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246 files

  1. Details

    Hey ya'll. This here's another Bigbox theme called Details. It was designed for big screens. It uses the 16:9 aspect ratio, and geared more for using on large 4K TV's.
    I'm still working on this one and it's not finished. I plan to add more views like a Marquee, Coverflow, etc., I'm just not that far along yet. 
    Best to use Windows Media Player in BigBox for the colors to match the "Colorful" video snaps correctly UPDATED: (see changelog below) The first 4 screenshots were added in last update just to show some of the newly added badges.
    Included Views:
    Platform 1 (horizontal wheel-bottom) *Platform 2 (vertical wheel on left side) *Platform 3 (vertical wheel on right side) Platform Text View Horizontal Games 1 (horizontal wheel on bottom) *Horizontal Games 2 (horizontal wheel on bottom with different alignment) *Vertical Games 1 (vertical wheel on left side) *Vertical Games 2 (vertical wheel on right side) Full Cover Flow Games Game Text View *Wall Game View Settings (*included in SE version only)
    Assets Used in the video: (SE version used in the video)
    Jarvis Sound Pack: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Jarvis Startup Video: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Details (SE) Startup/Shutdown Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Details (SE) Pause Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    This one has more time and work put into it, more than any theme I've done to date. From graphics to unique views. There are somewhere around 300 view files used in the theme so far and still counting.
    I've done 100 or so custom wheel items/images for the platform and playlists wheels so far.
    This time, I went with controllers and year for the wheel items of the platform/playlists views, and game cartridges and discs for wheel items on games views. I love how Launchbox allows us to download our artwork, but I was going for a more consistent look with the game cartridges and discs. I have spent 100's of hours trying to replicate each of the media types used so far, trying to add as much detail to each as I possibly could without going overboard and crippling the theme.
    I tried keeping the look fairly simple, but this theme is very complex in design.
    Unlike most themes, I'm not using 2 or 3 fonts. So far, it uses 57 different fonts, as I tried matching fonts that pertained to each included platform or platform clear logo. I tried to match them as best I could.
    I also tried to throw in a bit of history you might say with some of the artwork. Or making Retro, as Retro can get. Like in some of the art I used in the Arcade platform. I used images of the very first arcade machine ever made for public use. It was called "Computer Space". Or with "Future Pinball", I used a wooden pinball machine.
    I put a lot of research into this one, even details such as the years that the store fronts were founded in the Store Front playlists.
    I also set it up to work well with some of the best platform videos out there, the Colorful Platform/Playlists Video Snaps.
    You don't have to use them, so if you prefer different ones or none at all (choosing none will show random snaps), that's no problem. However, if you don't plan on using the Colorful videos set, you need to DELETE or RE-NAME a folder in the theme called "Colorful" (..\LaunchBox\Themes\Details (SE)\Media\Colorful).
    This theme relies Heavily on "Fanart Backgrounds" and "Clear Logos". It also needs good metadata for things like ESRB Ratings. The ESRB ratings are used quite a bit on much of the media replication I've done. (I also included an extra PEGI folder for those folks that use that system as well. You may need to do a little file renaming and moving to get them going as you need too, but they are included.)
    The biggest problem with this theme is the Playlists views. They can be slow. The more platforms used in a specific playlist, the slower the loading. This is because of the way LB/BB is using a "default" view when it's loading everything for that playlist. LB/BB will be loading many different types of cartridges and discs from different systems all at the same time, well, it can get slow.
    BTW, the little animated trophy means that game has Achievements if you use Retro Achievements.
    Well that's about it for now. Leave comments, suggestions and Reviews here on the forums. If you watch the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to help out the channel. 
    If you have a minute, make sure to check out our Buy Me A Coffee page for all the latest updates and information on how gain access to exclusive content to the PSGC and PSMC collections, and while you're there, maybe you'll buy me a cup of coffee or maybe become a member.
    Or maybe you might make a donation through PayPal.
    All donations are to be used for my grandson's college fund. On a side note about Papawson, (my nickname for my grandson), I'm awful proud of the little feller. We started home schooling him starting in the 1st grade, he is only 10 now and should finish the 7th grade in  just a couple months. He tells me all the time, Papaw, you know you will have to drive me to college everyday, because I won't be old enough to drive.

          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  2. Playtime

    Playtime is a modern theme designed mostly to Showcase the new Game Discovery Center! 
    Think of it like a Netflix For Games kind of look where you can browse & discover content you may have forgotten about or just not played in a while. Playtime has had a makeover since the last upload with a huge list of changes with some smooth transitions switching between games to Fullscreen Fanart & Fullscreen gameplay videos. 
    In the GDC/Game Discovery Center view or I like to call the Home Screen I have utilised some navigational context when switching games as to which game you are navigating to/from. For example the screen transitions from The Highly Recommended Games in a frame at the top of screen into a list of games with Fullscreen Fanart.
    This theme contains a Game Discovery Center View, 4 Platform Views, Text Views, a Wall View, 3 Horizontal based Views of Game Boxes & a Vertical View/WheelGamesView  based in a bedroom or Arcade room with a device hooked up to a screen to showcase some Nostalgia.

    Game Discovery Center
    To set Game Discovery Center to startup as your Home view. Start Big Box & go to Options/Views/Default Startup View: Game Discovery Center
    Avatar Profile & Username Customisations & Instructions
    Important Note
    For Gameplay Videos set your Video Playback Engine to Windows Media Player in Big Box options/Videos/Video Playback Engine. VLC Player does not like videos in a Dock or Stack which will result in video playing sound but not visible.
    Avatar Profile & Username Customisations
    You can personalise your Home Screen ect with your own Avatar profile/Gamer Pic & i have created 50 Avatar pics for your profile for you to play around with & enjoy.


       (1 review)



  3. Nostalgia-Bedroom Remake

    Nostalgia - Bedroom (an 80's style BigBox theme)
    Ready for something new, mixed together with something a little bit old and familiar? Here is my own 'retro' style version (fork) of the great "Nostalgia" theme, originally created by @eatkinola, whose fantastic themes can also be found here on the launchbox forums. This is a simple 1980's bedroom style version of  that same "Nostalgia" theme with custom-designed layouts, corresponding to various computer, handheld and console systems. As of now, there are over 50 unique systems I've added/edited, with more to come in the near future. I'm not sure if I'll be doing anything with arcade platforms (mame, etc.), at least not for now. 
    New version:
    While this theme was originally a fork of eatkinola's great "Nostalgia" theme, it's been drastically changed since there were some recent changes with the way BigBox handles themes. Keep in mind, this theme will only work with newer versions of Launchbox/Bigbox (after version 11.0). I'll also be releasing a few more versions of this same theme with different televisions and computer monitors in the future. So stay tuned!
    More notes:
    A very big thank you to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox! Without his excellent theme designing program I wouldn't have been able to re-create this theme. Really.
    A short video-preview of the updated version will be coming soon ?
    UPDATE (April 26, 2021)
    Here is a fixed version I put together with Community Theme Creator, which is a bit more simple than the previous version. I had to abandon the older version (1.1) since it no longer works (since version 10.0?) and created this "Remake" to use less resources. In the coming days, weeks, and months I'll add more systems, new screenshots and also add the source code for anyone who wants to customize this. Enjoy!
    Update (March 6, 2025)
    Added the CTC (source) files just in case anyone needs them. (In the link below) Please keep in mind that this was made with an older version of the CTC program (1.0895) and there may be some compatibility issues with the newer version of that program. I'll make some more updates to this theme in the near future, and possibly port it over to the latest version of CTC.
    Nostalgia-Bedroom Remake CTC Source.zip


