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Everything posted by MadK9

  1. Which romset are you using? merged/split or non-merged? if using the first two, you will need to also have the bios files. Don't mix different versions of mame rom files, if you use Mame 201, then use 201 Roms & 201 CHD's and 201 Bios files (Chd rarely update so not as important). If you have the roms in the roms folder within the mame folders, then you don't need to edit any config files, as mame will look in its rom folder, providing you did''t remove the path in the config file.
  2. With the fade screen, your plugin will need to know the status of the Emulator. The way RL does this is by matching the emu window title and what state it is at. Pulling apart any of the RL modules will give you what you need.
  3. Thats the name of the two games you chose to merge, its just asking you which should be the top most rom, so when you go to load it then it will load that one, to load the other rom, you need to right click. Hope that helps solve that for you. FBA is derived from MAME, so it probably checked it against that as well.
  4. MadK9

    Cave Boxes

    Crusher Makochan is Takumi Soft, Thunder Heroes is Primetek Investments and Tobikose! Jumpman is Namco. Even though these games may use the cave.cpp driver in mame they are not Cave games. From what i recall a Cave game must be Manufactured and Published by Cave. Unless they were offshoots of Toaplan or BanPresto. But i have never seen these games mentioned in any Cave setup before. And they are not mentioned in any wiki that i checked.
  5. in the mame ini change the following to the monitor you want it on 1/2/3/4 # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen \\.\DISPLAY1
  6. Click All, then in search type the Name of the game, and then click on one of the games, and CTRL+A to highlight them all, then right click and Add to Playlist. If i remember correctly though playlists are Premium users only, but i could be wrong on that.
  7. How did you create the game ini by hand? if so, then ofc that will work as PCSX2 already handles per game loading, the mod is made to make that part more simplified, but also to make a central download hub for configs that are known to work, and work well for most people/ Currently the Plugin does not work, yet configs will work, as that's part of the emulator not LB.
  8. The cfg files still work in 8.6 but the plugin it self does not.
  9. When you load LaunchBox Next, check for a little bar right at the very top of the screen, if you see it there, then LB is still caching your Images, this takes time, once its done then LB will be faster than your older one. When you built your current LB version, you didn't add everything all at once, but in pieces. With the new LB its got everything all at once and as there is a new Cache folder for the LB and BB, every game you have needs its images fully cached, this was the same in the old LB, but as i said it wasn't all at once. I for one was not a .Next fan at the start, but now i would never go back to the old one, this version is far superior in every way. Some of what has already said, seems to be issue more at your end than .Next on a whole. I suggest reading the Beta threads and joining the Discord server, theres plenty of help on there from a wide variety of people.
  10. Its built into BB, just push Up, that should bring it up.
  11. You will find what you are after @RetroHumanoid's Website. http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/ under the Cinematic Themes section in the downloads.
  12. Nintendo - MSU-1 3D Cases (Updated) View File A set of MSU-1 Covers, in the UGC format. *UPDATE* New V2 pack, all covers so far now in two seperate packs, Single case or Dual case, You can use one or the other, or if like me you can use both. The Reflection effect has been removed, this was asked for a few times.. 60+ cases had some changes made to the front covers using the correct MSU logo's ie, Super Famicom games now using a Super Famicom Logo instead of the Super Nintendo one. All cases to date are in these packs, and as far as im aware, this covers every game that has had an MSU-1 Patch. There are 2 sets Single Faced - 292 Covers, most have alternates using the USA/JPN and PAL cover styles Double Faced - 293 Covers, most have alternates using the USA/JPN and PAL cover styles. These covers are not meant to be accurate representations of the original boxes, these are customs and are to be treated as such. The naming is standard Launchbox/Super Nintendo Game names, so unless you have them named different, you should be able to drag and drop into the Box - 3D folder. (i recommend if you have my older boxes to remove them, and start fresh.) (Note: Boxes are labeled using one of the options Single or Dual, if you want to use both sets, you will need to manually edit each title in LB and drag the new extra box(s) over and set it to 3D Box.) A lot of these covers came from http://thecoverproject.net . Covers that did not exist i tried to make as carefully as i could. I am no artist, all the images contained in these Cases are from the net and are made by more talented people than myself, i make these primarily for myself, so i hope you like them, and will use them. Submitter MadK9 Submitted 08/31/2018 Category Game Box Art  
  13. Version 2.1.7


    A set of MSU-1 Covers, in the UGC format. *UPDATE* New V2 pack, all covers so far now in two seperate packs, Single case or Dual case, You can use one or the other, or if like me you can use both. The Reflection effect has been removed, this was asked for a few times.. 60+ cases had some changes made to the front covers using the correct MSU logo's ie, Super Famicom games now using a Super Famicom Logo instead of the Super Nintendo one. All cases to date are in these packs, and as far as im aware, this covers every game that has had an MSU-1 Patch. There are 2 sets Single Faced - 292 Covers, most have alternates using the USA/JPN and PAL cover styles Double Faced - 293 Covers, most have alternates using the USA/JPN and PAL cover styles. These covers are not meant to be accurate representations of the original boxes, these are customs and are to be treated as such. The naming is standard Launchbox/Super Nintendo Game names, so unless you have them named different, you should be able to drag and drop into the Box - 3D folder. (i recommend if you have my older boxes to remove them, and start fresh.) (Note: Boxes are labeled using one of the options Single or Dual, if you want to use both sets, you will need to manually edit each title in LB and drag the new extra box(s) over and set it to 3D Box.) A lot of these covers came from http://thecoverproject.net . Covers that did not exist i tried to make as carefully as i could. I am no artist, all the images contained in these Cases are from the net and are made by more talented people than myself, i make these primarily for myself, so i hope you like them, and will use them.
  14. MadK9

