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Everything posted by Retrofrogg

  1. @Z3R0B4NG those boxes look amazing. Did you get anywhere with this? I'm not sure about the area surrounding the box though. I don't think that would look good in a grid type view. Maybe something like this would look better: Even better would be a true 3D model, which you could rotate in Launchbox. I mentioned this top Jason and he seemed keen on the idea at the time - but I don't know how high up his priority list it is currently.
  2. Tiger Handhelds artwork (units) View File Artwork pack for the Tiger Handheld platform. 42 unit images. I put them into the cart-front folder in Launchbox. Transparent and high qualitee. 02.05.24 - Street Fighter II & Pit Fighter added; should now be a complete set with MAME 0.265. Submitter Retrofrogg Submitted 04/14/2020 Category Tiger Electronics Handheld  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Artwork pack for the Tiger Handheld platform. 42 unit images. I put them into the cart-front folder in Launchbox. Transparent and high qualitee. 02.05.24 - Street Fighter II & Pit Fighter added; should now be a complete set with MAME 0.265.
  4. Yeah I know you didn't, just trying to track it down. Interesting to hear that they haven't made that one.
  5. @wallmachine - awesome! gnw_mariocmt artwork seems to be missing (table top version of Cement Factory).
  6. It would be useful, when viewing your collection on the Launchbox database (or indeed anyone's collection for that matter) to have game counts next to the platforms - like you get in Launchbox.
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  7. Any chance of doing the Amstrad CPC?
  8. These look very good. Great work!
  9. Finished with the project - time to play? Have you looked at upgrading hardware specs?
  10. Is there no sound with your vid? Also, there must be something that you can do about that lag when switching between platforms.
  11. I just updated my Flashpoint to the latest version - the game count went from around 9000 to 35,000, which is great. This time I've not added Flashpoint to Launchbox however - at least not yet. I took a quick look at the folder structure and it looked like the import to Launchbox procedure might have to be changed - I'm not sure. Plus, I don't know if 35,000 extra games will slow LB down a bit. For the time being, I've just got the Flashpoint shortcut next to the Launchbox one and am doing it that way
  12. Didn't realise that was available in the settings, thanks!
  13. Love the new high scores feature! A couple of problems regarding the current implementation: - the (4) leaderboards take up most of the space in the game details pane, so when browsing, instead of viewing the videos, screenshots & game info, it's mainly the leaderboards that are visible - when scrolling down the game details pane with the mouse wheel, the leaderboards scroll instead - you have to put your mouse at the very bottom of the gam,e details pane to get it all to scroll. Would be great if the leaderboards could be an expandable feature in the game details pane, or perhaps placed at the bottom below the other stuff. Even better, have the game details pane as a detachable module that you can display on another screen, but that's a separate request...
  14. Lol OK....thanks for trying to help mate, appreciated. So I am still trying to add a UI element to the textgamesview that shows the currently selected playlist. @y2guru - is this currently possible?
  15. I think you're misunderstanding me my friend! I do not want to edit the textfilters view. I want to edit the textgamesview. And within the textgamesview, I would like to have a UI element which displays the name of the playlist that is selected.
  16. @Mr. RetroLust doesn't your screenshot show textgamesview, not textfiltersview?
  17. I can't find TextFiltersView. To be clear, don't want to edit a different view - I'm still working on the game list view. I just want it to show the current playlist somewhere on that view. For example, I might be in the games list view for computers/MSDOS/Sierra Games - as well as the platform MSDOS logo (that I currently have showing as a UI element), I want it to show the playlist (Sierra Games) also.
  18. Also, another wee feature request - could the shadow feature also go all the way round the UI element, rather than just at a set angle?
  19. Odd issue I'm having with my marquee screen. My current setup is like this: Main monitor (central) - Asus Rog Swift PG2789Q - 2560 x 1440 Marquee monitor (to the left) - LG 27UK600 - 3840 x 2160 The problem I'm having is that in BigBox, the marquee screen (the LG) doesn't seem to quite fill the screen - it looks like there is a ?single pixel line across the top of the monitor where I can see what is behind the BigBox marquee screen (i.e. usually my desktop). See the below pic for an example: That line across the top is actually the top of my Chrome browser which is the window running behind BigBox. I don't think it's a theme issue, as when I change to different themes the problem remains. What I have noticed however, is that if I switch the main & theme monitors in the BigBox settings, I don't get the white line when the marquee screen is on my main (central) monitor. So I wonder if it has something to do with the monitor resolution or something? I also don't think it's a general PC/monitor issue, as other apps go fullscreen fine (e.g. Retroarch). Any help appreciated!
  20. @y2guru is there a way to show current playlist? If not would be a great addition, in particular for those that browse mainly by playlist rather than platform.
  21. OK. The scrolling works with other themes I have seen. I have realised that with your theme creator the text does scroll, though there seems to be a delay to it starting and then it scrolls very slowly (even when adjusting the scroll speed in the editor to the 2 extremes). FYI, I'm working on a dual screen theme. Progress can be seen here:
  22. Currently working on a dual screen BigBox theme, aiming to maximise screen real estate for all that juicy media and metadata. My aims for this theme are to present a comprehensive amount of media and metadata, with a focus on the original media especially the front and back box art. I am trying to avoid any unnecessary embellishments and to give an overall clean and uncluttered look that is easy on the eyes. My initial inspirations for this theme were the MSDOS big box games and the Meagre interface, which showed both front and back box art for MSDOS games as well as other media. I initially developed a theme for one screen, though went on to expand it for 2 screens. A beta version of the theme will be uploaded in due course. Still have the platform views etc to work on. At this stage I have provided a screenshot of the game list view and would be keen for any feedback or suggestions. Big thanks to Dave @y2guru for developing the theme creator which I used to make this, and to @eXo for creating the eXoDOS pack that inspired and necessitated this theme.
  23. Thanks mate. And can you choose different types of screenshot? Or is that something for the future? Also - does the scrolling text UI element work? I set it to show notes, but when I export the theme to BigBox it doesn't scroll.
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