       (1 review)



  4. WoodPanels

    WoodPanels has the old school retro feel of playing games on an old TV in a room with bad, green carpeting, but golden wooden paneled walls.  The video game console or platform appears above or beside the television to match that look and feel.  It is paired with a set of 8-bit fonts to complete the experience.
    Supports Ultrawide 21:9, Widescreen 16:9, and Fullscreen 4:3 aspect ratios. Playlist support!  Watch the video frame and video size dynamically change to match the selected platform and game. Unique views for 50+ platforms with support for game videos, game 3D/2D box art, game cart images, game logos, platform logos, and platform box art. Consoles are paired with a TV from the same decade they were released.  PCs likewise are paired with a monitor or setup from the same era. "Wall View" for looking at game boxes on shelves is accompanied by the platform logo and image of the original console packaging. Trailer:
    Installation and Setup Instructions:
    Startup Video:
    List of Supported Platforms:
    Theme was created using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru


       (6 reviews)



  5. 3D-Details

    This theme is similar to the Details (SE) with a lot of shadowing going on giving it a 3-D effect.  I'm still tinkering with it. I tried shadowing the text wheels and it really looked great, but the theme is just way to slow.
    Best to use Windows Media Player in BigBox for the colors to match the "Colorful" video snaps correctly If you don't plan on using the Colorful video snaps, you need to DELETE or RE-NAME a folder in the theme called "Colorful" (..\LaunchBox\Themes\3D-Details (SE)\Media\Colorful)  
    Included Views:
    Platform 1 (horizontal wheel-bottom) *Platform 2 (vertical wheel on left side) *Platform 3 (vertical wheel on right side) Platform Text View Horizontal Games 1 (horizontal wheel on bottom) *Horizontal Games 2 (horizontal wheel on bottom with different alignment) *Vertical Games 1 (vertical wheel on left side) *Vertical Games 2 (vertical wheel on right side) Full Cover Flow Games Game Text View *Wall Game View Settings (*SE version)
    Assets Used in the video:
    Jarvis Sound Pack Jarvis Startup Video 3D-Details (SE) Startup/Shutdown Theme 3D-Details (SE) Pause Theme Leave comments, suggestions and Reviews here on the forums. If you watch the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to help out the channel. 
    If you have a minute, make sure to check out our Buy Me A Coffee page for all the latest updates and information on how gain access to exclusive content to the PSGC and PSMC collections, and while you're there, maybe you'll buy me a cup of coffee and become a member.
    Or maybe you might make a donation through PayPal.
    All donations are to be used for my grandson's college fund.

          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  6. Neon Deluxe Arcade - Final 4:3 (Big Box Theme)

    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section once updated in the future, if you want notifications for future updates be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
    Huge thanks goes out to @y2guru for his Community Theme Creator Software and his endless personal help, also he created the animated wheels for this theme! @Hexxxer for the original inspiration of his FutureState theme. @Rincewind for the inspiration on his use of the icons. Thanks guys!
    This is the final version of Neon Deluxe Arcade, it's completely rebuild from the ground up. The old theme was slow, I couldn't even run it in 4K but with this rebuild it runs even smoothly with 4K theme graphics. As the name suggests this is the 4:3 version of the theme, not all views are ported over from the 16:9 version (non of the horizontal views) but it has it's own unique views. I left out the scanlines overlay on the video's as I expect this to be running on 4:3 CRT's.
    This theme looks the same in any DPI setting now but it's only for 4:3 views.

    1. Download the theme here and place the folder in Launchbox/Themes/
    2. You might need to unblock all the .DLL's in the plugin folder, I usually don't have to though.
    3. I recommend doing the following to speed up Big Box greatly: 
     - Uncheck all Background Images in launchbox/settings/image priorities
     - Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings
     - Use the Clean Up media tool in launchbox/tools/Clean Up Media... (this can really speed up lists with thousands of games and duplicate media)
     - Defrag the drive that holds your media files

    Hope you like and enjoy! ?
    Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes and elements, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme, visit this page to see all my other work:


       (1 review)



  7. Modernized MS-DOS Theme

    I worked on this a while ago and completed it for the project I was intending to but never really released the results.  It uses boot sequence sounds and old hard drives spinning as well as hard drive search sounds for the interface sounds.  The idea was to recreate the feeling of using an interface like this on an old computer (I specifically built it for my CRT setup in particular).  This version is in 16:9 but I have a 4:3 version somewhere as well, I'll just need to find it and upload it but I don't remember exactly where it is.  I also messed with a couple of other colors for the text/lines etc.  However I never really finished those as I didn't like them as much as the white.  You can easily edit this to change the colors in the Community Theme Creator if you want.
    I also added some animations for the text as well as the images so that they appear to load in slowly -- these can also be tweaked for speed in the community theme creator or even removed completely if that's preferable.  Here's an example of what it looks like starting up and navigating around a bit:
    If you want to edit this or add to it feel free to do whatever you like, I just ask you to please upload your work for the community to use.
    Edit: I managed to find the alternative colors I was working on, and my backups for theme creator as well as a version that I use on my CRT screens that removes the fake scanlines (since real CRTs have real scanlines).  I believe that version is also 4:3 aspect ratio.  Please be aware these may be unfinished, as I'm unsure of the state they're in, they were just on my personal storage server. Dos MATRIX - Alternative Colors, CRT Version & Backups.zip
    Dos MATRIX - Alternative Colors, CRT Version & Backups.zip


       (0 reviews)



  8. Eclipse

    Eclipse for BigBox is a different kind of theme.  Rather than using the normal theme engine, it uses a plug-in to build the user interface from the ground up.  The goal for this plug-in is to provide: 
    Netflix style user interface with multiple lists of games on the screen at one time Voice search Random game function  
    Platform list view

    Game detail view

    Options for categorizing games

    Startup theme

    Shutdown theme

    Attract mode (screen saver)

