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246 files

  1. CityHunter

    If you are a fan of the 80's, lasers, neon, fast cars and cyber punk then this is the theme for you!  All you Cyber Punks Stay Rad.
    Extract CityHunter 2 to "LaunchBox\Themes"
    Choose CityHunter 2 in Options > Views > Theme
    Set Video Playback Engine to VLC or WMP in Options > Videos
    Theme Files:
    CityHunter 2 (theme) Video Files:
    Akira - Neo Tokyo Blame! CityHunter CityHunter 2 Cyber Punk 2077 Eva - 01 Flash Back 2012 - Scanlines Flash Back 2012 The Grid VHS Grid Clear Logo Wheel Set and Banners
    Banners Clear Logos  


       (9 reviews)



  2. Unified Refried 2.0

    What's different in 2.0?
    *This replaces the old version of Refried entirely. DO NOT merge this new version with the old one.
    *All platform addon themes from the first version of Refried have been merged into one single addon called "Queso Fresco" (because it tastes great on top of refried beans...that's why). Therefore all of those older addon themes are no longer needed.
    *Requires Launchbox 9.4 or above to function properly
    *Revised Install instructions (please read them below if you are just starting out with the theme)
    *Added custom controller icons for play modes in the game description on some systems...this will get finished in the future
    *More great additions made by Ghostlines to the theme
    *Added the fullscreen video view to all platforms (view 4)
    *Improved the artwork slightly for the Big Box options menus
    Important note**If you install this theme,and the artwork does not display properly for a platform on your system,then more than likely it is a naming conflict between your platform and the files in the theme. To fix this issue,you must locate these files and change the name to your actual platforms name:
    1.Images/Theme/Background/(name of your platform that is mislabeled)
    2.Images/Theme/VideoBorder/(name of your platform that is mislabeled)
    If you install the Queso Fresco addon as well,then you must also rename the custom view xaml files to your platform name.
    I set out to make an alternate version to the beautiful Unified theme,with modifications here and there,yet,as I worked on it more and more,I started to go a different direction slightly...and thus Refried was born. This theme is built to focus on artwork,and showcase each system in bright colorful high definition artwork. I have drawn all new original arcade cabinets,and designed custom borders for each platform,which set each system apart from each other,while maintaining a unified appearance across the board.
    The main difference between this,and many other themes that are out there...are the video borders. When using the Default theme,all video borders are the same size across the entire theme...but,when using the addons,the video borders will then fit the system properly...so that the video for Game Boy Advance,will fit the GBA Video Border...and the PSP video,will fit the PSP Video Border. In other words,by using the custom view addons,it allows the theme to represent the system perfectly...rather than the same size border for everything.
    This theme is more than capable of running without a single addon theme installed,and only using the Default...the addons are merely to extend the experience of each system,with special added artwork,and tweaks.On the other hand,the Addons rely on the Default themes structure,and will not work without the default theme installed.
    There are multiple views included with the default theme,including -
    1.Border with No Box/Cart/Disc Art
    2.Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art
    3.Border with Box/Spinning Cart/Disc Art
    4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel
    5.Border Text List View with Box/Cart/Disc Art
    The Queso Fresco addon has 5 views -
    1.Special Artwork/Special Border with No Box/Cart/Disc Art
    2.Special Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art  (With wheel fade)
    3.Special Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art  (No wheel fade)
    4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel
     5.Special Border Text List View with Box/Cart/Disc Art
    **If the system has CD's/Discs,then the Disc will spin in Views 2 and 3...but,if the system has carts or floppies,then they will not spin in views 2 and 3.
    The Arcade portion of the Queso Fresco addon has 5 views -
    1.Dynamic Marquees with Character Artwork
    2.No Dynamic Marquees with Character Artwork
    3.Dynamic Marquees with Advert/Flyers
    4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel
    5.Text List View with Advert/Flyers/Cabinets
    With the Queso Fresco addon installed,the arcade platforms are capable of displaying Video Marquees for each game,as well as regular marquees, in the marquee area of the cabinets (Some samples are included,and more are on the way)*
    Any Video Marquees must be placed in "LaunchBox/Themes/Unified Refried/Images/Theme/Addons/_Arcade/Video Marquees/" and must be in mp4 format
    In order to make this work properly,you must go into LaunchBox options,and change the priority for Cart Back Image to Arcade - Marquee,and uncheck anything else.
    1.Download the Default theme (Unified Refried) ,and place it in your "Launchbox/Themes" folder
    2.If you have not done so,you will need to unblock the Plugins...This does not have to be done for every addon theme,as unblocking them once,in the default,is all that is necessary...excerpt taken from unified description -

    3.Set the theme to "Unified Refried" in Options/Views/Theme
    4.If installing any of the addons,simply unzip the addon,and open the folder that was created. In this case we will use the Queso Fresco addon as an example.
    5.Place the two folders (Images and Views) into the Unified Refried default theme folder,merging the folders when prompted.
    6.That's it! ....When you load up Big Box,the artwork should be changed to the Queso Fresco alternate art.
    Pictures of Installation process for those that need them...If this is your first time using Refried you can skip step 1
    @RetroNi for the use of his Logo set.
    @CriticalCid for his theme Unified,as I used alot of his coding as a base for the assembly of this theme.
    @kyoken @neil9000 @bundangdon @zetec-s-joe @Retro808 @Porl Hendy for their feedback during testing.
    @faeran for his help early on in the development stages.
    @Jason Carr because I used a bit of code from his Redux version,and took on some of his ideas from the changes he made
    @NJDave71 for his HelperControl plugin
    @bmonomad @Suhrvivor for their work on the Community Star Ratings,Favorites,and Play Mode code,which formed the base for implementing it into this theme
    @Ghostlines for his additions to the theme

    Current Platform list covered by the theme -
    Ghostlines Additions
    Current Playlists covered by the theme -
    The Platform/Playlist video set can be found here...
    The Platform/Playlist Logo set can be found here...


       (13 reviews)



  3. RetroFresh

    This theme was designed to add as little overhead as possible, while giving a clean and simplistic view of the content. RetroFresh works with your own media and uses them as its centerpiece. Hope you guys enjoy.
    This theme was ported over to the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, and is the only version still supported. Both the theme and the Theme Creator files are supplied, just in case you would like to make any changes with the theme.
    Installation Instructions
    Extract 'RetroFresh - Theme.zip' LaunchBox/Themes folder. Open Big Box, go to Options/Views, select the RetroFresh theme.  
    Video Demonstration
    The views I made are as follows:

    If anyone finds any issues, please let me know.


       (15 reviews)



  4. Unified

    This theme is a port of the HyperSpin Unified Widescreen Megatheme project, which was originally started by gibbawho and continued by many other talented artists over the years. It’s supposed to bring a unified look (hence the name) across all platforms while giving every platform it’s own individual touch.
    I’ve tried to stay very close to the original look and feel but also took some creative freedom, especially when it comes to the new fading info panel at the bottom of the screen.
    This theme was designed for 16:9 screens and display resolutions only. Big Box will automatically scale itself to a 16:9 aspect ratio when you use a different aspect ratio on your machine.
    Individual Artwork for a lot of different platforms and playlists + some alternatives you can choose from Matches with the Unified platform video set from EmuMovies Fully animated wheel pointer Spinning discs for disc-based platforms Various other custom animations Templates to build your own platform artwork are included as .psd files Brings a small taste of the HyperSpin feeling to your Big Box setup  
    Currently featured Views:
    Games Text List View: 3D Box Games Vertical Wheel View 1: 3D Box Games Vertical Wheel View 2: 3D Box + static cart/disc Games Vertical Wheel View 3: 3D Box + rotating disc Games Vertical Wheel View 4: Fullscreen video  
    Platform Vertical Wheel View 1: Fullscreen video + scrolling text Platform Vertical Wheel View 2: Fullscreen video without scrolling text More Views are planned, so stay tuned.
    The theme includes artwork for the following 498 Platforms/Playlists:
    The theme will also display a default artwork for Platforms/Playlists which are not yet covered or wrongly named.
    How to install:
    This theme only works on LaunchBox version 9.4 or higher!
    Just download the archive and extract it to:  “..\LaunchBox\Themes\” Go to the “Plugins” folder inside of the extracted folder and right-click on the .dll file. Choose Properties -> Click on “Unblock” at the bottom of the window. Close the window. If the "Unblock" button isn't there than you are already good to go. Open the Options menu in Big Box -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to "Unified". Change the “Games List View” and “Platforms List View” to one of the currently featured Views that are listed above. Make sure that in the Big Box Options -> Views –> “Show Games List Title” is enabled. Info: Never rename the theme folder! The theme folder has to be named exactly "Unified" or the theme won't work properly! (that's btw. an universal tip for all other themes as well)
    Known issues:
    The logo of the Platform/Playlist and the individual video border don't show up in the Game Details screen and the theme displays the generic Big Box logo and metallic video border instead when it gets opened through any other Games View than the Text List View.
    Tips for tweaking your LaunchBox setup for this theme:
    In LaunchBox: Tools -> Options -> Cart Front Priorities -> Select all Cart and Disc related entries, deselect everything else. In Big Box: Options ->Transitions -> Change "Game Image/Video Transition” to “Fade” In Big Box: To avoid spinning cart art go to: Options -> Views -> Make sure that „Remember separate View for each platform” is checked. Than go either to the Keyboard Mappings or the Controller Buttons settings and set up a key/button for “Switch View”. Now you can go back to your platforms and switch the games Views for each platform individually on the fly. Use the Unified Platform videos from EmuMovies for an overall uniform look. You can either download them as free user from the EmuMovies website or if you are an EmuMovies premium user you can get them directly through LaunchBox under: Tools -> "Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos".  
    Individual platform artwork not showing up?:
    The media files that are inside the “..\LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme\..” folder have to be named exactly like your platforms inside LaunchBox. I've went with the HyperList/RocketLauncher naming conventions for the filenames in this package.
    If Big Box doesn’t show any individual artwork for a system that is listed above you may need to manually rename the relevant files for that platform in all four sub-folders.
    Also make sure that in the Big Box Options -> Views –> “Show Games List Title” is enabled!
    Discs are not spinning / showing up?:
    Make sure you have the right Games List View selected and Disc images in your Cart Image Priorities enabled (see the tips section of this download description).

