246 files
Hypermax Refried
Hi guys. This theme was created based on the glorious theme for Emulation Station called Hypermax.
I have tested it on my 55 inches TV screen and it looks amazing.
Theme runs fast and I did not have performance issues.
The theme has 04 platform/Game views - like shown in the video,
with right and left wheels positions to please everyone.
* Support for 121 platforms (Platform Clearlogos/Controller/Console images already included);
* Light animations - performance should not be an issue;
* The theme has its own platform logos, some were present on original Hypermax, and others were created by me;
* It also includes an image for each console and each console's controller.
* Platform Videos used/shown in the Youtube theme video can be downloaded here:
(Access the above link and choose the platform video you wish and download it)
* To install/use the theme, just unzip it in the folder Launchbox\Themes and set it in Bigbox.
* Go to Bigbox Menu > Manage Themes > Installed - All > Hypermax Refried > Apply as Main Theme
Changing Views:
* Go to Bigbox Menu (press esc) > Manage Theme Specific Options > Hypermax Refried > Views > and Select your Desired "Platforms List View" and "Games List View" - or
* If you are using a joystick, press down L3 (Left analog stick) to access the Views menu and change the view
(when you press down L3 on platform view you will be able to change "Platforms List View" and when you press Down L3 on Games View, you will be able to change "Games List View")
* Set Bigbox to skip game details for more similarity to Emulationstation:
* Go To Bigbox Menu > Options > General > Skip Games Detail Screen
Extra Tips:
* Each platform has a character PNG/wallpaper background JPG that can be changed/included by the one you wish.
Just replace the png/jpg in MEDIA/Character and MEDIA/Background Wallpaper folders, for the ones you want following
your platform name.
Character: LaunchBox\Themes\Hypermax Refried\Media\Characters
Background Wallpaper: LaunchBox\Themes\Hypermax Refried\Media\Background Wallpaper
CTC Files:
* I'm releasing the CTC files up with the update 2.1 so you can use Community Theme Creator and edit the theme
and make the changes you want or even create a whole new theme.
* To use CTC Files, Just unzip the file to the folder "My Theme Projects" in your Community Theme Creator install directory.
* Open CTC choose Hypermax Refried and make the changes you want and export the theme
* For @y2guru for providing the the amazing tool - Community Theme Creator 2.5.5 used to assemble this theme;
* For the original logos (non-rounded ones): all credit goes to Dan Patrik for his amazing work;
* Characters pngs and background wallpapers: all credit belongs to their original creators whoever they are;
(I've just found them online hosted on several websites)
* For the original creator of Hypermax Theme for EmulationStation;
* For Platform Videos: they were gathered from multiple resources - Credit belong to their original creators;
Please enjoy.
121 Supported Platforms:
Neon Skyline & Neon Brick Skyline
By The Papaw
Do you remember neon lights from the 50's and 60's? (Yes, I know I am old) They were everywhere on about every store. The flickers, the sounds? With this theme I tried to capture as much of that as I could figure out how. All the backgrounds are animated as to replicate the flicker of a neon bulb of the platform name and device coming on. (the intro startup video I made even includes the sounds). Also has a second set of backgrounds that replace the neon city with a dark brick as optional download.
I sure am not a graphics designer and can use all the help I can get . But I have attempted to create more glass looking clear logos, added lighting and reflections of the neon stuff and attempted to make the light pass through in all the info boxes I used best I could. Between what I could do in photoshop and CTC, this is what I have so far. This theme is the most extensive theme I have done to date.
Version 2.0.0 doesn't need the backgrounds like version 1 did. Choose from Neon Skyline or Neon Brick Skyline
OPTIONAL (only needed for version 1): If you would like to use the other backgrounds, they are named:
BrickBackgrounds - Just dark brick wall
Neon Brick Skyline - I combine the brick wall with the neon skyline to make it look like a mural on the wall.
To change the backgrounds, just rename or delete the files in the ..\Launchbox\Themes\Neon Skyline\Media\Backgrounds folder.
Extract the replacements and drop them in the same place as the originals
I was planning on doing all the platforms, but I might wait to see if there is enough interest there before I spend that much time on it. It takes me sometimes hours to do a single platform (I'm old, remember ).
Let me know in the comments what ya'll think. Watch the video, download and try it.