    Installation Instructions
    1. Download: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/3220-eclipse/
    2. Extract the contents to a folder
    3. Inside the Eclipse folder is a folder called LaunchBox
    4. Copy the Plugins, StartupThemes, and Themes folders
    5. Go to your Launch Box installation folder and paste the copied folders
    6. Open Big Box
    7. Esc to get to options
    8. Select Options > Views
    9. Set Theme to Eclipse
    10. Set Platforms List View to Platform Wheel 1
    11. If you want to use the startup theme, Options > Game Startup
        - Uncheck Show "Loading Game..." Message
        - Check Enable Startup Screen
        - Startup Theme: Eclipse
        - Minimum Startup Screen Display Time: 5 seconds
        - Maximum Startup screen Display Time: 5 seconds
        - Check Hide Mouse Cursor on Startup Screens
    12. Go back - the first time the theme starts will take a long load time to generate the image cache
    13. NOTE - If you get any errors, you can check the log file called Eclipse.txt in your LaunchBox folder and message me on the forums to let me know
    General usage
    - Up, Down, Left, Right - moves around
    - Enter - selects something
    - Escape - cancel or go back - pressing it will get you back to the BigBox settings where you can exit the application
    - Page Up - pick a random game
    - Page Down - voice search
    - Bezel images can be displayed around the preview videos
    - The system will first look for a game specific bezel. If not found, it will look for a platform specific bezel. If not found, it will look for a default bezel. 
    - A few default bezels are provided with the installation. You can delete them from the folders specified below if you prefer the videos without bezels.
    Game specific bezels
    - The system tries to find a game specific bezel image in the following order:
    1. In plug-in media directory:
    - Here {CleanGameTitle} replaces any invalid characters with an underscore. Characters like ' and : cannot appear in file names so they are replaced with an underscore
    - For example: A bezel file for the game "19XX: The War Against Destiny" should have the following path and file name ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\Eclipse\Media\Images\Arcade\Bezel\19XX_ The War Against Destiny.png
    MAME bezels
    - If a game specific bezel isn't found in the plug-ins media folder as described above, then the program will look into the MAME installation folder. In order for MAME bezels to work, installing the bezel project for MAME would create files with this structure:
    Retroarch bezels
    - Bezels installed by the bezel project for retroarch will go into a folder location like this:
    Platform specific bezels
    - These are used if there are no game specific bezels found
    - You can specify a different image for horizontally and vertically oriented games so that they fit appropriately
    - The platform specific bezel image files must have the following file names and locations:
    System default bezels
    - These are used if there are no game specific or platform specific bezels found
    - You can specify a different image for horizontally and vertically oriented games so that they fit appropriately
    - The default bezel image files must have the following file name and location:
    Looking for feedback
    I'm looking for any suggestions that would make this theme better.  What's currently on my list for improvements:
    New option to add a game to a playlist from the game detail screen New option to display game manuals from the game detail screen Improve image cache logic to better detect differences between LB images and plugin image cache Use VLC for video playback  Option to flip box art  This could be expanded a bit more to  Show achievements in game details Improvements to the options side-panel that opens up under the gear (add some icons and make it look a little less "blah") Several ideas for configuration options Default category and list to pick when opening  Minimum number of games required to be included in a category This would allow you to eliminate lists don't have more than 1 game showing in the series category for example Improvements to the loading screen to make it prettier Performance improvements for loading times by doing more work in the background Overhaul of entire codebase Support for any resolution or aspect ratio - currently this only works (well) on 16:9 screens Make game lists more dynamic - the implementation of the lists uses a bunch of static image controls  Localization If anyone thinks of anything that could make this theme better, I'd be interested to hear it!
    Source Code
    If you're interested in the source code, it's (not pretty and it's) available here: 
    Submitter Fry Submitted 10/22/2021 Category Big Box Custom Themes


       (6 reviews)



  9. Cardagram V2

    Cardagram Theme - Card/Fanart themed UI trying to give a clean interface to show off fanart for games, I reccomend if able not to use fanart that contains the games logo as the clear logo is included in the view.
    Horizonatal views & Vertical Views (For any view where fanart is missing a cover box will be shown)
    1. Fanart Only
    2. Wheel With Details
    3. Fanart with Rotatable Box
    Platform Views
    1 & 3 Fanart Only (Horizontal/Vertical)
    2 & 4 Wheel view (Horizon tal/Vertical )
    Wall Game View (Only 1 view a s did not feel format was comfortable for theme)
    This also includes a Startup Theme and a Pause theme where you can provide Arcade/Controler controller overlay to aid show what controls are required in clean format. Manual icon appears when a game manual is held as the wheel shows one button only to make sure that it is visible for the specific game.
    CTC Project Files
    Project files for the Community Theme Creator by y2guru Please note: This version requires CTC v3.2 as it uses the 'selection bar', Dave (y2guru) is doing an amazing job with supporting in helping themes be created please support him here https://www.patreon.com/COMMUNITYThemeCreator


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  10. CoinOP

    As per version 3.0 this theme is now rebuilt from the ground up for performance and optimization.
    The theme showcases an arcade cabinet in an 80s style arcade with a dynamic marquee that can pull from a number of fallback images on a per-game basis, making sure there's always something displayed in the marquee.


       (2 reviews)



  11. Super Mario Galaxy theme for BigBox

    Based off of my Super Mario Galaxy skin for PSMC and Kodi. This theme includes animations both on the main views as well as some on the wheels themselves. Rotating Coins (wheel images) have different metadata on opposite side
    Originally designed for kids, both young and old!
    Video to PSMC's companion theme:
    The latest Super Mario Galaxy (SE) version has:
    3-Platform views 3-Horizonal Game Wheel views 3-Horizontal Game Wheel views 3-Game Wall views 1-Fullscreen Coverflow view 1-Platform Text view 1-Vertical Text view Startup/Shutdown theme Pause theme and matching system messages Includes 2 versions of background music, the melody (used in video), as well as one that is original digital version. Assets Used:
    Super Mario Galaxy Sound Pack: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Super Mario Galaxy Startup Video: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Super Mario Galaxy Startup/Shutdown Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Super Mario Galaxy Pause Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Downloads for SE version: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA

    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome. 
    Please consider supporting these projects with a "cup of coffee" by becoming a member: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zizzlezazzle
    A donation of any size via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/HAG9334S3WDAN
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


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  12. Jarvis

    The Jarvis themes focuses much on the audio aspect as well as the visual side which is something different to BigBox. It's still a work in progress, as I am still learning the AI model I'm using for the audio clips I am creating. It includes some animation in some of the wheels thx to @y2guru and recent updates he has done with CTC .
    Sample Video:
    The Jarvis Basic version has 1 each of the following views (see screenshot below). The selected item rotates.
    Platform Full Cover Flow Horizonal Game Wheel Vertical Game Wheel Game Wall
    The Jarvis (SE) versions have:
    2 additional Platform views 2 additional Horizonal Game Wheel views 2 additional Vertical Game Wheel views 2 additional Game Wall views Assets Used:
    Jarvis Sound Pack: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Jarvis Startup Video: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA - I will customize and replace all PSGC logos within the theme with your own logo if you're a current BMAC member for FREE)  Custom made audio clips for Platforms and Playlists and announcements (included) The SE version has two flavors (one that uses sounds on all the Wheel views (used in the video and more a proof of concept, but can get a bit annoying) and the other one doesn't and both are available for download to my BMAC members.
    Download SE version: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome. 
    Please consider supporting these projects with a "cup of coffee" by becoming a member: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zizzlezazzle
    A donation of any size via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/HAG9334S3WDAN
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  13. XamimeD

    I've been playing around with the new animated wheels in the CTC and came up with this as a concept.
    Any problems with it please let me know and all feedback is welcome.
    Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\
    Thanks as always to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.


