. There may be a way to filter, then just do a bulk edit. But [for me] this is way easier. With multiple associated emulators, you're able to right click a game and select one-or-the-other of them. Say you had the Atari 7800 platform using RetroArch and you wanted to test the A7800 emulator. You add A7800 and associate it to Atari 7800 (not making it Default) then can right click various game to test it. ...as one example.
  5. You had it highlighted right at the end of the video. To verify the script is doing something, add in some message boxes at key points. Like right before the 1st "Send", add "MsgBox, About to send keys". Then after those sends', "MsgBox, Keys sent Waiting for tmnt to exit". And maybe some others if you feel like it. The window is in-focus (you can see it), but does it have-focus (it's the active window)? To be sure, after your 3 second pause, you could add in "WinActivate ahk_exe whateverGKS.exe". (replacing the last part with your Gaming Keyboard Splitter executable)
  6. You beat me to it. Glad you got it working. I adjusted the script [above] to reflect the proper WinWaitActive line.
  7. Try giving tmnt more time to [fully] close. (1 [FULL] second? 2 seconds?) Is it safe to assume that 'Send {Tab}' is to set focus on "OK" (then 'Send {Enter}' to select it)? SetKeyDelay, 100 Sleep, 3000 Send {Alt} Send {Right 4} Send {Down} Send {Right} Send {Down} Send {Enter} Sleep, 3000 Send, {Tab} Send {Enter} ; Wait for the "tmnt.exe" window to become active WinWaitActive, ahk_exe tmnt.exe ; Wait until the process closes Process, WaitClose, tmnt.exe ; give it a sec to completely close Sleep 1000 Send {Tab} ; Send Enter key Send {Enter} Sleep 2000 ; Send Alt + F4 to close the Keyboard Splitter Program Send !{F4} ;not required ;ExitApp
  8. This should help with that. Run, "UCR.exe" -p "Steam",,Min
  9. Line 1 in the script is missing some quotation marks. Because the path to UCR.exe has spaces in it, that whole part needs to be encapsulated. Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\UCR_v0.9.0\UCR.exe" -p "Steam"
  10. Ya, the latter part of the method I showed (changing the W image) is an all-or-nothing deal. Which I agree, doesn't help too much. Another [interim] workaround is to add a Custom Field that has the Value set to your ROM Hack site URL. And again, with some creative xaml manipulation, make the Custom Field clickable to take you to the site.
  11. [Not to stray too much from the OP...] For the interim, you can put whatever hyperlink/web-URL you want in the Wikipedia field. And with some creative xaml manipulation, you could even change the <Path Data= line to change the icon that's shown. Edit: Something like this
  12. For Kodi (a completely different program that's similar in nature), but not for LB. Hence [the reboot of] this plugin. LaunchBox is not designed to search for external media files on your system nor parse NFO files. But his plugin can. No. With the way it is right now, you'd [typically] only have the rename the movie Title(s) in LaunchBox. Not the physical movie files. However, per About This File above, since you have .nfo files inside of a single folder named the same as the movie title, you wouldn't have to rename anything. (See Do the Movie Titles [in LaunchBox] need to be named a certain way before scraping? above) Even without the .nfo file, the media (art) file-names are fine as they are. They are scraped based on the movies filename and add the appropriate suffix. (i.e. -poster.jpg in Above The Law (1988)-poster.jpg when searching for them [in the same folder and the movie file is located). Speaking of image files, are all your -banner images .jpg? Because for that image type, the plugin specifically looks for .png ("-banner.png"). Let me know if I need to allow for extenuating circumstances. No I can't. I've seen colons : get replaced with underscores because they're not valid characters in filenames. But never spaces. Ya, but... "LaunchBox aims to be the one-stop shop for gaming on your computer, for both modern and historical games." A plugin like this is just an added bonus.
  13. Yes it does. I don't emulate DC much either. In fact, I think I only have 1 game for testing purposes. lol Curious... with the ROM File (screenshot) not actually pointing to the physical file, is LB able to launch the game through emulator? 💡 Is it safe to assume that your emulator settings in LaunchBox has the checkbox: Use Filename Only without extension, checked? If so, then the emulator knows to look for the folder named after the ROM name (minus extension). Thanks again for digging into this!
