Platform Bezels/Overlays
235 files
Alternative Frame for ArcCabView BGFX + how to configure your own frame
By d66dle
For the purpose of bezel reflection in MAME, ArcCabView is a GODSEND, but I always thought the frame was too thin and too light when using Lights Out bezels.... so I made a wider darker one! The screenshots showcase the frame using different bezels.
artwork and bgfx folders go into your MAME directory, overwriting two files: ArcCabView.json and frame.png
(⌐⊙_⊙) How to use your own custom frame so it lines up properly with the game screen (using the default ArcCabView preset):
0. If not already installed, download ArcCabView_MAME_BGFX_Chain_2.2d and extract into your MAME directory
(probably backup artwork/bgfx and bgfx folders in case you want to revert changes)
1. replace frame.png located in mame/artwork/bgfx/chains/ArcCabView with your custom image
2. load up a game in MAME, then press `/~ (onscreen display hotkey) and adjust Frame Size X, Frame Size Y, and Corner Size so the game screen fits the frame to your liking.
3. Exit game, and open the .cfg file for that rom in mame/cfg
4. Also open the ArcCabView.json file in mame/bgfx/chains/ArcCabView
5. find the adjusted values in the .cfg file and copy them into the .json file.
The values in question are highlighted in the image below:
6. Save the .json file.
6½: Optionally, repeat steps 1-6 until satisfied...
7. ಠ_ರೃ P R O F I T.
I don't see a lot of mentioning of ArcCabView here, so maybe some MAME users will find it to be a decent (or more subtle) alternative to Mega Bezel Shaders for Retroarch, which I use for other platforms anyways. I'm just very attached to MAME for arcade...
- arccabview
- mame
- (and 6 more)
Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels / Artwork
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner
Part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Bezels" series, for RetroArch bezels in this series see:
NOTE: This original project uses a reflection and scratch layer to add a realistic effect, it defines the style of the project, this is not for everyone. But please don't request "a clean verion" as I haven't kept the layer formats for all these 2000 games, this project is what it is.
Realistic bezels in 3840x2160 resolution for MAME. My goal was to make bezels for around 1300 MAME games I had in my collection but I ended up making many bezels more.
I started this project in 2019 and finished it in 2022 or so I thought... started making more bezels later on again. I used existing high quality artwork but also cleaned a lot of previously unavailable artwork which @Mr. Do had in his amazing collection. I searched high and low with google images to find existing artwork, which took me to Japanese websites often using google translate and research to get to those obscure images. The quality isn't always as high but I made sure I always used the highest quality I could find.
Note: These artwork packs are made for older versions of Mame, if you use Mame 0.226 and upwards and find these files don't work right please see this post as you need to have them in a different lay structure:
Place the zip files inside the packs in mame/artwork/
Also be sure to curve the screen in Mame effects, you can use the preset files I've included in the downloads but they are for an older version of Mame (0.198) so they might not work on newer versions. To learn more about effects in Mame be sure to read this well:
Most of the artwork used are from the most excellent @Mr. Do & the many team members:
For NeoGeo artwork much artwork came from:
For Flyer artwork the amazing: and
Some artwork used from: which has amazing vertical bezels, be sure to pay them a visit.
Some artwork used from imbord3rlin3:
Photos from Museum of the Game® & International Arcade Museum®
For research the great Arcade Database by:
Special thanks to the following people, without them this project wouldn't be what it is: @ArsInvictus John Merrit, @Briball @cmgssilva @Orionsangel @Boz1978 @L4ZYD4NE @Manson976 UDb23 @IainSA TheGuru, Smitdogg, CAG, DrVectrex, tbombaci, italie, MAMEWorld, Ad_Enuff, UDb Raspbear, @destrowade @CKL @Thoggo @Antny @Dreamstate Andyaust @zugswang Spinhacker, CCF Gameplay, jkburks, Comboman, Tim Lindquist, TrevEB, Aaron Giles, Jumpman1981, @kloug666
Mr. RetroLust's MAME Lights Out Bezels Revisited
By kloug666
Mr. RetroLust created a series of bezels which is a masterpiece :
Yet as he uses a rather old version of MAME, some of those bezels are not compatible with the latest releases which use a redesigned artwork system (MAME 0.226 onwards).