    Thanks and Credits:
    @ninja2bceen for creating the default and various other pointers All the artists who created the original HyperSpin themes, pointers and other work that helped me to create this theme (please contact me if I have forgotten someone!): Gibbawho @Styphelus Unknown50862 @Klopjero Neonrage @knewlife @Creloce Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames @ninja2bceen @THK adamg @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/ Rkh Rondar @scooter1974 Zinger19 Aloner187 @guyverjay MetalThrix SophT Ledgerewskie hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh @viking @bmonomad @Jason Carr  


       (40 reviews)



  5. Retro Console - BB Theme, added animations and more!

    Ok, here is version 2 of my Retro Console Theme. This is a MASSIVE overhaul and Includes ANIMATIONS. Thanks to @y2guru and his unending support and development of the 'Community Theme Creator', which now offers an animation tool, I was able to completely rebuild this theme and make it the way I originally intended. Thank You as always my man!
    * Language issues have been fixed. Should work now! 5-1-2020
    The original theme without animations can be found here: Retro Console Version 1
    Pretty much every single view has been redone with at least more flare and details, but some of them are totally re-imagined. I have also added several new views and many more platform specific views. All with animations, subtle but informative (hopefully).
    One of the game views that has a smaller monitor window on the right side of the screen now plays a video in a loop of the matching consoles original startup or boot screen. Not all are included as I have not been able to find them on YouTube. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on where to look for more, would be very helpful!
    NEW: Playmode Icons - All custom and added all over the theme.
    NEW: I made a new view that is intended for use with newer consoles like PS3 and XBOX360. Looks good but does not require as much artwork since there is not much available yet.
    NEW: New version available, "Retro Console Theme Anim V2-center videos.zip". This version is designed to let users select a platform video set other than the Nostalgia set that I have been using. It is much better for center aligned videos.
    ALSO NEW are several controller button packs that can be swapped out to match your setup. These include 4 buttons each and are color coded throughout the theme:
    GREEN = Select RED = Back Blue = Search Yellow = Game info screen To use these you should just download the pack you want and drop it in the following folder: ?\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Theme Anim V2\Media\buttons\. Make sure to overwrite the existing ones. 
    controller buttons - arcade.zip: This is a set of generic arcade buttons that can be used for any setup. Just colored and round. controller buttons - numbered.zip: This is a set of numbered controller buttons (1 - 4) for controllers that have numbered buttons. controller buttons - ps3.zip: This is a set of PlayStation controller buttons  controller buttons - xbox.zip: This is a set of Microsoft XBOX controller buttons  controller buttons - SN30 Pro: This is a set of black buttons with white lettering, glossy I will gladly take any requests for additional controller buttons as long as they don't require changing the theme. (max of 4 buttons in a pack)
    @Wanderer189 has made a huge contribution to this theme in the form of several downloadable add-on packs full of clear logos for each platform. These include literally thousands of logos made for each Genre, Playmode, ETC. This is an amazing thing and I thank you for your hard work Wanderer. You are awesome. If you would like to get these logos for your setup they can be found here:
    And yet another great contribution from our community: @kidshoalin has created several missing logos to go with your setup. All credit goes to him. Thank you so much for the contribution!
    First - Download the file: Arcade Defualt Clear Logos.zip, unzip it and then follow below instructions...
    place clear logos in the Retro-Console Theme Anim V2/images//Playlists Folder
    make sure to go into options in BigBox and refresh all images.
    What is this theme:
    This is a video snap based BigBox theme. Heavily designed around the use and display of video snaps. This theme has over a hundred views including one that offers a different look for each platform including handhelds. There is a large amount of custom graphics and logos and images and icons etc. Hence the large file size. Use the startup and pause themes to complete the seamless setup. (also included here) All icons including stars for 'consumer ratings' and 'ESRB rating' and the new 'playmode icons' are custom and included in the theme file. Use them all you want. I am using the nostalgia platform videos and these are perfect for this theme. I may make my own someday but for now these are Great. @Wanderer189 is currently making videos for every genre and playmode. (you are awesome buddy, thank you so much for all your hard work and contributions to this and other themes) Available Downloads:
    Retro Console Theme Anim V2.zip - This is the entire theme including platform and platform device logos as well as all icons so you don't have to download them individually. This does not include the startup video, startup or pause themes, collection logos, etc. Retro Console Theme Anim V2-center videos.zip - This an alternate version of the theme. This version is designed to let users select a platform video set other than the Nostalgia set that I have been using. It is much better for center aligned platform videos. controller buttons - arcade.zip - Arcade panel based controller buttons controller buttons - numbered.zip - Number based controller buttons controller buttons - ps3.zip - PlayStation based controller buttons controller buttons - xbox.zip - XBOX based controller buttons Retro-Console-Pause.zip - The pause theme I made also to match this theme. (screens below) Retro-Console-Startup.zip - The startup and shutdown theme I made to match with this theme. (screens below) Platform Clear Logos.zip - Included in the theme download but also here in case you just want them alone. These were made specifically for this theme. Platform Device Logos.zip - Also made for this theme for the platform view that uses device images. Collection Device Logos.zip -  Made to match this theme for the platform view that uses device images for each collection I use. I can make more upon request. Collection Logos.zip - Same as the platform logos. Made to match so they can be used in this theme. Platform Categories.zip - A bunch of category logos also made to match this theme. Startup Video.zip - A startup video I made just to add to the overall completeness of the theme. Not at all necessary but here if you want it. Retro Console Sound Pack.zip - Again not required but here if you want it. This is what i use in the video below. Just unzip it to your launchbox sounds folder and then select it in BigBox. Platform Original Boot Videos.zip - This is a pack of just the new startuo videos for each console or platform I could find. (included in theme so no need to download unless you want just these) Arcade Defualt Clear Logos.zip - A new community contribution including several new arcade logos for playlists. Recommendations:
    Set your Image priorities in Launchbox as follows - Cart Front ( add disc images to the list - this is used in many views in this theme) Set your startup and shutdown time limits in launchbox settings. (mine are: startup=5 sec and shutdown=3.5 sec) I designed this around the Nostalgia Platform Videos. You can use anything but those will fit and line up best. This theme assumes an xbox controller setup: A=Select, B=Back, X=Search, Y=Game Details and Select Button=Change View (not  required) I also set the left bumper to platforms and right bumper to platform categories. (not required but helpful) Get as many Banner, Steam Banner and Marquee images as you can. This theme offers a unique view for all arcade cabinet based games and will use those images. There is also a custom view for systems like Windows that also use them. Future Plans:
    Create a new view that uses the original loading video from each console. (started on 1-3-2020) DONE Complete the white silhouette console and controller images that are used in the startup theme. DONE Add animations to the theme ( @y2guru is working on this ability for his theme creator as we speak and I will update once it is ready) DONE Make platform videos to match this theme (maybe) - In the works How to Install:
    Extract Retro Console Theme.zip to your launchbox themes folder. This includes all the platform and device logos you need and will automatically use them. ( In order to use other logos just delete the ones in this theme folder) You can also use the startup and pause themes to add more of a consistent flow. Drop the startup video (if you want it) in the launchbox videos root folder. This theme currently has over 80 different platforms and includes the matching device logos, collection logos, category logos and more but some of these have to be added manually through launchbox (sorry). I can not figure out how to make them automatic.
    Startup Video:
    Theme Video:
    Screenshot System View:
    Screenshots of each Logo Type:
    Screenshots - Startup and Shutdown and Pause Theme:
    Screenshots - Random and Extra Stuff:
    Screenshots - Random Icons and Controllers Made for This Theme:


       (6 reviews)



  6. BigCouch Theme

    #01. Description:
    BigCouch was designed for use on big TV screen. A clear and clean interface to navigate easily in your games and platform.
    Seems to be a display bug for the video alignment for few users on PlatformView 2 . It's random and it sounds like a bug in the video engine.
    CriticalCid has bypassed the problem by fixing the placement of the video for the 16x9 screens.
    If you have an alignment problem, try its patch. Available next to the theme.
    Thank you !

    #02. Features:
    4 custom platform view + 7 custom games view. Design for used fanart in background, with automatic blur. Custom icon set. (favorites, broken, ...) Custom media set for Banner and video.  (See below.) Use auto config : No adjustments to be made. Annotated XAML file for easy customization.  
    #03. Showcase:
    Platform view 1 > Same design as the video version, but here with the banner images. (Download link below for Hardware images set) Platform view 2 > Specially designed for my 4:3 video set. (Download link below) You must use the WMP video engine for proper alignment. Platform view 3 > Same spirit, but with fanart background. (The blur is coded, no images modification required) Platform view 4 > Another way. (The blur is coded, no images modification required) Platform view 5 > A basic list page. Because I can't disable it. ^^  
    Game view 1 > Media center style, with horizontal cover wheel, in light color. Game view 2 > Media center style, with horizontal cover wheel, in dark color. Game view 3 > Media center style, with horizontal coverflow. Game view 4 > Media center style, with horizontal cover box. Game view 5 > Same style for the classic list view. Game view 6 > Same style as the classic list view, but with clear logo. Game view 7 > Other style, for maxi cover size. Selected Game view > For all pages, once the game is selected.  
    #04. Request :
    LaunchBox Premium with BigBox - v.7.0 (beta) and superior. Windows Media Player must be installed on your computer.  
    #05. How To Install :
    Download the latest version of the theme. Unzipped the "BigCouch" folder into your :   .../LaunchBox / Themes. Open BigBox, go to [Option> View] and select [BigCouch] as theme. In BigBox option, set the video engine on WMP. (you can test with VLC, But there are still some bugs) Relaunch BigBox. Done !  
    #06. How to Setup :
    HOW TO - CHANGING THE VIEW STYLE (platform & games pages)
    In BigBox Option > Keyboard Mapper > Change View = assign a key. Go back to main view and press this key.
    #07. Specially designed custom media :
    In addition, I shared a whole series of custom media designed to work with this theme.
    I invite you to follow the installation instructions on the download pages below:
    #08. Changelog :
    fix - Detail text space. add - Search by letter in all games view. v.1.5.5
    fix - minor graphic change. add - 2 more Games View ! v.1.5.1
    fix - try to fix video alignement issue with windows 10. Tell me if it's work ! fix - Now work with VLC video engine as well.  But there are still some bugs for some user ... I dont know why =/ v.1.4.0
    fix - try to fix video alignement issue with windows 10. Tell me if it's work ! fix - In game view, grey bakground everywhere for games without any fanart. fix - minor bug and graphic issues. add - new custom platform view. (video style, but with hardware banner pict) add - new custom games view. (list style with clear logo) add - readme file into theme folder. v.1.3.0
    add - rating stars on games view. fix - adjust cover flow image size. v.1.2.0
    add - another custom platform view add - auto-scroll text everywhere. fix - minor graphic fix. v.1.1.0
    add - a custom platform video view fix - minor bug v.1.0.0
    Initial release.  