  14. You don't need the physical media (art files) present to use the Community Theme Creator app. Though I suppose it would be nice when using its built-in preview capabilities. As an option, this plugin will search for existing media you may have for each movie when scraping and prioritize those over downloading media. It looks in the same folder the movie file is located and will import and allocate corresponding images. I personally have never used any of those multimedia center programs and have no idea where and how image files are stored. But I "heard from a guy" the media is located in the same folder as the movie file and uses the following naming convention. This is how they will get import into LB. Saved in LB as: local media --------------- --------------------------- Box-Front movie_file_name-Poster.jpg Banner movie_file_name-landscape.jpg Clear Logo movie_file_name-clearlogo.png Disc movie_file_name-discart.png Fanart-Background movie_file_name-fanart.png Arcade - Marquee movie_file_name-banner.png
  15. You and your obscure movies. lol Fixed in [new] version 1.2.0. - fixed: Error thrown if TMDB Background image is missing This naming convention is only for, when using this plugin. The bare bones "game" Title you had (have) is fine for this plugin. Using the proper naming conventions that @neil9000 mentioned is what you want/need and would get when using a dedicated multimedia center program (such as Kodi and Plex). And if using one of those, they would generate an NFO file in which the plugin would parse to get a 'bare bones' title. That all said, I've added to my notes for the next update to account for Titles that have a proper Title such as The Avenger (2012). (Currently this won't work unless there's an associated .nfo file alongside the video file.) Q: Why doesn't the plugin work with 'properly' assigned movie Titles? A: When using TMDB's API to search-by-title, it doesn't recognize/associate the suffixed (year) and will throw an error (zero results). It won't even give a "close match".
  16. Thanks for following through. I was getting ready to have the plugin create a massive debug log to (hopefully) help pinpoint the issue. If you haven't changed them all already, can you please share a screenshot of the Launching section (edit game) for one of your games that are still in their own folder?
  17. Really not sure what to say then. Is the full path to, and including the ROM name by chance super long? i.e. D:\This\is\a\super\long\path\to\way\deep\into\the\harddrive\where\no\man\has\gone\before\Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (USA).gdi Is the ROM located on a server of sorts making the path different than normal? Had one use during beta testing say theirs was on a server, but it had worked as expected. I know nothing about servers so don't know hot that all works. But supposedly it did. Beyond that, I'm at a loss.
  18. The plugin gets the games ROM location from its Application Path. Can you edit the game "Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness", go to the Launching section and confirm that ROM File is pointing to either the Full\Path\To\ or Relative\Path\To\ the .gdi file?
  19. Copy Metadata (plugin): Apply metadata from someone else's XML file to your own. View File Scenario: "I have a build where I'm manually changing every game genre to a single genre/subgenre value and would love to share it, but without a tool to apply my metadata to their own it's kinda pointless." Solution: Copy Metadata plugin. Purpose: Import selected metadata from someone else's platform_name.xml file into one of your existing Platforms. This will scan a LaunchBox platform_name.xml file and compare it your existing platform. For all matching games*, it will update the metadata you chose to have imported. (*See Finding Matching Games for how games are matched up.) Metadata fields to import (can select one or more): Genre Series Developer Publisher Notes ReleaseDate DatabaseID VideoUrl WikipediaURL CustomField (up to 3) Warning: This will REPLACE any existing metadata for the fields you've selected. There is no un-do button. The exception is Custom Field(s). This will add new Custom Fields. If an existing Custom Field with the same Name as one be imported is found, you have the option to Overwrite your existing Custom Field Add a new Custom Field (creating 2 with the same Name but different Values) How to: Requires LaunchBox 13.3 or newer Download, unblock the zip file, copy the contents of the zip to ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\ i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\CopyMetadata\CopyMetadata.dll Start LaunchBox Click Tools Select "Copy Metadata" Click Browse to locate and select the xml file you want to import from (optional) Drag & Drop the file onto the TextBlock (directly above the Browse button) Select your platform you want the metadata imported to (The plugin will attempt to 'select' the appropriate one for you) Check the metadata items you want imported To import a Custom Field Click "Include Custom Field(s)" Click the dropdown box and select the one you want imported Check the box next to it to have it imported (optional: you can select up to 2 others to be imported) Click Import Finding Matching Games: Every effort is made to properly match games in your existing platform to an external platform_name.xml. It will first use the games LBDatabaseID # to ensure an exact match. If there are no matching database ID #'s, it will compare the games file_name.ext. If there are still no matches, it will look for a matching game Title. Concept for this plugin was inspired by @C-Beats who caught me when I was bored and looking for a plugin idea. Submitter JoeViking245 Submitted 06/15/2023 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