As I intend to continue to enjoy his creations in optimal conditions, I have undertaken to update all the lay files and to correct recent incompatibilities.
The original project uses a reflection and scratch layer to add a realistic effect which defines its style.
You will find here the complete arcade 4K widescreen collection updated to the most recent lay code and expanded in various ways.
Mainly based on the version 8.0 of its collection :
I’ve updated/edited all the lay files.
Renamed files in sync with latest MAME release (0.275 at the time of this writing).
Merged some archives to avoid any conflict with the classic artworks of Mr. Do and progetto-SNAPS.
Converted and integrated some of Mr. RetroLust's non-MAME specific arworks*.
Added Xeno Crisis bezel by Layer0730.
Added blue MAME cab bezel by d66dle.
Added some new artworks in the same style (Ex: Darius II Dual-Screen).
Replaced most of the screen overlays based on pics with lay-coded ones according to the latest MAME sources (ex : Circus).
Corrected some MAME artwork display known bugs (ex : Dead Eye).
Added toggleable gear shift for racing games when possible (ex : Pole Position).
Added optional custom enhancements (ex : Galaga).
Added color variations (ex : Barricade).
Added BIOS specific bezels (ex : Deco Cassette System).
Added generic horizontal and vertical bezels to use as fallback art files for every game missing individual artwork.
Included a folder INI file to display a list of all games of the collection.
If you spot a bug, or a game I forgot to add a gear shift, please indicate it in the comments, I will try to rectify it ASAP.
* : Converted for MAME and upscaled to 4K some artworks from HD Lights Out! Retroarch Bezels 8.5.
Converted for MAME the Sammy Atomiswave 4K Lights Out! Realistic Bezels 1.0.0.
Converted for MAME the Sega Naomi 4K Lights Out! Realistic Retroarch Bezels 1.3.
Easy 'n' dirty way :
Unzip all LightsOutRevisited0-Z archives in MAME/ARTWORK/
Install updates one after the other, just unzip and replace all files when asked.
Put horizontal and vertical INIs in MAME/INI/PRESETS/
Advanced 'n' clean way :
Use the provided DAT to rebuild the collection with Clrmamepro, Romcenter or your favorite ROMs manager.
Place the resulting ZIP files in MAME/ARTWORK/
Put horizontal and vertical INIs in MAME/INI/PRESETS/
It is essential to use the included horizontal.ini and vertical.ini files to make the generic fallback bezels work.
Optional :
Put vector, vector-mono and raster INIs in MAME/INI/PRESETS/
Put Lights Out Bezels Revisited INI in MAME/FOLDERS/
The vector.ini and the vector-mono.ini are highly recommended but not essential.
The raster.ini is only to be used if you use the D3D HLSL graphics mode.
I personally use BGFX for the rasters and the fantastic ArcCabView shader from Houb and Ducon2016 :
Let's play !
All hails to Mr. RetroLust for the incredible work that he made with his original bezels.
Special thanks to the following people who directly or indirectly inspired and/or helped me with this project : AntoPISA, d66dle, Ducon2016, Houb, Layer0730, Mr. Do, numerous members from MAMEWorld, Starman99x, Vaughan and Widge-5.
After downloading and testing the release, if you enjoyed it, please come back and react by reviewing or liking the page.
It will take you just a few seconds and help me give visibility to this project.
Duckstation border overlay UltraWide and 1080p
Duckstation finally added border overlay!
Here is UltraWide and 1080p BO for it
It uses @Mr. RetroLust Lights out TV. So all Thanks to him!
NO GUI Does NOT support loading shaders or overlay!
