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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. I don't want to step on @DOS76 toes here so ill be careful, but yeah you can always install launchbox on top of it's self, because technically it's not installed to your system, just a folder.
  2. Hi, i'm going to link to this thread, and also tag @JaysArcade in here and he should be able to help you out.
  3. At the top of that wiki page I posted is a link to a tri-force fork of dolphin, try that. I have never tried tri-force so I cant really help to much with it im afraid.
  4. The current Dolphin can't play Tri-Force games, check out this Dolphin wiki for more info. https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Triforce
  5. Not possible i'm afraid, at least at the moment. The PS4 is too locked down to allow any sort of app that would allow that like moonlight.
  6. You just beat me to that. Yeah that looks all sort's of wrong, not just the video.
  7. There are way's of doing that with what's called a no cd crack, just google that with the name of the game you wan't it for. Be very careful with what you download though most of them are from the era when it was easy to download a virus online, so i take no responsibility for what you download and install to your PC. When googling you will probably come across game copy world, that's usually pretty reliable, but again at your own risk and all that.
  8. Lol, yeah good point, if you buy dodgy HDD's from dodgy youtube video's, then you get what you deserve.
  9. Yeah i'm not doubting that he has a personal license, it's just he is demoing a product that any customer is not going to receive if there's no legit license included. So any potential customers are going to expect it to look like what it does in the video, but it won't without the license.
  10. He states in the video that he got the platform video's from the Launchbox website, but as far as i know they are only available through a licensed version of Launchbox directly. And of course he say's he is not supplying a license, but he is demoing Bigbox, which of course does need the license, so........
  11. Afternoon James. Edit by lordmonkus: Removed video, no need to give this guy any more traffic to his youtube channel if anyone comes across this thread.
  12. I just watched that video, and he does state that there is no Launchbox license included with the drives. However he is clearly using @JamesBaker's video's for the platforms and i think i'm right in saying you only get access to them if you are on premium as they only work in Bigbox mode. So there is something fishy going on there.
  13. just right click the .dll go to properties and check the unblock box.
  14. Thank you again, ill get back to you tomorrow with thank you for that, or i'm a bit confused. . I'm just really thankful for you even taking the time, since i'm trying to change from your original vision.
  15. Wow, thank you very much for the long and detailed explanation. You are actually wrong in that i am actually very inexperienced in xaml!! I.E, i have no idea really . I will have a good sit down with this in the morning, it's 12:20am at the moment. Thank you so much for even taking the time to look at it for me, it really is appreciated, and ill have a real proper sit down in the morning. Again thank you very much for taking the time to listen.
  16. Cool, look forward to testing that later myself.
  17. Yeah, lol. The thing is they look great when in the PC platform as most are widescreen games and have widescreen trailers/snaps, but all the other categories/platforms are 4:3, that's why i use bezels in Retroarch, to close of the space at the sides to look nice to me, without stretching the games to 16:9.
  18. Hey @SNAK3ATER, i'm loving this theme it's great. Here comes the but could you tell me how to edit the xaml so as to have a 4:3 aspect game video? I know it's not the intended way and won't look as you intended, but i really don't like the 4:3 game snaps stretched like that. I understand it goes against your design ethos of the theme, and it's purely a personal issue that won't look as you intended, but i would rather a bit of black space rather than a stretched video. Thank's for a great theme either way i really do like it. I'm talking this view specifically, see how it's all stretched.
  19. OK, just to say i don't have a GPD win, so bare that in mind. However i have a windows tablet running a x5 with 2gb of ram, so a lot less than the gpd, and i can run ps1 and n64 just fine on it. For ps1 i use epcsxe and for n64 i use the retroarch core(i can even bump that one up to 720p on most games) So it should run those just fine i would assume as my less powerful hardware can.
  20. If you feel that there are features missing you need then feel free to request them. Just go to Help & Support in the site header, and choose request a feature. Launchbox is actually designed to be a easy to setup and use frontend, which in my opinion it does very well. The customisation comes in the fact that you can create your own themes for it if you so wish, there are many in the download section that completely change the look of Bigbox for you to download. Of course if you don't like any of the user created themes then you are free to design and code your own, the theming engine is very flexible in that regard.
  21. I actually had this exact same problem myself a while ago, all my other cores worked fine as did beetle (then mednafen) until i went above native resolution with it, then it would just outright crash retroarch. What i did in the end was download a fresh Retroarch install, renamed the folder to Retroarch PSX, then added a new emulator to Launchbox, called it Retroarch PSX and pointed it to the fresh, clean install. I could then bump that version up to X8 no problems at all, i also switched it to the vulkan driver and all is well for me. So if you can't get it working in your current Retroarch, try a fresh install of it, and see if that alleviates the problem for you.
  22. A) You can use controller automation in launchbox and bigbox to exit the emulators (they need to be setup separately). You set a hold button, then the button to close the game. B) Retroarch can bring up the GUI with a button combo also, you can set this in the input options. You can also set a hotkey here and set load and save states to a button combo also. If you just want to use a keyboard though F1 brings up the GUI also. But i would reccomend a controller combo so no keyboard is needed. C) that is done through the Retroarch GUI also, once you have a combo or keyboard button setup.
  23. For the Critical Zone and CityHunter themes (which are basically the same theme) You need to have "show game background video's" and "show platform background video's" unchecked. This is because those themes have a default background video that plays at all times, so that is technically the background video, so checking those options won't show your platform video's as the default background video is hardcoded into the theme to always show. Unchecking those boxes and using a view in the theme that supports video's will work just fine. Edit: Also make sure in options/video's it is set to VLC, it has To be VLC in this theme or videos won't show.
  24. You could try one of the older mame cores with a year in the name. If your rom set is older in won't work in the current mame as there was a change with the qsound bios which Capcom games use In 0.186, so if your roms are older than that then try a older mame.
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