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246 files

  1. VideoBox

    A Music Video Theme. Originally, I was creating this as a platform view for my Vertical Aspirations theme, but I liked it so much, I decided to recreate it as it's own theme. It can be run stand alone as a Jukebox, or you can add your own video Jukebox platform and select it as the theme for that platform. You'll have to supply your own media. If you do a Google search for jukebox frontend, you might find some.
    You'll need to set up  a platform for music videos. I'm using VLC as the emulator using --fullscreen --play-and-exit for the command line parameters. In addition to launching videos, I have several vlc playlists set up. The playlists I set up individually with --random --fullscreen as the command line parameters. RetroArch also has an FFMPEG core that will play videos, but I haven't found a way for it to use playlists yet. If playlists ever get implemented, it will be a great way to have random videos play forever in a bezel.
    Note: This was created on, and for, 9:16 oriented monitors running in portrait mode. Landscape mode will likely not work at all for this. Horizontal theme added. Select VideoBox in the download for horizontal theme. Select VideoBox Vertical for vertical theme.
    This is a bare-bones theme. You can run it by itself if you like, but I imagine most people will want to run it as its own view within their theme of choice. In order to do this, in the controller mappings or keyboard mappings section within BigBox options settings, set up the keys for switch theme and switch views. The image below is for reference only. You don't have to use the same keys I'm using.
    When you go into the platform you'll set up for Music Videos, press your newly assigned button for change theme to bring up the theme menu. Select VideoBox. Once the theme loads you may need to hit the change view button you set up earlier a few times to get to the proper view.
    Let me know in the comments if you like it, see something that needs improvement, or you have other questions.
    Built with Community Theme Creator

    2021-01-02 14-31-27.mp4  

    2020-12-31 14-50-17.mp4


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  2. Realistic Marquee Monitor FX

    Realistic Marquee Monitor FX
    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
    Part of the Neon Deluxe Arcade series but this can be used for any theme to spice up your marquee monitor
    The FX are composed of different layers of scratched plexi glass, reflection, light and other grungy and dusty layers to get as close to realism as possible, see in the video below how it's been composed.
    Installation, please note this was made for use with a 21:9 ultra wide monitor, other aspect ratios might not look as on screenshots.
    1. Place folder '_Realistic Marquee FX' in 'Launchbox\Themes'
    2. Within the _Realistic Marquee FX folder are 4 images
       1. Realistic Marquee FX - With Marquee holder & Plexi FX.
       2. Realistic Marquee FX Only Plexi - Without the Marquee holder, only Plexi FX.
       3. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - With Marquee holder & Plexi FX.
       4. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle Only Plexi - Only Plexi FX.
    3. Choose the style XAML file you want:
    Full FX
       a. Realistic Marquee FX - Complete: With Marquee holder, Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.

       b. Realistic Marquee FX - Sans Filler: With Marquee holder & Plexi FX but Without Magic Screen Filler.

       c. Realistic Marquee FX - Plexi FX & Filler - Without Marquee holder, With Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.

       d. Realistic Marquee FX - Plexi FX only: With Plexi FX but without Magic Screen Filler and Marquee Holder.
    Subtle FX
       e. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Complete: With Marquee holder, Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.

       f. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Sans Filler: With Marquee holder & Plexi FX but Without Magic Screen Filler.

       g. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Plexi FX & Filler - Without Marquee holder, With Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.

       h. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Plexi FX only: With Plexi FX but without Magic Screen Filler and Marquee Holder.

    4. Pick the style you like and overwrite the GameMarqueeView.xaml file in the 'your theme of choice/Views' folder, might be a good idea to back up the file first however.
    Additional note: If you see gaps at the sides of the marquee you'll have to adjust the margins, the current margins work for 21:9 displays but on other aspect ratios it needs adjustments. Open up the GameMarqueeView.xaml with a notepad editor and check for "Margin="100,70,100,70", change the values of 100 to a lower or higher number.
    Enjoy and have fun! ?
    Mr. RetroLust


       (1 review)



  3. Bioshock - BigBox Custom Theme

    So I just built a custom Bioshock-themed arcade cabinet and wanted to deck it out with a custom BigBox theme for game browsing. There wasn't one on here so I ended up making one myself thanks to the awesome Community tool. Just wanted to share this for anyone else interested!
    Imported fonts from Bioshock Comes with the in-game piano rolls for Select and Back sounds Highlighting around selected option on systems/text view BigBox main menu also has custom selector seen from the main menu on Bioshock I won't be updating this or anything, just feel free to use however!  
    Installation Instruction:
    Download "Bioshock - BigBox Theme" zip file Extract the zip into your Launchbox themes folder i.e. ".../Launchbox/Themes" where the folder "Bioshock" is directly a child of the "Themes" folder Install fonts inside the "fonts" folder Download "Bioshock - Sounds" zip file Extract the zip into your "Launchbox/Sounds" folder After launching BigBox, Go to Main Menu, Manage Themes, and "Bioshock" as Apply Main Theme Go to Options > Sounds > Soundpack  and select "Bioshock" Also here's some pics of the arcade cabinet for fun


