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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. Not for certain, but try this start /b Daphne.exe %1 vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile "D:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\%1\%1.txt"
  2. It's not possible to make Future Pinball portable. Though I think the install doesn't add any files outside of the FP directory, it does add several things to the Registry. VPX is the same way.
  3. No. It'll use the same numbers. If you don't mind doing a little experimenting/troubleshooting... with your N64 controller plugged in and no other controllers, try this Joy10:: KeyWait, Joy10, T1 if (ErrorLevel) Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} Launch a game and once it's loaded, press and hold your Start button for 2 to 3 seconds. If all goes well, it will close your emulator. And if not, it's probably a problem with the joy #. Read more here:
  4. Do you have more than one controller? Are you using controller #1? Are you pressing and holding button 7 before pressing button 8? Are you sure those are the correct button numbers for your controller?
  5. Try swapping Joy7 and Joy8. Also I think you need to tell it which controller you're using [by adding the "1" at top]. 1Joy8:: If GetKeyState("Joy7") { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } Here, you need to press (and hold) Joy7 first, and then press Joy8. Also, the "WinClose" is a better exit command to use. Just sayin'.
  6. That's an interesting way to close an emulator. Well, I should say that's new to me. But if it works, great! Any chance you tested it by pressing Escape on your keyboard? Just curious. Because if that doesn't work, neither will the following. And using Escape (just for initial testing purposes) makes it easier to troubleshoot if there are issues. Similar to Esc:: before, but using the joy button run, "full\path\to\BetterJoyForCemu.exe" 1Joyx:: { WinClose, ahk_exe BetterJoyForCemu.exe WinClose, ahk_exe dolphin.exe } Replace the "x" in "1Joyx::" with the button number corresponding to the "Close Active Window" button you setup in BigBox. (It should show you the button 'number'). For example, if it says 'button 12', you'd use "1Joy12::".
  7. @The_Keeper86 So the "command" is press the PS & ∆ buttons at the same time? Hmmm...... well then.... I have no idea. I can tell you how to say, open NotePad if the PS & ∆ buttons are pressed. [Detect an XInput Button press] But I have idea how to... if Notepad is opened, 'press the PS & ∆ buttons'. [Send an XInput Button press] Obviously an oddball example, but detecting and sending Xinput stuff are two different animals.
  8. Just did a little testing with this and it seems the Escape hotkey here messes with closing the emulator. For my tests I used notepad.exe instead BetterJoy. The Running AutoHotkey Script does indeed load BEFORE LaunchBox has the emulator run the game. But when I hit Escape, Notepad (in my sample test) closes, but Dolphin (also tested with MAME) does not. When I hit Escape again, it still doesn't close. Verified Dolphin had focus and still wouldn't close with Escape. So plan "B" (verified to work with Notepad and Dolphin) run, notepad.exe $esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe notepad.exe WinClose, ahk_exe dolphin.exe } @otavioraposojr Just replace "notepad.exe" (2 spots) with your BetterJoy executable filename ("BetterJoyForCemu.exe"?) and put this is the Running AutoHotkey Script tab as Koroth said. run, "full\path\to\BetterJoyForCemu.exe" $esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe BetterJoyForCemu.exe WinClose, ahk_exe dolphin.exe } (Of course changing the "full\path\to\" in the 1st line)
  9. Edit the game that's missing the image, go to Media - Images and select Download Media and then uncheck all boxes except Screenshot -Gameplay and click Download. If you have EmuMovies setup, be sure to uncheck/check the boxes on that tab as well before downloading.
  10. @The_Keeper86 Sort answer: no. Medium answer (which is actually a question): is there a command of sorts (or program) you can run that will actually "turn off" a controller? Longer answer: assuming the answer to my question is yes, the easiest way to do this is to create a batch file that starts BigBox, waits for it (BB) to close and then runs the "program" to turn off the PS4 controller. @echo off d: cd "D:\LaunchBox\Core" start /w "" BigBox.exe cd "D:\PS4_Controller_Folder" start "" "Turn_Off_PS4_Controller_Program.exe" If you're feeling really ambitious, you could create a plugin and use the API call "BigBoxShutdownBeginning" and then run your "turn off" program there.
  11. I don't use RocketLauncher, so I'm not in a position to say anything good or bad about it other than what I'd get out of it isn't worth the pain it is to A) figure out how to set it up, then B) actually get it setup, and lastly C) have it actually work. I think @Koroth's script is the cleanest way to do this. I don't know if BetterJoy needs to be running BEFORE Dolphin starts, but as I think about it, it would make sense that the Running AutoHotkey Script setup for the emulator would execute before having the emulator launch the game. Koroth, have you personally used this as the Running AutoHotkey Script for starting (and stopping) BetterJoy? (you didn't say and I know nothing about BetterJoy )
  12. This may be a longshot..... look for the files this plugin is supposed to produce inside your ../LaunchBox/Core/obs/ folder.
  13. Either you've been a bad apple in the past, or you got your VPN goin' on. Not sure if they have any 'ad-blocker' blockers or not.
