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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. Yeah that works but if LB is importing your bios files you are doing something wrong it is definitely not supposed to do so.
  2. Try editing those games individually and trying to get the video from there. You can get options for the title in the individual edit form for LB instead of it auto picking everything in the bulk import.
  3. Oh maybe something is changed then it use to be if you added your own files it would just work with either name didn't know it now changed them.
  4. if you add your game images to the LB image folder it will correctly detect them with either the LB title or the rom name. So you shouldn't need to change anything.
  5. That or copy the ROMs and name them the clone name but the fake zip should definitely work. I also believe that you maybe able to make an additonal app named after the clone ROM minus the .zip and check the use without file extension checkbox under manage emulators
  6. Neils solution of using the built in button combos in MAME is the best way to go especially over using any 3rd party software that is unnecessary in this case .
  7. DOS76

    Demul problems

    yeah usually when they update the emulator they update to the latest MAME ROMs lets just hope they don't go another 14 months until they update again like they did last time as using updated ROMs was starting to cause issue.
  8. DOS76

    Demul problems

    The last Demul build is from 11/11/2017 (if they haven't snuck one by me) and it is updated to support the MAME build from October I think it would be 0.191 I don't know how much the ROMs have changed prior to those updates or since so its hard to say with certainty which ROMs from which sets will of won't work. Getting the latest set will probably not cause any issues but don't hold me to that.
  9. No problem I'm glad everything worked out for you with minimal hassle and thank you for the kind words.
  10. DOS76

    Demul problems

    While you can simply add your MAME path to Demul that doesn't really help you get the ROMs setup in LB/BB especially if you want them to be separated into their own platform. If you run the tools you will get a folder for the specific platform which is then easy to import into LB at that point you could actually go into LB and change their path to your MAME folder and delete the ROMs in the folder but without initially separating them how would you import them. The fact that these games don't work in MAME will also exclude them from being imported with a normal MAME import so these same games will not be listed in your arcade platform unless you import broken and non working games also which is something I wouldn't be interested in doing personally.
  11. I don't know I have a few builds on Windows 10 tablets that all run from the micro SD slot they are ultra light weight and only include front box art and use text list in BigBox while there are some issues with loading (RAM cache has to be turned all the way down or you get out of memory errors) I find that RetroArch is always snappy on them so when it comes to the most important aspect of it actually playing the games I've found that they perform nicely at least for me from a microSD card.
  12. Might be hard pressed to find anyone with snes mini experience here but someone might know.
  13. It depends how it is set up really best thing to do is copy your LB folder to D without removing it from C and try testing it to see what is and what isn't working. It will depend how you set it up on how portable it is, If it isn't working on D come back here and post and we will help you troubleshoot it further.
  14. I think Demul can run dats but I've only used MAME ROMs personally.
  15. I don't know anything about trackballs sorry. As for the ability to use both controls I'm not sure as I don't have that setup. I just moved and haven't got my arcade machine plugged in or setup yet so I can't test at the moment either.
  16. I don't use a NAS I have a Windows Server 2016 Essentials machine and I have alot of my ROMs on there and they load great across many different computers. I would 2nd the suggestion of using the ROMs and not the images from your network resource.
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Easyget-Encoder-Joystick-Illuminated-Buttons/dp/B00WAY9848/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1515281735&sr=8-10&keywords=zero+delay+usb+encoder That is a link to the ones I bought for my Arcade machine
  18. I have zero delay encoders that are seen as gamepads and not keyboards I like them alot but don't know if they are better or not just know they work well for me.
  19. @Grila has some really nice lightweight themes you may want to look at.
  20. I believe the duplicate tool does a crc check so if the files aren't exactly the same you should be good. To test choose one comic you know has multiple different covers and copy those to another folder while leaving the originals in there then run the tool they should still be there but if not you know not to run the tool.
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