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  4. Arcade Cabinet Big Font

       Here my first Big Box Theme release, mainly focusing on Big font, big wheel, big everything.  
    Typical use for Arcade Cabinet with CRT television.  But should work on any type or size.
    I have 2 types of vertical view for wheel.  One with image and the other with video selection.
    Image Vertical view for wheel are for sure more safe for slow CPU.  
    In my case I run a Core Duo only and normal video from emumovie are working fine.  
    The full theme video at the other hand are barely ok. 
    Note : To use normal video rather theme video I just rename the folder of theme video to make sure BB don't find it and use normal video.
    Thanks to Thimolor, i started my theme base on LV-101






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  5. Play Box 4

    This theme is designed for a screen resolution of 1920 X 1080. Steam Banner images need to be 400px X 215px in order to scale correctly.
    This is Play Box 4, A continuation of Play Box 3 but with the views tweaked for a more Netflix for movies & games kind of feel. with many different types of games views. 
    Included in my theme is many different types of games views with alternative control layouts for Microsoft XBOX One, Microsoft XBOX 360 & Sony Playstation 4. There is also a collection of steam Banners for games of various platforms thrown in to get you started. I have recreated all the Widjets/Device icons from Retroarch to display all platform/playlists ect.
    This theme is highly customisable as there are many Platform & Games views to choose from all with changeable menu controls, British/European & American Movie & Game age rating images, Avatar pictures for your profile & you can even put your own name with your avatar.
    Important note**If  the artwork & videoborder views do not display properly for a platform on your system, there will most likely be naming conflicts between your platforms & files in my theme. To fix this issue, you must locate these files in the background & videoborder folders of my Play Box theme then change the names to your actual platforms name.
    Unzip the Play Box 4 folder to your Launchbox /Themes directory. 
    Setting up Steam Banners
    Make sure you set Platform & Game images as Steam Banners within the game options in Launchbox. Then for them to be used in the theme correctly set the priority of the boxes view to prioritise Steam Banners first - if you ever want to revert this it is then simply a case of lowering the priority of the steam banners in the boxes list rather than having to remove or reorganise images. To do this open Launchbox and go to Tools --> Options and in the window that appear select Box Front Properties in the Images section and use the Up button to move the Steam Banners to the top of the list.
    This will be the last Play Box theme in the series but i will continue to update Play Box 4 where possible.



       (0 reviews)



  6. LV-101

    LV-101 is dark, futuristic and responsive theme. Theme uses custom device and playlist images (download the psd templates from here). 108 devices are included in this package.
    Should work well with 16:10, 16:9, 4:3 and 5:4 ratios.
    Theme was designed to use box art, gameplay screenshot and gameplay video. If you want to make changes you can download the Community Creator Tool Files.
    For view transitions I recommend the vertical animation, it just feels right with this theme.
    Requires a powerful system to run smoothly. Tried it with i5-4570t and performance was horrible. AllNightLong works better on older systems.
    Theme contains:
    Platform Wheel 1 Platform Wheel 2 Text Filters View Text Games View Horizontal Wheel 1 Games View Horizontal Wheel 2 Games View So not a lot, but I didn't want to make this theme as huge as my previous theme. Less is more, or so they say.
    @y2guru for the COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox
    @viking for the amazing platform videos.
    Designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral, Jacques Le Bailly (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat?query=montse)
    Device Images:
    The Vanamo Online Game Museum (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Evan-Amos/Credits)
    Fan Art:
    This theme uses some images from EmulationStation theme Tronkyjared (https://github.com/cowboyjeeper/tronkyjared)
    Background Video:
    Free B Roll by <a href="http://videezy.com">Videezy.com</a>


       (3 reviews)



