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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Demul needs different settings in Launchbox for Dreamcast vs Arcade games. So you will be best to add a new emulator entry, call it Demul Arcade or something and point it to your same demul.exe. You can then check the correct options in the manage emulator settings and add the correct systems with the launch commands in the associated platforms tab.
  2. You need to download the cores from within Retroarch.
  3. in steam click your profile and then edit profile, you can add your name instead of a number.
  4. Well if all your details are correct it would work. Is your steam profile set to public, as it needs to be? As for MAME, what romset do you have and how are you importing, using the fullset importer or the standard rom importer?
  5. We will need more info than that to troubleshoot, "nothing works" isnt to descriptive, especially as you mention two completely different systems with there own specific importers. What exactly happens when you try to launch games? Do your MAME games work just using MAME without Launchbox?
  6. Yes that should work fine, the platformname.xml is where that info is actually stored so the most important part, and yes just copy the image and video folders. Cant say i have ever seen that, what theme?
  7. Sounds like you do not have a emulator associated with those games.
  8. In steam go to your profile page, then choose edit profile, you can put in your username.
  9. I see references to attract mode in the error, cant say i have ever seen that error before, so Jason or Christian will have to take a look at it.
  10. I deleted your other two multiple posts. (this same post was posted three times)
  11. So you are saying that its the "unchecking" of the launchbox database that is the difference here? Well that makes some sort of sense. It may be simply related to naming, you say doing it either way results in zero database ID's, but one way imports more than the other. Im guessing that when you import with the database on, that some games are combined, probably due to having very very similar short names in MAME so the database is trying to match them. When as when the database isnt called on import the roms are simply added no questions asked so to speak. @Jason Carr a fair assumption or possible reason for this "issue"? Also i should add that this is my conclusion as you are not using the MAME fullset importer, so Launchbox is physically matching to the database rather than the MAME.xml located in the Launchbox/Metadata folder.
  12. You can turn that off in the options if you dont like it.
  13. Tagging a game as a favourite does not remove it from the platform. In bigbox there is a option to have favourited games at the start of the list, so Super Mario would now be before the first game and not under the S's, could that be what you are seeing?
  14. Cant answer that one im afraid, you can just experiment though. Theme developers need to add the new code to there themes for badges to show.
  15. Also i would check out both https://www.scan.co.uk/ and https://www.aria.co.uk/ both are good for PC parts.
  16. If you can stretch the budget a little id get a 1050ti instead of the 1030, that will open up things like wii u and ps3 a little more, this one is only £40 more expensive. https://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-NVIDIA-1050Ti-Express-Graphic/dp/B06XCNRZN3/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=1050ti&qid=1581522271&sr=8-2 Also you could get a Ryzen 5 1600 for £89.99. It also comes with a cooler, so you could save £35 towards it by not getting the noctua. https://www.amazon.co.uk/AMD-Ryzen-1600-Desktop-CPU/dp/B06XNRQHG4/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=ryzen%2B5&qid=1581522361&sr=8-7&th=1
  17. Its not in the MAME set as it is not a Arcade game. As i said in my previous reply. And if it is, its simply a Arcade version of the Megadrive version, just like those 8 in 1 Nintendo Arcade cabinets.
  18. Just add them to the appropriate platform/image type folders. As long as they are named the same as either the game name as displayed in Launchbox or the rom file name they will match up.
  19. They are MAME bezels, nothing to do with launchbox/bigbox. Also he is making them in alphabetical order, and Sonic isnt a MAME game.
  20. Sounds like a bug in Retroarch, no troubleshooting here can fix that. You will just need to wait for it to be fixed or use a different core/emulator.
  21. Probably easiest to just delete and re-import the platform, just uncheck all the image downloads and they will re-attach after import.
  22. Not what he was asking, and we already have a option to do what you are saying in the UI, no need to edit data files at all.
  23. CPS1 and CPS2, are part of the MAME romset.
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