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Third-party Apps and Plugins

217 files

  1. LaunchBoxMedia

    A tool to import movies and tv show episodes into LaunchBox.
    You'll need to apply for a TMDb API v3 key in order to use the application.
    Trailers for movies and theme songs for tv shows can optionally be downloaded in case a YouTube Data API key is supplied.
    finds all the movie files in the given directory + subdirectories fetches the movie title + year based on the filename queries TMDb for the release date, synopsis, actual title and a backdrop and poster image automatically generates / fills an .xml-file in the launchbox/data/platforms folder downloads images to the 'Box - Front' and 'Fanart - Background' folders optional trailer download (all the required and optional keys are freely available)  


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  2. CPS2 ROM copier

    In the newer versions of MAME there has been a change to these files adding a .key file that is needed to run on the latest versions this also keeps them from working properly with the FBA core in RA also. I didn't have the latest version separate with my CPS2 stuff so here is a .bat to extract them from the latest MAME source you can use them to overwrite your old files and everything will work with the latest emulators.


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  3. Screen-WHeel

    ScreenWheel by Experimantalc4d !
    COMING SOON ......................


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  4. ReadLaunchBox

    Scan your list of games by platform and type of media, and get a detailed list of games that do not have their box, video, data id base, this repeated, etc.
    - Specify folder Launchbox
    - Select platform
    - Select media type
      -> Analyze
    you will have:
    - List of games
    - Id database of their games
    - If the game has any type of media
    - Route media type
    - Route Game
    - Wikipedia game
    this we can filter by:
    - Repeated game
    - Type of media: all, none, or only has.
    - Repeated games.
    and everything can export to Excel.
    It works perfect for me and I hope to help you any.
    I want to share a small grassy develop in order to be able to order and complete the multimedia components (images, videos, etc) from my collection.
    mainly I needed to know which games had not associated an ID, plus your images, etc. this in every collection. for this, create "ReadLaunchBox" to get the information from my collection and to complete it.
    Try them and I welcome your comments and any advice for improvement.
    sorry for my English, but my language is Spanish.
    Analiza tu lista de juegos por plataforma y tipo de media, y obtendrás una lista con el detalle de los juegos que no tienen su caja , vídeo, id base datos, esta repetido, etc.  
    les quiero compartir una pequeña heramienta que desarrolle con el fin de poder ordenar y completar los componentes multimedia (imagenes ,videos, etc) de mi coleccion.
    principalmente necesitaba saber cuales juegos no tenian asociada una ID , ademas de sus imagenes, etc. esto en cada coleccion. 
    para esto, cree "ReadLaunchBox" para obtener la informacion de mi coleccion y poder completarla.
    pruebela y espero sus comentarios y cualquier consejo para mejora. 
    perdon por mi ingles, pero mi lengua es español.


       (6 reviews)



  5. SegaModel3 Rom Extractor

    This is a .bat file that will copy all of the needed ROMs from your MAME folder. To use just place the .bat in your MAME ROMs folder and run the program can't be done from a network location has to be done on the actual computer where the directory is located. A few games won't copy as the names have changed and SuperModel doesn't play the new ROMs that aren't named correctly and renaming them to the correct name doesn't make a difference either. They are mostly deluxe versions of games and Scud Racing Plus. Their or is a version of the games in working order . VF3 wouldn't launch with the ROM from the 178 version of MAME so I went back to the one I had originally everything else is working with the newer MAME ROMs I was using r488 of SuperModel but that was crashing all of the Virtua Fighter games after updating to r495 from emu.cr those games are no longer crashing. Hope this makes it easier to either get your Model 3 games imported or at least to update your ROMs to the latest version.


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  6. Retroarch - DS with Overlay & Border

    Retroarch - DS with Overlay & Border
    Core Settings
    Aspect Ratio - Config
    Width - 512
    Height -768
    Interger Turned On
    In Options - Screen Gap 95
    Thank you very much to "Orion Angel"
    Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/RetroVGamer/videos


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  7. Demul ROM extractor pack for MAME ROMs

    Ok this was totally motivated by the fact that a lot of my Naomi ROMs no longer work in Demul due to needing newer ROMs so inspired by the  All Killer No Filler .bat and .txt files that @lordmonkusposted I don't recall the original person who did the work but he gets credit for this also. I simply looked at the NoFiller .txt file and saw what was going on and basically did the same thing for all of the Naomi, NaomiGD, Naomi2, Naomi2GD, Hikaru, Gaelco and Sammy Atomiswave games. I hope people find it useful. I'm also thinking about making one of these for Sega Model 3 which I believe uses MAME ROMs.


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  8. NoMousy

    Some emulators fail to hide the mouse cursor in fullscreen mode. This little tool rectifies that issue.
    Syntax: nomousy /hide
    Simply run nomousy.exe without parameters to bring back the cursor.


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  9. mame64.exe v0.178 no startup screens

    Windows Mame x64 version 0.178 compiled without warning or information screens on startup
    Source modification:
      src/frontend/mame/ui/ui.cpp @@ -284,6 +284,9 @@ void mame_ui_manager::display_startup_screens(bool first_time)     bool show_warnings = true, show_mandatory_fileman = true;     int state;         + // HACK disable all startup screens     + show_gameinfo = show_warnings = show_mandatory_fileman = false;     +


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  10. romsort.zip

    this is a very very alpha app to automate rom organization by region of release, and/or beta/prototype status
    feedback appreciated
    requires >net Framework 3.5


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  11. NeoGeo Rom Copy

    These bat files are used to copy or move the NeoGeo rom set out of a Mame rom set to have a separate collection of just NeoGeo roms if you have not obtained a separate NeoGeo rom set already.
    In this zip file you will find 4 bat files, use the one for the job you wish to do whether it is move or copy and if your rom set is in .zip or .7z files.
    Simply drop the appropriate bat file into the folder where your Mame roms are located. Run the bat file and it will create a folder in that folder called NeoGeo and then copy / move all the files located in that folder over to the folder that was created. It will copy / move all the game roms and the bios files.
    I generated this list of roms from my "full" NeoGeo rom set I had downloaded. It should be complete but I cannot guarantee with 100% certainty that its completely accurate.
    If you find any problems please let me know on the Launchbox forums.