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  14. inMERSE

    inMERSE was born as a personal modification of the Colorful theme by Viking, but over time I made so many changes that I decided to turn it into a completely original theme. The main goal is to emulate the interfaces of its respective platforms, providing a touch of nostalgia, but maintaining a clean and user-friendly aesthetic.
    At the same time, it seeks to imagine the interfaces of platforms that did not have one at the time, respecting the original design and its color palette as much as possible.

    Note: To change the user image you just need to replace the image inMERSE\Media\User\00.jpg with the image of your choice
    Important: The Switch view is designed to use the main menu images of the games. These can be easily obtained with the NxFileViewer tool by right-clicking on the cover image. Each image must be assigned to the corresponding game using the "Arcade-Marquee" category for everything to work properly. If you prefer not to do this task, you can change the view to "Horizontal Wheel 2", which offers a visual alternative.
    inMERSE is constantly growing. In this first version only PC, Xbox 360, 3DS, GBA, PS2, NES, SNES, and Switch are included. I'm open to adding new platforms, if you have any in mind or would like to make a suggestion let me know and I'll consider including it in future versions.
    If you find any bugs, I'd appreciate it if you let me know. I'm new to this and even though I've done a lot of testing, it's possible that I've missed something.
    platforms menu sound: 2004 Ambient Console Menu Music by Audioarc.


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  15. Golden Tee Ultimate (v1.25)

    Golden Tee Ultimate theme for BigBox.


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  16. Simple Elf

    A simple BigBox theme with video and image snap. The UI takes heavy inspiration from the GameElf multicade, and the UI is completely remade. 4:3 and vertical versions coming soon


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  17. VROOM2.zip

    VROOM2 is a Bigbox theme for my driving cabinet. I use the steering wheel to navigate & gas/brake to select/back. Created in CTC re-using some assets from a WIP theme that was submitted by mgerety called Starting Line. Reach out if you want to use it and have any questions.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Japan Arcade Room

    A beautiful theme with Arcade style menus for all your platforms!
    Features of this theme:
    Made mainly for Arcade platform (but works for all platforms!) Different views, select what's best for you! No flashy animations that may affect perfomance. Work in progress, more views will be available, please check patreon for updates.  
    You can check some Videos of my themes in action on my Youtube Channel
    If you'd like to help me dedicate more time to my themes, you can support me on:


    P.S.: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistake.
    Thanks to:
    @y2guru for your amazing theme editor 


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  19. Flat and Classic Mini Consoles

    A beautiful theme with "console mini" style menus for all your platforms!
    Features of this theme:
    Main view: Simple flat version that runs fast and looks great. Optional "Classic Mini" view for many systems (WIP). Every Classic Mini view has it's own background music. Improved original design of some "Classic Mini" (Such as PSX and Genesis). Improved UI for some consoles like PS3, 3DS, etc. "Classic Mini" style views for consoles that do not have an oficial Mini version (such as PS2, WII, etc.). No flashy animations that may affect perfomance. Platform/console selection with video (you need to download the video first from regular launchbox menu).  
    You can check some Videos of the theme in action on my Youtube Channel
    If you'd like to support my work and help me dedicate more time to it, you can support me on:
    P.S.: English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistake.
    Thanks to:
    @y2guru for your amazing theme editor 
    @thiagofirmino for providing SNK Neo Geo and Sega Saturn Mini formats.


       (6 reviews)



  20. Nostalgic Memories - Platform Themes

    Hello everyone, I spent the last few weeks working on a new style for my platform themes, previously known as Coverbox Fragments, which is based off of Faeran's Coverbox. It's a series of individual platform themes based off of actual console bios/menus. I had first planned to just start where I left off with it and make new fragments for it, that later changed as I felt the need to do more than I did before. I always wanted to make use of all the views, instead of binding myself only to the text view. So, I have a proposition...I want to redo them all in this new style. Knowing that I would have to rebuild the fragments when CTC 3.2 came around was always a thought in the back of my mind. Why wait I say, sounds way more fun to make them all again from scratch with CTC 3.2. Now I can create more views than before, implement the new features of CTC 3.2, and push BigBox to its limit. I decided on a new project name since it isn't focused on one view anymore, i named it Nostalgic Memories because that's what this project reminds me of the entire time I'm making them. I had a lot of fun making this first one, I'm excited to start on another. I plan on making one of these for each platform, I will always use the coverbox fragments style for the text view with all platforms as I did before.
    NOTE: CTC 3.2 is still being worked on by y2guru, you may notice a few things that aren't all the way finished because of that. Don't worry, I check Dave's Patreon page everyday for updates, as soon as they come in I'll be sure to update them. Marquee view, and animations on the shutdown view are still being worked on. It will be fixed when CTC is updated, the shutdown screen animations I may have to redo I feel that's a error on my end that I can't figure out. 
    As usual, it will take me a day or so to get this looking real nice. Once I do it's off to the next platform, be sure to stop by my patreon and vote, its free.
    Remastered Coverbox Fragment Text View in all Platform Themes On-The-Fly Region Changing while browsing game list Now totally rebuilt in CTC 3.2! Custom Startup/Shutdown themes for each platform Custom Pause theme for each platform Loaded with more custom metadata options Many new views! Detail on detail on detail. Official UI sounds for the menus COMPLETED PLATFORMS: 2
    Sony PlayStation
    Sony PlayStation 2 
    Current Platform: Vote
    Progress Updates are posted on Patreon, all posts are public.
    Copy all files into Launchbox folder. The "StartupThemes" folder is recommended, but optional. Install if you wish to use the custom startup/shutdown screen.
    The "PauseThemes" folder is recommended, but optional. Install if you wish to use the custom pause screen.
    The "Plugins" folder is optional, it contains 2 files from CTC that allow you to use the Startup/Shutdown themes in LB.
    The "Images" folder contains Developer and Publisher logos and should be installed.
    NOTE: Be sure to enable "Remember Separate View Per Platform"  in the BigBox settings.
    NOTE: These themes are designed to be applied to your game list, creating the feeling of entering the consoles menus to browse your games.
    In order to use some features in this theme, you must have correct metadata filled out in Launchbox.  Here are some of the fields that I used.
    -Region (United States, North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Japan)
    -Release Date (used for proper ESRB/PEGI/CERO by years it was used)
    -Developer & Publisher Fields should be condensed to 1 company. (games with multiple company's wont display the logo)
    -Publisher & Developer images need to be installed for Developer/Publisher logos to display.
    more Publisher Logos will be added in the future, I made a post for it HERE
    Some of these views are only included in the Patreon Edition version of my themes. Don't worry, I didn't put my best views behind a paywall. The Patreon Edition contains extra views for niche and obscure addons for platforms that most people don't even have in their collection. I will always include my best views for free, the extra views for my supporters are my way of saying thank you to them.
    Each theme has a custom credits view that has no use aside from that. I use Vertical Wheel 4 for that always, you can exit by changing to another view.
    Ah, Patreon. Where do I start. I know some people don't like that I started one, and put fragments behind a paywall. I am here to make that right so the fragments are now free, hope that ends that. I also know that some of you want to help, but don't have a way to buy me stay up late drinks. I will be clear that I'm not out to become a Patreon hero, so don't expect that of me. I believe that if you put effort towards balancing everything out, everybody can be happy. In that regard, I set it up in a way that I thought would make everyone happy. For people that hate the idea of buying anybody a coffee, I provided you with what I did before with way more content, and new views! For people that like to buy others coffee, I have provided you with a means to do so and a special edition with extra views. Equally, both sides get something special, I believe this is the best way. Now that's all said and done, I changed up the Patreon a bit and plan to do so a bit more. I like to hear from everybody so the poll is now public, comments will be public, etc. I like to know what kind of views you guys want added, help me with assets, anything. I love ANYTHING gaming related, including hearing from others that share that same passion. Don't be shy, stop by and help me make the best themes I can.
    KingSlayer420 Patreon
    Community Theme Creator 3.2 - By y2guru CoverBox 4.02 - By faeran COLORFUL Hardware Device Images - By viking Blank Box art 1.6.0 - By Pyrometheous Platform Logos Professionally Redrawn - By Dan Patrick LaunchBox Logos - Professionally Remastered & Revised 1.0.0 Photoreal Controller Vectors 2.1b - By Pineapple Graphics Platform Boot Videos Theme 1.0.0 - By ground7 ES Playstation Theme - By lostless Playstation Classic HD theme - By omgmog HD PS1 BIOS Theme - By mrgonaka Retroarch-Playstation-BIOS-theme - By Sir5ur PS2 Soundpack 1.0.0 - By Jodanzuki PS2 5K Wallpaper - By adamlbiscuit SOQUEROEU TV Backgrounds 2.1 (PS2 Background) - By soqueroeu Playstation 2 Box art 3D PAL 3D Case Template  - By Pedro Playstation 2 Console Background - By Duimon Jay-Jay's Textures-On OPL Themes Collection - By JayJay PlayStation NOW! Logo - By Saieno PS2 Menu Video - By DonellHD  
    Dave Paterson - For making CTC, templates, live streams, and fixing problems when they arise, quickly I might add!
    Faeran - For helping me when I run into trouble, helping with xaml stuff, CTC templates, and making all the instructional videos
    DonellHD - For helping me get a Patreon started and making assets
    Jack Parsons
    Royal Ape
    Durt Dittie
    William Campbell
    Pademonium Cinematics