BTW: Theme has most of my usual stuff (shows partial gamepad support like Steam, little popups for Completed, Broken, Needs Installed, etc.) and runs very smooth on my large BB rig, even in the Arcade platform on my older PCs. Only tested with 16:9 so not sure how it looks on others
Sample Video:
Startup Video (I have 4K version if anyone is interested)
Comments, reviews, questions and suggestion are welcome! If you have found any of my efforts useful, let me know! If you'd like to buy me a cup of coffee, I would really appreciate it (via PayPal donation)
The Papaw
bigbox theme Game Room
By BMovieBen
Step into your Game Room and view a virtual collection showcasing your love of video games. Each video game console or platform appears with an authentic looking video screen to match that look and feel. It is paired with a set of classic fonts to complete the experience.
Requires BigBox 13.1 or higher to properly function. Designed to support 16:9, 21:9, and 4:3 aspect ratios. Unique views for 54 platforms with game videos, game 3D/2D box art, device packaging, and game cart images. Consoles and PCs are paired with TVs and Monitors from the same decade they were released. "Wall View" for looking at game boxes on shelves is accompanied by platform/game logos and image of the original console packaging. Metadata showing Publisher, Developer, User Score, ESRB Rating, Genre, Play Mode, Region, and Platform Description. Two different platform wheel views to choose from. Full Playlist support, so the video size, platform image, and other relevant media will change to match each individual game. Easily customizable by replacing \Themes\GameRoom\Media\Background\background.jpg with one of several included backgrounds or your own custom one! background.jpg credit goes to Yenifer Macias background_ArcadesAlleyway.jpg credit goes to Todor Vladev background_Bedroom.jpg credit goes to Zhi Rong Liu background_SmallArcade.jpg credit goes to Jason Rumpff background_WoodPanels.jpg credit goes to BMovieBen (me) Theme was created using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru - HUGE thank you, he's responsible for the dynamic video size logic. Project files attached for those brave souls wishing to customize further. Requires version 2.5.4 or higher.
Lightning Link
*This theme is intended for a stand alone poker machine but can be used as normal.
For best results
Extract Lightning Link to "LaunchBox\Themes" In Views menu under OPTIONS set "Theme" to Lightning Link In Transitions menu under OPTIONS set "Game Image/Video Image Transition" to Fade Quick In General menu under OPTIONS set "Skip Game Details Screen" to ON
123 CRT
By Rincewind
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
This theme has been built to test out the new features and effect in the CTC, including Pixelate and Crt effects
Thanks as always to @y2guru for the awesome COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
Ace Arcade Theme - Inspired by Switch Online/Nes Compendium 4:3 and 16:9
By taketoch
Hi everyone
This theme was made for my arcade cabinet that had a 4:3 screen for old games. But I made compatible for 16:9.
Because I build this machine and made the logo myself I wanted something really simple theme without animation and a simple wall.
There is two colors : choose wheel and Wall 2 for the Yellow
I was inspired by POC , ColorFull , Nes compendium,switch online.
There is a lot of stuff that I would like to add
- Arrow left and right
- a selection on the wall ( square yellow outline)
Hope you like it ! and if you can help me on these topic please comment.
This theme exist because of the work of other people from the Community, thanks for sharing
theme COLORFUL bigbox theme
By viking
COLORFUL is a complete and coherent high quality graphic set, around a unique design. Made with love in France. Hope you like it!!
COLORFUL Theme : The main hub, a unique interface for BigBox. Design by me, coded by @faeran COLORFUL Platform Video : Complete 4K video set, with a unique design. COLORFUL Source : To involve the community in the platform video creation. COLORFUL BigBox Startup Video : custom video to match the general design. COLORFUL Hardware Media PNG (1x1) : Taken from my videos, the 1x1 PNG set. (new) COLORFUL Startup Theme : (soon) COLORFUL Pause Theme : (soon) RECOMMENDED COMMUNITY ASSET :
Redrawn Platform ClearLogo by @Dan Patrick Colorful "Playlist" PNG set by @Klopjero Colorful custom theme for Android by @Bawnanable Platform Funtech Super A'can & Platform Arcade Kaneko by @evo1man Alternative Colorful Platform ClearLogo Set by @soqueroeu Alternative Startup Theme (Minimal-Colorful) by @Palada Recommended SoundPack with Steam Deck UI by @Phox
On this page we are talking about COLORFUL Theme for BigBox:
Design for work with my platform video set, COLORFUL THEME is thought to be used on the big screen (TV) in gaming console mode.