       (1 review)



  12. Mame HLSL Settings

    Here are the Mame HLSL settings I use. HLSL has the advantage of working for both horizontal and vertical games.
    These settings are for use in Mame version 0.172 or later. Older versions will not look right, there were changes made in Mame 0.172 that made HLSL a much better shader choice.
    There are 3 text files inside, one is a readme with simple instructions. As always when making edits and changes make a backup of your files you are about ti edit first just in case you do not like the changes.
    Copy the text from "mameini.txt" and paste it into the mame.ini file replacing the block of text that is already in it. Don't simply add it to the end.
    Copy the text from rasterini.txt into the "raster.ini" file located in the /ini/presets folder in the Mame folder. Overwrite everything that is there.
    As always with shader settings they may look better or worse on your monitor depending on size, resolution and calibration. These settings I think look really good on my monitor which is a 27" 1440 resolution TN panel from Asus.


       (2 reviews)



  13. Sega Saturn Region Patcher

    So this is really only if you are using Mednafen to playing Saturn games. As of now Mednafen doesn't play PAL games at all. Well, With this program, we can fix that. Just change the reion from your PAL game to an NTSC one and boom, the games works in Mednafen now.


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  14. Tweaked CRT Geom Shader for Retroarch

    This is a tweaked crt geom shader for retroarch with some lines of code commented out such as curvature and etc. for better results instead of the default settings that comes packaged with retroarch. Remember to backup your crt-geom.cg folder and replace with this which is located at your RetroArch\shaders\shaders_cg\crt\shaders\crt-geom.cg.


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  15. Script To launch DesMume in fullscreen automatically with LaunchBox.

    I made this script to start DeSmuMe (Stand-alone. Not RetroArch) in fullscreen automatically.
    These are the steps for using the script:
    1) Extract the attached file "desmume.zip" in the folder where you have the executable of the emulator. 
    2) Open "desmume.vbs" with a text editor and replace "DeSmuME_0.9.11_x86.exe" with your executable file name. Save the file "desmume.vbs"
    3) On launchbox go to Tools / Manage Emulators, select your DeSmuMe emulator and click Edit.
    4) In "Emulator Application Path" select "desmume.vbs" file (Filter All Files in Browse) instead of the emulator executable.
    In "Default command-line parameters" enter "/rompath:"
    Check the option "No space before ROM"
    Click ok
    4) Play Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ  (If you bought it )
    I'm a noob in vbscript, if you know an easier way to solve this problem, tips are welcome.
    (Sorry for bad Great Britainnnish)


       (2 reviews)



  16. Script for removing ESRB logos from Steam trailers

    It seems that many people find it annoying that many trailers which get downloaded by LaunchBox from Steam begin with an ESRB or PEGI logo before the actual trailer starts. With this ffmpeg script you can batch remove the first seconds of all your trailers and cut these logos out of the videos without the need to re-encode them.
    Besides this script you’ll need the free program ffmpeg. You can get it here:
    You won’t have to install it. Just download the static version and extract it somewhere on your PC.
    How to use it:
    1.    Put my script in the “bin” folder of your ffmpeg installation.
    2.    Open the .cmd file with any text editor and edit the paths for your Steam/WIndows video folder and the output folder (where it should save the edited videos). Only change the placeholder names in capital letters and leave the rest as it is.
    3.    The number after the –ss command is the length you want to cut out at the beginning. I set it to 5 seconds but you can change it as you like.
    4.    Save the file and start it with a double-click. Wait until it’s finished.
    5.    Overwrite your old video files with the new ones from your output folder.


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  17. LaunchBox Game Info Utility

    What it does:
    Reads your LaunchBox.xml file to get the list of games and their properties Counts the number of Videos and Images by type (Box - Front, Clear Logo, etc.) for each game by looking through the Videos and Images directories Writes all of this data to a single CSV file which is created in the LaunchBox directory How to use it:
    Place the LaunchBoxInfoUtils.jar file in the your LaunchBox folder (same folder as LaunchBox.xml) Double click the JAR file (You may have to install a JRE and add it to your system path if you don't already have one) A new file, GameInfo.csv, will be created in the same directory, which you can open in Excel or any other CSV editor and filter as needed (for instance, you can filter out games that have 0 in the "# BoxArt(Front)" column to see which games need Box - Front images) Notes:
    As implied above, I threw this together quickly (a couple of hours) for my own use, so it is tailored my own library and may not work with everything (for instance, I don't have Steam games in my LB so I didn't include Steam Banners). So I can't guarantee that this will work for everyone, but I'd be happy to add features if there is interest Again, I haven't put a ton of time into this so currently there is no feedback when you run the program (no logs, no status window). The only way you'll know it is done is when the CSV is created. So if you run it and nothing happens after a while (it runs for my Library of ~2000 games in < 5 seconds) you may want to open your task manager and check that the Java process isn't running in the background and eating resources (kill it if it is). Let me know if you love it/hate it/have suggestions.. I'd be happy to improve it if it's helpful to the community


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