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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. I cannot really help much as I do not typically mess with image much in the themes, but I do know in themes folder of Minimal AO there is a .pdf that will tell you how to customize that theme quite a bit. It also lets you know where to place custom videos or background images to work with the theme.
  2. @FlawLezZ I simply copy then paste the script into the Autohotkey tab in the Edit Emulator screen within the Launchbox options.
  3. "General" is for across the board and will apply those controls to any machine you load. "Machine" is for an individual game. So if you want to set it for a certain game adjust the "Machine" inputs.
  4. Sometimes things are just that simple. I knew I saw that somewhere, but kept looking in the edit for the games versus platform edit.
  5. I was never able to get the bulk edit to work either. It kept wanting a file name versus a path. I simply copied all my game videos (those that I did not have LB download during import) to the specific system folder in the Launchbox\Video folder and Launchbox recognized them on start up. Videos for individual games go in \Launchbox\Videos\[system name folder] for example NES: \Launchbox\Videos\Nintendo Entertainment System
  6. There is some good information in a recent post about using standalone emulator vs. Retroarch here. The individual cores in RA are not always better than the standalone counterparts, but in quite a few they are. The post I linked gave me some great information on the pros and cons of standalone vs. RA so I figured I would link it.
  7. AHK script for Xarcade tankstick users to exit emulators that do not have internal binding options since Xarcade simulates key strokes. It is modified from the script in this post Script is set to use Player 4 start button and Player 2 start button as exit. Hold P4 and P2 for more than 2 seconds. Simply change "4" and/or "2" to the key of choice if you desire to use an alternate button key. This is using default Xarcade layout. Also you can lengthen or shorten the duration you have to hold the combo by changing "Duration > 2" (this is seconds) ~4 & 2:: Duration=0 Loop { Duration ++ If !GetKeyState("4","P") || !GetKeyState("2","P") Break If Duration > 2 { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} break } Sleep, 1000 } return
  8. @Egga I use this AHK script in the autohotkey tab of the emulators I need it in and I can close out of the emulator holding P4 and P2 buttons for more than 2 seconds. I found it in an old post and changed P1 to P4 as all my emulators are set to exit using that combo. ~4 & 2:: Duration=0 Loop { Duration ++ If !GetKeyState("4","P") || !GetKeyState("2","P") Break If Duration > 2 { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} break } Sleep, 1000 } return
  9. No worries. Glad I could have been some help.
  10. @Damico16 In BigBox. Back out and go into options and then look for "Security". It will allow you to set a PIN to lock. The user will still be able to back out into the menu that allows them to use the filter views, but when locked it removes the "Options" item from the menu and the user cannot select it to mess up settings.
  11. I do not believe so. There is a lock option that will prevent users from accessing the options to change setting though.
  12. Just to make sure you have this correct your videos should be as follows... Videos for individual games go in \Launchbox\Videos\[system name folder] for example NES: \Launchbox\Videos\Nintendo Entertainment System Videos for each system (if you have your systems set up as platforms and not playlists) go in \Launchbox\Videos\Platforms So in your platforms folder if you have at least one video named exactly as each system is named BigBox would play that video when you select the system. Such as Nintendo Wii.mp4, Sega Genesis.mp4, WonderSwan Color.mp4, and so on.
  13. LOL, that was back breaking work back then when you had to move the TV to another room or clean under it. RA actually is pretty easy to use now. I first tried to learn on a raspberry pi with the old UI and gave up. But on my pc with the new UI it has definitely been an easier process.
  14. The saves states, and the ability to set configurations unique to each core as well as even unique to each game is what sold me on using RA for most of the systems I have. I do not use many shaders, overlays, or bezels but having those options is great when I do want to. The save states is the clear winner for me. I hear what you say about scanlines. Grew up on that as well and I am not too nostalgic for it.
  15. @MetalVinnie Thanks for the bezels/configs and the how to. I had been wanting to look up how to do per game bezels so you helped me kill 2 birds with one stone. Love these black box bezels in my setup.
  16. Man I wish I had a creative eye to do these kinds of things. Looking amazing. Definitely adding to my theme rotation.
  17. edited: Did not read enough to see you edited your post that you found it. Direct links to themes downloads
  18. Wow. Those last pics really look good. The branding tone down really made a difference. Well, for me it did at least. I cannot wait to download a version when it is ready.
  19. Man that takes me back to my dresser back in the 80's. That thing had so many decals on it. I think you just made retro gaming even more nostalgic! Oh and that A-style sticker is classic! ????
  20. You can hit the details button on the top right of LB. It will open up a pane on the side of LB that displays metadata and the multiple images related to the rom. ((unless that is only a premium feature - not sure on that part as I have premium))
  21. If you choose a game and right click then edit the edit game screen in the bottom right side will show how many images are associated with that game. It will show something like 1/15 and you can click left/right to scroll through the images. Are all your games only showing 1/1?
  22. Hey look at that I was kind of helpful. I will take it over not being helpful at all. Thanks @DOS76 sharing your knowledge. It helped me learn a couple things.
  23. My answers will probably be basic as I am still learning, but here goes... 1. Does mame run the games fine without using launchbox? (the romset version has to match your version of mame). If so I would probably share snaps of an edit game detail (right click a game and choose edit). Show the launcher and emulation tabs. Then also go to edit emulator and share snaps of the emulator detail and associated platforms tabs. Maybe the experts can see if you have something missing or not linked correctly. 3. If you have videos already they can be placed in the correct system folder in the videos folder of your launchbox drive (\\LaunchBox\Videos\<system name>). Also in view menu make sure "auto-play video" is checked. I do not think it is defaulted to auto play. 4. Mame chd files go in a folder named for each rom and is placed in the main folder you have your roms. example: /mame/roms/carnevil.zip /mame/roms/carnevil/<carnevilchdfiles> 5.. They can be on different drives as long as you are directing launchbox correctly.
  24. I recommend using some the of tutorials. It really is easy, plus this forum is amazing at helping when you get in a spot. Here is a specific video tutorial for SNES. Example: Using Retroarch to emulate SNES. First you have to download Retroarch and the needed core for SNES you want to use then in the input setting of Retroarch set up your controller and your hotkeys. Then in Launchbox/BigBox import you roms and set the default. You also will need to set any specific controller/keyboard commands in LaunchBox/BigBox you want for use in LB/BB. These are separate from what you set in the emulator. Now both should run as you set them up. The retropie/retroarch/emulationstation is a bit different as most users are downloading an image where someone has already done the basic set-ups and all the user needs to do is connect a controller and set it up in Emulationstation. I know for me that's all I did.
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