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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Not the correct view I'm guessing, but @Grila will now more there. OK you edited your post so this now looks weird, so I'm editing mine as well.
  2. Yup, out of order platforms and platform category's is now fixed for me. Good troubleshooting as always @Jason Carr
  3. lol OK, sorry fella. I'm using FX3 but I'm running it god forbid through rocketlauncher, but my version is in cabinet mode, but not strictly speaking legit so I don't know what I have different.
  4. Whatever you did allows me to click the thanks button again, I was having issues with that.
  5. Hmm, must of been doing something wrong then, ill take another look.
  6. Ah I see, I dropped this into my plugin folder yesterday and it didn't do anything I have game details screen off by default. You are a godsend to this community @Grila not only with your awesome themes and plugins, but also you patience and willingness to help users with issues and requests. Thank you.
  7. Hmm possibly, I don't and haven't used that and I can exit OK, you using that @Retro808?
  8. There is also a option in options/views to have per system views on or off, im guessing that is on, if you want them all the same uncheck that and set a platform to the view you want like how @Charco described and they will all be the same.
  9. Do you have a cabinet code for the game?
  10. You are missing cores\ at the start of the line.
  11. Cool good solution, you can also set fullscreen to true in the citra ini.
  12. This is usually caused by HDD seek/bandwidth issues. Launchbox is loading several different images and videos at the same time and VLC doesn't seem to like this when trying to find and play a video at the same time. WMP doesn't usually suffer from this for some reason, but your mileage may vary.
  13. CTRL-F10 should release the mouse from the DOSBox window, Trapped mouse cursor Q. My cursor is trapped within the DOSBox window when I click inside. How do I get the cursor out? A. DOSBox will capture your mouse when you click inside the display window (and you have autolock=true set in the Dosbox.conf). Simply press CTRL-F10 to release the mouse.
  14. Have you tried the retroarch core, its very good.
  15. Yeah that's weird, and for the record launchbox/bigbox should never be run as admin, it can cause issues with emulators requiring elevation when launching. Edit: Beaten to it.
  16. Ah yeah in that case you will have to edit the actual xaml I believe, and I cant help with that.
  17. Unified\Images\Theme\Logo, name it _Default and replace what is there. It looks like it needs to be on a background though, if you look in that folder you will see what I mean.
  18. 1. There is APPLE 2 art in the theme folder, so maybe you have yours named differently. 2. Sounds like you don't have any platform videos, they can be downloaded from within Launchbox under the tools menu. There is a checkbox in the bigbox options to fall back to game videos when no platform videos are found, so im guessing that is checked also.
  19. I use a i5 3570k overclocked to 4.2ghz, a Nvidia GTX 1060 and 16GB of ram on Windows 10 64bit. However I don't have the capabilities of using a marquee so I cant speak to that being any issue with regards to performance. There is a option in launchbox to clear the ram cache when launching games, but I don't think that option is in Bigbox. The thing that is weird to me is that a bezel would effect anything in the first place. As far as I understand it bezels are simple images overlaid on top of the game screen so shouldn't really need any extra power to show them.
  20. OK, yeah im not to familiar with the AMD APU's but that should be enough for running MAME, (maybe @Lordmonkus can chime in as I believe he has a AMD setup somewhere) As for Bigbox scrolling being slow, yeah bigbox loves a GPU, especially with a library that large, so it is somewhat understandable if its a little slow. Also you say crt-geome hack, whats that? MAME has the geome shader included, its what I use myself, whats the hack for?
  21. What sort of hardware are you guys running on? I have thousands of bezels for MAME and have never had this issue personally.
  22. Bigbox and Launchbox use your system language, so you would have to change system wide unfortunately. Edit: It take that back, there is a option in tools/options for language.
  23. Those are platform videos, you must not have them. They can be downloaded from within Launchbox if you have the premium version.
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