  7. Retro Console - BB Theme and more. Custom Logo Version

    Advanced Retro Console Version 3. This has a more difficult and time consuming setup process but might be worth it once completed. The goal behind this theme is to make an entire eco system that matches in style, effect and overall feel. On this page you will find everything you need to build exactly that including the Theme itself(multiple versions), startup and shutdown theme, pause theme, sound pack, BigBox startup video and more.
    I will continue to support this for as long as humanly possible and will continue to improve or add new features as they become available but I will not be making any more new versions. My goal here is just to simplify my work time and allow this one to become the best overall.
    I also want to add a thank you right now for all the hard work from @y2guru. Without his Community Theme Creator, none of this would exist. There are several more who deserve credit for helping and contributing to this project such as @faeran and of course Jason for building the whole thing.
    That being said lets get to all the new stuff!
    I added several new Platform views for the ones I play the most. They are NOT meant to be exact in anyway, just meant to replicate each console enough to feel nostagic.  I made logo packs for every single platform I have which is over 80 right now. This version of the theme will only use these custom logos. It is made to be specific to this theme and to match in style. These are avilable on a seperate download page here: Click Here Added a new wall view. Simple but sweet and clean. I cleaned up all animations and simplified some to make it more helpful rather than intrusive (hopefully)! New Controller Matching button packs are available. Added a new Banner location and created custom banners for those views. Several have been made already and are available on a separate download page here: Click Here Finally made a new Dark version for each and every part including the startup and pause themes. Also, finally figured out how to get the Category and Playlist views to work properly. (you can find the custom logos for those views on this page including the collection logos) You will need the following files:
    Game Logo Packs: Click Here (or make your own) Banner Image Packs: Click Here (or make your own) Custom Platform Logo Packs: Found on this page (each file name matches the platform name) Step by Step Setup:
    Download the Theme itself. There are 2 versions, dark or light. Download the startup theme to match, dark or light. Download the pause theme to match, dark or light. Download controller button pack(s) if not using an Xbox controller. Download the sound pack if wanted. Download the startup video for BigBox also if wanted. Download all the console specific logo packs. The files are named after the platform or console itself. (ex: for PS1 download the ‘Sony Playstation.zip’) This theme has custom views made for some consoles, listed below, and these are the required logo packs for those to work. Download platform logos. (these are for the main platform view) Download platform category logos. (these are the main logos for categories such as genres, playmodes etc.) Download playlist logos. (these are for all playlists such as Arcade Action or Arcade All Games, etc.) Download collection playlist logos. (these are for all your custom collections such as 19xx or mario or 007, etc. Over 1700 logos in here.) Follow the links below and download a logo pack for each console and platform you have in your setup or download my Retro Console Logo Creator.zip and make your own set to match. Finally, follow all the steps below to make sure you put each file in the right place and most importantly, HAVE FUN. If you need help just ask and I will do my best!  
    Instructions and File Locations: (all logo packs, etc: are placed within the theme folder, you must install this theme for any of them to work)
    NOTE: in the examples below I am using the 'Retro Console Light V3' theme as an example. If you are using the 'Retro Console Dark V3' then please replace that part as needed.
    Platform Logos(on this page) : Please place these inside this folder:  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Platforms\Custom Images 1\ Custom Platform View Logos(on this page) :  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 3\ Custom Banner Images(found here) :  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 2\ Game Clear Logos(found here) :  ?:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 1\ Once each pack is installed you will be able to run this theme the same as it is in the video above. The custom Banner packs are not required, but the rest are.
    While using the new logo packs you may find that your game list is different or you just want to make some of your own. @faeran has made a video tutorial on how to use the new Custom Image Creator to make your own logos. It is very good. If you want to make your own logo packs for any of the views in my theme, watch his video and then download the file, 'Retro Console Logo Creator.zip'. found on this page. All the files you need to make each one exactly are included, even for the custom platform views and the banners.
    How to make your own custom logos for this theme: Click Here (watch first and then return here and follow the instructions below)
    Once you get an understanding and are setup to go you can follow these instructions to make matching logo sets from your own collections for this theme:
    So once you open the logo creator file (that you got from here) in the community theme creator, you need to select the platform that you want to make logos for from the left panel at the top (3rd drop down) and then you will notice a long string of dots toward the bottom of the screen from left to right and centered just above the box that offers 2 or 3 options such as 'Theme, Platform and Game'. Use the following for each sub type of logo you want to make:  Platform Logos: Use the first dot for these and select 'Theme' from the box below. (Put these in the 'images/Platforms/Custom Images 1' folder within this theme) Game Logos: Make sure to select the correct platform from the menu(panel) on the left. Then use the second dot and choose 'Theme' from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 1' folder within this theme) Custom Platform View (game logos): Use the same instructions above but select the 6th dot and choose 'Platform from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 3' folder within this theme) Custom Banners: Use the same instructions above but select the 4th dot and choose'Platform from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 2' folder within this theme) Now you will be able to make logos for your exact set of games using all of the assets that are in the ones I made so they will match. You now just have to select the Hamburger Icon form the menu at the top of the screen and then hover over 'Render Custom Images', now select 'All Games for Selected Platform' from the menu that pops out. Once you have completed making your set you will need to go and get that whole folder of logos you just made and move them to the 'Retro Console' theme folder in the 'Custom Images 3' folder with the others. Remember, each platform logo set needs to be in a folder that exactly matches your Platform name as it appears in your LaunchBox setup. How to make your own custom Platform Category and Playlist logos for this theme: (the ones I made are boring but they work and fit with the theme very well)
    Same as above except for: Make sure to select either 'Platform Categories' or 'Playlists' from the second dropdown on the left panel at the top. And then select the first dot for each at the bottom center portion in the editor. Once selected, click the hamburger menu icon at the top left and select "render Custom Images' and then select the appropriate option.  
    Here is a video clip of all the new custom platform views:
    Downloads on this page:
    Retro Console Dark or Light V3 = The main theme files need. Just choose dark or light or both. Retro Console Pause Dark or Light = Just what you think, this is the pause theme for each version. Retro Console Startup Dark or Light = This is the startup and shutdown theme for each version. All controller button packs = These are meant to replace the ones I use with whatever controller you use on your system. Almost every view has these somewhere. Obviously just download the ones you want . To install just unzip to the following location: ?/LaunchBox/Themes/Retro Console (Dark or Light)/media/buttons/. Make sure to overright them. Sound Pack = Just the sounds I use incase you want them. Startup Video = This is the startup video I made for this theme. Enjoy! Platform original boot videos = These are short video clips of the original startup sequence for every platform I could find. They are used in only one view but it is pretty cool and nostalgic. All Platform named logo packs are for the custom platform views only. The ones in the screenshots. To install you must unzip and upload to: \LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 3\ Super Nintendo Entertainment System.zip Sony Playstation.zip Sony Playstation 2.zip Sony Playstation 3.zip Sega Genesis.zip Nintendo 64.zip Nintendo 64DD.zip Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Gamecube.zip Nintendo Wii.zip Nintendo Wii U.zip Nintendo Switch.zip (still to come) Microsoft Xbox.zip Microsoft Xbox 360.zip Microsoft Xbox One.zip (still to come) Pinball FX2.zip Pinball FX3.zip Sega Dreamcast.zip Turbografx-16 Platform logos = All platform logos for this theme. (Required) Thes go into the following: \LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Platforms\Custom Images 1\. If folder does not exist please make one and remember if using the dark version to change that part. Platform Category Logos = These are for the platform category views only. If you use this view then you will need these for sure. Playlist Logos = This is a large pack of playlists logos and includes custom playlists like collections, etc. Also needed if you intend to use the category views in BigBox.  


       (5 reviews)



  8. Retro Console Banner Packs

    These are the custom Banner images I made for the Retro Console Theme.
    To install these just download them and unzip to the following folder within the theme folder itself: 
    \LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Light V3\Images\Games\Custom Images 2\
    If the folder does not exist then create it exactly as it is here. Within the 'Custom Images 2' folder you need to have a folder named for each platform with game logos inside it.
    You can find the theme that these were made for here: Click to get the theme
    While using the new logo packs you may find that your game list is different or you just want to make some of your own. @faeran has made a video tutorial on how to use the new Custom Image Creator to make your own logos. It is very good. If you want to make your own logo packs for any of the views in my theme, watch his video and then download the file, 'Retro Console Logo Creator.zip'. found in the downloads section at this link. All the files you need to make each one exactly are included, even for the custom platform views and the banners.
    Video: How to make your own custom logos for this theme: Click Here
    Once you get an understanding and are setup to go you can follow these instructions to make matching logo sets from your own collections for this theme:
    So once you open the logo creator file (that you got from here) in the community theme creator, you need to select the platform that you want to make logos for from the left panel at the top (3rd drop down) and then you will notice a long string of dots toward the bottom of the screen from left to right and centered just above the box that offers 2 or 3 options such as 'Theme, Platform and Game'. Use the following for each sub type of logo you want to make:  Platform Logos: Use the first dot for these and select 'Theme' from the box below. (Put these in the 'images/Platforms/Custom Images 1' folder within this theme) Game Logos: Make sure to select the correct platform from the menu(panel) on the left. Then use the second dot and choose 'Theme' from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 1' folder within this theme) Custom Platform View (game logos): Use the same instructions above but select the 6th dot and choose 'Platform from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 3' folder within this theme) Custom Banners: Use the same instructions above but select the 4th dot and choose'Platform from the box below the dots. (Put these in the 'images/Games/Custom Images 2' folder within this theme) Now you will be able to make logos for your exact set of games using all of the assets that are in the ones I made so they will match. You now just have to select the Hamburger Icon form the menu at the top of the screen and then hover over 'Render Custom Images', now select 'All Games for Selected Platform' from the menu that pops out. Once you have completed making your set you will need to go and get that whole folder of logos you just made and move them to the 'Retro Console' theme folder in the 'Custom Images 3' folder with the others. Remember, each platform logo set needs to be in a folder that exactly matches your Platform name as it appears in your LaunchBox setup.


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    1 comment


  9. Mr. RetroLust's Marquee Screen Filler Magic

    Mr. RetroLust's Marquee Screen Filler Magic
    This is for those that like to fill the surrounding empty (black) space of their Marquee screens while maintaining the original Marquee's aspect ratio, what these replacement .xaml files do is duplicate the marquee with a blur effect on the background while the original marquee has a drop shadow, a technique often seen on TV when dealing with Vertical Video Syndrome material (a terrible disease btw, but that's another topic)
    Go to the theme folder of your choice: Launchbox\Themes\*name of the theme*\Views 
    note: If you use the default Big Box theme first copy and paste the default theme folder and name it anything you like, it's important to do this as the default theme will always overwrite any changes you make in that folder.
    Backup the following files! In case you want to revert back to these Marquee files: GameMarqueeView.xaml and PlatformMarqueeView.xaml
    Extract the .xaml files in the zipfile to this folder, start BigBox and see the magic unfold
    Have fun.
    (Screenshots taken from a 21:9 marquee monitor)
    Check out the follow up on this here:


       (0 reviews)



  10. LV-101 Theme Community Creator Tool Files

    Here are the LV-101 theme files for Community Theme Creator for BigBox. Go ahead and post screenshots of your versions of the theme here. I would love to see some of the changes you have made to the theme.
    Made with Community Theme Creator for BigBox
    You can download the theme for BigBox from here: 
    Special thanks to @y2guru for the COMMUNITY Theme Creator tool.
    @viking for the amazing platform videos.
    Designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral, Jacques Le Bailly (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat?query=montse)
    Device Images:
    The Vanamo Online Game Museum (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Evan-Amos/Credits)
    Fan Art:
    This theme uses some images from EmulationStation theme Tronkyjared (https://github.com/cowboyjeeper/tronkyjared)
    Background Video:
    Free B Roll by <a href="http://videezy.com">Videezy.com</a>


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  11. Play Box 3

    Happy New Year 2020 to all

    This is Play Box 3, A continuation of Play Box 2. 
    I have redesigned this theme for a more modern look of Steam Big Picture Mode or TV Media Center Graphical User Interfaces.
    All games & apps that have been added as your favourite & recently played now have a Steam Banner style shortcut on the Home Screen for quick access. Platform & Games views now have faded backgrounds for artwork.  
    Included in my theme is alternative control layouts for Microsoft XBOX One & Sony Playstation 4 & a collection of steam Banners for games of various platforms.
    There are 2x Platform views & 6x Game views to choose from all with menu controls, All the videoborder views from my previous Play Box Themes are there.
    Important note**If  the artwork & videoborder views do not display properly for a platform on your system, there will most likely be naming conflicts between your platforms & files in my theme. To fix this issue, you must locate these files in the background & videoborder folders of my Play Box theme then change the names to your actual platforms name.

    Unzip the Play Box 3 folder to your Launchbox /Themes directory. 
    Setting up Steam Banners
    Make sure you set Platform & Game images as Steam Banners within the game options in Launchbox. Then for them to be used in the theme correctly set the priority of the boxes view to prioritise Steam Banners first - if you ever want to revert this it is then simply a case of lowering the priority of the steam banners in the boxes list rather than having to remove or reorganise images. To do this open Launchbox and go to Tools --> Options and in the window that appear select Box Front Properties in the Images section and use the Up button to move the Steam Banners to the top of the list.

    Big thanks to Jason Carr, CriticalCid & RetroHumanoid for there Unified themes which has inspired me to create my videoborder views.
    And a big thanks to BlazingRyuu for his Device Icons which i have slightly edited to scale to my theme.


       (0 reviews)



  12. Night at the Arcade - [Theme Stream]

    This theme only works on version 10.15 and above due to its reliance on some new bindings!
    Night at the Arcade was built during a Theme Stream broadcast. If you are interested in creating themes, follow me on Twitch, or watch the videos later on YouTube.
    A Catalog of past Theme Streams can be found on the forums here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/54760-retro-faerans-theme-stream-big-box-theme-creation/
    Night at the Arcade
    I create a brand new theme called Night at the Arcade. This is my take on the 80s arcade experience.

    Watch this theme being built:
    Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/616235182 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSBkhnk5dx0  
    Night at the Arcade - Theme.zip - BigBox theme. Place extracted folder in your LAUNCHBOX\Themes folder Night at the Arcade - COMMUNITY Project files.zip - Creator Project files. Place extracted folder in your COMMUNITY\My Theme Projects folder  
    COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
    My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran
    My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q


       (0 reviews)



  13. Editorial Noir - [Theme Stream]

    Editorial Noir was built during a Theme Stream broadcast. If you are interested in creating themes, follow me on Twitch, or watch the videos later on YouTube.
    A Catalog of past Theme Streams can be found on the forums here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/54760-retro-faerans-theme-stream-big-box-theme-creation/
    Editorial Noir
    This theme is my take on porting the exciting ES theme by chicuelo called Epic Noir.

    Watch this theme being built:
    Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/602273726 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcm8sT5mgdE  
    Editorial Noir - Theme.zip - BigBox theme. Place extracted folder in your LAUNCHBOX\Themes folder Editorial Noir - COMMUNITY Project files.zip - Creator Project files. Place extracted folder in your COMMUNITY\My Theme Projects folder  
    Original theme by chicuelo. Find it here: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/25351/epic-noir-dark-mode-theme
    COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
    My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran
    My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q


       (1 review)



  14. Big Box Revolution

    This is my first ever attempt at making a theme.  It's based on the song select screen from Dance Dance Revolution 5th mix (with some elements from a few others for good measure).  Since I couldn't quite match it exactly I split the difference between a text list view and a wheel view.  Since it copies the overall style of the UI it's very busy looking while not giving quite as much info as most other themes do.  This was by choice to mimic that early aughts design sensibility. To really give it an authentic touch, I changed the community ratings system to the old "foot rating" used for difficulty in DDR and changed the max from 5 to 10.  It's the same rating multiplied by two.  I'd love to get some feedback and maybe even make some improvements!
    It comes with a (freeware) font that you'll need to install.
    Created using y2guru's COMMUNITY Theme Creator.


