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Everything posted by Retrofrogg

  1. Sorry to hear this Mr R, but if you're not enjoying it overall any more then it might be time for a rest! Yes, releasing the templates would be a good idea so that others can contribute...though you've set the bar quite high with the quality!
  2. No it's not doing that; for example, for the Arcade platform I have the image group set to 3D boxes, but when I press the image symbol it generally opens a screenshort or something and I have to scroll back to the 3D box, which does always seem to be first in the list.
  3. Just know that your work is appreciated brother!
  4. Odd behaviour I've noticed recently - if I click on the + icon at the top of a game box to open up the image viewer, the first image displayed isn't the one which should be first - I have to scroll back through the images to get there. It seems to be kind of random which image opens up first. Ideally it should be the first image I think.
  5. Just added the lastest pack; excellent work as always! I think the packs I'm looking forward to most are the update packs, as they will satisfy my OCD to complete the gaps
  6. Yes, my thoughts exactly! I've put in a feature request for true 3D boxes (i.e. ones we can rotate and zoom in/out) so hopefully that will be implemented someday!
  7. Brilliant, thanks so much! Look forward to trying these when I get home, and then to the update packs to fill in the gaps! By the way, I use these but was thinking - why do we use 3D boxes (when these kind of boxes didn't exist for arcade games) instead of media that did exist like the flyers? Keen to hear others' opinions.
  8. These are perfect for when Launchbox has a platform "controller" image category! Good work.
  9. Basically he's saying thanks and te gek, tof, reuze gaaf, etc
  10. Looks nice...but why the major delay in the video?
  11. Expanding the media to show all would be great - that way we could easily see which media items we are missing. I'll check the manuals when I get home, but last I looked none of them seemed to be showing.
  12. These are very nice looking 3D boxes - the best I have seen. Hope you manage to do the rest of the collection
  13. Up to S and only half way done? I'll need to check my alphabet
  14. Great work here! I started work on adding media to my NES hacks but it was very time consuming and I got distracted working on my MSDOS and Windows platforms. Will definitely look into this, cheers!!
  15. I'm sure there are - and also, with the community with have around Launchbox, work on creating these could progress pretty quickly!
  16. Some inspiration for what we're talking about: https://bigboxcollection.com/#CollectionOverview THIS. We need this in Launchbox. The way you can rotate them and zoom is excellent.
  17. It would, but my point was that I don't want to run it every time the computer boots. If that's what you wanted, you may as well run it when Launchbox starts.
  18. @fromlostdays glad you worked it out! Yes, the batch file needs to be run every PC restart if you want to run the games.
  19. Just had another look at the latest version. Does the gallery view just show " the Box-Front, Marquee, Fanart, and Clear Logo" ? This seems very odd - in my mind the most useful way to use the gallery feature would be to show all associated artwork, not a random selection of 4 items. Is this possible? Also, the "manual" section doesn't seem to populate - I have manuals for some games and they aren't showing here.
  20. Ah...the spines on the boxes are back to front on the images at the top of this thread! Has this been fixed or is the whole pack like this?
  21. 5-10% is about the amount that will work without the redirector running. Are you sure that the redirector and the server are running? The original batch file did open Launchbox, but I didn’t want to have to load a specific instance of Launchbox whenever I wanted to play flash games.
  22. Are you using the batch file I uploaded? The file should read this: pushd %~dp0 cls @echo off cd Arcade cd Games cd Flash echo. echo Setting up web server... php.exe -f "update_httpdconf_main_dir.php" echo. echo Starting web server...don't close this window! Close Launchbox when it opens and this'll go with it! start "Apache Server" /b httpd.exe cd .. cd .. cd Redirector echo. echo Starting games redirector...don't close this window! Close Launchbox when it opens and this'll go with it! start "Apache Server" /b Redirect.exe It doesn't actually start Launchbox; after running the batch file, you run Launchbox. The cmd window should read this: Setting up web server... Starting web server...don't close this window! Close Launchbox when it opens and this'll go with it! Starting games redirector...don't close this window! Close Launchbox when it opens and this'll go with it! You should also see the redirector window open. If you don't see this then the problem is with the batch file. If this is all working, then the final step is to make sure that the games are set up properly in Launchbox. The game details in Launchbox should look like this (substituting the correct path and games of course):
  23. Very noice.
  24. Wish there was an easier way to edit the themes - some kind of theme editor maybe. I've love to change a few things but not being a coder I find all the code a bit complicated.
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