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Everything posted by damageinc86

  1. I just did this using notepad++ it was actually really easy. Just open all of the platform database files and do the find and replace in all open documents. Took like 5 minutes. Still needs to be a feature within launchbox, but this is a rather easy workaround.
  2. So I'm thinking you'd probably have to make playlists as an actual platform so that rocketlauncher knew to show a fade screen for that particular collection.
  3. I'm thinking that maybe that way it's easier, since rocketlauncher sometimes has trouble with getting windows to place right, issues with fullscreen stuff, etc. If you can get retroarch to do it all on it's own then it might be smoother. For all my handhelds I have these really cool overlays I found a long time ago that went with the shaders this person made. So the shaders call their own overlay. I still have rocketlauncher launch retroarch, but once the rocketlauncher fade is over, then retroarch is started with the overlay/shader already there.
  4. Guess how ridiculously simple it was? All it ended up being was MAX users being set past the amount of controllers plugged in. Apparently the ability to map controllers depends on how many user spots are set in the max users field. WEIRD, but it works now! have access to all my controllers.
  5. nice going to work on some of that stuff tomorrow, seems like they might have got it towards the end there.
  6. yeah, i haven't moved anything ever, but it just doesn't make sense that it can't actually "see" the other controllers, when other programs can. Hopefully someone else has ran into this situation. It could be some freak thing that is only happening to me, just thought i'd pose the question. thanks.
  7. I would totally unplug the wiimote adapter to see if that changes anything, but then everything else that has been plugged in for the last 3 years will move spots and i'll have to remap everything lol. Not fun. I don't know anything about controllers and stuff from a programming standpoint, but I always wonder how does Launchbox figure this out and everything is seen and "mappable", but something like retroarch with so much development and several years behind it, can't get access to everything. Boggles my simple mind lol.
  8. Yeah that's the problem. It shows in the yellow status messages, but the only controllers available in the actual user bind menu is the xbox360 #1, and all four mayflash dolphin bar wii mote slots.
  9. since that one topic derailed i'll just ask here. How the heck is everyone mapping all of their controllers in retroarch? Like i've said elsewhere, and even on their forums, I haven't been able to map anything besides my first xbox360 controller (even though when retroarch starts up, it shows everything that I have plugged in blinking on the yellow status messages at the bottom). Just tried the most recent stable build of 1.5.0 and it still doesn't list anything but that in the input user binds user 1. Is there a known programming thing going on where they just aren't having that as a feature or what? I have the mayflash adapters for SNES, Playstation, and gamecube. Don't know why I can't actually access them in the list of "mappable" controllers. Any ideas?
  10. So how would we use this? Where would it show up? Oh I see now, it's the actual icon for the ROM folders! Nice.
  11. Is there a bitbucket for bulk path editing to be a built in feature when bulk editing?
  12. Yeah after I posted I was thinking about a re-import. But i will still have to do every system I have again , since i changed locations of everything.
  13. I second the +1 for moving into Launchbox. There is so much ease that has been brought to the frontend experience with Launchbox/Bigbox. It has finally given us most everything that should have been a "given" with other frontends. I never knew why certain things weren't present, and then here comes Launchbox out of nowhere and bing, bang, boom! basically everything I wanted from a frontend. With actual attention payed to the community and what we need. It's great, you will never look back. didn't mean to hate on Retroarch, but that was my experience, and it is valid to add to a proposed setup question. Doesn't mean I truly hate it to the fact I'm loosing sleep, but it just didn't work right for me, so oh well. life goes on. Maybe it's time to give it another shot.
  14. Yeah, maybe I just "get" how to work rocketlauncher, it can be very hard, but only for the more advanced things. I was able to set up mednafen with rocketlauncher almost right away. It was intuitive. there were tabs for emulator, point it to the exe, roms automatically got sent to mednafen, even without a gui to go through. and bam, it just worked. hardly took any time at all. I searched for "map controls" on mednafen website and alt+shift+1 for player one, another few minutes and the on screen mapping recognized whatever controller I pressed. It really didn't take much time at all to be completely working in terms of launching and playing. Now setting up fades and stuff, that took forever. But just to get an emulator working wasn't really bad at all. I only had to scour the forums for one thing to ever change in that giant config file. That was how to make the virtual boy screen just regular red instead of the 3d blue and red. That was it. I have never had to touch that giant config besides that one time. It took me hours with RA's per core configs, to actually get them to save. Sometimes they would, and sometimes they wouldn't, literally restarted that damn exe a thousand times just tweaking settings and stuff, hoping it would all work. Once it finally did all "take" I made sure to make a copy of it, because a bunch of times before it would just "blank" itself on a restart. Then trying every version, and then trying every possible control option they had. I guess it's really not a convoluted mess, the menu is pretty decent. But the controls just don't work, and it was a complete pain. so I guess that's where my frustration lied, and then I moved on. I bet it will be way better in the future, as most every emulator has gotten, so i'm still keeping hope alive. But to have something so rudimentary as controls be broken is a major bummer that's all. Mednafen has just worked. so of course i'm going to use it lol.
  15. i remember trying again when they announced the new and improved UI, that even went so far as to add the nice wave thing in the background to make it look more like the PS3. That still didn't do anything.
  16. I've been trying for the last 2 years, whatever versions came out. It's fine for now.
  17. Is there a way to bulk edit a platform's rom folder path for all games? I just moved all my rom folders into the launchbox folder instead of my previous front-end's folder, and now I am getting rom doesn't exist error message because the path is still pointing to the old folder. But in the bulk wizard I don't see that field available. I'd hate to have to individually re-point each game to the new folder.
  18. Yeah I don't know why, but it never seemed that intuitive to me. maybe it's gotten better. but i spent hours trying every different input driver and mapping never worked. Ever. It would only ever recognize the xbox360 controllers. Maybe something has been fixed in terms of allowing other controllers to be mappable, I should try again. You just hit a wall at some point though when the basic stuff doesn't work. Launchbox itself lets me map more controllers than retroarch has ever done lol. It's definitely worth looking at though, maybe it will be a different experience for the OP. I would do mednafen/retroarch. Those are the first two I'd take a look at.
  19. I found retroarch to be a convoluted mess actually. Plus it doesn't even let me map controls to any of my controllers besides the xbox360 i have plugged in. rendering anything past player 1 games useless. Mednafen has been great for me. Takes care of almost all of my systems, plus sega saturn now! I use everything with rocketlauncher though, but that might be a good thing to just try to set up one emulator in, to get your feet wet.
  20. ahhh so you just made it that perspective by hand. great work then!
  21. awesome, thanks. Got an acceptable mobile one made, but don't know how to do the shadow like that. but looks decent. like that font.
  22. maybe at least know what font was used, and I could get close enough for my own needs.
  23. could you do a mobile platform category logo? That's the only one missing in my setup, and these are just too good to not use.
  24. yeah i'm guessing if you are only using one or two controllers it will be fine.
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