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Platform Banners

43 files

  1. Colorfull Banners / Arcade Lady

    Here are my Platform Banners, maybe you can use them also as Startscreen. The Zip contains 274 Banners. Screenshots Original Size (1080p).


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  2. AllNightLong Platform3 template (PSD)

    New platform view in the 1.3 update to my theme and here is the psd-file for it to make more banners. These are added to the ../platforms/device/ folder to work in my theme.


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  3. AllNightLong Theme Banner Template (psd)

    Hi, this is a template to make more banners to my BigBox Theme "AllNightLong". All current assets included (logos & devices).
    This theme uses some of the device images from EmulationStation theme Tronkyjared (https://github.com/cowboyjeeper/tronkyjared).
    Many device images and system logos are taken from Wikipedia.


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  4. Custom PC Banners

    Hey Guys! Been a long time "leacher" as I have been building my collection but figured since by collection is now filling up, Im going to start contributing to the community!
    For my platform banners in my setup, I have been using the device logos with the white background that can be found everywhere (used on Wikipedia and come up first on google for nearly every system). The only things that are missing are the banners for the categories that I have that dont have actual devices, mostly the "PC" category. I created these to fill the gap and I think they fit in pretty good. Ill update the pack if I create some more. You can just see the screenshot for the included platforms.
    I have also included the PSD if anyone wants to make there own, basically just change the system logo.
    I hope someone can find them useful! I have many more things to come.


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  5. Capcom Home Arcade - Banner

    Banner for the 'Capcom Home Arcade'
    I made this banner for those who want to create the 'Capcom Home Arcade' hardware as a platform or playlist.
    The official fight-stick from Capcom contains the following 16 arcade games:
    1944: The Loop Master Alien vs. Predator Armored Warriors Capcom Sports Club Captain Commando Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors Eco Fighters Final Fight Ghouls'n Ghosts Giga Wing Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting Mega Man: The Power Battle Progear Strider Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo In total I've uploaded video, banner and clear logo.
    You can get the other files here:


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  6. Nosh On This Twice - Platform Banners

    This is a reboot of my pack of platform banners to keep in line with Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos. The biggest addition is platform categories and playlists for every system. As mentioned in clear device logos, there may be unneeded genre playlist images for some of the platforms, at some point i will remove them but for now it includes everything.
    98 Platform Banners
    2854 Playlist Banners
    298 Platform Category Banners
    Other Nosh On This Twice Downloads
    Nosh On This Twice - Banners
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - Black LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - BigBox Theme


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  7. Neo Geo AES Specific Banner

    Not saying it's not out there, but I couldn't find it so here is a quick file dump of the NeoGeo banner and clear logo - if anyone is interested. 


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  8. Retro Neon Platform Category Marquee Set

    Here is a set of 7 Platform Category marquees to match the video and wheel set that I have just released.
    Dimensions are 1920x533


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  9. NoshOnThis - More Platfoms

    Just some more platform banners for what i think is one of the best themes.
    More Playlist Banners
    I  hope some people will find these useful.


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  10. Switch Theme Platform Banners V1.0

    These platform banners are intended to be used in tandem with Grila's Switch theme, which I think is still one of the best custom themes available. I wanted to enhance the theme by designing platform banners which match the style. These banners look great once installed and will make the theme look seamless and consistent in design. Clean and minimal with no compression and with a matching background colour. I've included some platforms which are yet to be fully emulated, just to future-proof the set. If there are any platforms you'd like me to add in future, drop a comment below.


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  11. Miscellaneous Platform Banners

    This is a short compilation of banners that were missing and did not download when I created the Platforms in LaunchBox. I made them in the default style.


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  12. Zombeaver's Platform Banners

    These are platform banners that I've created for Big Box that have been available on the forums for some time now but haven't actually been in the downloads section. I'm uploading them here as some may not be aware of them.
    Platforms currently covered:
    Arcade (2 variants)
    Atari 8-bit
    Atari 2600
    Atari 5200
    Atari 7800
    Atari Jaguar
    Atari ST (2 variants)
    Capcom CPS-1 (2 variants)
    Capcom CPS-2 (2 variants)
    Capcom CPS-3
    Classic PC (custom platform)
    Commodore 64
    GCE Vectrex
    Neo Geo
    Neo Geo Pocket Color
    Nintendo 64
    Nintendo DS
    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Nintendo Gamecube
    Nintendo Game Boy (2 variants)
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance
    Nintendo Game Boy Color (2 variants)
    Nintendo Wii
    PC Engine
    PC Engine-CD (2 variants)
    Sega 32X
    Sega CD
    Sega Dreamcast
    Sega Game Gear
    Sega Genesis
    Sega Master System (2 variants)
    Sega Model 2
    Sega Naomi (2 variants)
    Sega Saturn
    Sony Playstation
    Sony Playstation 2
    Sony PSP
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    Taito Type X
    TurboGrafx-CD (2 variants)
    Sharp X68000
    I will continue to create more based on requests as time allows. If you have a specific request, post it in the comments and I'll see what I can do.
    Other image/video projects:


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  13. zer0's Banners

    This is a collection of banners I made using each system floating in a galaxy background, and I'd like to share them with the community!
    Don't forget to like, review or comment, I'd really appreciate it!
    The ZIP file includes all banners for the systems I own, as well as a few custom playlist platforms:
    Arcade Atari Lynx Super Nintendo (PAL) Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo Game Boy Advance Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Gamecube Nintendo Wii Nintendo WiiU Sega 32X Sega Model 2 Sega Model 3 Sega CD Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Sega Dreamcast Sega Master System Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Sony PSP Panasonic 3DO
    Playlist Banners:
    Mortal Kombat Street Fighter Grand Theft Auto Tony Hawks Pro Skater Super Nintendo Mini (PAL)


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  14. Various Banners

    Various banners I made for myself. I am currently using them with  Modern Mini theme, but probably can work for another themes too. There are three types of banners in the zip archive:
    1) Platform Categories:
    - Arcade
    - Computers
    - Consoles
    - Digital Distribution
    - Handhelds
    - Playlists
    2)  Platforms:
    Five simple banners for digital distribution platforms.
    - Battle.net
    - GOG
    - Origin
    - Steam
    - Uplay
    3) Playlist banners:
    13 banners for various playlists (the NES and SNES Classics pictured on screenshot are not included, I just modified and used the clear logos created by gogocons (Nintendo Classic Editions Banner and Clear Logo) to fit my style.)
    - Adventure Game Studio
    - Dungeons & Dragons
    - Lightgun Games
    - Locomalito Games
    - Mortal Kombat
    - OpenBOR
    - Pinball Games
    - Pokemon Collection
    - Shadowrun
    - Shmups
    - The Elder Scrolls
    - The Legend of Zelda
    - X-COM
    Maybe someone find these useful too. Oh, and sorry for my caveman english


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  15. Arcade Cabinet Platform Banners

    This is a set of arcade cabinet images intended to be used as banners for arcade platforms or playlists in BigBox. To achieve the look from the example screenshot, I recommend using my corresponding Simple Arcade Clear Logos set along with keltoigael's CityHunter theme.
    After being inspired by the arcade section of viking's Hardware Platform Set I set out to create some arcade cabinet images with a more retro look, like the dedicated cabinets of the mid to late eighties and early nineties. In most cases I used Williams Electronics' Defender as a template, adding the marquee, side art, bezel, control panel overlay, and gameplay images of a representative game from each developer to create an end look that in many cases is very similar to the original cabinets. In some cases I took more creative license, such as with Cave's DoDonpachi, and in others simply polished and modified existing images of iconic cabinets, including BurgerTime, Centipede, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and the Neo Geo MVS system.
    Arcade Classics: Cabal (TAD) Arcade Shooters: Raiden (Seibu Kaihatsu) Atari: Centipede Capcom (non-CPS): 1943: The Battle of Midway Capcom CPS-1: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Capcom CPS-2: Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Capcom CPS-3: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Cave: DoDonpachi Data East: BurgerTime Irem: R-Type II Jaleco: The Astyanax Konami: Contra Midway: Mortal Kombat II Namco: Pac-Man Neo Geo: Multiple Nintendo: Donkey Kong Sega: Golden Axe SNK (non-Neo Geo): Ikari Warriors Taito: Space Invaders Technos: Double Dragon Tecmo: Rygar Toaplan: Twin Cobra Williams: Defender Installation instructions:
    Unzip archive. In LaunchBox, right-click on desired arcade platform or playlist, then click "Edit." In the "Images" area on the right hand side, click "Add Image" and browse to the desired banner image. Once the banner image has been added, right-click the banner image, select "Image Type," then "Banner." In the "Notes" tab, copy and paste the platform text from "Platform Descriptions.txt" into the editable text field. Click "OK" to confirm changes.


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  16. NoshOnThis Platform Banners

    This pack of platform banners is packaged with the NoshOnThis theme. There are currently 67 banners that cover most of the popular platforms, more will be added in time. I welcome any requests just add a comment or PM me.


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  17. City Hunter Themed Platform Marquees

    This is a large file.  I tried to compress it as much as possible.  I re-worked a lot of originals once I had a better understanding of layout/capabilities.  I am using Microsoft Publisher, so I'm limited to some extent but on a widescreen display these look good with the City Hunter Theme.
    These images go in your Platform/Playlist Banner Images Folder.  They will display on your second screen.  They are done in 1080 resolution.
    I am not affiliated with the guys who created the amazing City Hunter theme in any way.  I just saw a niche in an area where a lot of work hadn't been done yet and I needed a way to keep my controls straight across all of the platforms so I created these for my own use.  I posted them on here for everyone to use if they wish.  It's my small way of giving back to the great community of people who have done so much to help me get my cabinet up and looking great.
    If you have any questions, or want any others worked up feel free to contact me directly.


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  18. Platform Banners Organized

    Disclaimer: I did not create any of these files. Special thanks goes out to Scree and all contributing artists. Also thanks to Kerszr for rounding all of these images up. If any of the content creators want me to remove their work from this set, please contact me and I will do so asap.
    This file is a only a reupload of Kerszr's bundle of various Platform Banners, renamed and organized into a single zip. The total file count is 330. I spent a lot of time renaming these, so please forgive any errors or typos. You will still have to make sure the naming matches your system names before using them. Because it was so many files, I let windows automatically append two or more files with the same name as (2),(3) etc. Some of the file names were unrecognizable, and there were a few instances where I didn't even recognize the systems. Again, I apologize for any errors in naming.
    The files themselves are in different qualities and resolutions. The list isn't 100 percent comprehensive, but it's pretty huge.


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