    Folders Links

    Yep i do that here, and works very well. I use HardLinkShellExt http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/linkshellextension.html ,its pretty easy to use, install the app, then once all done, load the prefs of the app (in the start menu) and turn off smart move. Then all you need to do is, right click a folder you would like to create a symlink for, and choose the Pick link source, Then just go to where you want a shotcut to be placed and right click and choose Drop As, then select what you want to use, i prefer Symlinks, and thats it, when ever a program uses that folder it will actually be using the main source folder. You can also rename the symlink to what ever you want as that wont affect the link.
  15. Do it yourself, its not hard, or just add them all to LB, then just delete the ones you don't want.
  16. Sammy Atomiswave 3D Case/Box View File These are a set of quick 3D Cases for the Sammy Atomiswave set. These were created for myself quickly as i was missing this media type. These are nothing flashy, just plain and simple. Thanks to @Cauptain for his Sammy Atomiswave 2D Covers (HD) Please check out his other awesome box sets. and @vikingfor his awesome Hardware Platform Set Submitter MadK9 Submitted 08/30/2018 Category Game Box Art
  17. Version 1.0.0


    These are a set of quick 3D Cases for the Sammy Atomiswave set. These were created for myself quickly as i was missing this media type. These are nothing flashy, just plain and simple. Thanks to @Cauptain for his Sammy Atomiswave 2D Covers (HD) Please check out his other awesome box sets. and @vikingfor his awesome Hardware Platform Set
  18. I have narrowed this down to changing the Game Font and having the Font size set to 12 or lower. I tested a wide variety of fonts, and most fonts displayed this issue, but i also found fonts that effectively locked LaunchBox up where it was unusable and i had to copy back my saved settings.xml file, as LaunchBox on reload would be very sluggish, and near impossible to use. Not all fonts displayed this bug, seems the default system fonts all behaved perfectly fine, but using custom fonts can seem to cause a few issues,
  19. Noticed the second line onwards is not taking the effect Text Outline Opacity.
  20. i think it looks pretty good from my view at least
  21. Not sure if a bug, but i set a colour theme in the options and made sure to turn off the random theme option, and all seems well, except Details tab changes colour on each game i click on, Also is changing colour scheme with the Details View on its doesn't get skinned until you close it and open it again. Additional, when selecting a colour scheme from the drops downs, after you apply the theme you want, it seems to revert back to custom (maybe thats just a cosmetic thing, not sure though). Just got this error, closing and opening the Game Details tab after a colour theme change. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. App: LaunchBox Version: 8.6-beta-1 Type: System.NullReferenceException Site: Void (<>c__DisplayClass220_2) Source: LaunchBox at (<>c__DisplayClass220_2 ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.ViewModels.GameDetailsViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass220_2.<LoadStarRatingGrid>b__9() at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeDelegateCore() at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Wait(TimeSpan timeout) at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeImpl(DispatcherOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout) at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke(Action callback, DispatcherPriority priority, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout) at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke(Action callback, DispatcherPriority priority) at (Action , DispatcherPriority ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.Threading.Invoke(Action callback, DispatcherPriority priority) at (<>c__DisplayClass220_0 , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.ViewModels.GameDetailsViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass220_0.<LoadStarRatingGrid>b__1(Object sender, MouseEventArgs args) at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.ReverseInheritProperty.FirePropertyChangeInAncestry(DependencyObject element, Boolean oldValue, DeferredElementTreeState treeState, Action`2 originChangedAction) at System.Windows.ReverseInheritProperty.FirePropertyChangeInAncestry(DependencyObject element, Boolean oldValue, DeferredElementTreeState treeState, Action`2 originChangedAction) at System.Windows.ReverseInheritProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(DependencyObject oldOrigin, DependencyObject newOrigin, IList`1 otherOrigins, DeferredElementTreeState& oldTreeState, Action`2 originChangedAction) at System.Windows.Input.MouseDevice.ChangeMouseOver(IInputElement mouseOver, Int32 timestamp) at System.Windows.Input.MouseDevice.PreNotifyInput(Object sender, NotifyInputEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea() at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input) at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
  22. NESICAxLive 3D Case/Box View File Set of 48 Boxes for the NESICAxLive Games. Hope you all enjoy. Any i missed just leave me a message with which title, i will make it asap. Submitter MadK9 Submitted 08/20/2018 Category Game Box Art  
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Set of 48 Boxes for the NESICAxLive Games. Hope you all enjoy. Any i missed just leave me a message with which title, i will make it asap.
  24. I made up a couple of the Boxes using your Style to fill the missing boxes for the AKNF, i still have the full media pack i created back at the start of the project. I was going to do my own take on them for AKNF, as i released 4 packs so far for it, and update the pack once Mr Monkus lets me know the new/changed games, but i think your style @Robin55 fits the games much better.
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