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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. @Mr. RetroLust Thanks. I completely forgot about that. I had not messed with the false setting in that xaml in quite a long time.
  2. Are you naming the clear logo exactly as you have the platform named? Example: In LaunchBox/BigBox if you have the platform named Sony PS1 then the clear logo would be named "Sony PS1.png" and would be stored in \LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\Sony PS1\Clear Logo\
  3. Well, we do not really troubleshoot prebuilt set-ups since it is hard for us to know what Colpipes did to the settings and in many cases the user may not know either. If the game runs fine in Launchbox it should as well in BigBox since they use the exact same emulator set-up. All either system is doing is passing along the command line needed to get the emulator to star the game. We would typically recommend using his Discord channel since he has a troubleshooting channel there. Does this happen with all emulators? If I remember right Colpipes liked to use RocketLauncher a lot.
  4. I do not believe so. I have never seen a request for this so likely not something on the list of to do's for options in BigBox settings.
  5. In a completely different folder can you download a fresh install of Launchbox? If you have not tried that yet, would you give that a try and report back. You may have something worse going on than a corrupt xml file.
  6. Well, yeah that would make sense wouldn't it....LOL. My bad. ?
  7. If you are going to come here and ask for help, then let people help. Pretty much the bulk of the users here know how much time and effort goes into emulation set-ups and cabinet builds. So how much time you may have put in is nothing new to anyone. If you are going to get so frustrated and just quit so quickly on those trying to help, well, that makes it harder for anyone to want to help. When you did the steps we told you was LB opened or closed? If it was not closed that is the issue. I just did the steps on 2 cabinets and it worked flawlessly.
  8. Yes. Remove the one from the \Launchbox\Data folder. Copy this one and paste it in the \Launchbox\Data folder and rename it "Settings.xml". This is exactly what @neil9000 was instructing you to do.
  9. So you do not see the Settings.xaml at all? There is usually 3 or 4 of them in your backups folder.
  10. I do not believe that has ever been brought up so I am going to say no there has not been a notion for this.
  11. Yeah, apologies on that I was not thinking you just wanted to know where each image type is pulled from. As I did mention regardless of the theme or the view whatever image it is showing will pull from Launchbox's image and video folder structure. Most people just take a few minutes to look through the folders to familiarize themselves with it. I have not really seen anyone ask for a list. The theme maker could actually make it show the Platform Category wheel shows Cabinet images instead of clear logos. This likely because some have a view set to TextGames versus Wheel. In your BB settings in the view options look for a setting stating something like "Remember Separate View per Platform". If you have that checked then that is why some platform views look different. If you want them all the same uncheck that. You can also bind a button or key to "Change View" that way you can switch the view on the fly.
  12. What is the exact text you are entering in the custom command line field? if you are entering just the name that will not work. You need to enter the full command line such as: -L “cores\mesen_libretro.dll”
  13. They are right there in the original post.
  14. Well themes for BigBox will likely never include videos for platforms and games, could you imagine how big a theme download would be if it did? Not too mention if every theme had them included and you wanted to download a bunch of different themes. Glad you are sorted.
  15. In the associated platform on that same tab you chose the correct core does the platform name you entered match exactly as the platform name shows in Launchbox?
  16. You do not need to download VLC it is already included in the Launchbox folder that is what LB/BB use when you set video to VLC which is recommended over WMP. This could depend on the view you are using in the theme as this is determined by the theme creator. Some views will use videos while others images. If the view is supposed to be a platform video and you do not see a video did you download platform videos? Theme's do not come with images and videos for the platforms and the games. Those have to be downloaded by the user. If you have a paid Emumovies account you can download videos directly in LB media wizard and it will place them in the required folders. The media wizard will also download image files, manuals, and music for the games. Platform videos can be downloaded directly in Launchbox by going to >Tools>Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos.
  17. Might not be that simple. Any theme can have a multitude of views that are available (see the file referenced below as it list all the view types). BigBox does not have a set schema that would limit a views layout. Each theme can have multiple views (Platform views 1-4, CoverFlow, Wheel Games views 1-4, Text View, etc.). In each view the theme designer can have it display any number of images, videos, metadata, or even custom images and data. So it is not really view A has these items that would always pull from here and view B has these items that would always pull from there. What ever image, video, or metadata is pulled regardless of theme it will pull from Launchbox's set file structure. Unless the theme developer includes custom items and then it can pull from data files located in the theme's folder structure directly. For example, no matter in what theme and what view, if a platform clear logo is shown it typically pulls from the clear logo image located in \Launchbox\Images\Platforms\[Platform Name]\Clear Logo\ file structure. There is a publisher tool of sorts. If you go to \Launchbox\Themes and look for a file called "Documentation.pdf" it is the Launchbox custom theme documentation. OR You can use the Community Theme Creator tool to create your own theme in a UI. It is a great tool that keeps getting developed so for now it has limitations. I do not mean that in a bad way. Some of the more fancier coding tricks are not in it...but y2guru seems to be constantly updating it.
  18. Could be something corrupt in the theme. Have you tried other themes to see if the alpha bar appears correctly?
  19. @viking Having the same issue as well. I know it is the correct version I downloaded since it shows the gray colored settings screen and has the new logo the shows "BigBox with Colorful". All platform screens remain the same green as the original version. Tested on 2 cabinets.
  20. Works fine for me. How are your playlists set up? Are they in their own category or just under certain platforms? Here you can see two playlists with different views.
  21. We have had a few posts on this. Check the link in this thread.
  22. You could probably change the view for your playlists to a text view. There is an option in BigBox to "Remember Separate View Per Platform" (or something along that name). When ticked you can then set each unique platform to one of the many views themes will have available. Standard in all themes is the requirement they have a TextView. To change views in a platform/playlist you will need to bind a key or button to the option for "Change View" in BigBox. Then when in that platform hit that key/button to change.
  23. Not that I am aware of. LB will download and name the files as the game name it is scraped against. This is likely how Jason designed it since there are many systems that can be imported that do not have a standardized rom file naming convention or in the case of some emulated systems even have unique names for the actual game files.
  24. It is definitely you coding you edited to. I tested the stock textgamesview.xaml and yours and the issue only occurs with your edits. I am not the most knowledgable in coding, but one thing I see offhand is the TransitionPresenter you have defined to span 7 rows, but your grid you have only defined 1 row. <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="26*" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="3*" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="71*" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="3*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="100*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="100*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <transitions:TransitionPresenter Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="7" TransitionSelector="{Binding ListTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding ListView}" Panel.ZIndex="99"/> </Grid> The second, and likely the biggest issue it lags is the use of "SelectedGame" for the images. Change these to show "ActiveGame" and it runs smoother. Selected game will make BigBox try and change the images for each game as fast as attract mode clicks through them. "Active" will only let it change once it stops. <Image Grid.Row="0" Source="{Binding SelectedGame.Box3DImagePath}" /> <Image Grid.Row="2" Source="{Binding SelectedGame.Cart3DImagePath}" />
  25. Retro808


    Unsure really what you mean? Font where exactly in BigBox? I am going to guess this is a clear logo issue. You may need to download clear logos for those systems if you did not. Make sure they are named exactly as you named those platforms. However, a pic of what you mean might better illustrate the issue. Also moving to a more appropriate sub forum. This one if for website/forum issues.
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