       (6 reviews)



  7. CoverBox

    The CoverBox project is one where my goal is to recreate retro console's boxart as a BigBox Theme.
    Each theme is designed for 1080p.
    P.S. I created graphic assets for the star ratings. Please feel free to use them in your theme.
    With the release of CoverBox 4.0, the theme has been completely ported over to the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. I now included the COMMUNITY Theme Creator files that you can use to load into the CTC to make any edits that you'd like. Please follow these instructions to do so:
    Make sure you already have a copy of the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, and you have it set up (link below) Download both the Theme files and COMMUNITY Theme Creator files Extract the COMMUNITY Theme Creator files into your COMMUNITY Theme Creator\My Theme Projects folder (don't forget to right click the archive, go into properties, and unblock the file) Open the Theme files zip, go into the Fonts folder and install all the fonts in there. Open the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, you should now find it in the dropdown list of themes  
    Installation Instructions
    Download the CoverBox - Theme Files.zip file. Right click the file, go to properties and make sure to unblock the file Open the zip file and place the folder into the LaunchBox\Themes folder Select the CoverBox theme in BigBox  
    CoverBox Images
    List of Supported Platforms
    y2guru and his COMMUNITY Theme Creator This theme utilizes Styphelus' System Boxes by Styphelus Anyone who has ever contributed to this project over the years.  


       (28 reviews)



  8. COLORFUL bigbox theme

    COLORFUL is a complete and coherent high quality graphic set, around a unique design. Made with love in France. Hope you like it!!

    COLORFUL Theme : The main hub, a unique interface for BigBox. Design by me, coded by @faeran COLORFUL Platform Video : Complete 4K video set, with a unique design. COLORFUL Source : To involve the community in the platform video creation. COLORFUL BigBox Startup Video : custom video to match the general design. COLORFUL Hardware Media PNG (1x1) : Taken from my videos, the 1x1 PNG set. (new) COLORFUL Startup Theme : (soon) COLORFUL Pause Theme : (soon) RECOMMENDED COMMUNITY ASSET :
    Redrawn Platform ClearLogo by @Dan Patrick Colorful "Playlist" PNG set by @Klopjero Colorful custom theme for Android by @Bawnanable Platform Funtech Super A'can & Platform Arcade Kaneko by @evo1man Alternative Colorful Platform ClearLogo Set by @soqueroeu Alternative Startup Theme (Minimal-Colorful) by @Palada Recommended SoundPack with Steam Deck UI by @Phox  
    On this page we are talking about COLORFUL Theme for BigBox:
    Design for work with my platform video set, COLORFUL THEME is thought to be used on the big screen (TV) in gaming console mode.
    Modern, elegant and animated are the key words of this interface.
    The COLORFUL project is getting too big for me alone.
    @faeran  has taken over the source code of the theme. A BIG THANKS to you for your support and your precious help !! 
    # IN DETAIL ?
    The main features :
    16:9 only. (Works on other ratio, but with black bands) Full 4K asset. (Any resolution must work, 4K assets) Totally responsive. No resolution deformation on text size or placement. Because of the white/black background, some ClearLogo comes with the theme. Gamepad connection indicator & battery level.  
    Any design choice gives limitations. Here are some recommendations for this theme :
    LaunchBox/BigBox up to date. VLC highly recommended. Design for work with COLORFUL platform video set. (but you can use any video you what) Beware of full white/black ClearLogo. They will be invisible on Light/Dark views! I didnt test this theme on a lowend configuration. There may be slowdown. (Curious to have your feedback on this subject!)  
    2 ways : 
     In Windows : Right here, with the download button. Extract the "Colorful" folder and place it in your "LaunchBox/Themes" directory.   (dont rename it!)  In BigBox : Option > Theme manager > Found "COLORFUL - Light" or "COLORFUL - Dark".   
    # HOW TO EDIT ?
    You can now edit this theme within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator files below (current version from the CTC 2.3):
    Colorful Light - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files - 411737560_Colorful-Light-2.03-COMMUNITYThemeCreatorFiles.zip Colorful Dark - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files - Colorful - Dark - 2.03 - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files.zip  
    @Jason Carr for his hard work on LaunchBox/BigBox! Thx man! @faeran for his hardwork on this theme and all other one !  @y2guru for the awsome Community Teme Creator ! To all Patreon guys! A GIANT THANKS to all of you!!! The whote community for yout support! # CREDITS !
    @Jason Carr for LaunchBox/BigBox. @faeran for the all theme code. @y2guru for the Community Theme Creator ! @Grila for Grila's Custom BigBox Controls.  @eatkinola for Ao.Bigbox.Themer.  @RedSnake for Games.Genre Converter. Christian Robertson for Roboto Free Font Set. Impallari for Raleway Free Font Set.  
    # BY FILE, EVERY CUSTOM VIEW SUMMARY  (Here in LIGHT. Same principle/animation for DARK)
    PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml PlatformWheel2FiltersView.xaml WheelGamesView.xaml :   Wheel2GamesView.xaml : TextGamesView.xaml :  


       (22 reviews)



  9. Retro Console - BB Theme and more. Custom Logo Version

    Advanced Retro Console Version 3. This has a more difficult and time consuming setup process but might be worth it once completed. The goal behind this theme is to make an entire eco system that matches in style, effect and overall feel. On this page you will find everything you need to build exactly that including the Theme itself(multiple versions), startup and shutdown theme, pause theme, sound pack, BigBox startup video and more.
    I will continue to support this for as long as humanly possible and will continue to improve or add new features as they become available but I will not be making any more new versions. My goal here is just to simplify my work time and allow this one to become the best overall.
    I also want to add a thank you right now for all the hard work from @y2guru. Without his Community Theme Creator, none of this would exist. There are several more who deserve credit for helping and contributing to this project such as @faeran and of course Jason for building the whole thing.
    That being said lets get to all the new stuff!
    I added several new Platform views for the ones I play the most. They are NOT meant to be exact in anyway, just meant to replicate each console enough to feel nostagic.  I made logo packs for every single platform I have which is over 80 right now. This version of the theme will only use these custom logos. It is made to be specific to this theme and to match in style. These are avilable on a seperate download page here: Click Here Added a new wall view. Simple but sweet and clean. I cleaned up all animations and simplified some to make it more helpful rather than intrusive (hopefully)! New Controller Matching button packs are available. Added a new Banner location and created custom banners for those views. Several have been made already and are available on a separate download page here: Click Here Finally made a new Dark version for each and every part including the startup and pause themes. Also, finally figured out how to get the Category and Playlist views to work properly. (you can find the custom logos for those views on this page including the collection logos) You will need the following files:
    Game Logo Packs: Click Here (or make your own) Banner Image Packs: Click Here (or make your own) Custom Platform Logo Packs: Found on this page (each file name matches the platform name) Step by Step Setup:
    Download the Theme itself. There are 2 versions, dark or light. Download the startup theme to match, dark or light. Download the pause theme to match, dark or light. Download controller button pack(s) if not using an Xbox controller. Download the sound pack if wanted. Download the startup video for BigBox also if wanted. Download all the console specific logo packs. The files are named after the platform or console itself. (ex: for PS1 download the ‘Sony Playstation.zip’) This theme has custom views made for some consoles, listed below, and these are the required logo packs for those to work. Download platform logos. (these are for the main platform view) Download platform category logos. (these are the main logos for categories such as genres, playmodes etc.) Download playlist logos. (these are for all playlists such as Arcade Action or Arcade All Games, etc.) Download collection playlist logos. (these are for all your custom collections such as 19xx or mario or 007, etc. Over 1700 logos in here.) Follow the links below and download a logo pack for each console and platform you have in your setup or download my Retro Console Logo Creator.zip and make your own set to match. Finally, follow all the steps below to make sure you put each file in the right place and most importantly, HAVE FUN. If you need help just ask and I will do my best!  
    Instructions and File Locations: (all logo packs, etc: are placed within the theme folder, you must install this theme for any of them to work)
    NOTE: in the examples below I am using the 'Retro Console Light V3' theme as an example. If you are using the 'Retro Console Dark V3' then please replace that part as needed.
    Platform Logos(on this page) : Please place these inside this folder:  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Platforms\Custom Images 1\ Custom Platform View Logos(on this page) :  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 3\ Custom Banner Images(found here) :  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 2\ Game Clear Logos(found here) :  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 1\ Once each pack is installed you will be able to run this theme the same as it is in the video above. The custom Banner packs are not required, but the rest are.
    While using the new logo packs you may find that your game list is different or you just want to make some of your own. @faeran has made a video tutorial on how to use the new Custom Image Creator to make your own logos. It is very good. If you want to make your own logo packs for any of the views in my theme, watch his video and then download the file, 'Retro Console Logo Creator.zip'. found on this page. All the files you need to make each one exactly are included, even for the custom platform views and the banners.
    How to make your own custom logos for this theme: Click Here (watch first and then return here and follow the instructions below)
    Once you get an understanding and are setup to go you can follow these instructions to make matching logo sets from your own collections for this theme:
    So once you open the logo creator file (that you got from here) in the community theme creator, you need to select the platform that you want to make logos for from the left panel at the top (3rd drop down) and then you will notice a long string of dots toward the bottom of the screen from left to right and centered just above the box that offers 2 or 3 options such as 'Theme, Platform and Game'. Use the following for each sub type of logo you want to make:  Platform Logos: Use the first dot for these and select 'Theme' from the box below. (Put these in the 'images/Platforms/Custom Images 1' folder within this theme) Game Logos: Make sure to select the correct platform from the menu(panel) on the left. Then use the second dot and choose 'Theme' from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 1' folder within this theme) Custom Platform View (game logos): Use the same instructions above but select the 6th dot and choose 'Platform from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 3' folder within this theme) Custom Banners: Use the same instructions above but select the 4th dot and choose'Platform from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 2' folder within this theme) Now you will be able to make logos for your exact set of games using all of the assets that are in the ones I made so they will match. You now just have to select the Hamburger Icon form the menu at the top of the screen and then hover over 'Render Custom Images', now select 'All Games for Selected Platform' from the menu that pops out. Once you have completed making your set you will need to go and get that whole folder of logos you just made and move them to the 'Retro Console' theme folder in the 'Custom Images 3' folder with the others. Remember, each platform logo set needs to be in a folder that exactly matches your Platform name as it appears in your LaunchBox setup. How to make your own custom Platform Category and Playlist logos for this theme: (the ones I made are boring but they work and fit with the theme very well)
    Same as above except for: Make sure to select either 'Platform Categories' or 'Playlists' from the second dropdown on the left panel at the top. And then select the first dot for each at the bottom center portion in the editor. Once selected, click the hamburger menu icon at the top left and select "render Custom Images' and then select the appropriate option.  
    Here is a video clip of all the new custom platform views:
    Downloads on this page:
    Retro Console Dark or Light V3 = The main theme files need. Just choose dark or light or both. Retro Console Pause Dark or Light = Just what you think, this is the pause theme for each version. Retro Console Startup Dark or Light = This is the startup and shutdown theme for each version. All controller button packs = These are meant to replace the ones I use with whatever controller you use on your system. Almost every view has these somewhere. Obviously just download the ones you want . To install just unzip to the following location: ?/LaunchBox/Themes/Retro Console (Dark or Light)/media/buttons/. Make sure to overright them. Sound Pack = Just the sounds I use incase you want them. Startup Video = This is the startup video I made for this theme. Enjoy! Platform original boot videos = These are short video clips of the original startup sequence for every platform I could find. They are used in only one view but it is pretty cool and nostalgic. All Platform named logo packs are for the custom platform views only. The ones in the screenshots. To install you must unzip and upload to: \LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 3\ Super Nintendo Entertainment System.zip Sony Playstation.zip Sony Playstation 2.zip Sony Playstation 3.zip Sega Genesis.zip Nintendo 64.zip Nintendo 64DD.zip Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Gamecube.zip Nintendo Wii.zip Nintendo Wii U.zip Nintendo Switch.zip (still to come) Microsoft Xbox.zip Microsoft Xbox 360.zip Microsoft Xbox One.zip (still to come) Pinball FX2.zip Pinball FX3.zip Sega Dreamcast.zip Turbografx-16 Platform logos = All platform logos for this theme. (Required) Thes go into the following: \LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Platforms\Custom Images 1\. If folder does not exist please make one and remember if using the dark version to change that part. Platform Category Logos = These are for the platform category views only. If you use this view then you will need these for sure. Playlist Logos = This is a large pack of playlists logos and includes custom playlists like collections, etc. Also needed if you intend to use the category views in BigBox.  


