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Posted (edited)

Thank you very very much @CriticalCid for the theme! Awesome work!

Can you please give me a hint how i can put the wheel on the left? i cant seem to find it in the xml datas.

im using the vikings platform videos and it just would look perfect if the wheel would spin on the left side :)


thank you very much!!

Edited by Codiox

@Codiox I am not sure if Cid will tell you directly how to edit the xml, but early on he did say for now at least he will not make a version that supports the wheel on the left. I think it is on page 4 where he mentioned it. 

3 hours ago, Retro808 said:

@Codiox I am not sure if Cid will tell you directly how to edit the xml, but early on he did say for now at least he will not make a version that supports the wheel on the left. I think it is on page 4 where he mentioned it. 

Oh I see. Than please let me now how I can fix this by myself, because I really need it. 


Unfortunately that’s not quite as easy as other modifications. You’ll basically need to completely revert the column theme structure and mirror some elements by 180° in order to this.

I'm assuming that  you have no experience with WPF/XAML and guiding you through the whole process would just take me much more time than to just do it myself. And as the latter is already too time consuming for me at this point I have to tell you that can’t help you with that. I’m truly sorry.


Thank you for your response. Actually I'm an electronic engineer with experience in XML structures. So if you think that is enough to do it on my own, I would gladly take your help and advices. If you could tell me what parts in the XAMLs I can play around with, that would be awesome :)

Thank you. 


Well all elements are commented so I hope that helps a little.

You'll have to reverse the order of the columns inside the columns definition and assign the Grid.Column properties of the wheel and pointer according to the new order. For example if the Wheel was previously on the very right column 4 it would be now the very left column 0, etc.

As for mirroring the wheel and the pointer it could be enough to just invert the respective properties but I haven't tested that myself so you'll need to play around with that yourself.


Is there a way to Download the original version 1.0 of the theme? I love the theme, it's amazing! Thank you for making it! but i prefer the old Game Details Screen.

Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, CriticalCid said:

Well all elements are commented so I hope that helps a little.

You'll have to reverse the order of the columns inside the columns definition and assign the Grid.Column properties of the wheel and pointer according to the new order. For example if the Wheel was previously on the very right column 4 it would be now the very left column 0, etc.

As for mirroring the wheel and the pointer it could be enough to just invert the respective properties but I haven't tested that myself so you'll need to play around with that yourself.

That's a start, thank you very much! I will look into it! Any way to test it besides starting big box every time? Is there some kind of debugger for this? How are you designing these themes?

Edited by Codiox
12 minutes ago, Nawaf said:

Is there a way to Download the original version 1.0 of the theme? I love the theme, it's amazing! Thank you for making it! but i prefer the old Game Details Screen.

Unfortunately I don't have it anymore but you can simply delete the TextGamesView.xaml file inside the Views folder


7 minutes ago, Codiox said:

That's a start, thank you very much! I will look into it! Any way to test it besides starting big box every time? Is there some kind of debugger for this? How are you designing these themes?

You get some kind of visual feedback when you use VisualStudio but personally I don't find it very useful and just use Notepad++ for everything. When you edit a Games View you can just go back to the platforms menu and if you editing a Platforms View you can enter the options menu and then go back to see the new changes.

1 minute ago, CriticalCid said:


You get some kind of visual feedback when you use VisualStudio but personally I don't find it very useful and just use Notepad++ for everything. When you edit a Games View you can just go back to the platforms menu and if you editing a Platforms View you can enter the options menu and then go back to see the new changes.

Wow, didn't know it take the changes immediately! Thanks for that! Is there a way to run big box in a window? I'm using notepad++ on a daily base so that's a plus!

14 minutes ago, CriticalCid said:

Unfortunately I don't have it anymore but you can simply delete the TextGamesView.xaml file inside the Views folder

Thanks, i'll try that!

Please check my post in the previous page about the visual differences, i'm curious if that's normal or not. 

2 hours ago, Nawaf said:

Thanks, i'll try that!

Please check my post in the previous page about the visual differences, i'm curious if that's normal or not. 

I’ve talked with Jason about this and it seems to be a Big Box issue caused by changing themes on the fly. He’s aware of that and wants to fix it in the future.

But for now there’s nothing I can do about that really.

3 hours ago, CriticalCid said:

I’ve talked with Jason about this and it seems to be a Big Box issue caused by changing themes on the fly. He’s aware of that and wants to fix it in the future.


But for now there’s nothing I can do about that really.


Thanks! That's good to know.


Unified Add-on Package v1.1 released!

The talented @RetroHumanoid was working hard and did artwork for 200(!) new Collections for the Unified theme! That takes the covered playlists in the Add-on package now up to 295 in total! Like previously it also includes all Clear Logos for them as well.

He also did platform videos for everything that's currently covered in the Add-on package. They can be downloaded from his website and will be also directly available through LaunchBox once Jason found them to upload them all, but that’s not entirely in our hands when that will happen.