Modern, elegant and animated are the key words of this interface.
The COLORFUL project is getting too big for me alone.
@faeran has taken over the source code of the theme. A BIG THANKS to you for your support and your precious help !!
The main features :
16:9 only. (Works on other ratio, but with black bands) Full 4K asset. (Any resolution must work, 4K assets) Totally responsive. No resolution deformation on text size or placement. Because of the white/black background, some ClearLogo comes with the theme. Gamepad connection indicator & battery level.
Any design choice gives limitations. Here are some recommendations for this theme :
LaunchBox/BigBox up to date. VLC highly recommended. Design for work with COLORFUL platform video set. (but you can use any video you what) Beware of full white/black ClearLogo. They will be invisible on Light/Dark views! I didnt test this theme on a lowend configuration. There may be slowdown. (Curious to have your feedback on this subject!)
2 ways :
In Windows : Right here, with the download button. Extract the "Colorful" folder and place it in your "LaunchBox/Themes" directory. (dont rename it!) In BigBox : Option > Theme manager > Found "COLORFUL - Light" or "COLORFUL - Dark".
You can now edit this theme within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator files below (current version from the CTC 2.3):
Colorful Light - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files - 411737560_Colorful-Light-2.03-COMMUNITYThemeCreatorFiles.zip Colorful Dark - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files - Colorful - Dark - 2.03 - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files.zip
@Jason Carr for his hard work on LaunchBox/BigBox! Thx man! @faeran for his hardwork on this theme and all other one ! @y2guru for the awsome Community Teme Creator ! To all Patreon guys! A GIANT THANKS to all of you!!! The whote community for yout support! # CREDITS !
@Jason Carr for LaunchBox/BigBox. @faeran for the all theme code. @y2guru for the Community Theme Creator ! @Grila for Grila's Custom BigBox Controls. @eatkinola for Ao.Bigbox.Themer. @RedSnake for Games.Genre Converter. Christian Robertson for Roboto Free Font Set. Impallari for Raleway Free Font Set.
# BY FILE, EVERY CUSTOM VIEW SUMMARY (Here in LIGHT. Same principle/animation for DARK)
PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml PlatformWheel2FiltersView.xaml WheelGamesView.xaml : Wheel2GamesView.xaml : TextGamesView.xaml :
NESiCAxLive 2
By kim_sama98
NESiCAxLive 2 theme.
Made with Community Theme Creator 2.3
There was no option to use banners or Steam banners in the CTC so it's clear logos it is.
The only off stuff in the theme are the fonts, I'm no coding expert but I can't find the fonts that are used in the original NESiCAxLive 2 so I had to use fonts that looked similar.
Game On (Redux)
By The Papaw
MAJOR OVERHAUL (requires BigBox v13.0 or higher)
User friendly with "easy to see" custom genre & play mode icons. Designed for Large Screens & 4K in mind. Did some remodeling with the Animated backgrounds and house interiors. You can choose to have the male or female gamer on the left or right. Choose video effects to make it look like the ambient room light is changing, kinda like a TV does in real life or not. (change the views, 2 each).
The gamers in the background are actually moving, looking like they are playing games. I carried over some of my genre icon artwork I made for Fading Elegance v1+.
I used a updated the voice files for platform names and added a little reverb, they sound pretty decent (over 230 platform/playlists mp3 files).
This theme looks great on a big screen TV!
The screenshots can't show how it functions, so check out the video.
Has 4 Platform views, 2 with Male gamer on left, 2 Female gamer on left. 4 Game views (same), 4 wall views and Full Cover Flow view. Slide In-n-Out navigation buttons
WATCH Sample Video of Game On! (Redux) on Rumble:
Download, unzip, copy the folder " Game On (Redux)" into your Launchbox "Themes" folder
Instructions to use Split Screen, PvP, LAN and Online Play Icon features: (not required)
To get these to work in the theme is really pretty easy.
