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Everything posted by sundogak

  1. @taz2350 You need to go into Retroarch and download the cores from within the emulator, that isn't done by LB which is why they are all listed as missing. I use RA for most things and here is example of working setup (notice the status). See snap of RA where you download via their updater system. @CDBlue You do not need to check the "Extract ROM archives before running" in LB for almost all RA cores. RA will work natively with 7Z and ZIP format.
  2. @Belgarath Oops, I stand corrected. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/87087 I guess when I looked way back when adding didn't notice since hadn't imported them with search turned on. I remember seeing a thread at one point on adding some fields as well. The problem I see is that with them all jammed into the Pinball platform and not by say Future Pinball, Virtual Pinball, etc. along with no version field or indicator of "recreation" or "original" (for FP) it will get confusing on which table is which art wise. It took me a long time to cleanup my Pinball section and add art, naming, etc, so will have to take a look and see what can add media wise at least for the more popular tables.
  3. @Strblast Not sure if still having issue but in case someone comes across the thread with same question. Here is a screenshot below. Need to check the highlighted box. Pinball Arcade only wants the short table name to start and not full path as long as CamMod settings.ini file has the correct path to the Pinball Arcade DX11 executable. Then I just have a dummy text file with the appropriate table name reference in the title of the text file (see highlight for Star Trek example)
  4. @vaderag EmuMovies does have some media, so likely that is where it is pulling from if query from LB. But Pinball (sadly) is not in the DB beyond those few that are part of MAME. You can validate by noting in the edit window and pinball games will not show there is a Launchbox DB ID to the far right of the name. There are some packs of media in the download section of the forum (logos for FP for example) so might also check that section out. But otherwise a lot of hunting and/or generating of own media on the pinball front.
  5. With the recent updates in MAME with TV Plug and Play Games, here are a few logos that may have be of use to others:
  6. @fyrenthenimar Dragon57 did the X and X2 blanks already. See here on page 31 of this thread for those two: Here are the two others you wanted for TaitoType X+ and Exboard in similar style to what was done previously:
  7. I am not clear why you are trying to re-download the files if you have the VLDPs and ROMs from PD as you mention in your post. Ultimately, don't need the loader once have the files (framefile, vldp, rom, and batch to call daphne.exe) since can launch with batch command which is also what LB needs anyway. If have the VLDP and ROMs than likely a framefile and path issue which can be fixed with no downloads (would need more info to help, like screen snaps of directory structure you have, particularly the VLDP locations). If you don't have the VLDP files, then like Asparky said, the torrent feature in the Daphne loader no longer works so you have to acquire via other means.
  8. When I had this issue, the fix was to go to the emulator site: https://www.ppsspp.org/downloads.html Then download the Windows ZIP file with the emulator and look inside the Asset directory. Make a duplicate of your existing PPSSPP directory in your Retroarch/System/PPSSPP path. Copy the the newer *.zim files, two of which are UI related from those you downloaded from the PPSSPP site into your Retroarch/System PPSSPP directory (which is basically all the files that are in the Assets folder from the PPSSPP site). That should fix. Alternatively, if that doesn't work try replacing all files with the entire contents of the Asset directory from the downloaded PPSSPP zip file to your Retroarch/System/PPSSPP path. Make sure to move the PSP folder (which has all your save files) from your backup over to the new PPSSPP directory with the Asset contents.
  9. You are getting this error which seems like a path issue: EXCEPTION: The given path's format is not supported. at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath) Also, your edit game window doesn't look quite right. I snapped mine below and I also use RA. That should be a relative path in the ROM file listing (see yellow highlight) which should be two periods followed by path. Your path starts off with the "Games" directory with no backslash or periods. As a test, you might go to the browse button and browse to the SMC file and see if that test file works.
    Not sure the prior reviewers issue. The script works as intended. I used this script when originally released because at that time there was no built in solution within LB and it was a real pain to integrate otherwise. So my review is a bit late, but thanks for making life easy! When LB was updated some time after this loader was made, LB allowed the %romfile% variable where you can now call the command line parameters directly from the emulator details screen under Default Command-Line Parameters: /open %romfile% /play /exit Basically, use this AHK script or the LB built in call command above and get FP goodness in LB/BB. On the screen rotation issue noted above. Rotating the screen is an emulator function, not a LB or a launcher issue. So not sure what the reviewer was thinking LB and this script were supposed to do. You want fancy with backglass and arcade mode (rotated into table view) on per game basis, gotta go the BAM route with a saved BAM CFG file with whatever settings you want within FP.
  10. Changing the settings in the Daphne Loader doesn't work because the batch commands are launching the Daphne.exe file directly, not through the loader. The Daphne Loader is really just a small front end to a program that generates a custom launch command, you just don't see that it is really sending a command line to run things (unless you set otherwise). Basically, that means any cheats have to be enabled via the command line that is launching the Daphne game from LB. To enable cheats in some games like Dragon's Lair, you have to do it by the command line that changes the "bank" setting (or dip switches). Sadly, it is somewhat confusing to implement via command line since you have to know which bank and bits to change. There is an easy way and hard way. First the hard way. A list of dip switch settings for Daphne games are here. Just to be more difficult, for the Dragon's Lair and Space Ace games the settings they will show as "Bank A" and Bank B" which correspond to Bank 0 and Bank 1, respectively in the command line and the number indicates a bit number starting with ZERO and from the RIGHT. So if it says change B3 to "on", that means you have to change -bank 1 00000000 to -bank 1 00001000 So for example, Dragon's Lair for most ROMs (dip switch settings can vary by ROM version) is for Unlimited Derk's by changing Bank 1, 2nd bit from 1 to 0. So in my case (note your other dip switch settings may be different than mine depending on ROM revision you have): -bank 0 11011001 -bank 1 00100011 For normal lives it is: -bank 0 11011001 -bank 1 00100111 For Space Ace it is Bank 1, 5th bit from 0 to 1 (again, starts from right and and numbered 0 through 7) -bank 0 00000000 -bank 1 00100001 Easier Way: A bit easier way is to do the following. Open up the Daphne Loader from outside Launch Box. Go to the Configure Menu: Select the options you want such as "Unlimited Lives" Hit Apply. Go to the Advanced Tab and toggle the "Display Command Line" option to on. Hit Apply. From outside Launchbox start a game within the Daphne Loader. Before the game starts, you will see a pop up box with the command line that the Daphne Loader is using to launch the game. The "Bank" settings/dip switches (highlighted below) are now automatically set with whatever options you set in the Loader drop downs and you can copy/paste the bank portion of the command into your batch command that Launchbox uses. No worries about searching for the bit settings to change. You should then have unlimited lives with that batch command and those bank/dip switch settings. You can use this method to change any of the options such as difficulty level. The key is that the "bank" settings are what is telling the Daphne.exe emulator via Launchbox what to do option wise.
