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  1. Modern Mini

    This is a theme based on two themes.
    One is ClassicMini from @Grila https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/35204-classicmini/
    And the unfinished theme "Red 84" from @Jegeroel https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/35634-red-84/
    This theme is only possible with the helping hand from @Grila and his magic (and fast) codding skills.
    I only did the layouts (Kinda, because mostly it's based on what Grila did and Jegeroel) but I did some touches here and there.
    Also, I strongly recomend using @reignstumble console Artwork Packs : https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/33483-reignstumble-console-artwork-pack/
    The main focus is to have the video playing in the Background and launch the game right away.
    But if you want more info about the game (like the ROM filename) take a look on the details page.I've been using this theme for about two weeks, and haven't encountered any problem on it.
    If someone needs the PSD files, so they can change the buttons layout, feel free to PM me and I release the file.
    Again, it wouldn't not be possible with the help of Grila!
    I hope you guys enjoy it!



       (4 reviews)



  2. BigCouch Theme

    #01. Description:
    BigCouch was designed for use on big TV screen. A clear and clean interface to navigate easily in your games and platform.
    Seems to be a display bug for the video alignment for few users on PlatformView 2 . It's random and it sounds like a bug in the video engine.
    CriticalCid has bypassed the problem by fixing the placement of the video for the 16x9 screens.
    If you have an alignment problem, try its patch. Available next to the theme.
    Thank you !

    #02. Features:
    4 custom platform view + 7 custom games view. Design for used fanart in background, with automatic blur. Custom icon set. (favorites, broken, ...) Custom media set for Banner and video.  (See below.) Use auto config : No adjustments to be made. Annotated XAML file for easy customization.  
    #03. Showcase:
    Platform view 1 > Same design as the video version, but here with the banner images. (Download link below for Hardware images set) Platform view 2 > Specially designed for my 4:3 video set. (Download link below) You must use the WMP video engine for proper alignment. Platform view 3 > Same spirit, but with fanart background. (The blur is coded, no images modification required) Platform view 4 > Another way. (The blur is coded, no images modification required) Platform view 5 > A basic list page. Because I can't disable it. ^^  
    Game view 1 > Media center style, with horizontal cover wheel, in light color. Game view 2 > Media center style, with horizontal cover wheel, in dark color. Game view 3 > Media center style, with horizontal coverflow. Game view 4 > Media center style, with horizontal cover box. Game view 5 > Same style for the classic list view. Game view 6 > Same style as the classic list view, but with clear logo. Game view 7 > Other style, for maxi cover size. Selected Game view > For all pages, once the game is selected.  
    #04. Request :
    LaunchBox Premium with BigBox - v.7.0 (beta) and superior. Windows Media Player must be installed on your computer.  
    #05. How To Install :
    Download the latest version of the theme. Unzipped the "BigCouch" folder into your :   .../LaunchBox / Themes. Open BigBox, go to [Option> View] and select [BigCouch] as theme. In BigBox option, set the video engine on WMP. (you can test with VLC, But there are still some bugs) Relaunch BigBox. Done !  
    #06. How to Setup :
    HOW TO - CHANGING THE VIEW STYLE (platform & games pages)
    In BigBox Option > Keyboard Mapper > Change View = assign a key. Go back to main view and press this key.
    #07. Specially designed custom media :
    In addition, I shared a whole series of custom media designed to work with this theme.
    I invite you to follow the installation instructions on the download pages below:
    #08. Changelog :
    fix - Detail text space. add - Search by letter in all games view. v.1.5.5
    fix - minor graphic change. add - 2 more Games View ! v.1.5.1
    fix - try to fix video alignement issue with windows 10. Tell me if it's work ! fix - Now work with VLC video engine as well.  But there are still some bugs for some user ... I dont know why =/ v.1.4.0
    fix - try to fix video alignement issue with windows 10. Tell me if it's work ! fix - In game view, grey bakground everywhere for games without any fanart. fix - minor bug and graphic issues. add - new custom platform view. (video style, but with hardware banner pict) add - new custom games view. (list style with clear logo) add - readme file into theme folder. v.1.3.0
    add - rating stars on games view. fix - adjust cover flow image size. v.1.2.0
    add - another custom platform view add - auto-scroll text everywhere. fix - minor graphic fix. v.1.1.0
    add - a custom platform video view fix - minor bug v.1.0.0
    Initial release.  