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. Coverbox - Fragments

    Sorry for the poor quality, i will replace it with a more detailed extended version when I have more time.
    I am possibly the biggest Coverbox fanboy in these forums, I've loved it since I was made aware of its existence. It was my go to for over a year of retro gaming. After using it for a while I started to notice areas that could be improved upon, eventually leading to me wanting to do something about it. After getting permission from Faeran I started adding in all the stuff I wished Coverbox had. I found it more flexible to make each platform a individual theme so I could have full control over all the views per platform, music, all the cool things that come with individual theme settings. Basically what we are left with is a super badass version of coverbox that's all "fragmented" into individual themes. Its got all the flashy stuff of a modern theme but still retains that sweet warm glow of Coverbox. I started making a "core" theme that was supposed to be a bridge between these fragments and the main platform theme, called "PlatformBox". It was put on the back burner and I never got back to it, I plan to make that eventually. So for now these will only work if applied in game view mode (the view that lists your games). Meaning, you have to go into that platform to the game list then apply the corresponding theme to see its effect.
    WARNING: These themes may not work well on low performance machines!  I do not have a low spec pc to test them on. Im working on that in the newer versions so everybody can enjoy it.
    Totally remastered Coverbox view More Details View box back when in game details on-the-fly region changes to UI, cases, even the background! many many custom options official UI sounds seamless game details menu (just like CoverBox!) EXTREMELY detailed box art options custom startup & pause themes Platform addon support (satellaview, 64dd, etc) EXTRAS:
    Coverbox - Fragments Startup Themes
    Coverbox - Fragments Pause Themes
    Nintendo (Famicom/Famicom Disk) Super Nintendo (Satellaview/Sufami Turbo) Nintendo 64 (64DD) Nintendo Gamecube (Needs work) Nintendo Wii (eshop) Nintendo WiiU (Incomplete - 70%) Nintendo Switch (Incomplete - 60%) Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Color Nintendo Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS (GBA Support) Nintendo 3DS Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony PSP Sega Genesis (Mega Drive/Sega CD/Mega CD/32x) Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast MS-DOS Microsoft XBox Microsoft Xbox 360 Current Platform: Tell me what project you want me to work on next
    Become a member of my Patreon, a place where you can help me decide which direction to go with my BigBox themes. Let me know if my ideas are trash, or gold. Guide me in the right direction because lord knows I need it. If you decide to become a member of my super secret club, I will listen to your stories, requests, and criticism. Your voices will be heard, and I will do my best to make the magic happen.
    KingSlayer420 Patreon
    Community Theme Creator 3.0 - By y2guru CoverBox 4.02 - By faeran GenesisMini - [Theme Workshop] 1.0 - By faeran DOS Matrix - [Theme Workshop] 1.1 - By faeran Sega-CD-Mini theme - By Arcanthur Xbox Sound Pack - By Random420 Default assets - By dragon57 COLORFUL Hardware Device Images - By viking Platform Logos Professionally Redrawn - By Dan Patrick Photoreal Controller Vectors - By Pineapple Graphics Dreamcast Sound Pack 1.1.0 - By RetroNi Nes Classic Navigation Sounds 1.0.0 - By ea4492 Gamecube Soundpack - By gils001 Switch Sound Pack - By Grila PS2 Soundpack 1.0.0 - By Jodanzuki PlayStation 3 Sound Pack 1.0.0 - By RetroNi Xbox 360 Sound Pack 1.0.0 - By RetroNi Nintendo 3DS 1.0.0 - By reon Kyosuke Room Backgrounds - By arsenixc Nintendo Famicom Disk - Pure Real Serie - Cartridge 2.5D By Dedaloso PS2 Background 1.0.0 - By tbm SPECIAL THANKS TO:
    Faeran - For making Coverbox, letting me use your assets, helping me when I get stuck, making all the CTC videos, your like a mentor to me. 
    y2guru - For making Community Theme Creator, none of this would be possible without it! Also thank you for all the instructional videos!
    Cnells2000 - For supporting me the entire time, searching the depths of the internet in search of me after I left, talking me into coming back, and just being a all around likeable dude. I owe ya one.
    Patreon Supporters - For keeping the coffee comin' and helping me with the themes.
    Pademonium Cinematics
    If you like this theme, leave a review and tell me about it! It keeps me motivated!


