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Everything posted by Kondorito

  1. And you delivered; they look awesome. You rock!
  2. Beautiful work @nosh! You got me curious on your upcoming BB theme By any chance would you be able to make the Platform Categories "Pinball" and "Magazines"? (or if you don't mind sharing the base PSD I'll make those and post them here).
  3. Maybe I did in my older version. Didnt know the zindex was the layers order! Reordered them all and now is looking sweet. Thanks as always
  4. @CriticalCid could it be that the layer order changed in this revision? I am trying to use a custom videoborder I did for 1.0 that takes almost the whole screen. In the previous version the wheel got on top, but now the videoborder does, covering half of the wheel. Is there a way in the code to rearrange the order of the layers and make the videoborder below the wheel?
  5. Nice @Jason Carr! Would it be possible to have the option to apply to the Platforms list or Category list as well? (so you can have the options to apply to plats category/list only, apply to specific plats, or apply to all).
  6. Wow @y2guru! This keeps looking better and better. Question (and I am sorry if you stated it already in the video); will it be possible to open any theme with PASC and modify it? Or only PASC created themes are compatible? I am loving it!
  7. Duuude! That Sega list! ? Haha, I feel you; the sense of accomplishment is awesome (happens to me whenever I finish an art pack or something of the sorts). I will PM you for sure in a short while, thanks Dane.
  8. That sounds great. I currently have all my hacks in one custom platform (made it before the nested categories/platforms existed), but now I am thinking of just removing it all, and making it same as you, divided by games inside.
  9. Great pack! Awesome work @Dane I wish more Mario packs like this one could be available (i.e. Super Mario Bros. 3 Hacks, Super Mario World Hacks).
  10. Yeah, could be. The strange thing is that it does not happen with all the files, just some. I will try to dig a little deeper and see if I can come up with something.
  11. Hey guys! Sorry for bumping this old topic. I have the same issue. @PanteraZombie, were you able to resolve this?
  12. I hear you. I am using Nosh's text list view for the Hacks platform, as it does not rely on metadata and media to look good. Just thinking out loud now, I might switch for a theme with a text list view and just a video background in loop. Don't know. My OCD wants to have a lot of stuff displayed in screen, but with hacks is almost impossible, unless doing the scrapping of everything manually.
  13. I have a platform called Hacks and Fan-made games, and placed there the hacks from different systems. If you are using BigBox, then I am intrigued in how you will be displaying the hacks there; as I have like 500-ish, but not all of them have images/video and/or metadata, so finding a theme that displays them nicely was/is hard.
  14. I had the same error with the libvlccore.dll first time LB launched in 9.4 right after the update, but after restarting LB did not showed up again. Worth saying; I do not have Dropbox, or synced/shared folders, or external drives, etc.; just a regular PC. Everything so far is working great, so maybe the dll was in use somehow when updating VLC, and restarting did the trick (just thinking out loud nonsense).
  15. You rock @CriticalCid! I was afraid I would have to Frankenstein your new theme with all the addons I made to it over this past year, but you added natively a lot of the stuff I already had. Question; will the background/pointer/videoborder/logo customized images I have in png will work (theme reads both .jpg and .png)? Thank you!
    This is retrosexylicious! Highly recommended if you work/play a lot in LB and love this kind of aesthetics. Makes me use LB in full screen, instead of windowed which is how I had it before this theme. The vibrant colors, background options and details, transports you; cant wait for its BB counterpart (no pressure Lust).
  16. Holy shmoly! How come I never saw this topic before! This needs to get much more attention! I will surely try it out this weekend, and fingers crossed to get all the missing videos in place! Thanks @jayjay
  17. Ok, the below is when selecting to update community star ratings for example: And theme is Midnight Blue.
  18. Lust, the progress bar now looks nice, however the text on it is showing black, which makes it impossible to see. In the midnight blue theme the foreground color for text is white, so maybe there is either something that needs to be tweaked in the theme, or something I might be doing wrong
  19. Might be that the dll from the temp folder is from a previous/incompatible version. Try running disk cleanup, deleting temp files and then installing 9.3.
  20. Please, they are awesome man; nice work on those!
  21. @Jason Carr here you go: Language-es_9.4.zip
  22. This looks great. Will give it a shot this weekend. The duped images in my set are killing me, and I cannot use the default LB media cleaner because it will erase needed images. If I can just scroll through games and see the images each one has it will be easy to manuay delete dupes.
  23. Kondorito


    This is looking incredible! I want this theme to immerse me into that 80s arcade place!
  24. Kondorito


    Please, don't mind me; do your theme as you intend to I will rock it anyways!
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