For now grab them from here:



List of all 200 newly added Collections:


19XX Collection
Ace Attorney Collection
Ace Combat Collection
Addams Family Collection
After Burner Collection
Aladdin Collection
Alex Kidd Collection
Alien Breed Collection
Alone in The Dark Collection
Animal Crossing Collection
Arkanoid Collection
Armored Core Collection
Army Men Collection
Art of Fighting Collection
Assassin's Creed Collection
Asterix & Obelix Collection
Asteroids Collection
Atelier Collection
Back To The Future Collection
Backyard Sports Collection
Barbie Collection
Bases Loaded Collection
Battle Arena Toshinden Collection
Battle Chess Collection
Battletoads Collection
Beauty and The Beast Collection
Ben 10 Collection
Bleach Collection
Bomb Jack Collection
Breath of Fire Collection
Bubble Bobble Collection
Bubsy Collection
Buck Rogers Collection
Bugs Bunny Collection
Burgertime Collection
Burnout Collection
Call of Duty Collection
Captain America Collection
Carmen Sandiego Collection
Cars Collection
Cartoon Network Collection
Centipede Collection
Chuck Rock Collection
Clay Fighter Collection
Colin Mcrae Collection
Columns Collection
Command & Conquer Collection
Darius Collection
Darkstalkers Collection
DC Comics Collection
DDR Collection
Dead Or Alive Collection
Defender Collection
Die Hard Collection
Dig Dug Collection
Digimon Collection
Donald Duck Collection
Doraemon Collection
Dr. Mario Collection
Dragon's Lair Collection
Duke Nukem Collection
Dungeon Master Collection
Earthworm Jim Collection
ECCO The Dolphin Collection
ESPN Collection
F-Zero Collection
Fallout Collection
Final Fight Collection
Fire Emblem Collection
Fire Pro Wrestling Collection
Flintstones Collection
Galaga Collection
Garfield Collection
Ghostbusters Collection
Golgo 13 Collection
Gremlins Collection
Gundam Collection
Harry Potter Collection
Harvest Moon Collection
He-Man Collection
Hello Kitty Collection
Home Alone Collection
Hot Wheels Collection
House of The Dead Collection
Impossible Mission Collection
Incredible Hulk Collection
Indiana Jones Collection
Iron Man Collection
James Pond Collection
Jeopardy Collection
Jetsons Collection
Jim Henson Collection
John Madden Collection
Jurassic Park Collection
King's Quest Collection
Kingdom Hearts Collection
Legacy of Kain Collection
Lemmings Collection
Lion King Collection
Lode Runner Collection
Lord of The Rings Collection
Lupin the 3rd Collection
Madagascar Collection
Mana Collection
Maniac Mansion Collection
Mappy Collection
Marvel Comics Collection
Medal of Honor Collection
Mickey Mouse Collection
Micro Machines Collection
Might & Magic Collection
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Collection
MLB Collection
Monkey Island Collection
Monopoly Collection
Monster Rancher Collection
Mr. Do! Collection
Ms. Pacman Collection
Naruto Collection
NASCAR Collection
NBA Jam Collection
NBA Live Collection
Need for Speed Collection
NFL Blitz Collection
NFL Gameday Collection
Nobunaga's Ambition Collection
One Piece Collection
Outrun Collection
Paperboy Collection
Peanuts Collection
Phantasy Star Collection
Pirates of The Caribbean Collection
Pitfall Collection
Popeye Collection
Populous Collection
Powerpuff Girls Collection
Predator Collection
Primal Rage Collection
Punisher Collection
Puyo Puyo Collection
Puzzle Bobble Collection
Quake Collection
R-Type Collection
Raiden Collection
Rainbow Islands Collection
Rampage Collection
Rastan Collection
Rayman Collection
Road Rash Collection
Robin Hood Collection
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Collection
Rugrats Collection
Sailor Moon Collection
Scooby-Doo Collection
Shadow of The Beast Collection
Shin Megami Tensei Collection
Shining Force Collection
Shinobi Collection
Shrek Collection
Sim City Collection
Smurfs Collection
Soul Calibur Collection
South Park Collection
Space Harrier Collection
Space Invaders Collection
Splatterhouse Collection
Spy vs Spy Collection
Starfox Collection
Strider Collection
Syphon Filter Collection
Tales Collection
Terminator Collection
Test Drive Collection
Thundercats Collection
Tiny Toons Collection
Tom & Jerry Collection
Tom Clancy Collection
Tony Hawk Collection
Top Gear Collection
Toy Story Collection
TRON Collection
Turok Collection
Turrican Collection
Twisted Metal Collection
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Collection
Virtua Fighter Collection
Warhammer 40K Collection
Warhammer Collection
Warriors Collection
WCW Collection
Wheel of Fortune Collection
Wizardry Collection
Wolfenstein Collection
Wolverine Collection
Worms Collection
WWF Collection
Y's Collection
Yu Yu Hakusho Collection
Yu-Gi-Oh! Collection
Zork Collection


If you like this release please check out @RetroHumanoid's website and YouTube channel for more of his stuff and say hi:



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