       (4 reviews)



  22. Mini Consoles Theme - RetroSai Nostalgia - Form over Function

    The inception of this project was catalyzed by observing the theme presented by exodus_cl. Inspired, I set out to architect a theme that would not only epitomize the unique ethos, ambience, and distinctiveness of each gaming platform I personally had the experience of using, but also pay reverence to their original design principles. Delving deep, I recreated and sometimes re-imagined themes of official mini consoles. Concurrently, I envisioned and formulated how other platforms, not originally themed by their respective manufacturers, might have been conceived.
    A nuanced observation would reveal that each Atari platform, while retaining its distinct character, embodies a similar ambience. This pattern can be observed across platforms like Nintendo and SEGA. For contemporary consoles, my approach gravitated towards capturing the essence of their dashboards, trying to evoke a profound sense of nostalgia. Distinctive views have also been crafted for platforms like PS2 and Xbox, reminiscent of the Demo Disks prevalent during their era.
    Theme Features:
    Aesthetic Integrity: Each console view crafted is a celebration of its unique vibe, endeavoring to pay the highest tribute to its original design.
    Dashboard Designs: Faithful recreations of existing Mini-Console dashboards are accompanied by imaginative conceptions of those that remain uncharted by official designers.
    Nostalgic Inclusions: Optional views are available replicating the classic Demo Disks for platforms like PS2 and Xbox.
    Auditory Experience: Background music encapsulates either iconic tunes from system games or melodies crafted using the genuine hardware.
    Re-imaginative Themes: Mini console themes, including those for the original Playstation and Sega Genesis, have been re-envisioned to seamlessly blend with the overarching theme.
    Regional Nuances: Alternate views tailored for specific regions encompass platforms like Famicom, Super Famicom, and the Sega Mega Drive series, to name a few.
    Universal View: A generic default games view is present, suitable for any console devoid of a custom design.
    UI Recreation: Emulating the ethos of newer consoles, UIs like the Xbox 360 Blades, PS3 XMB, and the WiiU Gamepad have been faithfully recreated.
    Recommended Configuration:
    Startup View: Platforms Games List View: Horizontal Wheel 1 Platforms List View: Platform Wheel 1 View Consistency: Ensure separate views are maintained for each platform. Please refrain from bypassing the game details screen, as bespoke game details screens have been designed in alignment with the native console/platform system menus where pertinent.
    Critical Information: Within each custom platform, the Game Details View Menu is subtly concealed, simulating the initiation of a game. To reveal this concealed menu, one must navigate either up or down whilst in the Game Detail View.
    Specific View Instructions:
    The primary view for most platforms aligns with the Horizontal Wheel 1 view. However, specific cases are outlined as:
    Systems devoid of a custom view should adopt the CoverflowGamesView. For the Playstation 2 Demo Disk View, resort to the HorizontalWheel2GamesVIew. Platforms like the Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Wii, WiiU, and Playstation Vita are best represented by the WallGamesView. For the Microsoft Xbox Demo Disk, Playstation 3, and Playstation Portable, the WheelGamesView is recommended. To ensure the Sega Master System/Sega Mark III/Sega SG-1000 Card Games are displayed appropriately, annotate "Card Media." at the conclusion of the Metadata Notes section for each game. Navigational Caution: When interacting with the WiiU, restrict your navigation downwards to prevent the game title from overlapping with other games.

    Supported Platforms with Distinct Themes: Duplicate listings are for accommodating particular naming conventions.
    3DO Interactive Multiplayer Arcade Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Atari Jaguar CD Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx Bandai WonderSwan Color Bandai WonderSwan ColecoVision Commodore 64 Commodore Amiga CD32 Commodore Amiga MAME Mattel Intellivision Microsoft Windows Microsoft Xbox 360 Microsoft Xbox One Microsoft Xbox MS-DOS NEC PC Engine CD NEC PC Engine NEC PC-FX NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Famicom Nintendo Famicom Disk System Nintendo Game Boy Advance Nintendo Game Boy Color Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo GameCube Nintendo Super Game Boy Nintendo Switch (Longbox Alt View) Nintendo Virtual Boy Nintendo VirtualBoy Nintendo Wii U Nintendo Wii Nokia N-Gage Panasonic 3DO Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer Philips CD-i PC Games SNK Neo Geo AES SNK Neo Geo CD SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color SNK Neo Geo Pocket Sega 32X Sega CD (Longbox Alt View) Sega Dreamcast Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis Sega Mark III Sega Master System Sega Mega CD JP Sega Mega CD Sega Mega Drive 32X Sega Mega Drive JP Sega Mega Drive Sega Saturn JP Sega Saturn (Longbox Alt View) Sega SG-1000 Sega Super 32X Sony PSP Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony Playstation 4 Sony Playstation Portable Sony Playstation Vita Sony Playstation Steam Super Famicom/Nintendo Super Famicom Super Game Boy Super Game Boy 2 Super Nintendo/Super Nintendo EU Super Nintendo Entertainment System Windows WonderSwan Color WonderSwan Xbox 360 (Metro Theme) Regional Specificities: Ensure the naming convention for region-specific views aligns precisely with the following:
    Sega Mark III Sega Mega Drive Sega Mega Drive JP Sega Mega CD Sega Mega CD JP Sega Mega Drive 32X Sega Super 32X Sega Saturn JP Nintendo Famicom Super Famicom or Nintendo Super Famicom Super Game Boy Super Game Boy 2 Super Nintendo or Super Nintendo EU NEC PC Engine NEC PC Engine CD Sony PlayStation Regional Specificities: Your PlayStation game cases will automatically adjust based on the region you've specified in LaunchBox
    North America: Set region to North America Japan: Set region to Japan (This is the default setting) PAL: Set region to Europe DreamCast Regional Specificities: Your Dreamcast game cases will automatically adjust based on the region you've specified in LaunchBox
    North America White: Set region to North America (This is the default setting) North America Black: Set region to North America Alt European: Set region to Europe Japan White: Set region to Japan Japan Black: Set region to Japan Alt Nintendo Switch Advisory: Every effort has been expended to ensure standard box art is visually appealing. Nonetheless, for an optimized aesthetic, please download the Square Switch Game Library Images and supersede your existing Front - Box Art.
    Platform selection

    Generic GameList View

    Supported Platforms Mini View (This one is Sega Saturn)

    Region Alternate Platforms Mini View (This one is Sega Saturn JP)

    Alternate Demo Disk View (This one is Playstation 2)

    Added Nokia N-Gage Platform View
    Video Demonstration
    Nokia N-Gage Platform Theme.mp4 -----------------------------------------------------
    Added Sega CD alternate view, Horizontal View 2, which features North American Longboxes. Make sure to set your region for the game correctly for the box art you have. North America region will show Long Boxes. Mega CD does not have this alternate view.
    Added new Platform View for long requested Philips CD-i. It's based on the Philips CD-i 1.0 Shell  

    As usual, pushing up or down while in the Game Details screen will show additional details and the Game Details menu.

    If a game has a video, it will automatically fade in while in the Game Details screen.