       (6 reviews)



  3. ComixBox Theme

    ComixBox v1.0.2
    BigBox Theme
    Theme Description
    ComixBox is a theme based on old school comic book design. It relies heavily on having the proper artwork scraped for your systems and games including background fan art, screenshots, front cover images, etc. ComixBox also features some advanced animation techniques that have never been seen before in BigBox.
    Separate views were made for the diferent video snap aspects available. Utilize the option "Remember Separate View for Each Platform" in BigBox Options - Views to get the best visual from the theme (to avoid blank space on the sides of your video snaps).
    Theme Notes 
    * Requires the fonts Bangers and Clementine, which are included in the root theme folder. Install them before running BigBox.
    * The animations in the theme were ultimately just me experimenting with some stuff to try and bring something new to a BigBox theme. I thought they ended up pretty neat so I left them in. I do have a version without them that I'm planning on adding to the .ZIP file shortly.
    * The theme was ultimately designed for 1920x1080 but was tested to be fully working at these resolutions as well:
    1280x720 1366x768 1600x900  
    v1.0.2 (2/23/2017):
    Changed all the videos to use the background video object so they would stretch to fill their appropriate spaces Forced platform and game background videos to "On" in the theme settings file to compensate for the above change v1.0.1 (2/21/2017):
    Added fade effect to the title section so the text doesn't appear until after the animation passes (applies to platform and game views 1, 2, and 3) Added the transition selector codes back to the text views that was erroneously removed during development v1.0.0 (2/20/2017):
    Initial release


       (4 reviews)



  4. NESiCAxLive Theme

    This theme was requested by @Evilmaster and is designed to mirror the interface of the NESiCAxLive system Taito use in their TypeX2 mutli-game cabinets. This is my first attempt at creating a theme so please be kind. The theme has been built for 1920x1080 resolution and is likely to look wrong in other resolutions currently. I may update the theme for other resolutions if there is sufficient interest for me to do so,
    The theme does include the ability to display publisher logos as well as game specific control layouts within the interface. The theme is also built around using steam-style banners - I have detailed the simplest way to set this up currently in Launchbox below as the wheel does not support steam banners as a games view currently without some tweaking of your library.
    The Views
    Platform Wheel 1 - Horizontal Banner View
    Platform Wheel 2 - Horizontal Logo View


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Optional Edit of City background video (CityHunter Theme)

    I wanted a little slower motion video of the city background video that came with the CityHunter theme, so I searched and ended up finding the original video it all came from, called Retrowave
    Putting it here so it's in a central location instead of buried within a thread, just in case anyone else wants to give it a try. 


       (0 reviews)



  6. BigForce Theme

    BigForce v1.0.0
    BigBox Theme
    Theme Description
    BigForce is a modern, dark theme focused around the visual style of the computer graphics giant, nVidia. The idea is based off a RetroFE theme called Ergo Proxy by ryuuji that I adapted and modified for BigBox.
    Theme Notes 
    * Requires the fonts geforce-bold.ttf and geforce-light.ttf. Both are included in the root theme folder. Install them before running BigBox.
    * This theme is designed for 1080 but works well at the following resolutions with one missing reflection (due to the way it was implemented):
        -1280x720: no reflection of the details on the text views
        -1366x768: no reflection of the details on the text views
        -1600x900: partial reflection of the details on the text views
    * If you have your games rated in LaunchBox (5-star rating system), it will be reflected in the theme.
    * I made this based on high quality vertical covers for all systems, it's not going to look right with horizontal covers. I am aware of this, there's no need to tell me. A good source for these is http://www.thecoverproject.net/.
    * Included are a handful of vertical platform banners I made based off eash system's original box design. If the ones you need aren't included, get creative and make your own.


       (0 reviews)