  11. I re-downloaded via the online downloader (not the version in the LB repository) and it still has this issue present. Anything with a name where it has a set of (USA) for the region like "Asteroids (USA).png" will not show up as present if doing a "filter missing" check box. Files that have the typical LB naming work as expected. Consistent across groups such as Front-Cart and Box 3D. If I rename the file without the "(Europe)" or "(USA)" it picks up. I replace back then doesn't again so definitely the (*) is causing issues. Cannot tell which version I am using since don't see rev number, but downloaded on 3/10 so should be the latest. Thanks for the program, much speedier than LB to when working out gaps on media. But a lot of my art was imported in mass with the above naming convention corresponding to the ROM, so makes a problem on some sets.
  12. If just talking MAME and imported using the fullset feature then just do a playlist with following: It will pull off the genre tag in MAME and include those they deemed mature. If talking all other platforms, then depends on what "mature" means (i.e., violent games or those with nudity/adult themes). Could pull off the ESRB rating for post 1995ish games but that assumes they have been flagged in the LB DB where could use a playlist to sort/exclude. Anything prior to 1995 (other than MAME), likely hit or miss. When I had to do this for some younger relatives, I erred on side of caution and only included my "favorites" in each platform and only the early console eras (e.g., NES, SNES) where I could be sure we were looking at games that wouldn't cause any issues. There were not as many during that period but did have the occasional ones like "Custer's Revenge" for Atari 2600 to watch for. Hiding is not good in my mind if you no longer have control of the system since someone is bound to un-hide if not knowing (or curious).
  13. There are many different playlists videos here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/category/24-playlist-theme-videos/
  14. Might also check this thread out with similar discussion.
  15. Sounds like you don't have a complete MAME set. LB/BB will open up the specific region game without having mess with the ROMs as long as they are named correctly. Do the games open up outside of LB in MAME? You mentioned RAR, I am assuming your files are in ZIP format, correct? If in RAR format that is an issue (try a zip format if that is case).
  16. Those look like the correct names so should be grabbing the info. Only thing would be to double check the Title when you go into edit the platform and verify it is the same inclusive of "dash" etc. I did find in some cases that for whatever reason some platforms wouldn't show up right away with the info/graphics. I recall a few I forced by just uploading the graphics directly. I did notice they eventually had the details/text filled out so at some point looked like it updated. Anyway, the platform graphics are attached if want to manually do it. On the playlist question there are a couple things to keep in mind. LB looks for playlist graphics in one of two locations. First one is the theme folder you are using (in my example shown I am using Unified Refried). See below for locations: Option 1: Within the Theme Folder - Advantage is that you can use different graphics for specific themes and is method I use but takes up more space in files and not quite automated for some things (i.e., may have to verify names of files). Option 2: Within the Default location for LB. Note any graphics here will apply to all themes. Note the folders here are by the name of the playlist (so a lot of them potentially). Under these are the Clear Logo folder, etc. Now onto your question. In your case, if you changed the playlist name from "racing" to "racin' games" then you have to go in to folders above and make sure the graphic is there (or copy from one you have) as well as make sure the name matches the Unique Name or the Nested Name of playlist. You must have had the logo for Racing but if you didn't duplicate and/or rename it to your new playlist name it will not know what graphic to use. It doesn't automatically rename the associated graphics if you change the name of the playlist. So in my case below, I have a "Racing Games" and a "Racing" logo. I have a playlist in Mame with a Nested Name called "Racing Games" and all other platforms it is "Racing" (long story why that is in my case but didn't want to mess with it in renaming things once was working). Basically, you have to sync up the playlists naming with the graphics used. At least for "Option 1" for playlists (not case for categories), LB looks for the "Unique Name" of the playlist and if doesn't see that then tries the "Nested Name". The benefit is I only have to have one graphic for all playlists that are in all my platforms. If using option 2, then need to make sure you have the graphic named with the Nested Name in the applicable Playlist/Clear Logo folder. TurboGrafx-16.zip TurboGrafx-CD.zip
  17. Dragon57 did a whole slew of blank templates in this thread (Page 33) and Neo Geo CD is one of them. See the zip file he attached.
  18. @cleverestPS was still open with this one so easy text change
  19. @weller96c Here are the SHMUPs you wanted and since quite a few I have zipped them and attached. Examples are below of what is in zip file below. Credit Retrohuminoid on many of the Platform logos from his Refried Bigbox theme. SHMUPS.zip
  20. see the above thread where PSX2PSP was discussed and the PBP format. It is a PS1 only solution since was designed by Sony for running PSX images on PSP.
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