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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Some services can be disabled to help if someone wants to really try and figure it out. I also recall most of our issues with other software being AV and Firewall related, but I don't remember this one exactly either. With a fresh install, disabling some of the more annoying services (or un-needed services like the Printer Spooler for example), keeping it to the default Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, running IOBit's Driver Booster, the Standard K-Lite Codec Pack install, making sure all the pre-req gaming related software is downloaded (which can be grabbed from the Gaming Module of Driver Booster), and having Windows fully updated is the best starting point suggestion I can give to anyone. Most of all making sure every single one of your drivers are updated, and trust me, there are a ton you would never realize need updating.
  2. You can just use a regular rom set with MESS, or in the Atari 2600's case with RetroArch. I have made a few tutorials where MESS was the only option, or the better option, and I used games with regular names.
  3. Which XML? The LaunchBox.xml (if you have one) is not used anymore and is likely outdated. All the XML's needed are in the Data folder now.
  4. Sweet, that makes my job a lot easier.
  5. Yea, you wouldn't want to copy over 2TB every single time, that will eat up the drives faster. I would just copy over the LB install, just the files no media. That would be the smallest and simplest approach, and only copy over a platforms media when something major changes. Have you thought about a cloud backup too? I use BackBlaze myself, and it's fantastic. It's $5 a month, with no file size limit. I use it on my entire PC. https://secure.backblaze.com/r/011scr
  6. Are you talking about in Big Box? I can see the check box when I edit a game in LB, but it does seem to be missing from Big Box. It might have just been an oversight by @Jason Carr, or it's in a different menu. Show Complete in the Game Details BB menu is not there either.
  7. We haven't had ties to them in almost a year, our Database has been user contributed ever since and had more than 2 million changes made to it. So it still needs more work, but we think it's currently way more advanced and suits our needs best. We've also taken many changes since then from their Database, which includes Alternate Names. There are threads on this a bunch too, and the feature is live on the Database but still needs to be implemented in LB/BB. It would also still require a user to set that metadata, so for a game with multiple names a user still needs to make those changes on the database, but this is essentially what you've asked for. Right now only the front facing names are scrapable, but the others will be as well.
  8. So like a symbol next to your media? A cloud symbol and a download symbol? You're more than welcome to request that feature on the BitBucket, I think something like that is a unique request actually. Click Issues/Requests at the top, and don't forget to vote for your own ticket.
  9. I might be a bit dense here, but move from where to where? If it's just a file on your PC wouldn't cutting it and pasting it work? I am not trying to be a jerk, I might just be lost at exactly what you're asking. If you could give a bit more info that might help.
  10. I feel I should also re-post this as well; It's from a little while ago, but it was when performance was taking a hit by something in the code, and has since even come to perform a bit better. Let me be honest in saying that of course there are always things that Jason can do to improve performance, but I agree with Monkus and Derek, something else is going on here, either a bug with your specific systems, or software that you have running interfering with LB / BB. I get lag hiccups every once in a while, but nothing to the descriptions I've seen here, but I also have a 30k library. Library size is the biggest factor to LB / BB performance slowing down, and in my honest experience if your library is small and it's performing that bad, then it's either the system or software interference, and we've established that some of you have half way decent machines capable of running the software. The description to the video:
  11. LaunchBox and Big Box can know you "played" game the game, that number only changes by the amount of times you open a game, but complete is totally different. @DOS76 is correct, that would be extremely hard to do, so that's something that would need to to be manually checked off.
  12. As far as I know, no that doesn't exist. Someone please correct me if that software does exist though.If the folder names are set up right, you should be fine anyways, but if the rom and folder name are set to the ID, then re-downloading a set that doesn't have this or re-naming them might be the only solutions (assuming someone else doesn't post software that can help in this case).
  13. If you set the boost to that high, it can actually create a distortion, or you're boosting it so high that there is buzzing or background noise. Keeping the volume level at 100 should be fine too, as long as you're voice isn't blowing it out. If you can, do a recording with some voice recording software (like Audacity), and see if you sound normal. If you sound washed out, or have hissing or feedback that might not be too great. Do keep in mind that Microsoft has a lot of money to get Cortana to work in a ton of different situations and languages, our voice rec wouldn't be able to compete in a lot of scenarios, but there still might be more that @Jason Carr can do with it. So I'll forward it to him and see if he has any recommendations. In the end though, I think a more clear mic might be the answer, but you should do a test recording to find out what it sounds like.
  14. That is really strange. I'll pass it on to @Jason Carr and @Vlansix.
  15. It gets imported from the Database, but if the Database doesn't have that info then it wont get imported. My Multiplayer stuff might be leftovers, I recall @Vlansix changing something related to the Multiplayer field, but I don't quite remember.
  16. Ah, that makes sense, since that's exactly what I do. I should have put two and two together.
  17. The disksys.rom file should only be in the System folder, no sub folder. It's also worth checking to see if your path settings are fully correct and that it's looking at the system folder. Otherwise, the other things to check (which are general checks) would be that the core is downloaded, and that the -L command is set up properly. Make sure the core you want to use is denoted in the associated platforms tab as it may default to a core you don't want to use (the defaults are being updated).
  18. I do too usually, but that error doesn't interfere with removal of images (or it shouldn't). The Clean Up Images option should really only remove images that are no longer associated with a game, so if there is a duplicate image that is attached to a game, how is LaunchBox supposed to know that the image is bad? If you completely remove a game, then this is where it's supposed to shine. I guess there could be some sort of check, like if the image matches hash checks (though these can change), or if the file size, dimensions and file extension all match, it removes one of the images?
  19. If you have any songs that are actually screwed up (NES specifically), Circo should have just recently fixed that, so delete the NES music and re-download them. At least this is what Jason has told me.
  20. I would honestly suggest finding an alternative, but I am more than happy that you got it working right now. Just know, this could still be an issue going forward and we update very often.
  21. Everything you've said, in one way or another, is something Jason wants to implement and has been discussed before on the forums (like adding games to the Database from within LaunchBox) but realize he is alone in coding LaunchBox / Big Box, so certain things take time.
  22. Yea, we're a US based group, so it makes some sense to prioritize English (or specifically N. American) releases, but we still want to represent everywhere, and we want users to be able to decide what they want in the end inside of LB. So if someone wants all of their systems to be broken out as individuals, they can with Scrape As, and the region based enhancements are getting better and better. Alternate Naming for example is live on the Database, but still needs to be implemented in to LaunchBox. In time though, someone could prefer a region, and any game that has that region tagged in their metadata can display that regional name and / or media (provided a user set it up on the DB).
  23. Actually, video over a network wouldn't be all that bad. Think of Plex, Universal Media Server, or Kodi over a network. Now granted, they're optimized for this, and a regular homegroup or network connection might not be the greatest, but my wife has played video from my PC on her PC in Media Player Classic over the homegroup before, and it played fine. 720p and 1080p content. The videos from EmuMovies generally max out at 480p, so I honestly think it will be fine, but like Derek said, it's best to test it out.
  24. The only way to do this is to create a custom theme, or edit the theme you currently have (if the Author allows their theme to be edited), or ask the author them selves to create an alternate version. Otherwise, there's no way in Big Box that I know to resize images like that. From the looks of that images, they're already fairly big, much bigger and it will collide with the other artwork, so it might only be able to be marginally increased.
  25. What Derek said is correct, the only thing kept related to the games is Media, i.e. images, music, pdf's, etc.
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