       (5 reviews)



  10. CriticalZone / CriticalZone - BlueBox

    Here you can download alternative versions of the CriticalZoneV2 theme that comes bundled with every LaunchBox installation.

    CriticalZone is a BigBox theme designed for the usage of widescreen platform videos and utilizes videos as backgrounds.
    This theme was designed for widescreen displays with 16:9 aspect ratios and optimized for a display resolution of 1920x1080. It will also work with other widescreen resolutions and 16:10 aspect ratios but it may not look as polished.
    Available Versions:
    - CritcalZoneV2 - BlueBox: A blue color variant of CriticalZoneV2. It features blue texts instead of green and has a different Default background created by @SentaiBrad
    - BackgroundVideoOnly: All Views, except the TextList Views, will only use video loops as backgrounds. Also available as BlueBox version.
    - BackgroundFanartOnly: All Views will only use Fanart images as backgrounds. Also available as BlueBox version. -> Use this version if you have performance problems!
    - 1.8: The original and now old version of CriticalZone. It's officially EOL and won't get supported by me in any way. It's just still here for archiving reasons.
    There’s also a red 80’s/Cyberpunk themed version of CriticalZone called “CityHunter”. It’s maintained by @keltoigael and can be found here:
    How to install:
    Just download the version of choice and extract the archive into:
    Open the Options menu in BigBox -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to the version you just have installed.
    IMPORTANT: CriticalZone V2 requires LaunchBox v7.11 or higher!
    Known issues:
    - The description texts in all Platform Views and CoverFlowWithDetails Games View won’t fill the whole space of the descriptions box when you use CriticalZone with a higher DPI setting than 100% or a lower display resolution than 1902x1080. It gets progressively worse the higher the DPI settings and/or lower the resolution is.
    Thanks & Credits:
    Thanks to @SentaiBrad for creating the new Default background video for the BlueBox variant.
    Background video of the standard version: In The Deep - FREE Video Background Loop HD 1080p by NIZ.co (http://niz.co/wp/)


       (5 reviews)



  11. Neon Deluxe Arcade - 16:9 (Big Box Theme)

    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section once updated in the future, if you want notifications for future updates be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
    Huge thanks goes out to @y2guru for his Community Theme Creator Software and his endless personal help, also he created the animated wheels for this theme! @Hexxxer for the original inspiration of his FutureState theme. @Rincewind for the inspiration on his use of the icons. @faeranfor explaining the new marquee options in v12. Thanks guys!
    1. Download the theme here and place the folder in Launchbox/Themes/
    2. You might need to unblock the zip file or all the .DLL's in the plugin folder. Right click the zip or DLL files, choose properties and at the bottom you click "Unblock".
    3. I recommend doing the following to speed up Big Box greatly: 
     - Uncheck all Background Images in Launchbox > Tools > Options > Media > Background Priorities
     - Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings
     - Use the Clean Up media tool in launchbox/tools/Clean Up Media... (this can really speed up lists with thousands of games and duplicate media)
     - Defrag the drive that holds your media files

    Hope you like and enjoy! ?
    Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes and elements, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme, visit this page to see all my other work:
    Arcade stick and buttons sound pack, sounds really good with this theme:


       (8 reviews)



  12. Unified Redux

    Unified Redux is a very slight re-imagining of @CriticalCid's amazing Unified theme, focusing on minor tweaks to improve the experience based on the LaunchBox developer's personal preferences. Changes from the original theme are listed below:
    Rounder wheels Much faster-spinning discs Wheel shadows Videos maintain their aspect ratios Smoother transitions in a few spots Top bar modified to prevent triangle corner overlap issues Version 1.8 - Released March 26, 2019 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.6):
    Fixed several potential issues due to accidentally using the Unified folder instead of the Unified Redux folder Version 1.7 - Released March 25, 2019 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.6):
    Removed several unnecessary plugins for functionality now built-in to LaunchBox\Big Box Modified XAML to better support Big Box 9.5/9.6 (solves several minor visual issues, primarily with text lists) Version 1.6 - Released December 3, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.1):
    Added a new PrioritizedPathSelector plugin, which helps to ensure that proper images are shown for complicated playlist scenarios (multiple fallback priorities, etc.) Version 1.5 - Released November 26, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.1):
    Fixed issue with Arcade/MAME playlists not using proper media Version 1.4 - Released November 15, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.0):
    Pointer images will now change when entering into nested platforms and categories Year and manufacturer text will no longer show up on platform views when those values don't exist Publisher listed in the game details has been changed to developer, which is more important information to display Developer, genre, and play mode text will no longer show up on game views when those values don't exist Ratings displayed in the game views now show your personal rating instead of the community rating, if you've previously rated the game Version 1.3 - Released November 12, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.0):
    Added much better support for the new nested categories and playlists in LaunchBox\Big Box 9.0 (no more black screens) Version 1.2 - Released August 31, 2018:
    Removed Grila's weather plugin. As awesome as it is, it was causing 1-2 second delays loading up every view. Version 1.1 - Released August 30, 2018:
    Background images revamped (and in some cases removed) for common platforms in order to increase readability of the wheels and remove JPEG artifacts (many of the Classics playlists had backgrounds with horrible artifacts from Hyperspin). Thanks to @RetroHumanoid for many of the new backgrounds. Removed the default Big Box logo for platforms or playlists with no logos. Even we're not that in love with the Big Box logo. Added background fanart images for some playlists that will show up if there are no videos for that playlist; previously the theme was showing a black screen in this case. Reduced the size of the theme by over 350 MB by converting the background images from PNGs to maximum-quality JPGs. There is no perceived quality loss and now the theme is less than half the size. Modified/removed some of the video borders with characters in order to better support the new arcade playlists (some of them were irrelevant to arcade games) and make room for arcade flyer images, which used to half-overlap the characters. Highly recommended: Modify your "Images" > "3D Box Priorities" settings in LaunchBox to include "Box - Front" and "Advertisement Flyer - Front" images in order to display regular box or arcade flyer images if no 3D box image exists.
    Please note: You will need to completely delete the previous version of the theme before putting in the new version in order to get all the updates (such as removing the Big Box logo and the space-saving JPG files).
    Demo Video:
    Examples of changes/additions to the 1.1 version of the theme:

    Please see @CriticalCid's original Unified theme for installation and troubleshooting instructions. Requires LaunchBox Big Box 8.0 or greater.
    Huge thanks goes out to @CriticalCid for the original theme, as well as the many different Hyperspin contributors who donated their time and talent to build an awesome, cohesive experience:
    Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames
    hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh
    @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/


       (8 reviews)



  13. BannerBox

    Welcome to Faeran's BannerBox. A horizontal banner based theme, inspired by 80s retro. This theme requires that you be running LaunchBox 11.10 or later due to its reliance on the new wheel.
    The following info is now considered legacy:
    Download banners created by the community in this thread:
    BannerBox Community Banner Thread - Platform Media - LaunchBox Community Forums (launchbox-app.com)

    Looking to create your own theme? Learn how by:
    Following me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran
    Subscribing to me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q
    Theme was created by @faeran
    Theme was created using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru
    Theme uses some amazing artwork by Rachid Loft. Find his work at: https://rachidlotf.com/


       (11 reviews)



  14. StationEmulation Theme

    #01. Description:
    A  tribute to famous EmulationStation, master on Raspberry Pi system. 