Create the 4 Custom Fields below in Launchbox, just edit any single game in your collection and pick Custom Fields on the left panel. Copy-n-paste one of the 4 custom fields below and press <ENTER>. Then enter Yes in the value section press <ENTER>. Copy-n-paste the other 3 Custom Fields and do the same. Then press OK
Now the fields should be ready and Yes is now a choice in Bulk Edit. Close Launchbox and re-open just to be safe. Then you can go back to the game you used to set up the custom fields and delete the Yes's if you need to. You can leave the field blank for NO so no need to worry any of them but the ones that apply, they will need to be YES.
What I did, was to sort my collection different ways like genre or playmode. I had a genre set up for MMO, so I bulk edited all the games in that category, first I chose Play Mode, making sure they all had multiplayer added as a value. Then I said yes to make more changes, and then chose the newly created Custom Field: Online Play and just select Yes in the dropdown to add value. The theme will now display the animated globe for all those games in the views that use it.
Do that for the other 5 Custom fields using similar sorts. Of course any game can be edited manually as well.
The custom fields you can add:
Split Screen
*Controller Mapping:
The only thing that needs changed is Button 3 (that's the "X" button on Xbox controller or square button on DS4 controller). It is set to "Play" by default, so if you use this, you will need to assign a different button to it. Now assign Button 3 to "Filter". That's it.
If you get a blank area in the one of the Genre images (like where the Yellow arrow is pointing in the screenshot below), it just means that game is using a genre that I did not create a icon for.
If you have Photoshop, you can use the simple template I included in the ..\LaunchBox\Themes\Game On v1\Media\Genres folder to create anything you need. Just open the template, drop a image in the template (re-size to taste), change the text and save. If you don't have PS, let me know and I can try to get ya fixed up.
Big Thanks to @y2guru for moving forward with the Community Theme Creator and the changes he shared with us with v2.5.5.5. Without him, this wouldn't exist. And thanks to @faeran for all his troubleshooting help as well. And lets not forget @Jason Carr and the rest of the LB team and especially the server changes!
Feel free to leave comments, questions and reviews
- Enjoy & thanks for trying the theme!
- The Papaw
- bigbox themes
- 4k
- (and 8 more)
This is very my first attempt at making a Big Box theme from scratch using the Community Theme Creator. I had previously fiddled around with other people's themes to get a feel for the software. I made this for a friend who wanted a familiar, easy to read theme similar to how he has his Kodi set up. I've based this on a simple, Netflix type of layout, trying to be basic while still giving all the info you need as fast as possible. The main aims are speed, simplicity and legibility.
The theme works best with video snaps rather than any type of themed video.
Text List
Horizontal Coverflow
Horizontal Wheel (boxes)
Horizontal Wheel (logos)
Horizontal Coverflow
Vertical Wheel (boxes)
Vertical Wheel (logos)
Full screen Wall
Wall with game info
I've used the brilliant system boxes from Styphelus found here. Many thanks to them for their hard work. Also, it uses the Source Sans Pro free typeface which is included in the zip. Also, of course, thanks to y2guru for the Community Theme Creator, and Faeran's very helpful Youtube videos. I no longer provide the system logos as Dan Patrick's awesome set have been that I was previously using have been incorporated into the main Launchbox collection. I also have removed the system images, mainly for size purposes but also just so people can use whatever they want to.
I've uploaded a matching startup theme here.
FB Focus
This is a new theme based on my previous Flikbox, however it is built around blurred backdrops and foreground elements that pop out against them, and less focused on speed and more on smooth eye candy. It is a little more intensive than the previous Flikbox due to there being many more elements involved.
The theme is designed for 16:9 although other ratios might work but haven't been tested. It works best with video snaps rather than any type of themed video.
Text Lists
Horizontal Coverflow
Horizontal Wheel (boxes)
Horizontal Wheel (logos)
Vertical Wheel (boxes)
Vertical Wheel (logos)
Wall with info (boxes)
Wall with info (logos)
It uses the Source Sans Pro free typeface which is included in the zip. I have used Dan Patrick's awesome platform logos and my own controller icons, many thanks to him.
Of course, thanks to y2guru for the Community Theme Creator, and Faeran's very helpful Youtube videos.
I have uploaded a matching startup theme here.
The Wall!
By Surfdeign
Good Day,
This theme started out as just an update for my Surf Vision! theme to add an outline to the wall views. As I started playing around with templates in the CTC, I realized that it was becoming a lot of work creating separate theme views for multiple platforms that required each one to be updated separately. As I was working on that, I just started putting together templates and **BOOM** The Wall! was born.