  7. Neon Redux

    Zipped with 7Zip.
    Unzip and place in Theme folder.
    5 Platform Views. 
    11 Game Views. 
    Platform Views.
    1.    Platform Wheel 1
        Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Platform Video, Platform Description, Recent and Favourites.
    2.    Platform Wheel 2
        Video Background, Large Platform Video, Vertical Wheel, Specifications & Details.
    3.    Platform Wheel 3
        Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Specifications & Details, Recent and Favourites.
    4.    Platform wheel 4
        Video Background, Horizontal Wheel, Banner, Medium Platform Video, Specifications & Details.
    5.    Platform Text List With Details
        Fanart Background, Text List, Banner, Background Video, Specifications & Details, Recent and Favourites.
    Game Views
    1.    Fullscreen Coverflow
        Colored Background, Game Title, Platform Logo, Large Boxes, Ratings Icons.
    2.    Coverflow With Details
        Background Video, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Game Title, Rating Icons, Platform Logo.
    3.    Horizontal Boxes With Details
        Background Video, Details & Description, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
    4.    Text List With Details
        Background Video, Games Text List, Banner, Platform Logo, Small Game Video, Medium Box, Rating Icons.
    5.    Vertical wheel 1
        Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Large Game Video.
    6.    Vertical Wheel 2
        Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.
    7.    Vertical Wheel 3
        Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Rating Icons, Box Front.
    8.    Vertical wheel 4
        Fanart Background, Vertical Wheel, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Rating Icons.
    9.    Horizontal Wheel 1
        Background Video, Details & Description, Large Game Video, Horizontal Wheel, Ratings Icons.
    10.    Horizontal Wheel 2
        Background Video, Game Title, Medium Game Video, Box Front Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
    11.    Horizontal Wheel 3
        Background Fanart, Game Title, Medium Game Video, 3D Box Front Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.

    A Massive Thank You to @ea4492 for his wonderful Platform Logo's which can be downloaded from the download section.
    Thank You to @SNAK3ATER who came up with the name for the Theme


       (0 reviews)



  8. Alternate Coverflow

    Hi i made a kinda different alternate Coverflow that can be used anytime and any theme there are no picture backgrounds, rather than give away the fun aspect download and try, remember as always keep a copy of your own Coverflow xaml in case you want to revert back.  Full instructions are included in the zip.
    Hope you like it,


       (0 reviews)



  9. SMW Theme

    SMW  v1.0.0
    BigBox  Theme
    A Quick Note
    I originally started this just as a proof of concept for myself and I wasn't planning on uploading it for the community. After it progressed a bit, I thought it was actually turning out kinda cool and some of you may like to add it to your collection. So here we are. If there's enough interest I'll add some more views to it.
    Theme Description
    SMW is a simple, fun theme that was created by utilizing sprite sheets from the Super Nintendo game Super Mario World. It's designed to be a basic, easy to use theme with a throwback, pixellated visual style.
    Theme Notes 
    * This theme is designed around a 16:9 aspect ratio. The following resolutions have been tested and are known to work as intended:
        - 1280x720
        - 1366x768
        - 1600x900
        - 1920x1080
    * Includes a custom, parallax background video that I made specifically for this theme
    * Custom Coin Icon for your favorited games in the list views
    * A static background in also coded into the theme for those of you who wish to use this theme on lower-end hardware. You'll have to edit the code and comment out the video line AND un-comment the image line. This has to be done in the following views (code is labeled for your pleasure):
        - PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml
        - TextFiltersView.xaml
        - WheelGamesView.xaml
        - TextGamesView.xaml


       (1 review)



  10. Translucent Theme

    Translucent  v1.0.1
    BigBox  Theme
    Theme Description
    Translucent is a modern-ish theme that features real-time Gaussian blurring behind its transparent panels giving them a frosted glass look. The effect works on both background art and background videos.
    Theme Notes 
    * Requires the font Bebas Neue, which is included in the root theme folder. Install it before running BigBox.
    * This theme is designed for 1080. The way the blur effects are implemented as well as the way that some text is formatted won't provide optimal results at any other resolution. I am aware of this, there is no need to comment and tell me about it. Beauty trumped compatibility on this one.
    * Any display scaling above or below 100% is likely to cause alignment issues with some of the theme elements.
    * The real-time Gaussian blurring can be a resource hog with fullscreen background videos enabled. Setting all transitions to "None" can help performance, as will using fan art backgrounds instead of videos.


