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Everything posted by Rincewind

  1. Sorry I don't use a second monitor but it does sound like a bug, I'll tag @Jason Carr and see if he can add any input to your problem
  2. Yes it's This one and This one or maybe even thinner This one
  3. I haven't tried but you could either delete the gif image from the theme and see if it just ignores it. I've been thinking of swapping it with new non animated image instead but I do like it on the 16:9 animated. Which view are you using can you put up a screenshot so I can see the rounded black border, thanks
  4. @harryoke how did you get into my house
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Can you see the Community Stars in any of the views? The select platform/game I need to see if I can sort, I tried a few things but they failed
  6. @Deathbringer @lezok I've just update the theme which should now make the Total Game Count work in all languages, can you let me know if it does
  7. That's great thanks @vice350z I'll take a look at those tomorrow cheers The second link the SNES.psd the link goes to the Fanart.psd instead
  8. @vice350z do you still have your Photoshop files and would you consider uploading them so maybe someone could take up the project crediting your work obviously
  9. You could try WMP instead of VLC in the options, see if that fixes it
  10. "drag and drop" would be amazing but and it's a massive but, I don't think will happen for a long while
  11. Thanks for looking into this @NJDave71 hopefully @Jason Carr can take a look too
  12. Just thought I would mention that a better practice would be to of made a copy of the default theme folder first then you can change the name of that copied folder to what ever you want and then you would have your own custom theme
  13. @NJDave71 I haven't managed to get to a pc tonight to check, are you saying I don't need to change anything?
  14. Thanks @lezok I will take a look at the city hunter code and see where its different. I think that theme does it without the @NJDave71 plugin, can you tell me does the game count work if your in the categories view using the city hunter theme?
  15. Rincewind

    bigbox theme HELP!

    I think I'm correct in saying the Default theme will reset any image changes you made as once it installs a new release the default images get put back to there original files.... What you need to do before manually changing images is to make a copy of the Default theme and change the folder name to what ever you wish (you can only change the default theme folder name, never a download one) and then the changes you make in there will stay after every update.
  16. Voted, so interesting seeing what features people want added
  17. For me the bottom one as you mentioned forced scaling just blows my mind hahaha
  18. Your theme is looking great @SNAK3ATER some really good touches in those views. In the TextFiltersView what is getting used for the platform images that are getting cut off. Maybe @Klopjero could use the awesome artwork he has for the platform wheel images and adjust it to fit that area if that makes sense. With the wheel logos is there any chance @Klopjero you could try one without the glow around the logo but instead a big thick white stroke around instead just to see how it looks. Great work on this both of you, really looking forwards to to release.
  19. You are an animation king @Grila can't wait to see the final piece
  20. @Deathbringer sorry about that, looks like it's getting worse not better. I am struggling to get this to work on any other screen size than 1920x1080 I did manage to test on 1600x900 and that still looked ok. Really don't see why the total games is not showing up.
  21. @Ripklawe @Deathbringer I think I have sorted the text being cut off, Only thing im struggling with is the Select Game / Platform gif not scaling
  22. Yes the animated gif (selected platform / game) only ever scales correctly on 1920x1080 I wish there was away to make it scale
  23. That is strange, is that on both your setups and can you see it when your viewing the categories?
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