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  20. Version 1.0.0


    Scenario: "I have a build where I'm manually changing every game genre to a single genre/subgenre value and would love to share it, but without a tool to apply my metadata to their own it's kinda pointless." Solution: Copy Metadata plugin. Purpose: Import selected metadata from someone else's platform_name.xml file into one of your existing Platforms. This will scan a LaunchBox platform_name.xml file and compare it your existing platform. For all matching games*, it will update the metadata you chose to have imported. (*See Finding Matching Games for how games are matched up.) Metadata fields to import (can select one or more): Genre Series Developer Publisher Notes ReleaseDate DatabaseID VideoUrl WikipediaURL CustomField (up to 3) Warning: This will REPLACE any existing metadata for the fields you've selected. There is no un-do button. The exception is Custom Field(s). This will add new Custom Fields. If an existing Custom Field with the same Name as one be imported is found, you have the option to Overwrite your existing Custom Field Add a new Custom Field (creating 2 with the same Name but different Values) How to: Requires LaunchBox 13.3 or newer Download, unblock the zip file, copy the contents of the zip to ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\ i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\CopyMetadata\CopyMetadata.dll Start LaunchBox Click Tools Select "Copy Metadata" Click Browse to locate and select the xml file you want to import from (optional) Drag & Drop the file onto the TextBlock (directly above the Browse button) Select your platform you want the metadata imported to (The plugin will attempt to 'select' the appropriate one for you) Check the metadata items you want imported To import a Custom Field Click "Include Custom Field(s)" Click the dropdown box and select the one you want imported Check the box next to it to have it imported (optional: you can select up to 2 others to be imported) Click Import Finding Matching Games: Every effort is made to properly match games in your existing platform to an external platform_name.xml. It will first use the games LBDatabaseID # to ensure an exact match. If there are no matching database ID #'s, it will compare the games file_name.ext. If there are still no matches, it will look for a matching game Title. Concept for this plugin was inspired by @C-Beats who caught me when I was bored and looking for a plugin idea.
  21. Screenshots are worth a thousand words! The plugin you're using is the [older] Bulk Convert .cue/.bin files which will only look for .cue files. At the top of this page, click the blue View File. This will open a new page. The top of the new page will show Bulk Convert cue/gdi/iso files to CHD. On the right, click the red Download this file. Follow Installing the plugin as outlined on the 'new page'. Before starting LaunchBox, Open Window Explorer and delete the old plugin folder. ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\cue2chd\ Not to be confused with the new one ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\BulkConvert2CHD\
  22. Are you getting any kind of error (or otherwise) messages? Such as "Converting", "Please Wait", ""Converting Complete", "Error Converting".... Any details you can provide will greatly help to determine what is or is-not going on. Does your batch file use the same "createcd" command line parameter for chdman? It's possible you have different versions of chdman.exe on your system. Copy the one your batch file uses (the one that works for you) into your ../LaunchBox/Plugins/BulkConvert2CHD/ folder and run the plugin again. Please let me know what you find. Thanks.
  23. Thanks! With the help of your log files, I was able to reproduce and fix the error. Please download the updated version (v1.1.0) and, with LaunchBox not running, replace your existing MovieScraper.dll with the one in the zip file. Unblock the file (if you didn't use 7-Zip), then start LaunchBox. If you didn't delete your APIfile.xml file, you won't need to rerun Setup. Let me know if there are any other issues.
  24. When you entered your keys, did you click test and they showed OK? Try scraping for just one movie (vs doing a bulk scrape). Same issue? Or is that what you did? If you did do just one, try a different movie and see if the same error comes up. In the plugins folder, there's a subfolder called \Logs\. Sometimes the most recent log file (when the error occurred) may shed some light. Can you share that file? (drag and drop the file rather than copy and paste)
  25. Of course. Just go to the Third-Party Applications and Plugins (Released) section and you should see quite a few. Or simply peruse the Downloads section.
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