       (1 review)



  11. ClassicMini

    ClassicMini is a lightweight theme inspired by the NES (and Famicom) Classic Edition that was recently released. It doesn't feature all the flashy videos that seem to be the rage nowadays, but it's simplistic pixel design will take you back to the days of yesteryear. 
    16:9 aspect ratio is suggested, I haven't had time to test at any others so don't complain if it doesn't look right. Working game ratings if you have them set in LaunchBox  
    ClassicMini Changelog:
    v1.2.1 (01/23/2017):
    - Changed the font to a normal sans-serif (Segoe UI family) to help with overall aesthetics and readability
    - Added filter/platform details to the text filter/platform view
    v1.2 (01/21/2017):
    - Changed the binding of the cover images to use the transition presenter instead of calling them directly
    v1.1.1 (01/19/2017):
    - Added a missing opacity mask for the text platform and text game view
    v1.1 (01/19/2017):
    - Added a Famicom styled theme. I had to make it a seperate theme because of the way BigBox shares some of its views.
    - Re-named the NES version of ClassicMini to ClassicMiniNes to reflect the addition of the ClassicMiniFamicom theme
    - Added Famicom skin images
    - Skinned the platform text view, system menu, and options menu
    - Minor changes to various image files
    v1.0 (01/16/2017):
    - Initial release


       (5 reviews)



  12. VideoGlass

    My New Theme VideoGlass
    Happy New Year
    Zipped with 7Zip.
    Unzip and place in Theme folder.
    5 Platform Views. 
    11 Game Views. 
    Skinned almost fully.

    Platform Views.
    1.    Platform Wheel 1
           Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Small Platform Video, Full Scrolling Details, Recent and Favourites.
    2.    Platform Wheel 2
           Video Background, Large Platform Video, Banner, Vertical Wheel, Full Scrolling Details.
    3.    Platform Wheel 3
           Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Small Platform Video, Full Scrolling Details.
    4.    Platform wheel 4
           Video Background, Horizontal Wheel, Banner, Small Platform Video, Full Scrolling Details, Recent and Favourites.
    5.    Platform Text List With Details
        Art Background, Vertical Text List, Banner, Full Scrolling Details, Recent and Favourites.
    Game Views
    1.    Coverflow
           Background Video, Game Title, Platform Logo, Large Boxes, Gif.
    2.    Coverflow With Details
           Background Video, Scrolling Details/Overview, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons, Platform Logo.
    3.    Horizontal Boxes With Details
           Background Video, Scrolling Details/Overview, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
    4.    Text List With Details
           Background Video, Games Text List, Scrolling Details/Overview, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
    5.    Vertical wheel 1
           Background Video, Horizontal Wheel, Scrolling Details/Overview, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
    6.    Vertical Wheel 2
           Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.
    7.    Vertical Wheel 3
           Background Art, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.
    8.    Vertical wheel 4
           Background Video, Curved Vertical Wheel, Medium Boxes, Medium Game Video, Rating Icons, Scrolling Details/Overview.
    9.    Horizontal Wheel 1
           Background Video, Game Title, Large Game Video, Horizontal Logo Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
    10.    Horizontal Wheel 2
             Background Video, Game Title, Large Game Video, Horizontal 3D Boxes Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
    11.    Horizontal Wheel 3
             Background Video, Game Title, Large Game Video, Horizontal Boxes Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.

    Thanks to @Jason Carr for testing it out for me.
    Thanks to @BakerMan, @Nyny77, @viking for their wonderful theme videos and a thanks to all the theme creators here.


       (0 reviews)



  13. SciDoc 5.4

    Hi All
    Here is my New Theme Scidoc.  
    LaunchBox Beta 7.16 up needed.
    Inside the zip SciDoc 5.4 is a folder called SciDoc this is the folder you must cut out and place in your theme folder!
    I have only tested and compiled this on a 15.4 Monitor hopefully it should also work fine on 4.3 Monitors as i do not have one to test it on.
    Unzip and Copy or Cut the Folder Scidoc and place inside your Theme Folder in LaunchBox.
    All the views are done it is almost fully skinned from top to bottom including the BigBox page and the Options page as well as the Music Popup.
    A total of 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views.
    In the Images folder for PlatformWheel3FiltersView there is an Overlay3NOSCANLINES.png Just remane it to Overlay3.png for No Scanlines in that platform view.
    In the Coverflow with Details views just overwrite and Save in Notepad++
                    <ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/SciDoc/Images/CoverDetailsOverlay.png"  RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
                    <SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />
    If you do not like the Overlay with the theme.

    To use this theme fully turn off Platform Video Backgrounds and Game Video Backgrounds.
    Platform videos for this theme should be in 16.9 aspect ratio .  There should hopefully be no problems with the 640x480 Game videos in the game views.
    Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Blue Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name.  Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.
    All Videos supplied with the theme are recorded from the visualizer milkdrop by me and are free under the BSD licence as far as my checking could ascertain.
    With many thanks Maddoc1007.