       (0 reviews)



  15. vewlix static

    hi every one i have had alot of free time on my hands in a foreign country as im stranded here with my laptop, i spent the best part of a week making this bigbox theme.
    but i have been learning y2gurus community edit for quite a while now huge thanks hugs and kisses goes out to the man himself.
    my fav arcade cab is the vewlix and my theme is inspired by it.
    i have updated and changed this quite alot trying things out seeing what works what does not etc.
    basically i have scaled things back to show very little info (community rating & date last played on launch screen)
    but make the interface as streamline as possible and hopefully not taxing on every ones systems.
    my laptop is 1080p i have not tried any other resolution but the few bits of artwork that i am using i tried to use a 4k res.
    also please note my bb license expired after 10.7 so i cannot test my theme on newer builds.
    this theme is heavily dependent on your own artwork , mainly clear logos, box art, device and platform logos.
    also it works best with no platform themes so a ramdom (system dependant) game video plays instead.
    theres 4 variations 2 straight verticle and 2 curved verticle games view and the same for platform views.
    no horizontal nor textbox view.
    i would update if someone could send me a highquality vewlix cab pic or vector in the future.
    hope you enjoy

    vewlix staic v2.zip


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  16. Retrotastic Full Screen

    A Retrotastic 2.04 but for any resolution screen! And with a couple of other tweaks!
    I love using Retrotastic but it has a few issues for me:
    My resolution screen is not 1920 by 1080, it's a little bit bigger than that and so it wasn't filling the whole screen. My resolution is actually set at 1680 by 1050 in Windows but scaled to 125%. See screenshot. The transitions from platform to games list to game details were too slow for me. When I select a platform, the loading screen was taking too long and I could already see the games view by the time the loading screen showed up. There's no game notes and I like to read them in the game view screen. Here is how I made it:
    Removed all sizing that limits the resolution to 1080p; Added Stretch="Fill" for all Image backgrounds; Switched Force16X9AspectRatio to false. Here are other tweaks that I did:
    Added a label in the games view to display at the bottom, a little (partial) brief about the game. Disabled the loading aspects so the transtions from platform to games list to game details are immediate. I would like to give a shout-out to its author: @faeran
    Thank you!
    Fabio Costa


       (0 reviews)



  17. NesicaXLive Arcade Edition

    This is a theme based on the Nesica network UI I tried to keep the interface clean and as faithful to the original as i could. This was made with the The Community Theme Creator so a shout out goes to y2guru for his amazing app. also a thanks goes out to shro2016 for give us his original theme that i have been using for the last year on my arcade


       (0 reviews)



  18. ArtBook - [Theme Stream]

    Retro Faeran's Theme Stream
    In every Theme Stream, I build a BigBox theme from the ground up for the program LaunchBox, using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. Then, I release the Theme, as well as the Theme Creator Files to you, so you can play, learn, and edit the theme to your heart's content.
    If you are interested in creating themes, follow me on Twitch, or watch the videos later on YouTube.
    Watch Previous Broadcasts
    Theme Stream #1 - ArtBook - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv5d1e8KOIc  
    In this post you can download the ArtBook theme that was built during the stream.
    ArtBook is a port of the ES theme of the same name by alphatoanant.  
    ArtBook Theme.zip - BigBox theme. Place extracted folder in your LAUNCHBOX\Themes folder ArtBook - COMMUNITY Project files.zip - Creator Project files. Place extracted folder in your COMMUNITY\My Theme Projects folder  
    Original theme by alphatoanant. Find it here: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/11728/theme-art-book COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/retrofaeran My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C5q0Muy-ehYpZUIIdJ94Q  


       (3 reviews)



  19. Picard Icars Bigbox Theme (BETA)

    Made using the wonderful
    Its my first try at making a theme so please bear with me if its crap
    Here is the Sound pack to accompany this theme : Icars sound.zip
    Please take into consideration this is a Beta and is incomplete.
    Use horizontal games 1 & Platform 1 in views.
    Install fonts in FONTS folder


       (1 review)