Only this does
Extract and copy folder "resources" to duckstation folder.
1. Click wheel (settings in duckstation) -post processing-border overlay and select overlay 2a /2b
2a. Click Graphics -Aspect ratio -16:9 (Set game graphics aspect ratio 16:9)
2b. Click Graphics -Aspect ratio PAR 1:1 (set game aspect ratio PAR 1:1 should fit all 1080p resolutions tested on 1920x1080)
3. Please select default overscan (only overscan area)
New V3 are different files. Feel free to delete old resource files.
Duckstation made changes how overscan works and old overlay no longer fits.
This update fixes that.
Duck offers 2 different scalers. Integrer and non-integrer (graphic settings-scaling)
Default is non-integrer *(Smooth)
If that is your preference then select SMOOTH overlay.
Image will NOT FIT if wrong scaler is used. Match scaler to overlay
For different resolutions use "custom" and tinker with values
Shaders setup i used, in case someone is interested.
Smooth vs integrer scaler difference. Your preference , but overlay must match your scaler choice!
Alternative Lights Out MAME Default Bezels + XCF Files
By d66dle
These are edited versions of Mr.Retrolust's default horizont and vertical MAME bezels. The version with MAME Logos come from Duimon's MAME bezels.
horizont & vertical zip files go in: MAME/artwork
Black Version Horizontal: indistinguishable from the original, except for an adjustment on the edges. There was a greenish line about 3 pixels wide that I just covered in black on both sides... I only noticed when I zoomed all the way in, so now it's REALLY black 😅
Black Version Vertical: the black right edge is cropped a bit and mirrored on the other side for a more symmetrical look, instead of red on the left.
Blue Versions: Duimon's metal-textured logos are layered ontop of the black LightsOut bezels. I like these the best, because they're distinct enough from the game bezels while still maintaining the Lights Out aesthetic. (some game bezels use the default image for that rom, making it harder to tell right away)
Templates: in XCF format, because I still use GIMP... I left some layers in there that I decided against using, like alternate logo sizes and buttons/sticks from the CAB version of Duimon's bezels. May or may not be useful.
Credits go to the original creators of their MAME bezels, Mr.Retrolust & Duimon! I wanted to share my edits, just because I like how they look in my setup so far.
- mame
- default artwork
- (and 6 more)
Lights Out! Realistic Retroarch bezels
By boy
This is a Japanese version of the sideboards made based on Mr. RetroLust's Lights Out!
-Game console frame to remove scratches
-Slightly adjust the border brightness and deepen the contrast
Matsu's 4K Bezels
By pickles83
I'm redoing all of the bezels of my favorites collection in Launchbox using artwork I've found everywhere while also using various techniques to upscale to 4k. Most of the artwork I've found is from Mr Do's site and Shout out to AlexDC22 for the Neo Geo bezels.
These are to be used with Duimon's Bezel Project MegaBezel integration using his instructions here:
Additional Screenshot Album
New bezels will be updated periodically. Once enough are accumulated, I'll combine them into the master zip file.
Vertical Aspirations Console Bezels
By JaysArcade
This is the bezel set I created for use with vertically oriented monitors, and is the companion set for the Vertical Aspirations BigBox theme. The set includes the major consoles (*pre analog controls) NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, Atari 2600, etc, etc.
Each Retroarch console has two Overlay Borders. One with bezel and one without. I did this so you can use something like the HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader with the overlay if you are so inclined. I've noticed the shader is a little resource hungry so I've included the bezel versions here in case that shader slows your system down too much. If your system is fast enough. I highly recommend using the HSM shader.
I have also included in the set, per-game bezels for Vectrex that utilize the overlays that were included in the physical games as well as several per game bezels for Intellevision that include the physical overlays that were included with the games for use with the game pads. (see below) This is nice so you can see what controls do what for the game you are playing. I may create a set like this for ColecoVision in the future.
There is also a generic MAME Bezel I've included in the folder created by Chad Wedlake from his youtube channel. All the console bezels in this folder are derivative of his MAME bezels.