    Video Demonstration
    MiniConsoleTheme222.mp4 -----------------------------------------------------
    Added new Xbox 360 Metro Style Theme Note: "Microsoft Xbox 360" is Blades, "Xbox 360" is Metro. Name your Platform accordingly.
    The Platform Logo Intro no longer replays when exiting from the Game Details Screen back to the Dashboard. It will reset if you exit the Dashboard back to the Platforms View, so it will play again when entering the same platform again.
      Added a generic Wall view that can be used for all platforms. Note: Nintendo Wii is using Wall View 2 for the alternate Video view. Additionally, the Game Details Screen will be the same themed one you'd usually see for each platform that has one.
    Video Demonstration
    MiniConsoleTheme221.mp4 -----------------------------------------------------
    Updated code base for latest version of LaunchBox (13.12) Updated Nintendo Wii View to feature Screenshots by default. Added Nintendo Wii alternate view, Wall 2, which features videos for the games. WARNING! The alternate Wii View (Wall 2) requires a high-spec PC. Performance WILL be diminished. Video Demonstration
    Nintendo Famicom Disk System Demo Video
    NintendoFamicomDiskSystem.mp4 Screenshots

    Added long requested alternate views (Horizontal Wheel 2) for Nintendo Switch and Sega Saturn with Long Box Art.

    Sega Saturn is region based and intended for just the Box Art images and not Box Art that contains images including the case itself.
    North America - Long Plastic Jewel Case Europe - Black Edge Long Cardboard Box Japan - Small Jewel Case
     MS-DOS View:

    Platform View Demo:
    Redesign_Mini_Console_Theme.mp4 The Platform View has undergone a complete overhaul inspired by the COLORFUL theme, incorporating the same vibrant colors found in COLORFUL Platform videos.
        The new Platform View has been adjusted to seamlessly accommodate any Platform video, resulting in a colored border surrounding the video for a cohesive and visually appealing theme experience.
    Audio Adjustment Script:
    To assist with adjusting the volume of the Background Music for the theme, I've created a PowerShell script which will allow you to adjust the volume however you like! Feel free to check out the post here:
    Nintendo Game Boy View:

    A brand-new Nintendo Game Boy view has been introduced to replace the existing Nintendo Game Boy view. This new view is designed to more accurately represent the Nintendo Game Boy platform, addressing the previous view's closer resemblance to the Nintendo Super Game Boy. Nintendo Super Game Boy Views:
    As a result of the Nintendo Game Boy view replacement, three distinct Nintendo Super Game Boy views have been introduced:
    North America Super Game Boy View (Nintendo Super Game Boy): Tailored to North American users, this view captures the essence of the North American Super Game Boy experience.
    PAL Regions Super Game Boy View (Super Game Boy): Designed specifically for PAL regions, this view provides a unique representation of the PAL Super Game Boy setup.
    Super Game Boy 2 View (JP Regions) (Super Game Boy 2): For users in Japanese regions, the Super Game Boy 2 view has been created to replicate the JP Super Game Boy experience.
    Default Coverflow View and Default Game Details View Revamp:
        In addition to the Platform View overhaul, both the Default Coverflow View and Default Game Details View have undergone a complete redesign.
        These views have been transformed to align seamlessly with the COLORFUL style, while still preserving the distinctive backgrounds and colors associated with each platform.
    Arcade/Steam/Intellivision/Dreamcast Case Video Demo
    Version-2.0.0-Overview.mp4 Arcade/MAME View:
    Imagine walking into a dimly lit room, only to be greeted by the vibrant glow of neon lights, screens reflecting off sleek surfaces and rows of brightly colored cabinets. The energizing cacophony of game sounds, chiptunes, and playful challenges fills the air, beckoning players to try their hand at conquering pixelated realms. This was the magic of a 90s arcade – a sanctuary for gamers, where stories were not just told but lived, one coin at a time.

    Diverse Cabinet Showcase: Just as arcades offered a smorgasbord of games, this view boasts over 48 unique arcade cabinets, each presenting a doorway into the past.
    Variants Included: The 90s arcade was never just about the joystick and buttons. Racing wheel games that simulated high-speed chases and light gun cabinets that brought first-person shooter scenarios to life were all the rage. This view recreates these specialties, ensuring that every gamer finds their niche.
    Atmospheric Navigation: It's not just about the games; it's about the experience. As you navigate from one cabinet to another, the shifting atmosphere and audio ambiance transport you back in time, simulating the sensation of wandering through an arcade, deciding where to drop your next coin.
    Detailed Reflections: Attention to detail is key. The glow of the game screen softly reflecting off the control panels, especially in the game details screen, doesn't just add to the visuals—it revives memories of intense focus and fingers dancing over buttons in rhythmic gameplay.
    Arcade BIOS Game Details Menu: To round off this authentic trip down memory lane, the game details menu mirrors the look and feel of an Arcade BIOS. It's not just about playing; it's about immersing oneself in the entire arcade ethos.
    Notes: "Screenshots", "Marquees", "Clear Logos", and "Videos" are utilized for the view. The cabinet style is designated by the game "Publisher" metadata. Racing cabinets are designated by the "Racing" and "Driving / ..." variant genres and Lightgun cabinets are designated by the "Shooter / Gun" genre.
    If you wish to manually change the cabinet to fit a specific aesthetic for a game, here are the supported publishers you can update the metadata for the specific game to:

       "Atari Corporation"
       "Atari Games"
       "Bally Midway"
       "Capcom Co., Ltd."
       "Cave (AMI license)"
       "Cave (Atlus license)"
       "Cave (Capcom license)"
       "Cave (Nihon System license)"
       "Data East Corporation"
       "Data East"
       "Irem Corp."
       "Konami Industry Co. Ltd."
       "Midway Games"
       "Nintendo R&D3"
       "SNK Corporation" (This is the red SNK cabinet)
       "SNK" (This is the MVS cabinet)
       "Sega AM1"
       "Sega AM2"
       "Sega AM3 R&D Division"
       "Sega Enterprises Ltd."
       "Taito America Corporation" (Black Buttons)
       "Taito Corporation Japan" (Red Buttons)
       "Taito Corporation" (Red Buttons)
       "Taito" (Black Buttons)
       "Williams Entertainment"
    Steam/PC Games/Windows/Microsoft Windows View:
    Especially designed for Windows/PC Games/Steam enthusiasts, this view is inspired by the UI of the Steam Deck. Currently, I'm harnessing the metadata provided by LaunchBox, but hopefully in the future I'll be able to integrate the Steam, GOG, and Epic metadata for a richer experience. Until then, I'm confident you'll love what you see.

    Steam Deck Inspiration: This view is designed after the Steam Deck version of Steam OS.
    Library View: A seamless browsing experience to navigate through your games.
    Game Details View: Get all the information you need about a game with a visually appealing presentation.
    Overlay Menu: An intuitive overlay menu for the Game Details Menu, so you get all the additional details without any hassle.
    Notes: "Box - Front", "Clear Logo", "Screenshots", "Videos" and "Banners" are utilized for this theme. Unfortunately Fan Background and Steam/Epic/GOG metadata is not available for me to use for the theme currently. Screenshots are utilized first, then Banners as a fall back.
    Mattel Intellivision View:
    This view brings the nostalgia right to your fingertips. Every time you select a game, the Controller Overlay will change to match that specific game. This is perfect for those who love authenticity. But there's more! This view also includes the iconic "My Intellivision" track from Intellivision Lives! which will hopefully set the mood.

