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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. I actually ran the GOG importer for the first time last night and i am seeing similar results, i have a game that says its not installed, there is no path in the edit screen, and there also wasnt a folder listed for it on import. Shadow Warrior 2 edit screen. And the same game in my "Installed" filter in GOG Galaxy 2.0. And the location it is installed at.
  2. They are the same core, its called beetle in the UI, but the actual core name is mednafen.
  3. Sure for digital only ones, but machines that actually have physical spinning reels with the pictures on, how would that work? The dump will have all the actual code to control all the lights and and the logic for bonus rounds and holds and such, but as the actual reels are physical what would it spin when you press the button? There is a emulator out there that will play some specific games called MFME, but that requires nearly full reproduction of all the visual aspects of the machine in order to work they wont work in MAME "as is". I mean "technically" they would be "mechanical" games as they use specific hardware in them. From the thread linked below, "But MAME only emulates the roms, it doesn't re-create the image of the slot. MFME emulates the roms, but is also an editor that allows the creators to re-produce the appearance of the slot - normally from a scanned flyer."
  4. Any game that has multiple versions you can right click, go to edit, then the additional apps tab. This will show all the versions, you can then click one and then click the "make default" button to specify a specific version to launch when just clicking a game.
  5. It will depend on the region you specified at import.
  6. The MAME project is all about preservation and accuracy of arcade machines, the emulation part of that is just a happy offshoot of the preservation process, so EVERYTHING that can be dumped and preserved is. Also its worth noting you actually have more games imported than Launchbox is telling you as many games will have multiple versions combined with it. Take this Street Fighter II for example, it has 24 other versions in the right click menu.
  7. They are actual code dumps from machines, but you cant really play a fruit/slot machine on your PC, as you dont have the spinning reels or the arm to pull, you also cant play say a basketball game that used a real ball and ring you throw it through etc. its literally just the code from the machine, but you are missing the "machine" part of the equation.
  8. Yeah, just set a general mappings for how you would like all your games. GenerallY i do A=BUTTON 1, B=BUTTON 2, X=BUTTON 3, Y-BUTTON 4, L BUTTON=BUTTON 5, R BUTTON= BUTTON 6, L TRIGGER= BUTTON 7, AND R TRIGGER=BUTTON 8. Then i change that when i find a game that doesnt work for me like that, Street Fighter 2 for example i like to put mediums on the shoulder buttons and have light and heavy's on the face buttons, thats purely personal preference.
  9. Yes that is how many working games are in the MAME set, all the other files are non-working games, mechanical games, fruit, mahjong etc. A MAME fullset is full with games that simply do not work, or need very specific hardware that you don't have. The import also excludes things like calculators and business software and the like, there is a lot of unneeded stuff in a MAME Romset.
  10. Themes available through Bigbox have to have a rigorous testing phase before being allowed into the app, thats if it has even been submitted for testing. As for your error that looks like a region conversion error, likely caused by accents or number differences in @y2guru's theme creator, or a oversight by @Mr. RetroLust.
  11. Yes, as long as the discs are named correctly.
  12. Its not needed anymore as Retroarch allows content directory overrides now.
  13. The Android app is a seperate thing, and i believe the fact that you have already purchased it on Android that Bigbox will be added free of charge. However the price may increase at that point for new purchases as it will be a far more feature packed product at that point.
  14. These are for mame, not retroarch. You may be able to use them but they are setup differently in Retroarch, you dont use the normal overlay method.
  15. Yeah, i havent seen any other reports of this issue.
  16. I just force downloaded the metadata package here and it took 12 seconds. I would check your connection/firewall to see it something is interfering with the download.
  17. Have a look at the Tools/Manage Platforms/Name of Platform/folders tab, and see where it is looking.
  18. The same way i said above, you can set a button in Bigbox to go into the playlist view, or you can get to it in the menu. However if you want them shown when you click on your Arcade platform, you will need to add them to the Arcade parent as i described above in Launchbox and that will carry across to Bigbox.
  19. Those are added as playlists, not category's, so you need to be in Playlist's view, or you need to edit the Playlist's to show under a "Parent" Platform Category, or Platform.
  20. Yeah im not sure if that is possible or not, even the default theme letterboxes 16:9 aspect videos.
  21. Ha ha, that is exactly how i would of done it if i knew anything about xaml, so that would be perfect for me personally.
  22. I have been waiting since Launchbox themes were introduced for someone to move things around in the game details bar, and that looks really good images up top, info down below. Does it support videos as well or is it images only?
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