    #02. Features:
    new - FanArt blurring effect is buildin. No need to manually blur the images. (Only on Platform View without scanline) Hardware image = Banner Image folder (.png) Date = information taken into platform details setting. Vignetting effect is buildin. No image/video manipulation needed.  
    #03. Showcase:
    Platform View variant :

    Games View :

    #04. Request :
    Require LaunchBox and BigBox v7.0 (and supperior)  
    #05. How To Install :
    Download the latest version of the theme. Unzipped the "StationEmulation" folder into your :   .../LaunchBox / Themes. Dont rename the "StationEmulation" folder. Open BigBox, go to [Option> View] and select [StationEmulation] as theme. Go back into main interface Done !  
    #06. How to Setup :
    = setup  "Main image filter"  on  "Horizontal Slide". HOW TO - CHANGING THE VIEW STYLE (platform & games pages)
    In BigBox Option > Keyboard Mapper > Change View = assign a key. Go back to main view and press this key. ADJUSTMENT
    Please, look at the pictures above.  
    #07. Option & change :
    Thx to @Nyny77 :
     On the platform view, to replace the DATE by the NUMBER OF GAMES :
    Find the good platform view file  (like "PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml") In file, find these line : <!--"DATE" IN SMALL LINE--> <Viewbox StretchDirection="DownOnly" Stretch="Uniform" Grid.Row="2"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.ReleaseDate, StringFormat=yyyy}" Foreground="#393a3b" FontFamily="Segoe UI Semilight" FontSize="40" TextAlignment="Center" Opacity="0.9"/> </Viewbox> Delete these lines and replace them with these : <!-- PLATFORM TOTAL GAMES --> <TextBlock Grid.Row="2" Text="GAMES AVAILABLE: " Foreground="#393a3b" FontFamily="Segoe UI Semilight" FontSize="40" TextAlignment="Left" Margin="750,0,0,0"/> <TextBlock Grid.Row="2" Text="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.TotalGameCount}" Foreground="#393a3b" FontFamily="Segoe UI Semilight" FontSize="40" TextAlignment="Left" Margin="1100,0,0,0"/>  

    #08. Specially designed custom media :
    In addition, I shared a whole series of media specially designed for this theme. Of course, you can use any media your want.
    I invite you to download them and follow the installation instructions on each of the pages listed below:
    #09. Changelog :
    add - Buildin blur effect on fanart. Only on PlatformView without scanline effet. add - Search bar by letter. Only on GamesView. (Problems remain on the TextList and BoxView views. Sorry) v.1.2.0
    add - 5 platform page variant + 5 games pages variant. v.1.1.0
    add - 4 platform page variant + game list page. v.1.0.1
    fix - minor bug v.1.0.0
    Initial BETA release.  


       (8 reviews)



  15. Switch Theme

    Switch  v1.0.3
    BigBox Theme
    Display scaling over 100% will cause alignment issues with the platform wheel banner images.
    Switch Changelog:
    v1.0.3 (8/30/2017):
    - moved the GrilaControlLibrary.dll to the theme Plugins folder, which is an added feature since the theme release (the .dll will still need to be un-blocked before launching BigBox)
    - fixed the large outline bug reported by @jamesclarke555 (thanks again for reporting it to me)
    v1.0.2 (5/2/2017):
    - redesigned Text Games View (thanks for the inspiration @NahuelDS)
    v1.0.1 (4/21/2017):
    - Dark version added
    v1.0.0 (4/20/2017):
    - Initial release
    Theme Description
    Switch is a very lightweight, clean theme that was designed to be as close to the original UI as possible. There isn't much artwork in this one: banners for the platform wheel view, covers for the box game view, and a video snap in the game details screen so it should run pretty smooth on low spec systems.
    It includes a custom control library that I've started to build that contains the battery status indicator as well as a separate 12 and 24 hour clock (since we can't change the format of the built-in one without changing Windows settings).
    Theme Notes 
    * Requires the file GrilaControlLibrary.dll to be un-blocked before launching BigBox. Make sure to do this for both the light and dark versions of the theme.
    * Utilizes the font Oxygen-Regular, which is included in the root theme folder. Install it before running this theme.
    * Designed for 1920x1080. I can't guarantee it will work at any other resolutions (really only the platform wheel), even in the same aspect ratio, because of the margin that is applied to the wheel to get it off center. The box game view and all text views are NOT affected by this and will work at any resolution, although text spacing and some other misc. elements may not look as perfect as they do at 1080.
    * Included is a sound pack for BigBox. Move it from the theme directory to LaunchBox\Sounds and select it in the BigBox options menu. It can also be downloaded here https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/467-switch/
    * I've included some extra buttons and controller images along with the .PSD and .AI files to edit them if you feel the need. The extras can be swapped out to fit your system by simply copying them from the extras folder to the core image folder and renaming them. The file names have to match what's in the XAML, so you'll need to overwrite or delete the ones you are changing. Filenames are controller.png, play_button.png, and back_button.png.
    Alternate Versions
    1280x720 GPDWin focused version (video replaced with screenshot):
    1280x800 Tablet focused version (video replaced with screenshot):


       (9 reviews)



  16. Retro Console - BB Theme - Startup Theme - Pause Theme and more

    Here is my first theme. This theme was made almost entirely in @y2guru's theme creator tool that is my absolute favorite community addition. Very cool for people like me who love to design. Thank you for making this y2guru. My intention was to make a seamless theme that felt like a console but offered a very different feel than all the already existing and amazing themes found on this forum. I Hope you like it. Let me know if you need more logos but keep in mind i can only work on this once a week.
    Not sure where to start, I was mostly inspired by @viking and @Rincewind for their contributions and then i found the 'Community Theme Creator' made by @y2guru which changed everything. But most of all, credit should go to Launchbox itself and this entire community. I have used several things i found at this forum but most of this theme was made by me. If I have missed someone I am truly sorry and it was not intentional. Please let me know and I will of course edit this page. 
    @Wanderer189 has made a huge contribution to this theme in the form of several downloadable add-on packs full of clear logos for each platform. These include literally thousands of logos made for each Genre, Playmode, ETC. This is an amazing thing and I thank you for your hard work Wanderer. You are awesome. If you would like to get these logos for your setup they can be found here:
    What is this theme:
    This is a video snap based BigBox theme. Heavily designed around the use and display of video snaps. This theme has several views including one that offers a different look for each platform including handhelds. There is a large amount of custom graphics and logos and images and icons etc. Hence the large file size. Use the startup and pause themes to complete the seamless setup. All icons including stars for 'consumer ratings' and 'ESRB rating' are custom and included in the theme file. Use them all you want. I am using the nostalgia platform videos and these are perfect for this theme. I may make my own someday but for now these are Great. Available Downloads:
    Retro Console Theme.zip - This is the entire theme including platform and platform device logos as well as all icons so you don't have to download them individually. This does not include device logos, startup video startup or pause themes, collection logos, etc. Retro Console Startup.zip - The startup and shutdown theme I made to match with this theme. (screens below) Retro Console Pause.zip - The pause theme I made also to match this theme. (screens below) Platform Clear Logos.zip - Included in the theme download but also here in case you just want them alone. These were made specifically for this theme and there are currently 194 logos. Platform Device Logos.zip - Also made for this theme for the platform view that uses device images. Currently 122 logos. Collection Device Logos.zip -  Made to match this theme for the platform view that uses device images for each collection i use. I can make more upon request. Collection Logos.zip - Same as the platform logos. Made to match so they can be used in this theme. Platform Categories.zip - A bunch of category logos also made to match this theme. Startup Video.zip - A startup video I made just to add to the overall completeness of the theme. Not at all necessary but here if you want it. Retro Console Sound Pack.zip - Again not required but here if you want it. This is what i use in the video below. Just unzip it to your launchbox sounds folder and then select it in BigBox. Recommendations:
    Set your Image priorities in Launchbox as follows - Cart Front ( add disc images to the list - this is used in many views in this theme) Set your startup and shutdown time limits in launchbox settings. (mine are: startup=5 sec and shutdown=3.5 sec) I designed this around the Nostalgia Platform Videos. You can use anything but those will fit and line up best. This theme assumes an xbox controller setup: A=Select, B=Back, X=Search, Y=Game Details and Select Button=Change View (not  required) I also set the left bumper to platforms and right bumper to platform categories. (not required but helpful) Get as many Banner, Steam Banner and Marquee images as you can. This theme offers a unique view for all arcade cabinet based games and will use those images. There is also a custom view for systems like Windows that also use them. Future Plans:
    Create a new view that uses the original loading video from each console. (started on 1-3-2020) Complete the white silhouette console and controller images that are used in the startup theme. Add animations to the theme ( @y2guru is working on this ability for his theme creator as we speak and I will update once it is ready) Make platform videos to match this theme (maybe) How to Install:
    Extract Retro Console Theme.zip to your launchbox themes folder. This includes all the platform and device logos you need and will automatically use them. ( In order to use other logos just delete the ones in this theme folder) You can also use the startup and pause themes to add more of a consistent flow. Drop the startup video (if you want it) in the launchbox videos root folder. This theme currently has 80 different platforms and includes the matching device logos, collection logos, category logos and more but some of these have to be added manually through launchbox (sorry). I can not figure out how to make them automatic.
    Startup Video:
    Theme Video:
    Screenshot System View:
    Screenshots of each Logo Type:
    Screenshots - Startup and Shutdown and Pause Theme:
    Screenshots - Random and Extra Stuff:
    Screenshots - Platforms Views:
    Screenshots - Games Views:
    Screenshots - Other Views: (a few examples of the platform specific views)


       (6 reviews)



  17. Flat and Classic Mini Consoles

    A beautiful theme with "console mini" style menus for all your platforms!
    Features of this theme:
    Main view: Simple flat version that runs fast and looks great. Optional "Classic Mini" view for many systems (WIP). Every Classic Mini view has it's own background music. Improved original design of some "Classic Mini" (Such as PSX and Genesis). Improved UI for some consoles like PS3, 3DS, etc. "Classic Mini" style views for consoles that do not have an oficial Mini version (such as PS2, WII, etc.). No flashy animations that may affect perfomance. Platform/console selection with video (you need to download the video first from regular launchbox menu).  
    You can check some Videos of the theme in action on my Youtube Channel
    If you'd like to support my work and help me dedicate more time to it, you can support me on:
    P.S.: English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistake.
    Thanks to:
    @y2guru for your amazing theme editor 
    @thiagofirmino for providing SNK Neo Geo and Sega Saturn Mini formats.


