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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. I can't help with your crashing issue but just to let you know the forum doesn't reflect whether or not you are a premium member.
  2. That would be cool I was just trying to get functional for right now
  3. If you have a multi-disc and it has additional apps added to it you can access it from the games detail view do you have that turned off by chance?
  4. Not really beyond copying other peoples scripts and slightly modifying them slightly if needed.
  5. What is it Reread the original post I see it now.
  6. Yeah there are people here that know AHK pretty well.
  7. I'm only speaking for myself here but there are already people doing reviews and showcases of the program on their YT channels really anyone could do a review of the program, and videos like these are nothing but good for LB for the simple fact that your viewers could be potential new users of the program so I seriously doubt you will meet with any resistance from anyone here about it.
  8. Good to know that is one controller type that their isn't really any good options to buy. I would fear buying the ancient used controllers and the fact you have to buy a Flashback to get the controller isn't ideal but probably the best option. I wish the adapter worked with 2600 paddles that would make it even more attractive a purchase.
  9. do you have to use both systems flashback controllers or does the Intellivision one work with Coleco also
  10. In the Nestopia settings I believe you can turn off confirm on exit
  11. On 2nd thought if it requires a keyboard he probably just uses his keyboard so he may not be able to shed much light on this
  12. Also if you look around in the forums I think I remember someone already writing a small utility that already does this by overwriting your startup.mp4 with other videos that you place in a folder together.
  13. I didn't mean to come off harsh so I apologize. To make a feature request it is recommended that you use the Issues/Requests link in the sites header and make it over on BitBucket this way it can be tracked and voted on. If you decide to make one be sure to vote for it yourself and link it in this post to give others a better opportunity to support it.
  14. I don't know about the AHK part but I do know that @Zombeaveris an avid C64 fan so maybe he knows away to config the buttons how you would like either with or without AHK
  15. There is another thread about this already
  16. There are a few stand alone Intellivision emulators but they aren't all that great I personally just use MAME/MESS though personally if you use these in LB you will need the command line parameters intv -cart. Also you will need the bios files but if you already have a full rom set they should already be included there.
  17. Also real feature request that are tracked and accounted for should be put on the BitBucket page suggesting things on the forum it all just gets lost in the shuffle.
  18. Yeah because MAME is for the average person we have tons of people here who don't understand MAME shit I'm only scratching the surface of understanding it myself. Hey as long as there is a toggle to turn it off and it doesn't interfere with my setup I don't care what gets added.
  19. If you have a PC you can use DropBox to sync your builds and all the configs on your PC would then go to the cab that was how Jason had his set up. I also have an Arcade cab and I have a mini Bluetooth keyboard connected to it so I can work on it when needed
  20. I have roms in my folders that aren't in LB becasue I picked what to import and I certainly don't want it to add any of them automatically. How hard is it to run the scan really especially knowing you added new games you want add. One mans improvement is another mans hindrance
  21. I don't have an more advice but to report as a bug
  22. write a batch file that does all the steps that you need and make that the emulator.
  23. You could try moving the folder to the location you want and then creating a symbolic link to where the folder is supposed to be as a workaround.
  24. There you go much better than I could explain it
  25. have you tried to remove the video and then if it starts without the video go into the options and change your video playback engine. Then drop the video back in and see if that fixes it for you.
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