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Everything posted by imdavid555

  1. I wish this worked with the current Launchbox
  2. Bandai Wonderswan Bandai Wonderswan color Nintendo 3ds Nintendo Virtual boy please!
  3. How would you import them? I tried using this script earlier in the week, but it was not able to find some files which is why I went with the Bin/lst route. Is there any other methods?
  4. No I did not know. When I imported my MAME .208 roms, I don't believe it created any sort of Naomi playlist wihtin launchbox.
  5. Managed to resolve the issue. Looks like the lst files were bad for a lot of my naomi games! https://www.libretro.com/index.php/reicast-libretro-now-supports-naomi-other-additions/ The "What content to use" section in the link above helped me with editing my lst files correctly.
  6. I have all my Naomi roms compressed on my NAS. The actual roms are in bin/lst and dat/lst format. For some reason my BIN format roms when extracted, do not run. I receive the following error from RetroArch It seems to be using the nvmem file instead of the lst or bin. Any idea why it is doing that? My DAT format Naomi roms are running fine. Here are my emualtor settings as well which seems to be good for all my other systems. I have tested both the latest stable and nightly version of retroarch and it is the same thing. Also manually using the BIN with retroarch or launchbox seems to open fine. I have tried various compressed formats (zip/7z/rar). It seems like Launchbox is telling it to use the nvmem file for some reason.
  7. I have almost all my roms compressed (7z/zip/rar etc) on a network drive. I wanted to setup MUGEN, but am not to sure how to go about this. Does anyone know how to do this? What I need done is pretty much: 1. Get the game extracted to "Launchbox/7-zip/Temp" folder 2. Then have the EXE ran (Example: Launchbox/7-zip/Temp/"GameName"/"GameName".exe ) Any help/ideas is appreciated
  8. I would stay away from it for now. They haven't updated the software in awhile (over a year). Latest version of some emulators has broken compatibility with it, causing many tedious days of searching the forums for updated modules. Dev said they are working on something, but its been more then a year http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/showthread.php?5684-Updating-Modules-for-Latest-Emulator-Builds
  9. I just added Sf3 new gen manually to the playlist (just found out you can do this by right clicking the game lol), deleted the playlist, and re-added cps3 playlist to launch box. This time it created the playlist properly! i probably deleted sf3 new gen one day by accident when I had my previous mame romset in Launchbox and it remembered.
  10. It is a playlist. I created the CPS3 playlist by going to "Tools>Create Missing arcade/mame playlists" after adding all my MAME roms. I am using the latest mame romset (split) aswell. Whats weird is that when I originally imported all my MAME roms, I asked for the NA version for everything. It imported SF3 New Generatioin as the hispanic version (sfiiih.zip) and had to manually change it to the US version (sfiiiu.zip). All the other mame games including the street fighters seemed to have imported correctly.
  11. Street Fighter III: New Generation is missing from the Capcom Play System 3 playlist in my launchbox/bigbox. Anyone else have this issue? I definitely have it in my Mame platform list,
  12. Dang. Thanks for confirming. Guess I’ll be converting the JPEGs to PNG then. Not a big deal since I love the theme!
  13. i am having an issue where my Jpeg platform clear logos don't work in the games view. Converting to PNG resolves this problem. Anyone else run into this issue? i circled the area where mine are missing.
  14. Oh man I can’t wait!
  15. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/3194/mark-game-as-completed-within-bigbox i couldn't find any so I made another one. Hopefully this one doesn't get removed. Everyone please vote!
  16. Are there any pictures of the new wall view ?
  17. Wow just saw all the new banners! They look amazing. Great theme! +1 for Pinball and Sega Classics
  18. here are screenshots as promised:
  19. Sorry to hear. I'll post screenshots of my Afterburner settings when I get back from work. I do not have RTSS have installed.
  20. @logan48227 Just wanted to chime in here since I use Afterburner to control the fan speed on my AMD graphics card. I am not having any issues at the moment, but have had issues with Afterburner effecting other software (especially Wallpaper Engine) in the past. Disable the setting "Enable low-level IO driver" within Afterburner (Settings > General > compatibility properties). It doesn't effect my fan control and solved a lot crashing issues I was have because of Afterburner, but it may affect any overclocking you do within afterburner. Not sure though. If you have Rivatuner installed as well with Afterburner, you will need to add the Launchbox and BigBox .EXE to the exceptions within Rivatuner too.
  21. These look great! Looking forward to seeing more banners. Especially the GameCube and Wii. Some other banners to consider to add that weren't mentioned yet: Pinball, Comics, and Magazines
  22. It doesn't happen to be these guns: LINK Dang. These are pretty hard to find online now except for a bunch of used ones on ebay. Going to try a GameStop after work.
  23. What gun attachments are you guys using for wiimotes?
  24. Looks like someone does have it. The video poster said in the comments that it may see a physical release soon??? Have no idea if any of this is legit or not.
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