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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. Getting the new version of the roms is as easy as starting the new torrent and pointing it towards you old folder and it will check what you have that matches the new one then download all the things missing so no you don't really have to start from scratch every time you update
  2. That or you can find that runtime and download it.
  3. go to tools manage emulators double click on the Dolphin entry and browse to the path where you have it installed.
  4. sounds like LB is pointing to the installer instead of the installed application.
  5. I'd suggest asking over here. Its going to need a way to interface with your PC I'm not an expert on those types of things but I'm not sure any one has made something for PC that will work with that. http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/
  6. you should remove those 2 backup files from that folder. They don't belong there.
  7. If its based on MAME why not just make the UI cancel in the emulator the same as your controller hotkey and close it directly from the emulator?
  8. Also MAME roms are free to download so you technically don't need to seed it back 100% you just need to attempt to seed if for a while.
  9. I'd say if you consistently see the same games (and I do see this also) when there is a thousand choices then there is something wrong with the randomizer.
  10. It was almost 90 degrees (32.2c) here in the US but that's what air conditioning is for. I went out and did like an hour worth of work in my garden after the sun went behind the trees then came back inside and cooled off in the air
  11. DOS76

    Change Rom Path?

    yeah nothing should be removed from the platforms so that is definitely weird. Did you manually move the games first and then change the path? (although I would thing that wouldn't cause it to remove games)
  12. DOS76

    Change Rom Path?

    ah what makes you say it wants you to reimport anything?
  13. although you found a solution I'll just throw out there that you could always use symbolic links so your ROMs would appear in the folder but actually only be stored in your original folder. Basically you will appear to have two copies of the ROM but actually on have one on disc.
  14. In the options BigBox has the ability to shutdown the computer already.
  15. try a different port or if you have one try a different USB wire. I mean that isn't normal and other people run LB from a USB drive with no issues so it seems like a issue only you are having so I don't know what kind of other advice you will get.
  16. yeah unfortunately there is no way for LB to recognize the games in HBMAME.
  17. you can type in anything you aren't limited to what is in the options.
  18. you really shouldn't use your email address as your user name.
  19. yeah a powershell solution would work too but something a little beyond what I would suggest for support as you never know the level of computer knowledge the person asking has.
  20. here is the fast thing you can do to fix the issue. 1 remove the game from Launchbox 2 download bulk rename utility 3 edit out all the .nkit from the file name in one quick go using the rename tool 4 reimport renamed games to LB In BRU you will use the replace field you will type ,nkit in there (leaving the with field blank) and then use ctrl+a to select all the game then run the process.
  21. all themes have multiple views you have to cycle through the views to get to the one you want. you can set a button or key to cycle view in both the controller settings and keyboard settings in BigBox
  22. that makes sense then why on 1st launch after updating it opened a new instance and not from my pinned taskbar icon (not really important but I'm glad I have an answer to why it did so)
  23. delete your settings.xml and it will make a new one with default settings on the next launch.
  24. they are working for me in LB
  25. @klepp0906 had posted something here and it was showing as a double post (same thing posted twice in a row) I deleted one of them and both disappeared so I want to apologize for deleting your post.
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