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Everything posted by Styphelus

  1. Instead of it being blurry, can you make it tinted glass? Is that something that's easy to do?
  2. Thanks. I'm going to re-pack these square banners and upload all these this weekend. There seems to be some demand for them still. In the mean time, have a look at my "movie replacement" original console boxes. Same concept but meant to be used with newer themes and background music.
  3. I haven't made them. I started using a different theme so I decided to make the bigger platform boxes. I can send you the PSD files for the platform boxes that you need if that helps you. Send me a PM.
  4. Styphelus


    So you have to remove the (USA) from all the roms?
  5. Hi there,

    Thanks for fixing the wheel as I asked. Would it be possible to add it the same style wheel to wheelgamesview.xaml as well? 

  6. What? I uploaded them for whoever wants them. They are in the downloads section. I saw them being used here and offered to help by providing the PSD files so someone could adjust them to whatever size fits this theme instead of being stuck with images at 1920x1080 and dealing with aspect ratios. The theme creator doesn't want them so fine. Less work for me. I don't use this theme so if they want to create their own images and what not that's up to them. Doesn't bother me one bit.
  7. Nope...don't even use this theme. I was just trying to help since I saw my box covers being used and not fitting properly.
  8. I have PSDs for most of those console boxes if anyone wants to modify them to fit the screen for this theme. Just don't forget to give me credit. On the downside there might be 2 or 3 where I for some reason merged all the layers and saved by mistake but that should be easy to fix.
  9. Thanks, That's perfect. You just made my day! Anyway you can do the same for the games view (wheelgamesview.xaml) and game details view but in the games details view only add the tinted glass. The theme already has a blue bar to select the items there (manual, hide, favorites and so on). That would complete it for me.
  10. The themes don't come with any artwork. You have to get desperately either from synching to the Launchbox games db, or getting it from Emumovies or Hyperspin.
  11. Shouldn't be choppy. Try switching you video player in the options menu. See if VLC or WMP works better for you.
  12. I have a much simpler question. Would it be possible to add a wheel like in the RetroFresh Theme? Basically add the tinted glass you use for the game descriptions behind the wheel and add the selection blue box to the item in the middle. I tried doing it by adding it to my background images but the blue selection box would also show up in the Games Detail View since it uses the same background image so that was a no, no. What code would I need to change in the files? I made several poor attempts with no luck but I don't know code. I was just copying and pasting porting from one theme to another but that didn't work. Here is a mock up.
  13. Noooo...spent 7 years listening to those sounds back in the 80s. Not again. Nice intro though.
  14. 2 question on this theme (my fav theme) 1. Is it possible to add a different background in the game details view for each platform? I'm sure some additional code might be needed. Is it something that's hard to do? 2. Will star ratings be added (with actual stars). It just needs to round the actual ratings up or down to display the right number of stars. It would be nice to see some updates on this theme.
  15. Yeah, they are nice but they all play on the right side of the screen. That's a no no for my OCD. I like things centered. Also used James Baker's and Retro humanoid's videos but I was still missing videos. I don't know how to make videos so this is easy for me to do.
  16. Thanks. What a nice surprise. I did not expect to see you two guys here. When did you convert to launchbox?
  17. For those confused about what this is: These are images of the console boxes you can use instead of videos. Unfortunately I don't know how to create videos so this is what I came up with. This allows for fast browsing through your systems and you can add some cool retro outrun music in the background. If you have game boxes, why not have the package your system came in as well. These are not scans. I tried to recreate them to the best of my ability. I've created 68 so far with more to come.
  18. Styphelus Platform Boxes
  19. The problem is that some people have really low standards and will submit anything. I spent a long time filling up the Taito Type X and Virtual Boy sections. Spent days cleanup up the artwork and getting proper descriptions and info. Then out of nowhere people started making really crappy submissions and replacing my artwork with crappy artwork so I gave up. I have a bunch of really good quality covers and arcade flyers but submitting them and explaining why the existing crappy artwork should be replaced is too much work. There needs to be an easier way. This site needs a proper artwork section with standards and guidelines like Hyperspin. Everything in the games DB should be top notch. I won't even update my systems with DB info because I'm afraid it will just overwrite all my good info and artwork. Hyperspin has a google drive they use to dump artwork into and from there there are people who sort it out and clean it up and move the final sets to an approved folder. This site could use something similar. I wouldn't mind being part of that. I have a lot of good stuff, the problem is I never quite finish my sets so I can't post it in the hyperspin forums and uploading them here one by one is too time consuming.
  20. On my setup I have Outrun Synth music (no vocals) playing in the background. Plenty of that stuff on youtube. Blends in nice since it sounds retro but also modern. I also removed all system videos and replaced them all with my own graphical creations for each system (which I'll be uploading soon). That way I don't have to listen to the video music, just background music. It's clean and quick and looks great and I can browse everything just listening to the background music. I don't like system specific music because older systems have terrible sounding music and it takes way too long to find it, especially for more obscure systems.
  21. This is a function of the emulator, not Launchbox/Bigbox
  22. Why not just use Rocketlauncher? Seems like it would be redundant to implement features already available to everyone. Rocketlauncher integrates nicely with Launchbox plus there's a whole team and years of dedication and testing put into it already. I would rather see development focus more on perfecting Bigbox and making it look even better or see work go into the Games DB and the artwork there (cleanup bxes, better scans, clear logos and so on)
  23. But that only works for tv right? How would you deal with game controllers?
  24. For those in the dark, how does Plex work and what hardware do you need to build a Plex Server? I just ended up buying a very long and expensive HDMI cable to plug my computer to the TV. Reading these comments I feel like I'm way behind in tech.
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