  20. Retro Console - BB Theme - Startup Theme - Pause Theme and more

    Here is my first theme. This theme was made almost entirely in @y2guru's theme creator tool that is my absolute favorite community addition. Very cool for people like me who love to design. Thank you for making this y2guru. My intention was to make a seamless theme that felt like a console but offered a very different feel than all the already existing and amazing themes found on this forum. I Hope you like it. Let me know if you need more logos but keep in mind i can only work on this once a week.
    Not sure where to start, I was mostly inspired by @viking and @Rincewind for their contributions and then i found the 'Community Theme Creator' made by @y2guru which changed everything. But most of all, credit should go to Launchbox itself and this entire community. I have used several things i found at this forum but most of this theme was made by me. If I have missed someone I am truly sorry and it was not intentional. Please let me know and I will of course edit this page. 
    @Wanderer189 has made a huge contribution to this theme in the form of several downloadable add-on packs full of clear logos for each platform. These include literally thousands of logos made for each Genre, Playmode, ETC. This is an amazing thing and I thank you for your hard work Wanderer. You are awesome. If you would like to get these logos for your setup they can be found here:
    What is this theme:
    This is a video snap based BigBox theme. Heavily designed around the use and display of video snaps. This theme has several views including one that offers a different look for each platform including handhelds. There is a large amount of custom graphics and logos and images and icons etc. Hence the large file size. Use the startup and pause themes to complete the seamless setup. All icons including stars for 'consumer ratings' and 'ESRB rating' are custom and included in the theme file. Use them all you want. I am using the nostalgia platform videos and these are perfect for this theme. I may make my own someday but for now these are Great. Available Downloads:
    Retro Console Theme.zip - This is the entire theme including platform and platform device logos as well as all icons so you don't have to download them individually. This does not include device logos, startup video startup or pause themes, collection logos, etc. Retro Console Startup.zip - The startup and shutdown theme I made to match with this theme. (screens below) Retro Console Pause.zip - The pause theme I made also to match this theme. (screens below) Platform Clear Logos.zip - Included in the theme download but also here in case you just want them alone. These were made specifically for this theme and there are currently 194 logos. Platform Device Logos.zip - Also made for this theme for the platform view that uses device images. Currently 122 logos. Collection Device Logos.zip -  Made to match this theme for the platform view that uses device images for each collection i use. I can make more upon request. Collection Logos.zip - Same as the platform logos. Made to match so they can be used in this theme. Platform Categories.zip - A bunch of category logos also made to match this theme. Startup Video.zip - A startup video I made just to add to the overall completeness of the theme. Not at all necessary but here if you want it. Retro Console Sound Pack.zip - Again not required but here if you want it. This is what i use in the video below. Just unzip it to your launchbox sounds folder and then select it in BigBox. Recommendations:
    Set your Image priorities in Launchbox as follows - Cart Front ( add disc images to the list - this is used in many views in this theme) Set your startup and shutdown time limits in launchbox settings. (mine are: startup=5 sec and shutdown=3.5 sec) I designed this around the Nostalgia Platform Videos. You can use anything but those will fit and line up best. This theme assumes an xbox controller setup: A=Select, B=Back, X=Search, Y=Game Details and Select Button=Change View (not  required) I also set the left bumper to platforms and right bumper to platform categories. (not required but helpful) Get as many Banner, Steam Banner and Marquee images as you can. This theme offers a unique view for all arcade cabinet based games and will use those images. There is also a custom view for systems like Windows that also use them. Future Plans:
    Create a new view that uses the original loading video from each console. (started on 1-3-2020) Complete the white silhouette console and controller images that are used in the startup theme. Add animations to the theme ( @y2guru is working on this ability for his theme creator as we speak and I will update once it is ready) Make platform videos to match this theme (maybe) How to Install:
    Extract Retro Console Theme.zip to your launchbox themes folder. This includes all the platform and device logos you need and will automatically use them. ( In order to use other logos just delete the ones in this theme folder) You can also use the startup and pause themes to add more of a consistent flow. Drop the startup video (if you want it) in the launchbox videos root folder. This theme currently has 80 different platforms and includes the matching device logos, collection logos, category logos and more but some of these have to be added manually through launchbox (sorry). I can not figure out how to make them automatic.
    Startup Video:
    Theme Video:
    Screenshot System View:
    Screenshots of each Logo Type:
    Screenshots - Startup and Shutdown and Pause Theme:
    Screenshots - Random and Extra Stuff:
    Screenshots - Platforms Views:
    Screenshots - Games Views:
    Screenshots - Other Views: (a few examples of the platform specific views)


       (6 reviews)



  21. Retrorama Loading screens

    Loading Screens for over 50 platforms ... all artwork by Phill , i simply compiled them


       (0 reviews)