As with the Vertical Aspirations BigBox theme, you'll need to be running Windows in portrait mode for these to be of any use to you.
*At this point I'm not considering making bezels for newer generation consoles that use analog sticks on the controllers. This set was built with Arcade Cabinets in mind that do not typically use analog stick controls.
By fercho
(the android playstore version is too old) get the latest one from
quick menu // on-screen overlay
- overlay opacity: set to 1.0
- set inputs on overlay: set to physical if you're using a controller or to touched if youre using a mobile device
- auto-rotate overlay: se to ON- auto-scale overlay set to ON
quick menu // rewind (set to enable)
quick menu // controls // change joypad auto to MD JOYPAD 6 BUTTON
settings// input // hotkeys //
- fast-forward (HOLD) set it to the R2 button/trigger on your controller
- rewind - set it to the L2 button/trigger on your controller
MAME Software Lists Overlays With Instructions.
By ci2own
I was very bored and I decided to add Notes to the stunning overlays @soqueroeu made! (Thanks for sharing )
I think this will help people load and run games mostly from Tapes and Floppies. when using MAME along Software Lists.
Just add all .zip files to /MAME/artwork/ folder. Make sure the name is the same as the used machine.
Inside every .zip file there's:
- A few versions of the overlays (as said before, created by @soqueroeu).
- An example of the overlay with Instructions.
- A settings.txt with instructions to setup the overlay.
NOTE: Key Combinations are done with a Spanish Keyboard Layout. Probably won't match yours exactly, and you'll have to find the ones that matches your Keyboard. (Tip: You can see the corresponding keys on "Input Assignments (this system)", on MAME Menu.
NOTE2: My english is far from perfect, and probably there will be some mistakes. Feel free to let me know if is there something wrong.
Thanks and enjoy!
Tomb Raider 3 - Bezel/Overlay
By LostSektor
My first bezel/overlay, tried my best with no edit skills.😅
There is a version with paper texture and a clean one. 4:3 and a wider aspect ratio.
ready to be used with retroarch. 👍
overlay Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics - Full Overlay/Bezel set
By retrospace
Hi guys,
I´ve made the overlay set for the new game Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics for use in Retroarch or that plugin on Launchbox (don´t remember the name).
Please let me know if you like it!
Capcom Fighting Collection - Full Overlay/Bezel set 1.0.0
By retrospace
Hi guys,
Also, I´ve made the overlay set for the new game Capcom Fighting Collection for use in Retroarch or that plugin on Launchbox (don´t remember the name).
Please let me know if you like it!
MAME Atari 5200 Software List Artwork File for use with the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" / "bezelproject-Atari5200" bezel packs
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating MAME's a5200 software list via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings enabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is for use with either the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" or the "bezelproject-Atari5200" bezels. The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to MAME 0.267 a5200.xml software name entries (for entries that have a bezelproject bezel).
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have an there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
If you intend to use the system artwork (SA) bezels then drop the 101 game bezels as well as the generic (Atari-5200.png) bezel that come with the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" pack into your new
If you prefer to use the themed artwork bezels instead then drop the 101 game bezels as well as the generic (Atari-5200.png) bezel that come with the "bezelproject-Atari5200" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your Atari 5200 platform as
a5200 -view %romfilename%
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported, so use
a5200 -view %romfile% %romfile%
MAME Atari 5200 No-Intro Artwork File for use with the "bezelproject-Atari5200" bezel pack
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating the Atari 5200 No-Intro games with MAME via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings disabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is only for use with the "bezelproject-Atari5200" bezels.
Note that it's not suitable for the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" bezels, due to some filename differences between the themed and SA bezels.
The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to the Atari 5200 No-Intro game names.
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have an there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
Drop the 101 game bezels as well as the generic (Atari-5200.png) bezel that come with the "bezelproject-Atari5200" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your Atari 5200 platform as
a5200 -view "%romfilename%" -cart
Note that the %romfilename% variable requires double quotes, as the game names and the lay's view names contain spaces.