       (6 reviews)



  18. CoinOps Redux

    What is it?
    CoinOps Redux is a port of CoinOps Next to BigBox, co-created with @Klopjero.
    The theme has been developed using the Community Theme Creator (all the credit to @y2guru) and should display correctly in both 16:9 and 4:3 ratios.
    As in the case of CoinOps, it relies on 1120x1080 fanart images for game wheel views.
    Big thanks to BritneysPAIRS and the CoinOps team for their work in CoinOps and for their amazing theme design.
    It includes the following BigBox views:
    - 4 platform views.
    - 2 game wheels for arcade based systems.
    - 2 game wheels for non-arcade based systems.
    - 2 horizontal game wheels.
    - Systems view.
    Supporting more than 130 systems.
    For platform views, we suggest to use @viking colorful videos.
    Files available
    [CoinOps Redux 1.0.zip] The BigBox theme files. Just uncompress and copy / paste to Launchbox\Themes folder. All platform background images are included in the file.
    [Platforms] Sets of fanart images (1120x1080) for several platforms. If you want to use them, just unzip and copy / paste to Launchbox\Images\[Platform]\Fanart - Background.
    * It is also possible to use the fanart packs uploaded by @RedSnake for his DarkRoom theme (or use these in DarkRoom).


       (5 reviews)



  19. Phill's Doodles - Retrorama

    Hello everyone!
    My Name is Filipe and i've been making some themes for emulationstation, specially for the Retropie version. I've bought a license on the last Black friday sale and started to messing with Launchbox and i loved it! it's such an awesome frontend!
    I started to learn about custom themes and made a port of one of my ES themes to Launchbox. I hope you like it!
    Special thanks for @CriticalCid for all the help and for his awesome theme, without it, i surely wouldn't understand XAML for sure!


       (14 reviews)



  20. DarkRoom

    DarkRoom is a theme for BigBox that relies heavily on 1120x1080 fanarts / game illustrations and has been influenced by CoinOps design.
    It has been designed for a 16:9 ratio, 1920x1080 resolution, and I know for sure that it displays correctly at 2560x1440.
    This theme covers most home systems (around 10 still to be done) + windows indies + a few candy cabs for arcade specific playlist
    This theme has :
    - 1 platform view, which presents a delayed video with random games from the current platform/playlist. That means this theme doesn't need generic platform videos (except for meta category like Arcade, Computers, Consoles, etc ...); also, non auto-populated playlists will not display any video for now.
    - 2 game views: a wheel view and a text game view
    Configuration Files
    In "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Views\Configurations", there are several xaml files (1 for each supported system).
    In case one of your system has a different name from the one the theme is using (Example: "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS" instead of "SNK Neo Geo MVS"), you can just:
    - copy the xaml file and rename the copy with the name from your collection (or directly rename the original), but from an evolutive point of view, it would be better to create a xaml file "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" with that inside (to simplify, the content makes it so that "Arcade SNK Neo Geo" inherits "SNK Neo Geo MVS" system)
    <ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">
            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Configurations/SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" />
    - change the name of the platform fanart / clear logos located in "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Images\<Platforms or Playlists>\<Fanart or Clear Logo>"
    Performances and cash management
    Due to the animation handled by the theme, performance issues had to be addressed to somewhat mitigate them (I personnaly don't have any problem now).
    A cash manager has been added to the theme to handle fanart sliding transition
    You can configure it (WheelGameView.xaml and PlatformWheel4FiltersView.xaml) by modifying the following lines:
        <rsm:GameImageManager CashEnabled="true" Quality="85" ProcessorCount="4" CashLimit="500"/>
    - Set CashEnabled to false to disabled it
    - Set Quality to your liking (under 50 it becomes ugly, and more that 85 will raise RAM usage significantly)
    - ProcessorCount shouldn't be changed. I let it for testing purpose but will probably suppress it at some point. But if you do, set an even number, less or equal to your physical processor count (AKA without hyperthreading)
    - Set CashLimit (Mo) to your need. Depending on your fanart filesize, you may need to raise it. For my need I will probably raise it to 1000Mo (that should be around 6000 fanarts given the average size of mine).
    Also note that cash is cleared every time a new gameview is entered, so you need to set its limit according to the system that has the most games (provided they each have their fanart - for me it is the ZX spectrum).

    _BB.mp4 Files in Download sections
    - DarkRoom.zip contains main theme files.
    - Fanart - Pack 1.zip, that contains "full" pack of fanarts for the following systems:
    I will add more as time comes ...
    Special Thanx
    @Rincewind for his time in helping me fix an issue with the theme. I would not have been able to figure out what was wrong alone.


       (7 reviews)




    BIGFLIX as the name suggests is a variation of Netflix for BigBox, the theme uses some assets from the popular streaming giant while offering a twist of its own. The theme introduces many features to enrich the user experience such as personalized user profile and banners support that takes the aesthetic looks to a whole new level. BIGFLIX was designed for users who enjoy using Big Box on a large HDTV and HTPCs with supported resolutions up to 4K but it should also scale nicely on PC monitors that supports 16:9 aspect ratio.
    As of BIGFLIX v1.1 and onwards, the theme will come in two variations:
    BIGFLIX: The original theme will stay faithful to the Netflix formula and is designed for users who wants authentic experience for their HTPCs that mimics the popular streaming giant UI. 
    BIGFLIX PLUS: A theme variation of Bigflix created for the community using their feedback (i.e. keeping the original aspect ratios of videos and wallpapers, removing timer/buffer animations, fixing boxart overlapping for odd systems (PSX), weather and time plugin, Grilla's ListBox Scroll Center plugin, and many more! ). BIGFLIX Plus is constantly adapting to include latest community features while staying true to the original BIGFLIX experience.
    BIGFLIX v1.2 Changelog:
    BIGFLIX Showcase:
    Installation Guide:
    Extract BIGFLIX folder in "BIGFLIX_v1.2.zip" and/or BIGFLIX PLUS folder in "BIGFLIX_PLUS_v1.2.zip" to ...\LaunchBox\Themes Read the supplied text file in the Theme Colors folder and follow the guideline instructions on how to install BIGFLIX Black or BIGFLIX Red color schemes. The theme is defaulted to BIGFLIX Black. IMPORTANT: BIGFLIX PLUS uses plugins as of v1.2 so make sure you unblock the plugins found in ...\LaunchBox\Themes\BIGFLIX PLUS\Plugins by highlighting each plugin and then mouse right-click-->properties-->then scroll down and check "unblock"-->Apply Choose BIGFLIX or BIGFLIX PLUS in Options > Views > Theme Set Video Playback Engine to VLC in Options > Videos Refresh the platform wheel cache under options (Refresh All Images options is recommended for better user experience) Restart Big Box OPTIONAL: In order to fully enjoy the theme as per the creator's intended vision download the custom BIGFLIX startup video by the talented @ea4492 found Here. The BIGFLIX platform banners used in the video showcase is from @Klopjero's amazing work that is bundled within the themes all credits goes to them. Downloads:
    BIGFLIX_v1.2.zip: CORE theme file ---> Contains the Theme folder and is the only requirement to use this theme BIGFLIX_PLUS_v1.2.zip: Variation theme file ---> Contains the Theme folder and must unblock the plugins for first time setup before using this theme BIGFLIX additional media and theme artworks coming soon!


       (4 reviews)



  22. RetrAO Cafe

    Enjoy the nostalgic inducing feel of the 80's and 90's era with bright neons, MORE NEONS, the latest in cinematic VHS and the good Ol' CRT effects that will surely awaken the inner 80's child in you.
    RetrAO Cafe started as a theme variation of "Minimal-AO" by @eatkinola with the main focus of recreating a tribute to the golden era of gaming that bloomed through the arcades and home consoles with customized artwork and retro overlay effects that compliments the gaming pop-culture from the past. RetrAO Cafe at its core is based on eatkinola's Minimal-AO thus they share the same Recommendation Setup and general guidelines of the original theme. 
    Moving forward there will be three versions of the RetrAO Cafe theme:
    RetrAO Cafe Classic - This will be the 2017 theme build but with the fixes and quality of life improvements to make it compatible to LB 9.4+ updates. As such, please be aware that this theme will only work on systems with LB 9.4 and above.
    RetrAO Cafe 2.0 - This major overhaul of the theme have been in development for 2 years and includes more than 70 customization options and new features and views, etc. Coming soon 
    RetrAO Cafe Lite - This version of the theme is intended to use light resources for weaker systems and special hardwares such as GPD Win and Pi systems. The development of this theme will continue after the release of RetrAO Cafe Classic and RetrAO Cafe 2.0
    RetrAO Cafe Classic v1.0 Changelog:
    RetrAO Cafe Showcase:
    Installation Guide:
    Extract RetrAO Cafe Classic folder in "RetrAO_Cafe_ Classic.zip" to ...\LaunchBox\Themes Read the supplied text file in the Fonts folder and install theme fonts as per the guideline instructions IMPORTANT: RetrAO Cafe Classic uses plugins as of v1.0 so make sure you unblock the plugins found in ...\LaunchBox\Themes\RetrAO Cafe Classic\Plugins by highlighting Grila's plugin and then mouse right-click-->properties-->then scroll down and check "unblock"-->Apply Choose RetrAO Cafe Classic in Options > Views > Theme Set Video Playback Engine to VLC in Options > Videos Refresh the platform wheel cache under options Restart Big Box OPTIONAL: In order to fully enjoy the theme download the "RetrAO_Cafe_MEDIA_V2.zip" and follow the guidelines on how install Big Box Intro and add additional Background Videos as per the supplied instruction text files Downloads:
    RetrAO_Cafe_Classic.zip: CORE theme file ---> Contains the Theme folder and the Fonts folder that are the only requirement to use this theme (144 MB) RetrAO_Cafe_MEDIA_V2.zip: Optional but highly recommended additional media and theme backgrounds that will enhance the nostalgic experience of the theme (367 MB) Credits:
    @Jason Carr - The BRAINS (Launchbox and Big Box creator)
    @eatkinola - The Architect (Minimal-AO creator, coding senpai)
    @SNAK3ATER - The Designer (RetrAO Cafe landlord)
    @Grila - The Wizard (Many thanks for the ListBox Scroll Center Plugin for BigBox)
    Special thanks and credit goes to @eatkinola for granting his permission and assisting me in finalizing the theme for LB 9.4+.  @ea4492 for the use of his Neon Platform Clear Logos and @keltoigael for granting his permission to include the awesome CityHunter background videos that can be found in the additional media folder in the download section (only included video is CyberPunk 2077, check out the rest of his amazing work Here). Also hats off to @dmjohn0x for his amazing intro video that is included in the additional media folder (permission granted), and last but not least @Zombeaver for the usage of his Platform Banners in the video showcase which can be downloaded Here. 


       (2 reviews)



  23. Mini Consoles Theme - RetroSai Nostalgia - Form over Function

    The inception of this project was catalyzed by observing the theme presented by exodus_cl. Inspired, I set out to architect a theme that would not only epitomize the unique ethos, ambience, and distinctiveness of each gaming platform I personally had the experience of using, but also pay reverence to their original design principles. Delving deep, I recreated and sometimes re-imagined themes of official mini consoles. Concurrently, I envisioned and formulated how other platforms, not originally themed by their respective manufacturers, might have been conceived.
    A nuanced observation would reveal that each Atari platform, while retaining its distinct character, embodies a similar ambience. This pattern can be observed across platforms like Nintendo and SEGA. For contemporary consoles, my approach gravitated towards capturing the essence of their dashboards, trying to evoke a profound sense of nostalgia. Distinctive views have also been crafted for platforms like PS2 and Xbox, reminiscent of the Demo Disks prevalent during their era.
    Theme Features:
    Aesthetic Integrity: Each console view crafted is a celebration of its unique vibe, endeavoring to pay the highest tribute to its original design.
    Dashboard Designs: Faithful recreations of existing Mini-Console dashboards are accompanied by imaginative conceptions of those that remain uncharted by official designers.
    Nostalgic Inclusions: Optional views are available replicating the classic Demo Disks for platforms like PS2 and Xbox.
    Auditory Experience: Background music encapsulates either iconic tunes from system games or melodies crafted using the genuine hardware.
    Re-imaginative Themes: Mini console themes, including those for the original Playstation and Sega Genesis, have been re-envisioned to seamlessly blend with the overarching theme.
    Regional Nuances: Alternate views tailored for specific regions encompass platforms like Famicom, Super Famicom, and the Sega Mega Drive series, to name a few.
    Universal View: A generic default games view is present, suitable for any console devoid of a custom design.
    UI Recreation: Emulating the ethos of newer consoles, UIs like the Xbox 360 Blades, PS3 XMB, and the WiiU Gamepad have been faithfully recreated.
    Recommended Configuration:
    Startup View: Platforms Games List View: Horizontal Wheel 1 Platforms List View: Platform Wheel 1 View Consistency: Ensure separate views are maintained for each platform. Please refrain from bypassing the game details screen, as bespoke game details screens have been designed in alignment with the native console/platform system menus where pertinent.
    Critical Information: Within each custom platform, the Game Details View Menu is subtly concealed, simulating the initiation of a game. To reveal this concealed menu, one must navigate either up or down whilst in the Game Detail View.
    Specific View Instructions:
    The primary view for most platforms aligns with the Horizontal Wheel 1 view. However, specific cases are outlined as:
    Systems devoid of a custom view should adopt the CoverflowGamesView. For the Playstation 2 Demo Disk View, resort to the HorizontalWheel2GamesVIew. Platforms like the Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Wii, WiiU, and Playstation Vita are best represented by the WallGamesView. For the Microsoft Xbox Demo Disk, Playstation 3, and Playstation Portable, the WheelGamesView is recommended. To ensure the Sega Master System/Sega Mark III/Sega SG-1000 Card Games are displayed appropriately, annotate "Card Media." at the conclusion of the Metadata Notes section for each game. Navigational Caution: When interacting with the WiiU, restrict your navigation downwards to prevent the game title from overlapping with other games.

    Supported Platforms with Distinct Themes: Duplicate listings are for accommodating particular naming conventions.
    3DO Interactive Multiplayer Arcade Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Atari Jaguar CD Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx Bandai WonderSwan Color Bandai WonderSwan ColecoVision Commodore 64 Commodore Amiga CD32 Commodore Amiga MAME Mattel Intellivision Microsoft Windows Microsoft Xbox 360 Microsoft Xbox One Microsoft Xbox MS-DOS NEC PC Engine CD NEC PC Engine NEC PC-FX NEC TurboGrafx-16 NEC TurboGrafx-CD Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Famicom Nintendo Famicom Disk System Nintendo Game Boy Advance Nintendo Game Boy Color Nintendo Game Boy Nintendo GameCube Nintendo Super Game Boy Nintendo Switch (Longbox Alt View) Nintendo Virtual Boy Nintendo VirtualBoy Nintendo Wii U Nintendo Wii Nokia N-Gage Panasonic 3DO Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer Philips CD-i PC Games SNK Neo Geo AES SNK Neo Geo CD SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color SNK Neo Geo Pocket Sega 32X Sega CD (Longbox Alt View) Sega Dreamcast Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis Sega Mark III Sega Master System Sega Mega CD JP Sega Mega CD Sega Mega Drive 32X Sega Mega Drive JP Sega Mega Drive Sega Saturn JP Sega Saturn (Longbox Alt View) Sega SG-1000 Sega Super 32X Sony PSP Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony Playstation 4 Sony Playstation Portable Sony Playstation Vita Sony Playstation Steam Super Famicom/Nintendo Super Famicom Super Game Boy Super Game Boy 2 Super Nintendo/Super Nintendo EU Super Nintendo Entertainment System Windows WonderSwan Color WonderSwan Xbox 360 (Metro Theme) Regional Specificities: Ensure the naming convention for region-specific views aligns precisely with the following:
    Sega Mark III Sega Mega Drive Sega Mega Drive JP Sega Mega CD Sega Mega CD JP Sega Mega Drive 32X Sega Super 32X Sega Saturn JP Nintendo Famicom Super Famicom or Nintendo Super Famicom Super Game Boy Super Game Boy 2 Super Nintendo or Super Nintendo EU NEC PC Engine NEC PC Engine CD Sony PlayStation Regional Specificities: Your PlayStation game cases will automatically adjust based on the region you've specified in LaunchBox
    North America: Set region to North America Japan: Set region to Japan (This is the default setting) PAL: Set region to Europe DreamCast Regional Specificities: Your Dreamcast game cases will automatically adjust based on the region you've specified in LaunchBox
    North America White: Set region to North America (This is the default setting) North America Black: Set region to North America Alt European: Set region to Europe Japan White: Set region to Japan Japan Black: Set region to Japan Alt Nintendo Switch Advisory: Every effort has been expended to ensure standard box art is visually appealing. Nonetheless, for an optimized aesthetic, please download the Square Switch Game Library Images and supersede your existing Front - Box Art.
    Platform selection

    Generic GameList View

    Supported Platforms Mini View (This one is Sega Saturn)

    Region Alternate Platforms Mini View (This one is Sega Saturn JP)

    Alternate Demo Disk View (This one is Playstation 2)

    Added Nokia N-Gage Platform View
    Video Demonstration
    Nokia N-Gage Platform Theme.mp4 -----------------------------------------------------
    Added Sega CD alternate view, Horizontal View 2, which features North American Longboxes. Make sure to set your region for the game correctly for the box art you have. North America region will show Long Boxes. Mega CD does not have this alternate view.
    Added new Platform View for long requested Philips CD-i. It's based on the Philips CD-i 1.0 Shell  

    As usual, pushing up or down while in the Game Details screen will show additional details and the Game Details menu.

    If a game has a video, it will automatically fade in while in the Game Details screen.

    Video Demonstration
    MiniConsoleTheme222.mp4 -----------------------------------------------------
    Added new Xbox 360 Metro Style Theme Note: "Microsoft Xbox 360" is Blades, "Xbox 360" is Metro. Name your Platform accordingly.
    The Platform Logo Intro no longer replays when exiting from the Game Details Screen back to the Dashboard. It will reset if you exit the Dashboard back to the Platforms View, so it will play again when entering the same platform again.
      Added a generic Wall view that can be used for all platforms. Note: Nintendo Wii is using Wall View 2 for the alternate Video view. Additionally, the Game Details Screen will be the same themed one you'd usually see for each platform that has one.
    Video Demonstration
    MiniConsoleTheme221.mp4 -----------------------------------------------------
    Updated code base for latest version of LaunchBox (13.12) Updated Nintendo Wii View to feature Screenshots by default. Added Nintendo Wii alternate view, Wall 2, which features videos for the games. WARNING! The alternate Wii View (Wall 2) requires a high-spec PC. Performance WILL be diminished. Video Demonstration
    Nintendo Famicom Disk System Demo Video
    NintendoFamicomDiskSystem.mp4 Screenshots

    Added long requested alternate views (Horizontal Wheel 2) for Nintendo Switch and Sega Saturn with Long Box Art.

    Sega Saturn is region based and intended for just the Box Art images and not Box Art that contains images including the case itself.
    North America - Long Plastic Jewel Case Europe - Black Edge Long Cardboard Box Japan - Small Jewel Case
     MS-DOS View:

    Platform View Demo:
    Redesign_Mini_Console_Theme.mp4 The Platform View has undergone a complete overhaul inspired by the COLORFUL theme, incorporating the same vibrant colors found in COLORFUL Platform videos.
        The new Platform View has been adjusted to seamlessly accommodate any Platform video, resulting in a colored border surrounding the video for a cohesive and visually appealing theme experience.
    Audio Adjustment Script:
    To assist with adjusting the volume of the Background Music for the theme, I've created a PowerShell script which will allow you to adjust the volume however you like! Feel free to check out the post here:
    Nintendo Game Boy View:

    A brand-new Nintendo Game Boy view has been introduced to replace the existing Nintendo Game Boy view. This new view is designed to more accurately represent the Nintendo Game Boy platform, addressing the previous view's closer resemblance to the Nintendo Super Game Boy. Nintendo Super Game Boy Views:
    As a result of the Nintendo Game Boy view replacement, three distinct Nintendo Super Game Boy views have been introduced:
    North America Super Game Boy View (Nintendo Super Game Boy): Tailored to North American users, this view captures the essence of the North American Super Game Boy experience.
    PAL Regions Super Game Boy View (Super Game Boy): Designed specifically for PAL regions, this view provides a unique representation of the PAL Super Game Boy setup.
    Super Game Boy 2 View (JP Regions) (Super Game Boy 2): For users in Japanese regions, the Super Game Boy 2 view has been created to replicate the JP Super Game Boy experience.
    Default Coverflow View and Default Game Details View Revamp:
        In addition to the Platform View overhaul, both the Default Coverflow View and Default Game Details View have undergone a complete redesign.
        These views have been transformed to align seamlessly with the COLORFUL style, while still preserving the distinctive backgrounds and colors associated with each platform.
    Arcade/Steam/Intellivision/Dreamcast Case Video Demo
    Version-2.0.0-Overview.mp4 Arcade/MAME View:
    Imagine walking into a dimly lit room, only to be greeted by the vibrant glow of neon lights, screens reflecting off sleek surfaces and rows of brightly colored cabinets. The energizing cacophony of game sounds, chiptunes, and playful challenges fills the air, beckoning players to try their hand at conquering pixelated realms. This was the magic of a 90s arcade – a sanctuary for gamers, where stories were not just told but lived, one coin at a time.