    Platform View Features:
    Platform Wheel 1:                          Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Video.  Horizontal Platform wheel.  Recent and Favourites.  
                                                            Platform Banner.
    Platform Wheel 2:                          A New Type look for Platforms A more 3d Look in Appearance.
                                                            Vertical Platform wheel.  Large Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.
    Platform Wheel 3:                          Singular Item Logo Wheel per platform.  Largest Video View.  Can be skinned either With or Without Scanlines.                                                                         Scrolling Notes.  Recent and Favourites.
    Platform Wheel 4:                          Another 3d Looking View (I call it the HoloDeck).  Scrolling Data and Notes.  Small Video.  
                                                            Platform Banner.  Recent and Favorites. Horizontal wheel.
    Platform Text List With Details:    Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Background Artwork (Non Video).  Platform Banner.
                                                             Recent and Favourites.    

    Game View Features:
    FullscreenCoverflow:                    Background Video.  Large Coverflow Box's.  Game Title.  Platform Name Logo.  Gif.
    CoverFlow with Details:                Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Small Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
    Horizontal Box's with Details:       Fanart Background.  Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.
    Horizontal Wheel 1:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Medium Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.
    Horizontal wheel 2:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Medium Box's CoverFlow.
    Horizontal wheel 3:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.
    Text List With Details:                    Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.  Game Box's.
    Vertical wheel 1:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel.
    Vertical Wheel 2:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.
    Vertical wheel 3:                             Background Fanart.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.
    Vertical wheel 4:                             Curved Vertical Wheel.  Background Video.  Medium Game Box. Medium Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  
                                                             Rating Icons.
    BigBox page and Options page fully skinned, as well as the Music Popup, and the Games Marquee Shows Box Front Box Back and Marquee.
    Platform Marquee Default.
    Sorry for lag in Videos my computer doesn't like recording software.
    Thank you @CriticalCid for showing us how to use background videos,   Thanks also to @Nyny77, @viking and @BakerMan for their awesome Theme videos and to all the other theme creators.  Also thanks to @Jason Carr for his help.


       (0 reviews)



  14. SciDoc 16.10

    Hi All
    Here is my New Theme Scidoc.  
    LaunchBox Beta 7.16 up needed.
    Inside the zip SciDoc 16.10 is a folder called SciDoc this is the folder you must cut out and place in your theme folder!
     have only tested and compiled this on a 16.10 Monitor hopefully it should also work fine on 16.9 Monitors as i do not have one to test it on.
    Unzip and Copy or Cut the Folder Scidoc and place inside your Theme Folder in LaunchBox.
    All the views are done it is almost fully skinned from top to bottom including the Bigbox page and the Options page as well as the Music Popup.
    A toal of 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views.
    In the Images folder for PlatformWheel3FiltersView there is an Overlay3NOSCANLINES.png Just remane it to Overlay3.png for No Scanlines in that platform view.
    In the Coverflow with Details views just overwrite and Save in Notepad++
                    <ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/SciDoc/Images/CoverDetailsOverlay.png"  RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
                    <SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />
    If you do not like the Overlay with the theme.

    To use this theme fully turn off Platform Video Backgrounds and Game Video Backgrounds.
    Platform videos for this theme should be in 16.9 aspect ratio but should also work with 4.3 Videos as well as i have created the overlays to take advantage of the way 4.3 videos left align themselves.  There should hopefully be no problems with the 640x480 Game videos in the game views.
    Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Blue Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name.  Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.
    All Videos supplied with the theme are recorded from the visualizer milkdrop by me and are free under the BSD licence as far as my checking could acertain.
    With many thanks Maddoc1007.

    Platform View Features:
    Platform Wheel 1:                          Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Video.  Horizontal Platform wheel.  Recent and Favourites.  
                                                            Platform Banner.
    Platform Wheel 2:                          A New Type look for Platforms A more 3d Look in Appearance.
                                                            Vertical Platform wheel.  Large Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.
    Platform Wheel 3:                          Singular Item Logo Wheel per platform.  Largest Video View.  Can be skinned either With or Without Scanlines.                                                                         Scrolling Notes.  Recent and Favourites.
    Platform Wheel 4:                          Another 3d Looking View (I call it the HoloDeck).  Scrolling Data and Notes.  Small Video.  
                                                            Platform Banner.  Recent and Favorites. Horizontal wheel.
    Platform Text List With Details:    Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Background Artwork (Non Video).  Platform Banner.
                                                             Recent and Favourites.    