  22. RetroRama Update pack (unofficial)

    Download Retrorama By Phill Doodles Here: 
    this is an addon pack with more platforms , simply place System folder in  .... LaunchBox\Themes\retrorama\Images\Theme\ & overwrite any dupes.
    All artwork is property of Phill , i simply compiled and adjusted images to 1080p.
    All Games.jpg
    Amstrad CPC.jpg
    Arcade Capcom.jpg
    Arcade Classics.jpg
    Arcade Hacks.jpg
    Arcade Sega.jpg
    Atari 2600.jpg
    Atari 5200.jpg
    Atari 7800.jpg
    Atari 800.jpg
    Atari Lynx.jpg
    Atari ST.jpg
    Atari VCS.jpg
    Capcom Play System I.jpg
    Capcom Play System II.jpg
    Capcom Play System III.jpg
    Capcom Play System.jpg
    Capcom Realm.jpg
    Commodore 64.jpg
    Commodore Amiga.jpg
    Custom Collecions.jpg
    Final Burn Alpha.jpg
    Game Wizard.jpg
    GCE Vectrex.jpg
    Last Played.jpg
    Mattel Intellivision.jpg
    Microsoft MSX.jpg
    Microsoft MSX2.jpg
    NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx.jpg
    NEC PC Engine-CD.jpg
    NEC PC Engine.jpg
    NEC TurboGrafx-16.jpg
    NEC TurboGrafx-CD.jpg
    Neo Geo CD.jpg
    Neo Geo Pocket Color.jpg
    Neo Geo Pocket.jpg
    Neo Geo.jpg
    Nintendo 64.jpg
    nintendo clones.jpg
    Nintendo Disk System.jpg
    Nintendo DS.jpg
    Nintendo Entertainment System.jpg
    Nintendo Famicom Disk System.jpg
    Nintendo Famicom.jpg
    Nintendo Family Computer.jpg
    Nintendo Game & Watch.jpg
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance.jpg
    Nintendo Game Boy Color.jpg
    Nintendo Game Boy.jpg
    Nintendo GameCube.jpg
    Nintendo Super Famicom.jpg
    Nintendo Virtual Boy.jpg
    PC Ports.jpg
    Seag Arcade Monster Hits.jpg
    Sega 32X.jpg
    Sega CD.jpg
    Sega Dreamcast.jpg
    Sega Game Gear.jpg
    Sega Genesis.jpg
    Sega Mark III.jpg
    Sega Master System.jpg
    Sega Mega Drive.jpg
    Sega Megadrive (japan).jpg
    Sega Megadrive.jpg
    Sega Saturn.jpg
    Sega SG-1000.jpg
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum.jpg
    Snes EURO.jpg
    SNES HACKS.jpg
    SNK Neo Geo AES.jpg
    SNK Neo Geo CD.jpg
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color.jpg
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket.jpg
    SNK NeoGeo MVS.jpg
    Sony Playstation.jpg
    Sony PSP.jpg
    Super Famicom.jpg
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System.jpg
    Turbografx 16.jpg
    Turbografx CD.jpg
    Virtual Boy.jpg
    WonderSwan Color.jpg


       (0 reviews)



  23. Vertigo - A Vertical BigBox Theme

    Welcome to Vertigo. A simple, text based, vertical BigBox Theme with an old Retro CRT nostalgic feel.
    There are 2 different downloads:
     Vertigo.zip - This is the theme, please place this in your /Launchbox/Themes folder (you may need to right click the zip file, go to properties, and unblock the the contents of the file). Vertigo Startup Video.zip - A Vertical startup video (created by @harryoke)  
    Theme Features:
    Designed for a 9:16 portrait aspect ratio display Tested uses 1080x1920 resolution, however, it should scale gracefully as long as you keep the aspect ratio 9:16 The entire theme utilizes a centered text list (only possible with @eatkinola's AO Bigbox Customs Plugin) Watch the video to see the theme in action. Try it out if you like it, and let me know what you think below.
    @faeran - Creator of this theme. @eatkinola - Utilization of his AO Bigbox Customs Plugin, along with his help and code examples. Without his work, this theme would not be possible. @harryoke - Creator of the Vertigo logo and the Vertigo startup video.


       (0 reviews)



  24. Y2Guru - Plain and Simple.zip

    Here's my first (and probably last) Theme submission, if it wasn't for the work of @CriticalCid and his CriticalZoneV2 - BlueBox theme I probably would never have attempted this, but I had a lot of fun putting this together and now its time for me to focus on building my collection and correcting missing and incorrect artwork :-) 
    Special thanks to @CriticalCid @keltoigael @eatkinola and @Grila
    Simply download, unzip and place the unzipped Y2Guru - Plain and Simple folder into  LaunchBox\Themes\
    Please read the Installation and Setup Guide.rtf located inside the Y2Guru - Plain and Simple folder.
    I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting this theme and artwork together.


       (4 reviews)



  25. Memories of Yesterday BigBox Theme

    This is my first BigBox theme made entirely with @y2guru's fantastic, Community theme creator. I called it Memories of Yesterday (I suck with cool theme names). Many Thanks to @viking, for the Silver Ring Clear Logo set. @Mr.RetroLust (I cant seem to tag you for some reason) for the Marquee Screen Filler Magic, that I used on my arcade cabinet view. @nosh for the device images that I borrowed from the "Nosh on this Twice" Theme and Everyone else on the forums for all the code snippets, that helped me make this theme.! The theme is for 1920x1080 resolutions. If you have any issues, I would love to hear about them.
    Edit: Added video.


       (2 reviews)



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