    Diverse Cabinet Showcase: Just as arcades offered a smorgasbord of games, this view boasts over 48 unique arcade cabinets, each presenting a doorway into the past.
    Variants Included: The 90s arcade was never just about the joystick and buttons. Racing wheel games that simulated high-speed chases and light gun cabinets that brought first-person shooter scenarios to life were all the rage. This view recreates these specialties, ensuring that every gamer finds their niche.
    Atmospheric Navigation: It's not just about the games; it's about the experience. As you navigate from one cabinet to another, the shifting atmosphere and audio ambiance transport you back in time, simulating the sensation of wandering through an arcade, deciding where to drop your next coin.
    Detailed Reflections: Attention to detail is key. The glow of the game screen softly reflecting off the control panels, especially in the game details screen, doesn't just add to the visuals—it revives memories of intense focus and fingers dancing over buttons in rhythmic gameplay.
    Arcade BIOS Game Details Menu: To round off this authentic trip down memory lane, the game details menu mirrors the look and feel of an Arcade BIOS. It's not just about playing; it's about immersing oneself in the entire arcade ethos.
    Notes: "Screenshots", "Marquees", "Clear Logos", and "Videos" are utilized for the view. The cabinet style is designated by the game "Publisher" metadata. Racing cabinets are designated by the "Racing" and "Driving / ..." variant genres and Lightgun cabinets are designated by the "Shooter / Gun" genre.
    If you wish to manually change the cabinet to fit a specific aesthetic for a game, here are the supported publishers you can update the metadata for the specific game to:

       "Atari Corporation"
       "Atari Games"
       "Bally Midway"
       "Capcom Co., Ltd."
       "Cave (AMI license)"
       "Cave (Atlus license)"
       "Cave (Capcom license)"
       "Cave (Nihon System license)"
       "Data East Corporation"
       "Data East"
       "Irem Corp."
       "Konami Industry Co. Ltd."
       "Midway Games"
       "Nintendo R&D3"
       "SNK Corporation" (This is the red SNK cabinet)
       "SNK" (This is the MVS cabinet)
       "Sega AM1"
       "Sega AM2"
       "Sega AM3 R&D Division"
       "Sega Enterprises Ltd."
       "Taito America Corporation" (Black Buttons)
       "Taito Corporation Japan" (Red Buttons)
       "Taito Corporation" (Red Buttons)
       "Taito" (Black Buttons)
       "Williams Entertainment"
    Steam/PC Games/Windows/Microsoft Windows View:
    Especially designed for Windows/PC Games/Steam enthusiasts, this view is inspired by the UI of the Steam Deck. Currently, I'm harnessing the metadata provided by LaunchBox, but hopefully in the future I'll be able to integrate the Steam, GOG, and Epic metadata for a richer experience. Until then, I'm confident you'll love what you see.

    Steam Deck Inspiration: This view is designed after the Steam Deck version of Steam OS.
    Library View: A seamless browsing experience to navigate through your games.
    Game Details View: Get all the information you need about a game with a visually appealing presentation.
    Overlay Menu: An intuitive overlay menu for the Game Details Menu, so you get all the additional details without any hassle.
    Notes: "Box - Front", "Clear Logo", "Screenshots", "Videos" and "Banners" are utilized for this theme. Unfortunately Fan Background and Steam/Epic/GOG metadata is not available for me to use for the theme currently. Screenshots are utilized first, then Banners as a fall back.
    Mattel Intellivision View:
    This view brings the nostalgia right to your fingertips. Every time you select a game, the Controller Overlay will change to match that specific game. This is perfect for those who love authenticity. But there's more! This view also includes the iconic "My Intellivision" track from Intellivision Lives! which will hopefully set the mood.

    Classic Console Presentation: Experience the nostalgic Mattel Intellivision console front and center.
    Dynamic Controller Overlays: Game-specific controller overlays are showcased, ensuring that the controls displayed are accurate for each game if available.
    Accurate Cartridge Port: With the Mattel Intellivision's cartridge port usually on the side of the console, its been placed at the top with accurate cart insertion depth!
    "My Intellivision" Theme Song: Fans of Intellivision Lives! will be delighted to hear the "My Intellivision" theme song incorporated into the theme.
    Note: The Controller Overlays are handled via the "Arcade - Controls Information" metadata.
    Dreamcast Region Specific Game Cases:

    Now, your Dreamcast game cases will automatically adjust based on the region you've specified in LaunchBox. Here's a breakdown of the region-specific cases:
    North America White: Set region to North America (This is the default setting) North America Black: Set region to North America Alt European: Set region to Europe Japan White: Set region to Japan Japan Black: Set region to Japan Alt Note: Changing regions for games is best handled via LaunchBox by selecting all games you'd like to change to a specific region, then mass editing the Region field and updating them.
    Supported Views (Switch View key may need to be mapped in BigBox):

    To help with the initial configuration of the Theme, if a Platform attempts to utilize a view that is not supported, a customized view displaying supported options will appear. For example, the default view for the theme is Horizontal Wheel 1, however not all platforms utilize this view and a screen displaying the supported views for the specific Platform will be displayed.
    Note: Supported Views allows for BigBox wide Search, results will just need to be set to Fullscreen CoverFlow. The Platform View Searching works as expected, and so does Game Detail Menu options like Related Games, etc


    Acknowledgments and Credits:
    I wish to express my profound gratitude and acknowledgment to the following individuals and entities for their invaluable contributions and inspirations that greatly enriched this project:
    Files and Design Elements:
    y2guru: For their always impressive and incredibly helpful Community Theme Creator application. faeran: I am grateful for his provision of the Unified CTC files, which were instrumental in shaping the Coverflow view with its accompanying backgrounds. viking: For the base arcade cabinets from the COLORFUL Hardware CAD designs, and for the inspiration from the COLORFUL theme! Dan Whelan: For allowing me to use their remastered N-Gage Boot Animation WIP for the animated background, and their enthusiasm for remastering N-Gage assets and UI elements. Music Contributions:
    VinsCool: For his original piece "Voyager 1" rendered on Atari TIA and recorded using genuine hardware.
    RushJet1: For the evocative track "5-bit Thief," crafted on Atari 2600 TIA.
    BlueElectric05: Contributed the unique "Bytey" track, created on Atari 2600 TIA and classified under originals.
    newcoleco: For "ColecoVision - Original Music 1," which enlivened the project with its nostalgic tones.
    I extend my warmest appreciation to all the contributors for their dedication, talent, and passion that have immensely enriched this endeavor.


       (24 reviews)



  24. ComixBox Theme

    ComixBox v1.0.2
    BigBox Theme
    Theme Description
    ComixBox is a theme based on old school comic book design. It relies heavily on having the proper artwork scraped for your systems and games including background fan art, screenshots, front cover images, etc. ComixBox also features some advanced animation techniques that have never been seen before in BigBox.
    Separate views were made for the diferent video snap aspects available. Utilize the option "Remember Separate View for Each Platform" in BigBox Options - Views to get the best visual from the theme (to avoid blank space on the sides of your video snaps).
    Theme Notes 
    * Requires the fonts Bangers and Clementine, which are included in the root theme folder. Install them before running BigBox.
    * The animations in the theme were ultimately just me experimenting with some stuff to try and bring something new to a BigBox theme. I thought they ended up pretty neat so I left them in. I do have a version without them that I'm planning on adding to the .ZIP file shortly.
    * The theme was ultimately designed for 1920x1080 but was tested to be fully working at these resolutions as well:
    1280x720 1366x768 1600x900  
    v1.0.2 (2/23/2017):
    Changed all the videos to use the background video object so they would stretch to fill their appropriate spaces Forced platform and game background videos to "On" in the theme settings file to compensate for the above change v1.0.1 (2/21/2017):
    Added fade effect to the title section so the text doesn't appear until after the animation passes (applies to platform and game views 1, 2, and 3) Added the transition selector codes back to the text views that was erroneously removed during development v1.0.0 (2/20/2017):
    Initial release


       (4 reviews)



  25. Futurestate Theme

    Updated to 3.0 See Details in Change log
    A elegant and modern feeling theme that tries to keep details to a minimum.
    Must be using Launchbox 7.1+ to use the theme
    Unique Features
    6 custom views Images were created from scratch especially for this theme Different view based around 16:9 or 4:3 videos  Custom Favorite, Broken and Completed symbols Default Black and White theme that blends with most images Custom Futurestate Background Videos Simple Views with liberal use of game information on selection pages Install instructions
    Works with Launchbox version 7.1+
    Do a clean unzip into your themes folder, it is recommended to not right over a previous version Make sure to install the font inside the Font Folder if you would like to use the custom font  
    Alternative Views
    Alternative view are views requested by users that alter the default theme. I try to fulfill requests if they are reasonable but may not update the files in newer iterations. 
    *use at your own risk*
    Futurestate no info wheelgamesview.zip - This is a 4:3 Game View that removes all text over top of the game video.
    Futurestate Themes
    *Download the skins in the Themes download tab
    There are a few variations for skinning Futurestate in the works. To use these create backup of your existing Images/Theme folder and copy the contents of the zip files over top of the original locations.  
    Put my Photoshop skills to the test! Request one and I will see what I can do!
    **These files over write the default Futurestate skin!
      Futurestate Ruby
    Also check out the RetroState theme located here by Scottad! @Scottad


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