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Everything posted by eatkinola

  1. Glad you got that first issue resolved. As for the second (Ao.Bigbox), I found this solution on another forum. It's for a Windows 7 install but might also apply to you. I use W7 myself, and I've never encountered this problem. See if the solution below works for you -- zipping and unzipping the dll, then see if the unblock sticks. I admit it's a strange problem. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-security/clicking-on-unblock-for-a-files-security/9a6f5cfb-d0f8-4f50-9328-8aa2cad3a352?auth=1 I have found that zipping the files and then unzipping them does the trick when a simple click of Unblock doesn't stick. Not sure if it matters, but I used "Send To > Compressed Folder" to zip and WinRAR to unzip.
  2. Thanks Neil. I'm still gonna look into it and try to prevent or trap that exception so it doesn't cause an error message. I'm glad it's not occurring that often, however. Thanks again for reporting it.
  3. Thanks for the report, Charco. Does this seem to be reproducible when exiting a game? Is it still occurring for you on startup?
  4. That's on me, a bug in the video plugin used in criticalzone v2. I'll look into it this evening. Can you force it to replicate, or does it appear random?
  5. Just checking, but are you running Windows 10 as 32 or 64-bit? I'd be surprised if you're running 32-bit, but if you are it might explain that error with SlimDx which has separate 32 and 64-bit versions. Also, what's the error you get with Ao.Bigbox, and what version of Ao.Bigbox?
  6. Yes, I agree -- ideally the plugin system could be updated to allow manipulation of the context menus in LB and the menus in BB. Perhaps at the very least, IGameMenuItem could allow the developer to specify whether they'd want the menu item disabled or just hidden altogether. I hope you find the answer on discord. If you do, please make a quick reply here saying so.
  7. Looks like that should work. When your method returns false, the menu item will be hidden in BigBox and disabled (grayed out) in LaunchBox. I don't think you can actually hide the menu item in LaunchBox; only disable it. Yeah check out the discord channel to see if someone has a fix, if what you're trying to do is actually hide the menu item in LB.
  8. Would you please provide an example of what you're trying to do, specifically, with your custom IGameMenuItem? What game criteria are you looking to use to determine whether or not to show the menu item?
  9. A parental filter would be nice, I think. E.g., set Bigbox to allow play E-10 games and below, for example This option could be available only when Bigbox is unlocked via the pin.
  10. On that note, if you're debugging a control that uses slimdx, the lib probably needs to be 32 bit because VS debugger runs in 32 bit. I ran into this problem when using slimdx within AO Bigbox Customs. I made my library load either the 32 or 64 bit version of slimdx, based on the current runtime environment; that solved the problem and also allows my library to work for 32 and 64 bit. This is because slimdx is not truly managed and relies on native 32 and 64 bit libs. You can read about this in the slimdx forums, should come up in a quick Google search. It cannot really support the target "Any" option in .NET. I'm pretty certain about this but @Grila please correct me if I'm wrong.
  11. There are different slimdx libs for 32 and 64 bit. Could that be the problem? Are you running at 32 or 64 bit.
  12. You'll probably need to use code-behind for this. You can write a converter to get this info.
  13. Fyi you could also create a directory junction via the command line using the built-in windows tool "mklink /J". You'd replace most of steps 5 and 6 with the mklink command.
  14. Even superheros need a break every now and then.
  15. Cid -- I think I've solved those last two issues. I found a nice way (I think) to fix the video-lock feature without needing a new feature in the plugin system. I'll send a version for you to test today or tomorrow. Got a sneak-peak during testing, and it's got some nice changes that definitely boosts the experience. I'm looking forward to Cid's upcoming release.
  16. Are you writing a custom control in .net? Did you look through this? http://pluginapi.launchbox-app.com/html/4cf923f7-940c-5735-83de-04107a6ae0e6.htm
  17. You can see if the Ao.Bigbox plug-in I made does what you want. It generates playlists of favorites, recent, most played, and random. It makes these playlists when Bigbox starts.
  18. a plugin solution for viewing game manuals is available
  19. Yes, it is possible but requires code behind using the plugin framework to do so. For example, you could use the ISystemMenuItemPlugin interface to add an menu item w/text "Config Alec's Theme". When clicked, this plugin would display another window that could be used to change theme settings. I'm working on something like this to configure a custom library I'm releasing. To use custom bindings, you would have to develop your own objects in code behind containing the properties you want to bind. Another option (which does not require code behind) is to use as approach as in Minimal-AO, which uses styles XAML files that can be hand-edited to customize the theme. It requires editing text files but works well.
  20. You can just add this folder, in the same way it appears in the Default and CriticalCid themes. While this override mechanisms works for platform videos (and platform banners, etc), it unfortunately does not work for games. I don't think you can use theme-specific game videos based on how Bigbox currently works. I'll check with @Jason Carr.
  21. If you're referring to the text list such as on the left in the system and options menus, I've also been unable to do this. Used to create a glow effect in a view I'm designing. This code snippet is as a style but should show you the idea: <Style x:Key="09TbOP2Glow" TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{DynamicResource 09OP2GlowFontFamily}" /> <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="{DynamicResource 09OP2GlowFontWeight}" /> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{DynamicResource 09OP2GlowFontColor}" /> <Setter Property="Effect"> <Setter.Value> <DropShadowEffect Color="LimeGreen" Opacity="0.99" BlurRadius="3" ShadowDepth="0" /> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> You can change parameters of DropShadowEffect to make it more of a drop shadow than a glow. Two ways of which I know: (1) use a font that only has uppercase letters, (2) use a converter which you would probably have to write yourself as code-behind. You can also try this below, which I just googled: <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Setter Property="CharacterCasing" Value="Upper"/> </Style> Nice job with your view.
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