    Game View Features:
    FullscreenCoverflow:                    Background Video.  Large Coverflow Box's.  Game Title.  Platform Name Logo.  Gif.
    CoverFlow with Details:                Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Small Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
    Horizontal Box's with Details:       Fanart Background.  Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.
    Horizontal Wheel 1:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Medium Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.
    Horizontal wheel 2:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Medium Box's CoverFlow.
    Horizontal wheel 3:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.
    Text List With Details:                    Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.  Game Box's.
    Vertical wheel 1:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel.
    Vertical Wheel 2:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.
    Vertical wheel 3:                             Background Fanart.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.
    Vertical wheel 4:                             Curved Vertical Wheel.  Background Video.  Medium Game Box. Medium Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  
                                                             Rating Icons.
    Bigbox page and Options page fully skinned, as well as the Music Popup, and the Games Marquee Shows Box Front Box Back and Marquee.
    Platform Marquee Default.
    Sorry for the Video Lag my computer doesn't like recording software.
    Thank you @CriticalCid for showing us how to use background videos,   Thanks also to @Nyny77, @viking and @BakerMan for their awesome Theme videos and to all the other theme creators.  Also thanks to @Jason Carr for his help.


       (1 review)



  15. Retrostate Skin - A skin for Futurestate theme

    Retrostate Skin - A skin for Futurestate Theme by @Hexxxer
    This is a Skin for the excellent theme Futurestate by @Hexxxer.
    You will need this Bigbox theme for the skin to work. 
    You can get the theme form here 
    To install the skin replace the original Futurestate files in the theme folder at


       (1 review)



  16. BarTop Theme

    !! STILL IN BETA !!    Before delivering the final version, I wait to be able to align the items of the wheels. So this is a BETA version with non-definitive wheels, uploaded for debug. Please rate your bug in the forum thread. Thank you!

    #01. Description:
    BARTOP theme was created for the 4:3 screens of classic arcades cabinet. But it remains fully compatible with all screen ratios. 
    In addition to this theme, I created and shared 3 large media sets especially designed for him. I invite you to use them to fully enjoy the experience.
    This theme was tested on  4:3 | 16:9 | 16:10 | 21:9 screens. It works on all "out the box". (Only some minor issue on the 21:9)

    #02. Features:
    5 custom platform view + 5 custom platform view. Custom marquee for platform & Game view. Design for used video in background. Platform & Games views : no video deformation regardless of your screen ratio.  (work only with WMP video engine) Custom icon set. (favorites, broken, ...) Custom media set for ClearLogo + Banner + Platform Video.  (See below.) Scanline effect plug on "background opacity" setting in BigBox. Use auto config : No adjustments to be made. (Only the video engine) Annotated XAML file for easy customization.  
    #03. Showcase:Pict coming soon, after the release of the final version.
    Platform view 1 = Design for classic EmuMovie gameplay video, with Hardware banner. Platform view 2 = Design for classic EmuMovie gameplay video. Platform view 3 = Designed specifically for my 4:3 video set. Platform view 4 = Designed specifically for video set like official Cinematix set Platform view 5 = Classic text view, with fanart and Hardware banner. Game view 1 = Classic text view. Design for EmuMovie gameplay video. Game view 2 = Vertical cover wheel. Design for EmuMovie gameplay video. Game view 3 = Horizontal cover wheel. Design for EmuMovie gameplay video. Game view 4 = Horizontal cover flow. Design for EmuMovie gameplay video. Game view 4 = Horizontal game box. Design for EmuMovie gameplay video.  
    #04. Request :
    LaunchBox Premium with BigBox - v.7.0 (beta) and superior. Windows Media Player must be installed on your computer.  
    #05. How To Install :
    Download the latest version of the theme. Unzipped the "BarTop" folder into your :   .../LaunchBox / Themes. Open BigBox, go to [Option> View] and select [BarTop] as theme. In BigBox option, set the video engine on WMP. Go back into main interface Done !  
    #06. How to Setup :
    HOW TO - CHANGING THE VIEW STYLE (platform & games pages)
    In BigBox Option > Keyboard Mapper > Change View = assign a key. Go back to main view and press this key. HOW TO - USING SCANLINE EFFECT
    In views where the scanline effect is implemented, it's set by the background opacity in BigBox option.
    set on  0 : scanline off set on 10 : scanline light set on 90 : scanline strong I suggest to set on 20.
    #07. Specially designed custom media :
    In addition, I shared a whole series of media specially designed for this theme. Of course, you can use any media your want.
    I invite you to download them and follow the installation instructions on each of the pages listed below:
    #08. Changelog :
    add - Custom marquee view for Platform & Games. v.0.9.1
    fix - Platform views = The background video no longer have any distortion. add - Games views = The background video no longer have any distortion. v.0.9.0
    Initial BETA release.  