This does require the latest stable BigBox version 13.1. The majority of elements in this theme are generated on the fly from YOUR artwork. You MUST have the below art as a minimum in your Launchbox images and videos folders and metadata updated.
Launchbox/Images/Platforms - Clear Logo, Device, Fan Art, Default Art
Launchbox/Images/<platform name> - Clear Logo, Box Front, Cart Front, Fan Art (or Screen Shots/Ad Flyer)
Launchbox/Videos/Platforms - <platform videos>
I am running a Ryzen 3600, 1660 Super, 16GB with Launchbox installed on two 8TB spinners with a NVME boot drive. I am seeing some lag, especially when first loading Wall View 1 and 2. You will probably get a black screen while the view caches. Usually, this only happens the first viewing, but I've seen it take up to 20 seconds to render the view even after that. I'm not sure why it does this but open to suggestions to fix. If your system is less powerful than this, I would suggest not using this theme, but try it out anyhoo!
I use Platform View 1, Wall View 4 with Game Details turned on for the most part, but there are multiple views to try out!
I didn't bind any elements to the BigBox options menu, so I don't think much can be controlled visually from there. The game count does not work on playlists for some reason.
Hope you enjoy and please let me know of any bugs or other suggestions. I don't plan on changing the format very much and may come out with small updates.
Thank You!
retroroots RetroRoots - Bigbox Theme
By HannesRoets
This is RetroRoots, a modern BigBox Theme for 16x9 monitors.
Check out the youtube video.
I hope you like and enjoy this theme.
Feeback and possitive critisism is always welcome!
Custom modern icon set. All monotone colored logo's, redrawn by hand by myself. Custom feel to the system category menu with a alternate design & video's Clean layout, works well on modern style / scandinavian style cabinets Custom sounds Matching startup video Download
Be aware: This is an Beta release, not everything is included, nor polished.
The theme is ready to rock, but no game detail and extra options.
RetroRoots theme: V005 Vector monotone logo project
exported pngs can be found on the emu movies fftp account:
/Upload Here/_Artwork Submissions/mikomi/wheel-monotone-system-logos Startup video in matching style Release Notes:
To come:
More variations on the menus (vertical, wall, ...) Adding missing logo's Polishing Make custom video's for the platforms Redo the sounds Dark version of the theme Release notes moved:
From now on release notes are available at the bottom of this page.
If you have any feature requests, bugs, monotone clear logo request, ... please ask this on the forum topic of RetroRoots.
Screenshots (v003):
Special thanks:
The true hero of this story: Dave, the creator of the community theme creator The whole launchbox community for all the tips, help, suggestions & feedback
Unified Lives!
By Rob_G
This theme is my re-take on the excellent Unified-Refried theme and I called it 'Unified Lives!'. The goal is to present more information to the user during game selection as well as using more graphic assets to complement the display experience. I hope you like it!
- An informative game card that shows many details of the currently selected game.
- 6 Game wheel views. 2 vertical, 3 horizontal and 1 text.
- 4 Platform/playlist views
- Single views for game and platform text views (these are necessary views)
- Marquee, box 3d, disc, cd, 3d cart and front flyer images are all used. Visibility rules determine how they appear, depending on platform and also file availability.
- Supports different aspect ratios. If it doesn't look right on yours please let me know!
- Wheel Badges for Favorite, Completed and Broken games.
- Created with Community Theme Creator 2.5
- Dynamically changing theme images based upon current platform/playlist. just like Refried.
** Rename 'background' folder to enable fanart.
** Rename the 'Devices' folder to always show a random game screenshot in platform/playlist views.
** Place your choice of fanart in 'fanart fallback' folder when game or platform fanart does not exist, a random image is chosen
** ESRB icons. If you don't want them, delete or rename the icons. The 'Not Rated' icon is renamed due to the number of titles without rating. Remove the exclamation from the filename to see it.
*** Do not overwrite previous versions of the theme, replace the folder. Folder and file structure can change between versions!
4:3 Dos Terminal
By walter10h
Seems like I can't stop making these types of themes. I have a soft spot for MS-DOS and terminals in general. This theme is meant to be used on a 4:3 monitor, but it will work just fine on 16:9.
Files for the community theme creator are also available for download.
4:3 Forgotten Emulator
By walter10h
This is a recreation of what I seem to remember was a Snes Emulator. I remember playing with it as a kid, it didn't have any sound, probably dos based. Anyway, here's a theme made out of scrambled, possibly made-up childhood memories. I decided to add box art, just so it wouldn't look so empty, but the supposed emulator was too old for that.
Also, this time I actually enabled notifications, so I can read your comments instead of forgetting about it for a million years.
Files for the community theme creator are also available for download.
By walter10h
ATTENTION: This theme is severely outdated. Use DOS Matrix by faeran instead!
This theme is meant to be used with the view "Text list with details" for both Platforms and Games. Do away with all those clunky boxes, videos and logos, and just enjoy the simplicity the good old days.
NOTE: Install the font included with the theme! Perfect DOS VGA 437
NOTE2: Goes best with my sound pack here:
By faeran
A showcase of the new 3-D Box Models in Big Box. This theme contains 8 game views, each with its own unique 3-D box model wheel layout.
This theme can be utilized by theme developers as a way to learn how the new FlowModel works within and without a FlowControl. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask within the comments section of this file.
Play Box Ultimate
By DazStelfox79
Happy New Year to All
This is Play Box Ultimate, I have gone back to the roots of the original Play Box theme this time around.
I wanted a smooth scrolling process through my library highlighting box images ect with a modern look on smart TV's .
It was designed in a screen resolution of 1920x1080 with Windows Scale & Layout settings at 100% so hopefully it should work with other screen resolutions.
All Steam Banners are now required to be in the original size of 460x215 in order to scale correctly in this theme which can be downloaded from www.steamgriddb.com. I have resized all Steam Banners that i have included in my theme.
Included in my theme is alternative control layouts for Microsoft Xbox & Sony Playstation consoles, a collection of steam Banners for games of various platforms which i have resized to 460x215 & a collection of Movie Box Images, Clear Logos, Background Wallpapers & Steam Banners to get you started with as there is no way for Launchbox to download Movie metadata along with instructions of how to use.
By Rincewind
Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
Thanks as always to @y2guru for the awesome COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
Neon Deluxe Wii U Edit
By Zanchos
An edit I made for the neon deluxe theme using the theme creator specifically for the Wii U. Select horizontal wheel 1 to use it. Sometimes an error pop up may show up, just delete text list from the views folder within the theme and the pop up should be removed. A lot of the videos and screenshots will have to be manually entered because the Wii U database is not completed. The video resolution that is recommended for use on this theme is 1920x1080
Surf Vision!
By Surfdeign
Good Day,
Sharing with the community another theme that I created.
You will need a good set of game artwork for it to look it's best. I have included my platform image folder in a zip file that you can use to make sure everything looks right. I don't have every platform known to man, so the image selections may limited for hoarders but it is a start. I use the Unified Platform videos from EmuMovies.
Most views include the new 3D box models.
You can expect a small update once the next version of CTC is released for some of the wall views. They can be extremely time consuming with how they are currently created.
Please let me know if you come across any issues or broken items.
This has only been tested in 16:9 aspect in 4K using Big Box 13.0 and may not work with older versions.
Hope you enjoy!
Colorful - Dark & Coverbox TV Redux
For a long, long time I searched for the perfect Bigbox Theme to use with my TV. Every time I found one I thought was pretty cool, there were just so many little things that didn't sit right with me. Either it didn't have game descriptions in the platform menus, or the game descriptions they had were too small (I use Bigbox on my TV), or the platform views of the theme were unappealing. Well, no longer! I discovered what I thought was the absolute best combination of themes, Colorful - Dark by Viking for it's incredible platform wheel 2 system views, and Coverbox by Faeran for it's incredible Text game views (which have a unique look for almost every popular emulated system out there). Luckily, both Viking and Faeran made their theme's community theme creator files publicly available for anyone to edit, so all my minor (and in some cases not so minor) annoyances were very possible to fix. After months of on and off work, I'm very pleased to release my custom versions of both themes so everyone can enjoy them as I have.
At the end of the day, this is a series of relatively minor and moderate tweaks I made to two already fantastic Bigbox themes, and all of that credit goes to the original creators of those themes, Viking for Colorful - Dark, and Faeran for Coverbox. Part of my hope in releasing this to the community is that they take notice and possibly implement some of my changes into the mainline releases of these themes in the future.
The optimal configuration for these themes in my opinion is Colorful's Platform Wheel 2 for platform selection and Coverbox for Text List with Details, with any system not covered using Colorful's Text LIst with Details. That's the configuration this modification is aimed towards, but you can use any combination you wish.
This release includes a changelog of everything I've changed in both themes, down to the positioning of the elements X and Y positions and their Width and Height. Since going through every change I made would be impossible in this description, Here's a list of the most significant ones.
Main Changes
Platform Descriptions in Colorful's platform wheels have had their font increased and their sizes expanded. This was to make the text more legible if playing on a TV, which I do exclusively. If the font were bigger by default I may not have modified Colorful at all. Game Descriptions in Colorful's game wheels have had their font increased and their text boxes expanded. This compliments the change from above. Personally I prefer the Text list with details view for any system Coverbox doesn't cover, but the others are usable. Text Scrollers for Game Descriptions has been added to every platform theme in Coverbox that didn't already have one except for the Atari Lynx, Nintendo Virtual Boy and the Famicom Disk System. Each systems Text Scrollers have been given fonts that are related to that system in some way (I did reuse some of them though). For instance, Sega Genesis uses the HUD font from Sonic the Hedgehog, Game Boy Advance uses the Gen 3 Pokemon font, etc. Coverbox Text Scrollers that were too small had their fonts increased. The biggest beneficiary of this change was PSP, that font was TINY and impossible to read on a television. This change was also made to the Wii and the Wii U Background elements have been erased and replaced with modifiable image placements to make room for text scrollers, which makes them editable for those looking to make their own changes. I have included a complete changelog documenting every change I made to both Colorful - Dark and Coverbox, as well as included the logos and fonts I found and created for use in this modification, both of which can also be downloaded here if you want to revert any of my changes or recreate them in some way. If you like what you see, make sure to show your support to Viking and Faeran on their respective theme pages, they created two incredible Bigbox themes and are the ones that deserve most of the credit. I hope you enjoy my changes!
Vertical Vision!
By Surfdeign
Just wanted to share this vertical theme that I created for my cabinet.
There weren't a lot of vertical themes available and I have been messing around with this one for over a year now.
Quality artwork is a must. Some views have the new 3D box but the resolution is a bit lower than the regular art so play around with the different views.
I don't plan on changing anything but will update the file if I do! I haven't come across any issues, but if you find a bug or something not working right, please let me know.
*** This theme is only for 9:16 vertically oriented monitors. ***
Hope you enjoy!
Retrotastic [Theme Stream]
By faeran
Retrotastic was built during a Theme Stream broadcast. If you are interested in creating themes, follow me on Twitch, or watch the videos later on YouTube.
A Catalog of past Theme Streams can be found on the forums here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/54760-retro-faerans-theme-stream-big-box-theme-creation/
This theme only works on version 10.15 and above due to its reliance on some new bindings!
I recreated my Retrotastic theme in the theme creator. This was an ambitious project, but one that was well worth it. It still has all the fun of the original theme, with over 150 platform specific backgrounds and a plethora of game specific backgrounds and graphics to play around with. This brings the theme up to a new, modern standard that includes many performance benefits. I also managed to tweak the views here and there to make the theme snappier. Please enjoy this new version, along with the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files for you to play around with and create your own version of my theme.
Watch this theme being built:
Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/590341221 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfAJTXCprj4
Retrotastic - Theme.zip - BigBox theme. Place extracted folder in your LAUNCHBOX\Themes folder Retrotastic - COMMUNITY Project files.zip - Creator Project files. Place extracted folder in your COMMUNITY\My Theme Projects folder
Learn how to add your own Platform and Game Images to this theme: Retrotastic - Documentation.pdf Download Templates to help make your own Backgrounds: Templates.zip
Don't forget to pick up Scratcher amazing game media packs for Retrotastic. These packs really brings this theme to life:
COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran
My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q
Faeran - Coding of the theme, many of the platform/playlist backgrounds, pixel ESRB icons, and the pixel genre icons
Broskiplays - Creating the idea for this project, along with many platform/playlist backgrounds
Harryoke - Creating many platform/playlist backgrounds, the platform background video, options background, and many other various videos/images
Nyny77 - Creating platform/playlist backgrounds, along with the use of his extensive collection of platform logos
GreatLemon - For creating some of the pixel genre icon graphics