    Classic Console Presentation: Experience the nostalgic Mattel Intellivision console front and center.
    Dynamic Controller Overlays: Game-specific controller overlays are showcased, ensuring that the controls displayed are accurate for each game if available.
    Accurate Cartridge Port: With the Mattel Intellivision's cartridge port usually on the side of the console, its been placed at the top with accurate cart insertion depth!
    "My Intellivision" Theme Song: Fans of Intellivision Lives! will be delighted to hear the "My Intellivision" theme song incorporated into the theme.
    Note: The Controller Overlays are handled via the "Arcade - Controls Information" metadata.
    Dreamcast Region Specific Game Cases:

    Now, your Dreamcast game cases will automatically adjust based on the region you've specified in LaunchBox. Here's a breakdown of the region-specific cases:
    North America White: Set region to North America (This is the default setting) North America Black: Set region to North America Alt European: Set region to Europe Japan White: Set region to Japan Japan Black: Set region to Japan Alt Note: Changing regions for games is best handled via LaunchBox by selecting all games you'd like to change to a specific region, then mass editing the Region field and updating them.
    Supported Views (Switch View key may need to be mapped in BigBox):

    To help with the initial configuration of the Theme, if a Platform attempts to utilize a view that is not supported, a customized view displaying supported options will appear. For example, the default view for the theme is Horizontal Wheel 1, however not all platforms utilize this view and a screen displaying the supported views for the specific Platform will be displayed.
    Note: Supported Views allows for BigBox wide Search, results will just need to be set to Fullscreen CoverFlow. The Platform View Searching works as expected, and so does Game Detail Menu options like Related Games, etc


    Acknowledgments and Credits:
    I wish to express my profound gratitude and acknowledgment to the following individuals and entities for their invaluable contributions and inspirations that greatly enriched this project:
    Files and Design Elements:
    y2guru: For their always impressive and incredibly helpful Community Theme Creator application. faeran: I am grateful for his provision of the Unified CTC files, which were instrumental in shaping the Coverflow view with its accompanying backgrounds. viking: For the base arcade cabinets from the COLORFUL Hardware CAD designs, and for the inspiration from the COLORFUL theme! Dan Whelan: For allowing me to use their remastered N-Gage Boot Animation WIP for the animated background, and their enthusiasm for remastering N-Gage assets and UI elements. Music Contributions:
    VinsCool: For his original piece "Voyager 1" rendered on Atari TIA and recorded using genuine hardware.
    RushJet1: For the evocative track "5-bit Thief," crafted on Atari 2600 TIA.
    BlueElectric05: Contributed the unique "Bytey" track, created on Atari 2600 TIA and classified under originals.
    newcoleco: For "ColecoVision - Original Music 1," which enlivened the project with its nostalgic tones.
    I extend my warmest appreciation to all the contributors for their dedication, talent, and passion that have immensely enriched this endeavor.


       (24 reviews)



  23. AllNightLong(GBA Edit)

    Just and edit I made specifically for the Gameboy Advance using All Night Long as a template. It is set under horizontal wheel 2. You may have to delete the texlistview in the theme folder to avoid a popup. You can change the background for each game by changing the fanart backgrounds.


       (0 reviews)



  24. KZARCADE (1080p Theme with Video Bezels)

    Hello everybody ! 
    I'm happy to share with you my first BigBox theme.
    I made it for my home arcade machine.
    This is my first theme and I would be very grateful if you could tell me what is not working on your screens and what I could improve.
    Likewise, don't hesitate to ask me about other platforms.
    I tried to do my best for the fallbacks, don't hesitate to tell me if there are things that are wrong and I will correct them.
    Description of the theme :
    There are bezels (1920/1080) and marquees (1920/360) for:
    - Nes / Supernes / NeoGeo / Dreamcast / Genesis / N64 / Windows / Xbox / Xbox 360 / Playstation / Playstation 3.
    - I created fallback image and video backgrounds for other platforms. (Hope it works !)
    - Platformwheelview 1 with information and video bezels (character dance) :

    - Platformwheelview 2 with information and a random games character :

    - Platformwheelview 3 with Faeran's arcade cabinet on a fanart background and a random game character :

    - Gamewheelview 1 with video bezels (character dance) and  game information on the marquee (recommended for arcade cabinet) :

    - Gamewheelview 2 with fanart bezel and game information on the marquee (recommended for arcade cabinet) :

    - Gameviews 3 with two information panels on each side of the fanart bezel (recommended for single screen) :

    - Gameviews 4 the same panels on each side of the Faeran cabinet arcade (recommended for single screen) :

    - System view with a video bezel :

    Credits : 
    Coin Op by Faeran
    Hypermax Refried by Darkseekerliu
    Big thanks to the entire Launchbox team, big thanks to Faeran, I loved learning how to use the CTC through his tutorials.
    A big thank you to all the community, I hope you will like this theme.
    Enjoy !
    Theme Name file : KZARCADE Theme 
    Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any problem.
    DEMOS :


       (1 review)



  25. Epic Noir Together

    This is a modern dark BigBox v13+ theme, based on original ideas by Chicuelo, Ant, Dragoondorise & C64-dev.
    This theme is an amalgamation of all of the available Epic Noir variants, into one cohesive theme, with 10 views. 

    Recreated for BigBox by Adam Smith.
    This theme incorporates screens replications from the following themes and creators:
    "Epic Noir" by Chicuelo for Emulation Station. "Epic Noir (Revisited)" by Ant, Dragoondorise, C64-dev for ES-DE "Epic Noir (Next)" theme by Ant for ES-DE Thanks to those above for your amazing work.
    Dark and clean interface New high quality fanart for major systems Support for game screenshots, logos, boxart and video. Features 4 x Platform Wheels Features 1 x System View Features 1 x Game List View Features 4 x Wall Views Features Game start and exit screens Theme Notes
    This theme supports: Game Boxart, Logos, Screenshots & Videos.
    If you scrape each, when a game is selected it will show the boxart and logos for a couple of seconds before fading and playing the video of the selected game.
    Please note: Game Boxart, Logos, Screenshots and Videos are not included within the theme.
    You can scrape these using the Launchbox interface.
    Download and uncompress the available theme file. Copy / cut paste to Launchbox\Themes folder. All platform background and controller images are included in the file.
    CTC Project Files
    Project files for the Community Theme Creator by y2guru are available here: https://github.com/asmithau/Epic-Noir-Together

    Please note: This version requires CTC v3.2 (beta) as it uses the unreleased 'selection bar', currently available only in the beta version.
    Dave (y2guru) is doing an amazing job on the upcoming 3.2 version, so please support him here to access this beta:


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