       (1 review)



  17. Theme Special Cinematic BigBox 1080P

    Theme Special Cinematic (MinimalHD) BigBox 1080P


       (2 reviews)



  18. SimplyHD

    Hello everyone!
    I created this simple HD theme titled SimplyHD. There is a single platform view and games wheel view. I know this works with a 1920x1080 resolution but I'm not really sure on any other resolution. I've tried with other resolutions and the text doesn't scale right for whatever reason. I'm new at learning all this .xaml stuff.  
    If you are running 1920x1080 resolution and have weird text scaling issues where text is to big and outside the box. Check your Windows display settings for text size and make sure it's set to 100%
    To start it off, here is a few options I recommend setting inside BigBox.
    Options - Keyboard Mappings - Map Switch View to a key Options - Platform Details - Check 6 boxes. The Platform Details will show 6 I recommend checking (Default Emulator, Total Games, Games Completed, Last Played, Play Count, and Most Played) Options - Transitions - Filter Games Boxes Transition: Slide Horizonal Options - Videos - Check Use Game Background Videos and  Check Use Platform Background Videos Options - Views - Games List View: Vertical Clear Logo Wheel Options Views - Platforms List View: Platforms Wheel with Image, Video, and Thumbs Options - Views - UnCheck - Show Filters Favorite Games Options - Images - UnCheck - Show Clear Logos in Games Details Option - Game Menu - UnCheck - Show Game Menu Title I also recommend using Viking's Platform Logo's found here:
    You can change the colors of the theme by renaming the Default folder, which is in your theme directory.  ...\LaunchBox\Themes\SimplyHD\Images\Default
    There is a total of 9 different colors. To rename I recommend exiting BigBox and rename Default to whatever. Example "-Default". Then rename the color you want to Default. Example rename the Blue folder to Default, then restart BigBox.
    Here is a few examples of the colors, Dark Red, Blue, and Green.

    Below is a a few screenshots showing some of the features on the platform and games view.
    Opacity can be changed to your liking via editing the .xaml file
    PlatformWheelImageVideoThumbsFiltersView.xaml (Opacity settings start at line 79) They are in decimal and range from 0-1 (0.65 is default, which is 65%)
    WheelGamesView.xaml (Opacity settings start at line 79) They are in decimal and range from 0-1 (0.65 is default, which is 65%)

    Text Games view added


       (2 reviews)



  19. MaterialBox

    Only the following views are implemented
    Games List View:
    Text List with Details
    Vertical Clear Logo Wheel
    Platform List View:
    Text List with Details
    Platforms Wheel with Video, Details, and Thumbs
    Suggested transitions are:
    Filters Game Boxes Transition: Slide Horizontal
    Everything else: Fade


       (1 review)



  20. Glass

    This is the first theme i have created, i hope it works well, i have tested on a 4.3 and a 16.9 monitor and it is working well for me.
    Inside the Theme folder you will find 3 Folders named Views, Views 4.3 and Views 16.9.  
    Should you have any trouble with views and are using a 16.9 monitor or t.v copy all the files inside the Views 16.9 folder and paste and overwrite the files inside the views folder.

    Should you have any trouble with views and are using a 4.3 monitor or t.v copy all the files inside the Views 4.3 folder and paste and overwrite the files inside the views folder.
    The default images are Dark and are showing inside the Images Folder.
    Inside the images folder You will see 4 folders called Lightest, Light, Dark and Darkest, if you want to change the shaded look of the theme please copy the png's from one of these folders and overwrite the png's immediately inside the Images Folder.
    Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name.  Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.
    Inside the Banner Folder are 59 Platform Banners, keep or replace with your desired Banners.
    Inside the Fanart Folder are 59 Fanart Backgrounds, keep or replace with your desired Fanart.


       (2 reviews)



  21. Hori Wheels

    My first time at a theme. It obviously revolves around @nyny77's platform videos..I like the way it looks..It's nothing fancy by any means though. I also changed the select.wav file to the sound of doors opening in Metroid, so I'll add that in here as well.


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