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Everything posted by damageinc86

  1. yeah I figured on that. Just wanted to check. Your eyes sort of don't work after a while lol. Thanks for the input.
  2. Ok, decided to go with some sort of artwork on top. Now just have to figure out, icon, or no icon?
  3. Right. That's why I'm beginning to lean toward the nice background art that is being found, instead of a repetitive box art style.
  4. I like the concept of using boxart up top. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like just having a decent background up there would be much faster since I could just leave it turned on and only have to swap out the icon and clear logo below. Instead of having to make new genre box art for each one.
  5. Well since I am using my bordered clear logos (because my entire setup uses them) mine may not apply very well to everyone else's. I just got finished making the base template for all my systems, and am running through plugging in all the images for SNES right now. You can take a look at it. Banner Genre Playlist Super Nintendo.psd
  6. That's not too bad. I'm really getting bummed that the community theme creator doesn't see the auto populated playlists so that we can batch process them. I've spent like the last 5 days setting everything up in photoshop, and it is taking soooooooooooo long. Mostly just organizing and bringing in all the logos and putting everything in the right spot. But still, it is so tedious.
  7. Any idea why the zip file is corrupt every time I download it? Have tried about 10 times now.
  8. Yes I'm doing the genres for launchbox, which is a playlist for each platform's genre. So that's why I used the controller from each system as a background inside the bordered logo. Could you point me to those backgrounds that you used for yours? They might be what I need to fill that space up top. Could probably just fade out the bottom of them around where the icon sits. Or put them inside the blank box art instead of repeated text.
  9. Want some input on the auto-population genres. Trying to figure out what to do with all the space on the banner. Put a generic box with another mention of what genre it is on the top? I like having the icon and the logo on the bottom like all my other banners,...but what to put up top?
  10. Just trying to re-download some of these because I lost the original zips, and Super Nintendo fails every time. Could you re-upload that one? EDIT: nevermind, guess it was just a website error. It's working again.
    @Lugawigaming How about this: A simple, yet elegant collection of playlist logos. Not a bunch of flashy smoke being blown up your...waaaaait a minute. This collection just plain works. It's dependable and reliable. Like a '58 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup. When you just need to know what genre you are looking at, this collection delivers. Each one of these logos jumps into the captain's chair and says "make it so". And you know what? That's all we really need in a genre playlist logo collection. Also, you can slap these logos anywhere you need them to go! Currently I'm situating them neatly inside of my Crylen's bordered clear logo template to match the rest of my setup. They don't scoff at me and demand all the attention like some diva broadway star. They say, "oh you'd like me to slide over here? You got it broseph!". They bring their own party; they are content in their surroundings. They give neighboring pixels no gruff, but instead develop a reciprocal relationship so that the entire image becomes better. Not like some other logos that only seek to dominate and strut their flashiness around at the cost of everything else. When the dust settles, I know that my genre logos are better for having meshed with these fine playlist logos. And we all come out winners.
  11. I just noticed that the community theme creator doesn't "see" all the genre playlists, so you can't batch process those.
  12. Version 2.0.1


    Here are my files that I used to create banners for use with my personal collection since I switched to the Banner Box theme by @faeran They incorporate Crylen's framed clear logos, several different fan art Top images, and a few different System art images. Included is also my community theme creator folder to see how it was all put together, and to edit (just have to point it to your launchbox install instead), along with all associated working images and PSD files used. Also included my Banner Box PSD folder that I used to work on playlists and anything else that needed to be done.
  13. BannerBox Bordered Clear logo Banners View File Here are my files that I used to create banners for use with my personal collection since I switched to the Banner Box theme by @faeran They incorporate Crylen's framed clear logos, several different fan art Top images, and a few different System art images. Included is also my community theme creator folder to see how it was all put together, and to edit (just have to point it to your launchbox install instead), along with all associated working images and PSD files used. Also included my Banner Box PSD folder that I used to work on playlists and anything else that needed to be done. Submitter damageinc86 Submitted 04/23/2020 Category Platform Banners  
  14. Right, that's why I bet there isn't an easy way to figure out if there was one credit put in, or 100 lol.
  15. I guess we've ran into the one credit hi-score vs. the pummel "credits? into the "machine" hi-score. I doubt there's any way to distinguish the two.
  16. Eventually I found pretty good images, and in some cases I stumbled upon the same ones that were initially used. So it'll work out.
  17. In a few days I should have a set made (from my limited set of core systems) of banners with crylen's bordered clear logos on them. Will share/upload when completed.
  18. Yeah I think Box blur is a great way to go when you feel the need to fill up some space for the game banners. Sort of like faeran did with the SNES boxes in the original theme to fill up a bit of the empty space.
  19. I have to re-do all my platform banners because I have bordered clear logos, and i'd like to have a version with those as well. Any tips on where some good fanart is for the core systems? The templates folder only has the NES one in it.
  20. Someone feel like doing all the top 100, top 50, and beat 'em up genre playlists?
  21. Oh that one is nice as well. i like having nice background with character foreground. Great work.
  22. We really just need to commission that Rachid Lotf guy to do all the banners for launchbox, program-wide. Castlevania playlist as an example:
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