  14. If you can find 0.225, you're really not missing much. But if you search around, I'm sure you'll find something.
  15. It's not like other emus where an older revision works better for certain games. So go for 0.226. ?
  16. This sounds most likely to be a rom - emulator mismatch. More recent revisions of the emulator are not necessarily backwards compatible with older roms. That's why it's stressed to have a matching romset and emulator. Another possibility is a missing (or mismatched) device file. In the case of Marvel Super Heroes, "qsound_hle.zip" (device file) is also needed to run the game. Again, making sure you have the matching revision for the rom and the emulator.
  17. As you discovered, mixing different revisions of MAME roms and the MAME emulator itself is never a good idea. Since (I assume) you have them matched now, you shouldn't need to update anything. (well.... maybe your settings ) Since they now work directly in MAME (thank you for checking that 1st), MAME itself should be good to go. Now make sure the MAME emulator in LaunchBox is setup correctly.Double check the Emulator Application Path (verifying you're point to your 'good' copy of MAME). Check both "Don't use quotes..." and "Use file name only...". Depending on how old your MAME revision is, you may need to remove the "Default Command-Line Parameters:". (I don't recall what revision that parameter became available). In the Associated Platforms tab, bake sure the Arcade (assuming that's what you called it) Platform is there [and typically "Default Emulator" will be checked]. Now make sure your games in the Arcade Platform are all pointing to the correct folder and file for the Rom File (in the "Launching" section). And lastly (hopefully), in the "Emulation" section, be sure the chosen Emulator is the same one you setup (above).
  18. You sure? Morbid curiosity got and had to check it out (c64_cass). Ended up using c64 -autoboot_delay "2" -autoboot_command "load\n" -cass Then press {Scroll Lock} to enable the Keyboard - Partial Emulation, then press {F2} to "Play" the tape. You can bypass needing to press {Scroll Lock} by adding "-ui_active" c64 -autoboot_delay "2" -autoboot_command "load\n" -ui_active -cass But you can't bypass the need to press {F2}. Unfortunately. BTW, "3D Pinball".... {F1} starts the game, Left flipper is {Left-Alt}, Right flipper is {right-Control}, and {F4} launches the ball.
  19. It's working with 11.7. The [Application] Path to the Game [file] contains the word "rom".
  20. If after it loads, all you need to do is type "run" and press Enter to get it to start, you can try the Default Command-Line Parameter for that Platform... c64 -autoboot_delay "2" -autoboot_command "run\n" -cass (not tested) MAME loads the 'game'. Then "-autoboot_delay" tells it to wait "2" seconds. Then after those 2 seconds, "-autoboot_command" tells MAME to type in "run" and then press Enter ("\n"). You may need to increase the delay time ("2"). Depends on how long it takes to get to the "blue prompt screen".
  21. Open up vsav.zip and see how many files are in it. If there's more than 21 (or 22) files, you probably then have a merged set. Which would mean the clones are inside the Parent zip file.
  22. The 'white' ones are Parent roms and the 'grey' ones are Clones [of the Parent]. So looking at Vampire Savior, the "Euro" one is the parent rom ("Romset: vsav" aka "vsav.zip" in your roms directory). The "Asia" is a clone of "Euro" with the Romset: vsava (aka "vsava.zip"). We you have "Unfiltered" selected, you see all [MAME] available roms. And then selecting "Available" you see what you have in your roms directory. Since some of these are disappearing, I'm guessing you have a non-merged set. The ones that work in MAME and not in LaunchBox, verify that LaunchBox is pointing to the correct Romset (zip file name) that you have. ("vsav" vs "vsava"). If you specified a Region priority when importing, it might be pointing to the USA version ("vsavu.zip").
  23. @Drybonz You did a MAME Arcade Full Set Import using 0.225? Did it import "Super Bubble Bobble" by Sum Mixing using the Parent rom "sbubsm"?
  24. I personally have never worked with theme creation. But I imagine any data you can get using the LaunchBox API can be added anywhere in your theme, for any View you choose. But again, I'm not familiar with Themes and am not sure if they can access the API the same way that plugins do. Assuming you have this plugin installed and the games Custom Fields have been populated with the [Field] Name "Hi-Scores", you can use the API's ICustomField Interface to get your local [top 3] high scores. "Local" meaning the top scores stored in your game(s) that are on your computer. You would need to see how the Community Leaderboard is accessed in Themes that have it integrated. (assuming that's what you mean by "top 3 high score") But even then, being able to parse the 'top 3' out of that may or may not be possible. Then if Themes do have access to the API, you can parse the 1st (of 3) [Local] high scores from the Custom Fields. If that's not possible, you could create a UserControl similar to what was done for the 'sister' plugin to this one (and/or BigBox's built-in "View High Scores" for the Community Leaderboards). But again, I don't know if/how you can access the data for the Community Leaderboards or even the built-in "View High Scores" User Control. NOTE: As stated in the description, I only worked on the 'easy' stuff. @jayjay did all the xaml magic. So I can't really be of any help with that and Jay hasn't been around since July. So if I'm getting what you asking about, I think what you're wanting to see is already available in the details pane for Arcade games (Local high score(s) and the LaunchBox Leaderboards). As well as through BigBox's built-in "View High Scores" User Control and the above plugins' User Control to "View Local Hi-Scores". But you'd like to see it in a more 'elegant' manner.
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