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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. So, unfortunately Jason has decided to let me go as of today. I have loved the 3 years total that I have been here, and the 2 years on staff working with all of you and making LaunchBox exactly what it is today. I tried my hardest, worked my hardest, and I poured my soul in to EVERYTHING I ever did here. I made a lot of friends and a lot of fans, and that is something that can never be removed. I wont say why I was removed, as it's not really my place, nor do I want any boycotts of LaunchBox. I did get a few of those comments already. Please do not. That is not my intention with this, at all. I still love these people. Going forward, I'm going to try and do some extra content on my channel now, I have the time it seems like. So, assuming it's ok to post these links, I'll post down links to my Discord, YouTube, Twitch and Website. Everything will be there if you want to follow me and see what I do next. I still have my game I'm working on, Retro Style Spotlight WILL continue on my channel, and I have all my gameplay stuff still going on. People have been asking me for my Patreon link too, but I will refrain from posting that here. Again, thank you so much for the 2 amazing years. Thank you to all the Staff who is here now, and thank you to all of our Patrons who gave me encouragement each week to keep making RSS and new content for them. My Site: http://www.bradcheyne.com/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SentaiBrad Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/SentaiBrad Discord: https://discord.gg/srM9DAx Twitter: https://twitter.com/SentaiBrad
  2. LB does auto-fill in command lines for the emulators it suggests, but it's wildly out of date. I do have an updated list, but it hasn't been implemented yet.
  3. LaunchBox and Big Box MIGHT have some integration of RetroAchievements in the future, it is certainly something that Jason is taking a look at because it was voted really high on the previous poll. However, Monkus is totally correct in saying that it's an emulator specific thing. You need the emulators downloaded from their site, or to use RetroArch and the specific cores that work with it. I did a tutorial for it, albeit a bit out of date, but the idea is still very much the same.
  4. Yes and no. It does, but not in the way you want it to. Big Box has Marquee support, which can put information on the second screen, but you'd either need to make a workaround or edit together a theme to specifically take certain advantage of your second monitor.
  5. I let @Vlansix know about another issue related to box art. No clue if it's the same person, but I'll let him know.
  6. I didn't make it for this reason, but: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k1aSGkhzHR4L7VDD5CPy-PVMFKiaGOiQhgZO56hUNaE/edit#gid=0
  7. Oh I know, but that's why it was for in the mean time.
  8. As long as you uncheck the boxes during those media screens, yes. If you leave them checked it will re-download them anyways.
  9. If you pulled Metadata from Wikipedia ever, then it's very possible that the Genre field was filled in with a genre we don't have or the complete wrong thing.
  10. It would be best to make a BitBucket ticket for this, by going to Issues/Requests at the top and creating a ticket.
  11. Or did you not download a full MAME split or non-merged rom set?
  12. I'm sure there is. In the mean time, you can still mark them off in LaunchBox.
  13. Have you tried grabbing it from the TOSEC pack?
  14. The Syncing has nothing to do with the Database or getting your information there. It was meant to be a way for users to share their libraries and other planned features that were scraped very quickly, because a lot of users expressed their feelings of not wanting it. If you cancel it or unlink it, nothing happens to your LB install, nor anything related to the Database.
  15. Yea, being able to group games regardless of the system is a prime feature for the playlists. This way, none of the command lines or settings get messed up.
  16. Well, it would require an update, and I wouldn't feel comfortable giving a time frame on anything. I just know that for Big Box specifically, this type of view was / is being worked on for the Betas right now. As for LB, it would still require the parameters to be able to be changed a bit more.
  17. I don't currently have MESS running, nor a MAME rom set to test from. I'm sorry.
  18. There are some instances where you'll need a script, Sega Saturn games needed that for a specific emulator (like @Pyrometheous found). The major issue is unmounting the game. If you keep mounting and mounting games, then they'll keep piling up. I believe that was the main need for the script, to unmount afterwards. What exactly are you trying to do? I almost never need to mount anything, so I am curious.
  19. Wow, neither are the one I was thinking of. Where the crap did it go. o,O;;
  20. There was a theme with two versions, and one was 4:3. I could have sworn it was there not too long ago... Maybe @CriticalCid knows if any others are 4:3 friendly.
  21. The default theme comes with Big Box and isn't downloaded. Some of our older demo's of BB should show it. The only themes that are 4:3 friendly are the 4:3 themes in the download section.
  22. We were thinking .Net 4.7 as well. Re-installing the dependency would help sort that out. You might have to uninstall, restart and install it for a full refresh.
  23. if you make a thread, we'll even try and help out as best as we can. On our private discord, Zom, Cid, Derek and I are trying to figure out whats going on and what it could be, so we're still even trying to figure it out. Lets talk about it elsewhere though and give Cid his thread back.
  24. Yea, I did an RSS story on it I think. The easiest way I could think of is to save each page as an HTML file, rename them to each of the games name and import them.
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