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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. I highly doubt that is by design. What version of LB are you running? I haven’t updated to 11.3/4 yet, so maybe it’s related to new version. Is it possible that some how your PS2 xml file in LB is read only?
  2. LaunchBox doesn't set up controllers for within emulators, you have to do that manually. Those settings are for controlling LB itself. What emulator are you using, Retroarch? If yes, do you see any messages about the controller being autoconfigured? I thought the F310 had an autoconfig included with Retroarch, but you might have to update joystick profiles within Retroarch to get that.
  3. It adds a custom command line to load the specific config file in LB. Should still load fine. Edit: Looks like I had some of my titles still using RocketLauncher which can do the same thing, doh.
  4. I don’t understand this, don’t upgrade then. Is the issue more you paid for a lifetime license that you don’t really need or that you DO want future updates, but without upgrading other dependencies? Seems like unreasonable request if the second option.
  5. What version of LEDBlinky? There was a recent update that helped with an issue like that.
  6. After trying several different backup solutions, I settled on FreeFileSync as well.
  7. So you’re using a pre-installed image on retro pie. This really isn’t the forums for supporting retro pie, and pre-installed images, but it sounds like you didn’t set up the second controller yet. If I remember correctly, the initial installation on retro pie only does the first player. Check on the retropie forums and you’ll find out how to set up the second one. After that retroarch, should be configured automatically.
  8. Are trying to use MAME as well or a different emulators like Retroarch?
  9. Some great info on the changes recently to the Retroarch N64 cores: Low Level RDP upscaling Mupen64plus-next 2.1 So you have the option of using same GlideN64 as m64p, and all the extras of Retroarch. (If you like or use those)
  10. Check out Demulshooter I believe it includes some lua scripts to add to the m2emulator to add crosshairs for those games.
  11. Such great work, thanks sucramjd.
  12. I get the same output even using the software list cassette image. The sysinfo page for this system says there are issues including interrupt and memory handing, so it's bound to have issues with some software.
  13. Can you run it from a Command Prompt or Power Shell using the verbose option (-v) and post the output to see what's happening?
  14. I've been using this exclusively for MAME. You can waste a lot of time searching, trying. and evaluating so many shaders options that some will say are better but it's so subjective and nothing is perfect for every game. I've found this one to be well rounded for the games I play, performs well and stopped looking at others and started playing more.
  15. You can't hide the loading screen as LB/BB can't stop apps that use exclusive full screen mode from taking control. Instead of a graphic, you can use LB's built in support for OBS to record your own video. It work great with Future Pinball.
  16. Thank you sucramjd. Really appreciate the work you do on these.
  17. You may have to go into Windows Device Manager and under the properties for your PacLED, set it to not power down in sleep mode. I’m not at computer right now so I can’t say exact location in device manager, but that option is in there.
  18. That’s all stored in the AppleIIGS.xml. i assume you are talking about the file path, if so under the tools menu option there should be a change rom path location option that should change them automatically. FYI, I store my roms on an external drive as well, but I also virtual map that drive onto the LaunchBox/Games folder. That way paths are relative not absolute, and provides many benefits like not worrying about drive letter, easy replacement.
  19. Should be able to download the core directly in Retroarch. I'd delete what you have in the cores folder, start Retroarch -> Load Core -> Download Core -> pick MAME current. Just checked, working OK.
  20. Ditto for Retroarch cores and MAME. The only hard part was if you are setting multiple inputs in MAME, and one of the devices is dynamic (wireless), make sure to set the cfg file for that game to read only after or MAME will erase those mappings if started without the dynamic device attached.
  21. That's really strange. That's a valid option and without it you won't have joystick support with the Apple2 machine. I'd have to see your verbose output to see why. It just changes the color. The Apple2 had really funky color modes depending on whether a pixel was on a even or odd coordinate or what the adjacent pixel was set as. I needed that gamma to correct the color to match what a remember from when I had an Apple2e. Without it the colors were just to bright. Is really a personal adjustment and doesn't affect emulation at all. I don't know about PRELOADing, but on some games if they run off the B side, you can try using an auto save, If it's a game that flips back and forth between disk sides, that won't work.
  22. Sorry when I say apple2, I’m referring to the entire platform, but apple2 is the plus model and apple2ee is the enhanced 2e model and they have different requirements. Running from command prompt with -v option will always tell you which file in a rom zip is missing or where it is finding the file it needs. MAME is incredibly flexible when it comes to checksum matching and sometimes a specific file can change to a different rom zip, but it will still find it if it’s in a rom zip it knows for that machine.
  23. Your issue with the apple2 is likely missing rom files that are required. If you can start mame from the command prompt with the -v option it should tell you what is missing. I believe newer MAME versions requires the roms from the disk controller as well, I believe diskII_ng it's called. Sorry away from computer so can't get specifics right now. Edit: Roms needed: Just add those beside your apple2ee roms where you keep you MAME roms.
  24. Just use current MAME, works great. My LB command line for Apple II
  25. Are you sure it's not the slow-motion "bullet time" feature of the game? (Normally activated with middle mouse button or what you have set for Aimtrack)
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