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Everything posted by damageinc86

  1. Well I only really use joy2key for my ms-dos games so there is no controller mapped to that before rocketlauncher starts joy2key. And yes, they can be emulator-wide joy2key profile, to effect every game under the RL platform, or it can be game-specific within the platform. I have stuff like commander keen, cosmo's adventure, biomenace, crystal caves, duke nukem (original 2d), and they all have slightly different keymapping. It's the only program I've seen so far that will launch joy2key with the specific profile you set up for it. Rocketlauncher keeps track of which profile is associated to which game by using the game name in the database, and not simply looking for the emulator .exe to startup. so it can be game-specific that way.
  2. That's exactly why I do use RL. It has the ability to associate a joy2key profile to the game entry in the database itself. Most useful for ms-dos games.
  3. Yeah that's a great idea. Take it from the cart/disc images folder and slide it in or slide it into the cd-rom drive. But then this would basically be Launchbox doing Rocketlauncher FADE feature with an added bonus. I don't think they are even looking anywhere near that area yet.
  4. Oh so you already had them working. That is odd. Did you set rocketlauncher to use launchbox as the active front end? And then rocketlauncher should be an emulator option is launchbox ? Is that all set?
  5. Launchbox forums are very slow moving, but worth a shot asking there. If you have all the media for fades and bezels in their proper folders within rocketlauncher folder structure, it's just a matter of clicking on enable in the fade an bezel tabs, and maybe tweaking some timer and placement stuff.
  6. Much like the satellaview, I've always wondered if any of the dd games are really worth it?
  7. Oh I think my MAME has always worked because it was the one compiled with dinput from back in the hyperspin days...I forget who used to release them, but they always would compile that for the then new release.
  8. I leave all my controllers plugged in the same USB port, and I've only had to re-map them a few times when one of the xbox360 controllers got unplugged accidentally. That shifted everything around on restart. But I've shut down a million times and the wired controllers have stayed mapped.
  9. Me too! I can't stand having even a "blip" of artwork missing when it's something I'm looking st all the time . Especially when you know there's some artwork out there lol. I'd rather have first version of even regular quality of something so at least it's full. Then no problem waiting for version 2.
  10. I've always found it odd how possessive people get with this artwork stuff. Not in the spirit of proper preservation in my opinion. The hobby as a whole, benefits tremendously from high quality clean complete artwork. Its a little shortsighted to be so clingy just because you are the one who took the initiative to make the set. I along with another person, spent almost a year and a half doing the hypermamu v.1 MAME wheel set, and it's completely available, along with psd's for every single one.
  11. I wish they could finally figure out how to auto-detect when the disc needed to be swapped and just swap it on it's own. I saw one emulator that did that, just came out recently but I forget the name or what it emulated .
  12. That pc games black bar has a lot of noise and spots where it is darker black. That's why I didn't go with that one when I saw it. For a while I used a clear dvd box template that sort of looked cool. Here is a link: https://mega.nz/#!eI5RnLxJ!E8aUDaulegcHLjBGYNav_36Edla2DaooblyKCNta7Cg The one I uploaded to mega is for FEZ, but you can use the dimensions of the cover to bring any new box front into it and replace it to make a new one. After a while I sort of got tired of the clear box and went back and turned that layer off and exported just the box cover that remained. Looks a bit cleaner that way to my eye. In any event, the file ended up being good as a way to get the same uniform dimensions for box art, just turning off or on the clear cover.
  13. It seems like it should be a basic option. I wouldn't really want fanart for each game as that is just too much (busy). But what I would like is to just be able to select a general background image for the game list view. "Games list background" and when that box is checked BB looks in that platforms "game list background" folder for any images there and uses that. Maybe if you have only a few there could be a timer option as well to cross fade into the next image. Personally I would be putting one or a few darkened/slightly desaturated images of the console for the background.
  14. Someday is the far distant future there will be a drag and drop theme editor for this. That will be a glorious time, and I shall celebrate with several displays of overly emotional ? and ? guzzling.
  15. I really like it. Simple enough and yet stylish. Gotta love neon grids
  16. Looks great! Don't know if I like the constant pumping of logo like from hypertheme lol. Don't know if it's my phone or not, but gameplay vids look super dark, and sound file seems noisy like old cassette tape. Again don't know if those are because I was watching on My phone or not.
  17. Nice work! i'd personally rather have just straight gameplay videos instead of old hyperspin themes crammed in together. Any chance on doing that as well?
  18. Are there any games exclusive to amiga that are just must haves? I never had an amiga computer, a friend's dad had one, but only got on it a few times. I remember hearing back then from him that it was way better than IBM pcs. Curious if it's worth it to try to get set up.
  19. I have always just added different PC games as their own platform. I don't get having it designated as windows games because many games are on multiple OS's. It should be PC Games.
  20. I've noticed that my Big Box does sometimes loose focus and then I have to do ALT+TAB to get back to it.
  21. Hmm interesting idea. I've never heard of that, but it sounds like a good option to have.
  22. Yeah it would be nice if when the game or platform was highlighted in BB you could move down/over/up (depending on what view your in) and have the highlight move to info options that would have "game manual" "commercials" "console users manual" "platform accessories" (pictures), etc. then when you want to return to the clear logos to browse you just have to hit the direction back.
  23. You should be able to map a key/button to any of those commands . Or at least some of the most commonly needed/used.
  24. I have always despised steam simply for their drm crap, and the fact that you never really possess the games you buy. I reluctantly use it for only about 4 games that I cannot find elsewhere.
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