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported.
Per-game custom parameters using the game name in the view parameter can be used; two examples
a5200 -view "galaxian (usa)" -cart
a5200 -view "tempest (usa) (atariage)" -cart
Tested using MAME 0.267 with LaunchBox 13.15 and 13.14.
MAME Atari 5200 No-Intro Artwork File for use with the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" bezel pack
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating the Atari 5200 No-Intro games with MAME via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings disabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is only for use with the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" bezels.
Note that it's not suitable for the "bezelproject-Atari5200" bezels, due to some filename differences between the themed and SA bezels.
The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to the Atari 5200 No-Intro game names.
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have an there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
Drop the 101 game bezels as well as the generic (Atari-5200.png) bezel that come with the "bezelprojectSA-Atari5200" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your Atari 5200 platform as
a5200 -view "%romfilename%" -cart
Note that the %romfilename% variable requires double quotes, as the game names and the lay's view names contain spaces.
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported.
Per-game custom parameters using the game name in the view parameter can be used; two examples
a5200 -view "galaxian (usa)" -cart
a5200 -view "tempest (usa) (atariage)" -cart
Tested using MAME 0.267 with LaunchBox 13.15 and 13.14.
MAME ColecoVision No-Intro Artwork File for use with the "bezelproject-ColecoVision" bezel pack
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating the ColecoVision No-Intro games with MAME via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings disabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is only for use with the "bezelproject-ColecoVision" bezels.
Note that it's not suitable for the "bezelprojectSA-ColecoVision" bezels, due to some filename differences between the themed and SA bezels.
The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to the ColecoVision No-Intro game names.
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have a there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
Drop the 141 game bezels as well as the generic (Colecovision.png) bezel that come with the "bezelproject-ColecoVision" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your ColecoVision platform as
coleco -view "%romfilename%" -cart
Note that the %romfilename% variable requires double quotes, as the game names and the lay's view names contain spaces.
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported.
Per-game custom parameters using the game name in the view parameter can be used; two examples
coleco -view "galaxian (usa)" -cart
coleco -view "mouse trap (usa, europe)" -cart
Tested using MAME 0.267 with LaunchBox 13.15 and 13.14.
MAME ColecoVision No-Intro Artwork File for use with the "bezelprojectSA-ColecoVision" bezel pack
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating the ColecoVision No-Intro games with MAME via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings disabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is for use only with the "bezelprojectSA-ColecoVision" bezels.
Note that it's not suitable for the "bezelproject-ColecoVision" bezels, due to some filename differences between the themed and SA bezels.
The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to the ColecoVision No-Intro game names.
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have a there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
Drop the 180 game bezels as well as the generic (Colecovision.png) bezel that come with the "bezelprojectSA-ColecoVision" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your ColecoVision platform as
coleco -view "%romfilename%" -cart
Note that the %romfilename% variable requires double quotes, as the game names and the lay's view names contain spaces.
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported.
Per-game custom parameters using the game name in the view parameter can be used; two examples
coleco -view "galaxian (usa)" -cart
coleco -view "mouse trap (usa, europe)" -cart
Tested using MAME 0.267 with LaunchBox 13.15 and 13.14.
MAME Odyssey 2 No-Intro Artwork File for use with the "bezelprojectSA-Videopac" / "bezelproject-Videopac" bezel packs
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating the Odyssey 2 No-Intro games with MAME via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings disabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is for use with either the "bezelprojectSA-Videopac" or the "bezelproject-Videopac" bezels. The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to the Odyssey 2 No-Intro game names.
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have an there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
If you intend to use the system artwork (SA) bezels then drop the 146 game bezels as well as the generic (Magnavox-Odyssey-2.png) bezel that come with the "bezelprojectSA-Videopac" pack into your new
If you prefer to use the themed artwork bezels instead then drop the 147 game bezels as well as the generic (Magnavox-Odyssey-2.png) bezel that come with the "bezelproject-Videopac" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your Magnavox Odyssey 2 platform as
odyssey2 -view "%romfilename%" -cart1 voice -cart2
Note that the %romfilename% variable requires double quotes, as the game names and the lay's view names contain spaces.
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported.
Per-game custom parameters using the game name in the view parameter can be used; two examples
odyssey2 -view "atlantis (usa, europe)" -cart1 voice -cart2
odyssey2 -view "las vegas (france)" -cart1 voice -cart2
Tested using MAME 0.267 with LaunchBox 13.15 and 13.14.
MAME Odyssey 2 Software List Artwork File for use with the "bezelprojectSA-Videopac" / "bezelproject-Videopac" bezel packs
By spycat
This is for MAME and is not compatible with RetroArch.
It assumes that you are emulating MAME's Odyssey2 (videopac software list) games via LaunchBox, with the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove Quotes" settings enabled as required.
It displays per-game bezels, and is for use with either the "bezelprojectSA-Videopac" or the "bezelproject-Videopac" bezels. The bezel images themselves are not included - they're available from the bezelproject.
How to use:
Download the and unzip it. Inside is the artwork file which contains a multi-view lay file matched to MAME's videopac.xml software name entries.
Move to a location within your MAME artwork folder that your mame.ini artpath is aware of. If you already have an there, then first either delete it or move it to a safe location outside of MAME.
If you intend to use the system artwork (SA) bezels then drop the 146 game bezels as well as the generic (Magnavox-Odyssey-2.png) bezel that come with the "bezelprojectSA-Videopac" pack into your new
If you prefer to use the themed artwork bezels instead then drop the 147 game bezels as well as the generic (Magnavox-Odyssey-2.png) bezel that come with the "bezelproject-Videopac" pack into your new
Only the png images are needed, the corresponding cfg files are not.
Any game that passes a view parameter which fails to match (full or partial) with a view name in the lay will use the system's generic bezel.
LaunchBox 13.15 users:
Set your MAME Associated Platforms Default Command-Line Parameters for your Magnavox Odyssey 2 platform as
odyssey2 -view %romfilename% voice -cart2
LaunchBox 13.14 or earlier users:
%romfilename% is not supported, so use
odyssey2 -view %romfile% voice -cart2 %romfile%
Tested using MAME 0.267 with LaunchBox 13.14 and 13.15.
GCE Vectrex (Per Game) Overlays
By ci2own
GCE Vectrex per game Overlays.
Thanks to @soqueroeu for the great table background.
Thanks to @JereBear for wire extension.
Hope you enjoy!
Gunnm Kasei no Kioku bezel
started playing Gunnm Kasei no Kioku also known as Gunnm: Martian Memory .
its a ps1 Alita battle angel game that was used as the base for the manga Gunnm: last order.
the game was japan only but some cool guys fully translated the game to english. so i made a overlay bezel for it
[My Custom Bezels] Dragon Ball Z and Mean Girls Bezels (2 Seperate Themes)
I Just Made them from Scratch. I Know i'm just the Noob to Make My Own Bezels with a Different Themes, I will Make some More in the Future.
- custom borders
- dragon ball z
- (and 6 more)
Mortal Kombat Bezels for MAME
By Sandroace
Created some MK bezels for MAME. These I feel more accurately represent each game MK-Mk4. I hope people will like them. Just a minor fix on the MK2 Bezel a new version has been uploaded. The small preview images reflect the changes as well.
Mr. RetroLust's Lights Out! Retroarch Bezels
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner
Here's my collection of Lights Out! Realistic Retroarch bezels.
You can find other bezels that are part of my "Lights Out!" series over here:
Neo Geo v2 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Capcom Play System I 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Capcom Play System II 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Capcom Play System III 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Sega Naomi 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
Sammy Atomiswave 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels