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246 files

  1. Arcade

    Massive thanks goes to @y2guru for the COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox. Also thanks to @Grila for some of the code snippets I've used.
    I know there's been arcade machine based themes before, The reason I wanted to make this one was firstly to try out some of the new features that were added to the theme editor, and secondly I've always wanted to see the side of the cabinet with the artwork. There is a known issue with the theme and for that reason it's best used at 16:9 aspect ratio. 
    Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\


       (0 reviews)



  2. Spectrum

    Spectrum is a complete rebuild of my theme Blade Runner. It focuses heavily on full screen 16x9 video backgrounds, animation, fading with 4 platform views, 5 game views and 5 color variants Blue, Green, Orange, Purple and Red.
    Platform 1 uses a color shifting background that fades elements on the UI and goes completely UI free aside from the BigBox Logo after 40 seconds of idle. Switching to another platform brings the UI back. Platform 2 uses the same elements but focuses on using Platform videos such as vikings color themes. Both of these can be changed in the video folder under background.mp4 and platforms folder. Platform 2 and 4 mirror their 1 and 3 views but do not fade any UI elements for those who want to always see the platform images.
    Games 1 view uses full screen video or stretched if 4:3 to output 16:9 and overlayed scanlines with animation and UI fading with slightly different timings than the platform views. Games 2 view uses the  same techniques as view 1 but keeps the original aspect ratio of the gameplay videos. Games 3 and 4 are mirrored views of 1 and 2 with no scanline overlay. The text view offers no fading and outputs video as stretched with scanlines.
    An optional folder is included to change the images of the button layouts from an XBOX controller to a PS4. These are located inside the Optional Button Layouts folder. Pick your option and inside is an Images folder, drag and drop these in the root of the theme(s).


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  3. Simple Vewlix

    This is a Bigbox theme I made for my Vewlix cabinet using The Community Theme Creator so a shout out goes to y2guru for his amazing app. This is a Simple theme I wanted something basic that looked good running on my cab. I plan on tweeting a few things in the future but i'm done messing with it for now Enjoy


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  4. New Retro Big Box

    This is a theme meant to really lean hard on nostalgia. It's inspired by "New Retro Arcade Neon" and uses some of it's assets. As of right now, it consists of 1 view, and the goal is to add more platforms if there is demand for it. The platform images are "banner" images, so using a different view with this will look a little funky. 
    For a little extra immersion, I have Andy Hofle's "Arcade Ambience" mp3 as the background music. Those mp3's can be found here.  -  http://arcade.hofle.com/
    Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!



       (3 reviews)



  5. Play Box 2

    This is a continuation of Play Box, A modern look of Xbox One & Sony Playstation 4 user interfaces with nostalgic retro views of classic games. 
    Included in my theme is alternative control layouts for Microsoft XBOX One & Sony Playstation 4.
    There are 3x Platform views & 11x Game views to choose from all with menu controls & all the video border views from the last theme.
    Important note**If  the artwork & videoborder views do not display properly for a platform on your system, there will most likely be naming conflicts between your platforms & files in my theme. To fix this issue, you must locate these files in the background & videoborder folders of my Play Box theme then change the names to your actual platforms name.
    Unzip the Play Box folder to your Launchbox /Themes directory. 
    Thanks to Nosh  for Banners which i have slightly edited to scale to my theme


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  6. CriticalZone - Nebula

    This is based on @CriticalCid amazing Criticalzone V2 - bluebox theme so all thanks should go to him.
    You can find the Original theme here:
    i mearly changed a few things , as you can see from the screenshots it turned out pretty good.
    i know the file is huge, that is because i included all platform logos/banners/device art and my replacement background video is 177mb .... sorry
    All logo/banners/device artwork belong to there respective creators .. ive had them ages so ive forgot who made them
    If they are your creation please give me a shout and i will add your name to the Thanks list
    Please refesh image cache in bigbox after install for the full effect.


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  7. Stark

    Initially a variant of Grila's Fundamental, Stark is a minimal Big Box theme focusing on usability, clean looks and fast access to what matters: the games.
    Suggested image packs:
    Platform/Playlist Banners (strongly recommended)   
    Platform ClearLogos
    Platform Device Images (also supports videos)
    Requires LaunchBox 9.6.7 or above
    Expect gremlins, I'm new at this
    Currently requires 1080p resolution or equivalent (eg 200% DPI scaling at 2160p). A fix for this is in the works  FIXED! hopefully
    Fix platform quickselect (favs/recent) title font Fix non-displaying A-Z index bar in some game views Add star rating images Adjust margins on wall view (I'm yet to figure out how to do this, the spacing adjustment only seems to apply horizontally).


       (3 reviews)



  8. CityHunter

    If you are a fan of the 80's, lasers, neon, fast cars and cyber punk then this is the theme for you!  All you Cyber Punks Stay Rad.
    Extract CityHunter 2 to "LaunchBox\Themes"
    Choose CityHunter 2 in Options > Views > Theme
    Set Video Playback Engine to VLC or WMP in Options > Videos
    Theme Files:
    CityHunter 2 (theme) Video Files:
    Akira - Neo Tokyo Blame! CityHunter CityHunter 2 Cyber Punk 2077 Eva - 01 Flash Back 2012 - Scanlines Flash Back 2012 The Grid VHS Grid Clear Logo Wheel Set and Banners
    Banners Clear Logos  


       (9 reviews)



  9. Alyssa - A Modern Theme

    This is a modern looking theme. It has 2 platform views and 4 game views. One of the game views is very simalair to the Xbox One Interface.
    There's lots of art included in this theme. I've also created and included some custom playlist banners.
    If anyone wants to create and share any custom art for this theme that would be awesome.
    I intend to add more views. Feel free to offer suggestions.
    To install -- just extract the Alyssa folder into your Launchbox/themes folder.



       (3 reviews)



  10. Play Box

    This is my one & only theme called Play Box that started off as a personal project to what i desired which was a modern look of the sony playstation 4 & Microsoft xbox one consoles user interfaces with nostalgic retro views of classic games. This theme is highly customisasble & has been several months of hard but enjoyable work, I have tested at 1920 x 1080p screen resolution & all seems fine so any positive feedback would be gratefull. 
    Included in my theme is a customisable Username with Avatar picture that you can edit to use your own picture & therefor the picture needs to be 62px x 62px in size. To change the names you can just select the canvas, click & drag a rectangle shape over the names & delete. Then create a new Text & input your own names. This can be done with any editing tool such as Paint 3D in Windows 10, Or you can use the 10 other Presets that i have included. As for Menu control layouts i have created them mostly for Microsoft XBOX One but i have also included Sony Playstation 4 control layouts as an alternative.
    There are 3x Platform views & 11x Game views to choose from all with menu controls.
    I have sourced all fan art backgrounds through google & with them i have created over 350 VideoBorders for modern & classic systems.
    Important note**If  the Background & VideoBorder views do not display properly for a platform on your system, there will most likely be naming conflicts between your platforms & files in my theme. To fix this issue, you must locate these files in the Background & VideoBorder folders of my Play Box theme then change the names to your actual platforms name.
    Unzip the Play Box folder to your Launchbox /Themes directory. 
    Setting up Steam Banners
    Make sure you set Platform & Game images as Steam Banners within the game options in Launchbox. Then for them to be used in the theme correctly set the priority of the boxes view to prioritise Steam Banners first - if you ever want to revert this it is then simply a case of lowering the priority of the steam banners in the boxes list rather than having to remove or reorganise images. To do this open Launchbox and go to Tools --> Options and in the window that appear select Box Front Properties in the Images section and use the Up button to move the Steam Banners to the top of the list.
    Big thanks to Jason Carr, CriticalCid & RetroHumanoid for there Unified themes which has inspired me to create my videoborder views.
    and a thanks to Nosh  for Banners which i have slightly edited to scale to my theme
    A special thanks to Grilla for his Game controller plugin which has enabled me to show the status & battery progress of my Game controllers.



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  11. Radiance

    Here is an early release version of theme Radiance.
    This theme is based around the Aura theme by iGarikoitz.

    Things to note:
    Theme works best with game music. Theme works best when you have 1 boxart image per game. If you have more than 1 boxart image for a game, the box highlight may not work properly. This is because the coverflow will randomly select a boxart image to display, and the box highlight will also randomly select a boxart image to use for sizing the highlight. If they choose differently, then it will look off. There is currently no way to know which image the coverflow will select to display. This theme does not work well if a system has boxart that is not uniform. Custom changes on a per-platform basis need to be made. All system may not be currently covered. If you find a system that is not currently covered, please let me know and I'll look into it.  
    Have fun!
    Faeran - Created the Radiance theme for Launchbox
    iGarikoitz - The inspiration for Radiance, including his Aura and Aura 4k themes for RetroFE
    Tronkyfran - Platform background graphics used from his Tronkyfran theme for Emulation Station


       (2 reviews)



  12. Unified Redux

    Unified Redux is a very slight re-imagining of @CriticalCid's amazing Unified theme, focusing on minor tweaks to improve the experience based on the LaunchBox developer's personal preferences. Changes from the original theme are listed below:
    Rounder wheels Much faster-spinning discs Wheel shadows Videos maintain their aspect ratios Smoother transitions in a few spots Top bar modified to prevent triangle corner overlap issues Version 1.8 - Released March 26, 2019 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.6):
    Fixed several potential issues due to accidentally using the Unified folder instead of the Unified Redux folder Version 1.7 - Released March 25, 2019 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.6):
    Removed several unnecessary plugins for functionality now built-in to LaunchBox\Big Box Modified XAML to better support Big Box 9.5/9.6 (solves several minor visual issues, primarily with text lists) Version 1.6 - Released December 3, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.1):
    Added a new PrioritizedPathSelector plugin, which helps to ensure that proper images are shown for complicated playlist scenarios (multiple fallback priorities, etc.) Version 1.5 - Released November 26, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.1):
    Fixed issue with Arcade/MAME playlists not using proper media Version 1.4 - Released November 15, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.0):
    Pointer images will now change when entering into nested platforms and categories Year and manufacturer text will no longer show up on platform views when those values don't exist Publisher listed in the game details has been changed to developer, which is more important information to display Developer, genre, and play mode text will no longer show up on game views when those values don't exist Ratings displayed in the game views now show your personal rating instead of the community rating, if you've previously rated the game Version 1.3 - Released November 12, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.0):
    Added much better support for the new nested categories and playlists in LaunchBox\Big Box 9.0 (no more black screens) Version 1.2 - Released August 31, 2018:
    Removed Grila's weather plugin. As awesome as it is, it was causing 1-2 second delays loading up every view. Version 1.1 - Released August 30, 2018:
    Background images revamped (and in some cases removed) for common platforms in order to increase readability of the wheels and remove JPEG artifacts (many of the Classics playlists had backgrounds with horrible artifacts from Hyperspin). Thanks to @RetroHumanoid for many of the new backgrounds. Removed the default Big Box logo for platforms or playlists with no logos. Even we're not that in love with the Big Box logo. Added background fanart images for some playlists that will show up if there are no videos for that playlist; previously the theme was showing a black screen in this case. Reduced the size of the theme by over 350 MB by converting the background images from PNGs to maximum-quality JPGs. There is no perceived quality loss and now the theme is less than half the size. Modified/removed some of the video borders with characters in order to better support the new arcade playlists (some of them were irrelevant to arcade games) and make room for arcade flyer images, which used to half-overlap the characters. Highly recommended: Modify your "Images" > "3D Box Priorities" settings in LaunchBox to include "Box - Front" and "Advertisement Flyer - Front" images in order to display regular box or arcade flyer images if no 3D box image exists.
    Please note: You will need to completely delete the previous version of the theme before putting in the new version in order to get all the updates (such as removing the Big Box logo and the space-saving JPG files).
    Demo Video:
    Examples of changes/additions to the 1.1 version of the theme:

    Please see @CriticalCid's original Unified theme for installation and troubleshooting instructions. Requires LaunchBox Big Box 8.0 or greater.
    Huge thanks goes out to @CriticalCid for the original theme, as well as the many different Hyperspin contributors who donated their time and talent to build an awesome, cohesive experience:
    Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames
    hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh
    @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/


       (8 reviews)



  13. Unified & Ultrawide

    Unified & Ultrawide is a new theme based on @CriticalCid's amazing Unified theme. It takes some liberties in order to make the best use of an ultrawide (21x9) monitor.
    Please see @CriticalCid's original Unified theme for installation and troubleshooting instructions.
    Version 1.1 - Released March 26, 2019 (REQUIRES BIG BOX VERSION 9.6 OR LATER):
    Updated to include all the latest features and improvements from Unified Redux 1.7 Version 1.0 - Initial Release
    Huge thanks goes out to @CriticalCid for the theme, as well as the many different Hyperspin contributors who donated their time and talent to build an awesome, cohesive experience:
    Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames
    hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh
    @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/


       (2 reviews)



  14. Estuary

    This theme is based on the default skin used in newer versions of Kodi. It features 5 platform views and 1 game view that displays the boxart and video of the selected game. Included are custom made device logos for over 100 platforms and genre playlists that are used in three of the views. There are two photoshop files that are templates located in the images folder that can be used for anything missing or custom in your set up.
    The theme requires LaunchBox 9.4 as it uses platform specific settings to try to best fit the boxart for each system. This theme is best suited for vertical boxart but will squish/stretch wider images slightly and cut off unnessecary logos (like the platform name) especially for the SNES and N64 consoles. It is designed and tested at 1080p and 4K resolutions.
    Platform View 1 - Uses the custom device logos with a banner image and description
    Platform View 2 - Uses the custom device logos with a video and description
    Platform View 3 - Uses the custom device logos with a larger video
    Platform View 4 - Uses the normal clear logos with a banner image and description
    Platform View 5 - Text list with favorites, recently played, and description
    Game View - Text list using the games boxart and video (screenshot if no video available) with description

    Extract the zip file into the Launchbox\Themes folder.
    Unblock "ListBoxScrollCenter.dll" located in the Plugins folder if needed.
    Install the 3 fonts located in the "Fonts" folder
    While inside BigBox, you may also need to select "Options - Image Cache - Refresh Platform Wheel Images" if the custom device logos are not displaying properly.

    To create spacing between the last platform and the first platform (as seen in the video), create a playlist with at least 1 game in it and fill in the Details tab with the following then add it to as many platforms as needed in the Parents tab:
    Unique Name: Spacer1
    Nested Name: -
    Sort Title: ZZZ
    Multiple playlists can be created with the Unique Name "Spacer2" "Spacer3" Spacer4" etc... while using the same Nested Name & Sort Title.

    I've been working on this theme off and on for a year and was finally motivated to finish it after the recent features added to Launchbox. This is the first time I've coded anything besides very basic html a decade ago. I've learned how to do it by starting with one of the CoverBox themes, stripping it down, experimenting, researching how Xaml works, and seeing how the other themes were created. If there are any issues or anyone has any suggestions or requests, I'll try to help out. I'd like to thank the other theme makers, community members, and @Jason Carr for making LaunchBox so awesome to use and hope everyone keeps up the great work.
    The theme uses ListBox Scroll Center for BigBox by @Grila and the star rating graphics from CoverBox by @faeran . Thank You!
    You can also use the sound pack and startup theme I made to complete the whole package.


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  15. Nosh On This Twice - BigBox Theme

    This is a reboot of my Nosh On This theme with new views, improved performance and a ton of platform category, platform and playlist images. Platform and game background videos are force enabled in the theme settings but you can change that if you like. There is more work I would like to do to the game views and that will be hopefully coming soon. Quick and dirty video of what you can expect below.
    You can either download the entire package which is currently 2.5gb or the no images zip that just contains the theme and download the clear logo, banner and device images separately from the links below.
    Nosh On This Twice - Banners
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Device Logos
    Nosh On This Twice - Clear Logos
    Install the fonts from Fonts.zip and place the theme in your LaunchBox themes folder.
    Other Nosh On This Downloads
    Nosh On This Twice - LaunchBox Theme
    Nosh On This Twice - Black LaunchBox Theme


       (1 review)



  16. Aeon Nox Redux

    AEON NOX v4.1
    This is modern space theme that i originally designed for RetroFE.  I was inspired by other developers and ported it over to BigBox.  Those of you that have tried the first few version under Aeon Nox thank you.  But I still felt it needed something.  Thank you to the incredible work by @keltoigael for the background video and an eye for editing and polish.  This theme has been elevated to a whole new level.
    Date and Time Scrolling text Sliding Animation Custom Graphics and Video Full Screen Theme and Game Video Total Game Count (Category, Platforms and Playlist) (Supports all languages) Supported Views
    Two Platform Views 3 Horizontal Wheel views Cover Flow view two Text Views that have been themed Getting Started
    Unzip Aeon Nox to your Launchbox Themes folder
    Enable platform and game videos
    Switch your View Option to Aeon Nox and enjoy,
    Special Notes
    Tested under 1920 X 1080 display
    @NJDave71 (original design and concept)
    @keltoigael (background Video, Graphics editing and polished look)
    @eatkinola (The resource file for font embedding)
    Starup Video
    Arcade Playlist

    Optional Plugins


       (3 reviews)



  17. RetrAO Cafe

    Enjoy the nostalgic inducing feel of the 80's and 90's era with bright neons, MORE NEONS, the latest in cinematic VHS and the good Ol' CRT effects that will surely awaken the inner 80's child in you.
    RetrAO Cafe started as a theme variation of "Minimal-AO" by @eatkinola with the main focus of recreating a tribute to the golden era of gaming that bloomed through the arcades and home consoles with customized artwork and retro overlay effects that compliments the gaming pop-culture from the past. RetrAO Cafe at its core is based on eatkinola's Minimal-AO thus they share the same Recommendation Setup and general guidelines of the original theme. 
    Moving forward there will be three versions of the RetrAO Cafe theme:
    RetrAO Cafe Classic - This will be the 2017 theme build but with the fixes and quality of life improvements to make it compatible to LB 9.4+ updates. As such, please be aware that this theme will only work on systems with LB 9.4 and above.
    RetrAO Cafe 2.0 - This major overhaul of the theme have been in development for 2 years and includes more than 70 customization options and new features and views, etc. Coming soon 
    RetrAO Cafe Lite - This version of the theme is intended to use light resources for weaker systems and special hardwares such as GPD Win and Pi systems. The development of this theme will continue after the release of RetrAO Cafe Classic and RetrAO Cafe 2.0
    RetrAO Cafe Classic v1.0 Changelog:
    RetrAO Cafe Showcase:
    Installation Guide:
    Extract RetrAO Cafe Classic folder in "RetrAO_Cafe_ Classic.zip" to ...\LaunchBox\Themes Read the supplied text file in the Fonts folder and install theme fonts as per the guideline instructions IMPORTANT: RetrAO Cafe Classic uses plugins as of v1.0 so make sure you unblock the plugins found in ...\LaunchBox\Themes\RetrAO Cafe Classic\Plugins by highlighting Grila's plugin and then mouse right-click-->properties-->then scroll down and check "unblock"-->Apply Choose RetrAO Cafe Classic in Options > Views > Theme Set Video Playback Engine to VLC in Options > Videos Refresh the platform wheel cache under options Restart Big Box OPTIONAL: In order to fully enjoy the theme download the "RetrAO_Cafe_MEDIA_V2.zip" and follow the guidelines on how install Big Box Intro and add additional Background Videos as per the supplied instruction text files Downloads:
    RetrAO_Cafe_Classic.zip: CORE theme file ---> Contains the Theme folder and the Fonts folder that are the only requirement to use this theme (144 MB) RetrAO_Cafe_MEDIA_V2.zip: Optional but highly recommended additional media and theme backgrounds that will enhance the nostalgic experience of the theme (367 MB) Credits:
    @Jason Carr - The BRAINS (Launchbox and Big Box creator)
    @eatkinola - The Architect (Minimal-AO creator, coding senpai)
    @SNAK3ATER - The Designer (RetrAO Cafe landlord)
    @Grila - The Wizard (Many thanks for the ListBox Scroll Center Plugin for BigBox)
    Special thanks and credit goes to @eatkinola for granting his permission and assisting me in finalizing the theme for LB 9.4+.  @ea4492 for the use of his Neon Platform Clear Logos and @keltoigael for granting his permission to include the awesome CityHunter background videos that can be found in the additional media folder in the download section (only included video is CyberPunk 2077, check out the rest of his amazing work Here). Also hats off to @dmjohn0x for his amazing intro video that is included in the additional media folder (permission granted), and last but not least @Zombeaver for the usage of his Platform Banners in the video showcase which can be downloaded Here. 


       (2 reviews)



  18. Unified Refried 2.0

    What's different in 2.0?
    *This replaces the old version of Refried entirely. DO NOT merge this new version with the old one.
    *All platform addon themes from the first version of Refried have been merged into one single addon called "Queso Fresco" (because it tastes great on top of refried beans...that's why). Therefore all of those older addon themes are no longer needed.
    *Requires Launchbox 9.4 or above to function properly
    *Revised Install instructions (please read them below if you are just starting out with the theme)
    *Added custom controller icons for play modes in the game description on some systems...this will get finished in the future
    *More great additions made by Ghostlines to the theme
    *Added the fullscreen video view to all platforms (view 4)
    *Improved the artwork slightly for the Big Box options menus
    Important note**If you install this theme,and the artwork does not display properly for a platform on your system,then more than likely it is a naming conflict between your platform and the files in the theme. To fix this issue,you must locate these files and change the name to your actual platforms name:
    1.Images/Theme/Background/(name of your platform that is mislabeled)
    2.Images/Theme/VideoBorder/(name of your platform that is mislabeled)
    If you install the Queso Fresco addon as well,then you must also rename the custom view xaml files to your platform name.
    I set out to make an alternate version to the beautiful Unified theme,with modifications here and there,yet,as I worked on it more and more,I started to go a different direction slightly...and thus Refried was born. This theme is built to focus on artwork,and showcase each system in bright colorful high definition artwork. I have drawn all new original arcade cabinets,and designed custom borders for each platform,which set each system apart from each other,while maintaining a unified appearance across the board.
    The main difference between this,and many other themes that are out there...are the video borders. When using the Default theme,all video borders are the same size across the entire theme...but,when using the addons,the video borders will then fit the system properly...so that the video for Game Boy Advance,will fit the GBA Video Border...and the PSP video,will fit the PSP Video Border. In other words,by using the custom view addons,it allows the theme to represent the system perfectly...rather than the same size border for everything.
    This theme is more than capable of running without a single addon theme installed,and only using the Default...the addons are merely to extend the experience of each system,with special added artwork,and tweaks.On the other hand,the Addons rely on the Default themes structure,and will not work without the default theme installed.
    There are multiple views included with the default theme,including -
    1.Border with No Box/Cart/Disc Art
    2.Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art
    3.Border with Box/Spinning Cart/Disc Art
    4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel
    5.Border Text List View with Box/Cart/Disc Art
    The Queso Fresco addon has 5 views -
    1.Special Artwork/Special Border with No Box/Cart/Disc Art
    2.Special Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art  (With wheel fade)
    3.Special Border with Box/Cart/Disc Art  (No wheel fade)
    4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel
     5.Special Border Text List View with Box/Cart/Disc Art
    **If the system has CD's/Discs,then the Disc will spin in Views 2 and 3...but,if the system has carts or floppies,then they will not spin in views 2 and 3.
    The Arcade portion of the Queso Fresco addon has 5 views -
    1.Dynamic Marquees with Character Artwork
    2.No Dynamic Marquees with Character Artwork
    3.Dynamic Marquees with Advert/Flyers
    4.Full Screen Video w/Centered enlarged wheel
    5.Text List View with Advert/Flyers/Cabinets
    With the Queso Fresco addon installed,the arcade platforms are capable of displaying Video Marquees for each game,as well as regular marquees, in the marquee area of the cabinets (Some samples are included,and more are on the way)*
    Any Video Marquees must be placed in "LaunchBox/Themes/Unified Refried/Images/Theme/Addons/_Arcade/Video Marquees/" and must be in mp4 format
    In order to make this work properly,you must go into LaunchBox options,and change the priority for Cart Back Image to Arcade - Marquee,and uncheck anything else.
    1.Download the Default theme (Unified Refried) ,and place it in your "Launchbox/Themes" folder
    2.If you have not done so,you will need to unblock the Plugins...This does not have to be done for every addon theme,as unblocking them once,in the default,is all that is necessary...excerpt taken from unified description -

    3.Set the theme to "Unified Refried" in Options/Views/Theme
    4.If installing any of the addons,simply unzip the addon,and open the folder that was created. In this case we will use the Queso Fresco addon as an example.
    5.Place the two folders (Images and Views) into the Unified Refried default theme folder,merging the folders when prompted.
    6.That's it! ....When you load up Big Box,the artwork should be changed to the Queso Fresco alternate art.
    Pictures of Installation process for those that need them...If this is your first time using Refried you can skip step 1
    @RetroNi for the use of his Logo set.
    @CriticalCid for his theme Unified,as I used alot of his coding as a base for the assembly of this theme.
    @kyoken @neil9000 @bundangdon @zetec-s-joe @Retro808 @Porl Hendy for their feedback during testing.
    @faeran for his help early on in the development stages.
    @Jason Carr because I used a bit of code from his Redux version,and took on some of his ideas from the changes he made
    @NJDave71 for his HelperControl plugin
    @bmonomad @Suhrvivor for their work on the Community Star Ratings,Favorites,and Play Mode code,which formed the base for implementing it into this theme
    @Ghostlines for his additions to the theme

    Current Platform list covered by the theme -
    Ghostlines Additions
    Current Playlists covered by the theme -
    The Platform/Playlist video set can be found here...
    The Platform/Playlist Logo set can be found here...


       (13 reviews)



  19. Aeon MQ7 [Preview Version]

    This is a loose port / interpretation of the Aeon MQ7 skin for Kodi. It’s one of my absolute favorite skins for Kodi and was a huge inspiration for my first BigBox theme: CriticalZone
    After @NJDave71 already brought Aeon Nox to BigBox I thought it would be time to bring Aeon MQ as well.
    This theme was designed for 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios and tested on 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 resolutions!
    This is just an early preview version that I built last September. Due to my new job I hadn’t much time to finish it up as an extensive theme like CriticalZone. I used the holidays to polish the Views that I already had as I don’t want to just sit on it any longer and I have definitely planned to add a ton of new Games Views to this, but I don’t know when I will find the time to do it. So for now just take it as it is and tell me what you think about it and what do you wish for potential updates.
    This theme currently features 4 Platforms and 3 Games Views.
    How to install:
    1.    Just download the archive and extract it to:  “..\LaunchBox\Themes\”
    2.    Go to the “Plugins” folder inside of the extracted folder and right-click on of the .dll file. Choose Properties -> Click on “Unblock” at the bottom of the window. Close the window. If the "Unblock" button isn't there than you are already good to go.
    3.    Open the Options menu in BigBox -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to "Aeon MQ7".
    IMPORTANT: This theme requires at least LB v9.4 to work properly!
    Showcase video of the Game Views by @pipes78
    I like to thank the following persons for their indirect help to create this theme:
    @eatkinola for his guide on how to add fonts as a plugin
    And of course everyone who was working on the original Aeon MQ skin!
    Known issues:
    - The navigation for the game boxes doesn’t work in the Horizontal Wheel Platforms View 1
    - The available space for the horizontal scrolling text gets smaller the higher the DPI settings are on your PC.


       (4 reviews)



  20. Unified

    This theme is a port of the HyperSpin Unified Widescreen Megatheme project, which was originally started by gibbawho and continued by many other talented artists over the years. It’s supposed to bring a unified look (hence the name) across all platforms while giving every platform it’s own individual touch.
    I’ve tried to stay very close to the original look and feel but also took some creative freedom, especially when it comes to the new fading info panel at the bottom of the screen.
    This theme was designed for 16:9 screens and display resolutions only. Big Box will automatically scale itself to a 16:9 aspect ratio when you use a different aspect ratio on your machine.
    Individual Artwork for a lot of different platforms and playlists + some alternatives you can choose from Matches with the Unified platform video set from EmuMovies Fully animated wheel pointer Spinning discs for disc-based platforms Various other custom animations Templates to build your own platform artwork are included as .psd files Brings a small taste of the HyperSpin feeling to your Big Box setup  
    Currently featured Views:
    Games Text List View: 3D Box Games Vertical Wheel View 1: 3D Box Games Vertical Wheel View 2: 3D Box + static cart/disc Games Vertical Wheel View 3: 3D Box + rotating disc Games Vertical Wheel View 4: Fullscreen video  
    Platform Vertical Wheel View 1: Fullscreen video + scrolling text Platform Vertical Wheel View 2: Fullscreen video without scrolling text More Views are planned, so stay tuned.
    The theme includes artwork for the following 498 Platforms/Playlists:
    The theme will also display a default artwork for Platforms/Playlists which are not yet covered or wrongly named.
    How to install:
    This theme only works on LaunchBox version 9.4 or higher!
    Just download the archive and extract it to:  “..\LaunchBox\Themes\” Go to the “Plugins” folder inside of the extracted folder and right-click on the .dll file. Choose Properties -> Click on “Unblock” at the bottom of the window. Close the window. If the "Unblock" button isn't there than you are already good to go. Open the Options menu in Big Box -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to "Unified". Change the “Games List View” and “Platforms List View” to one of the currently featured Views that are listed above. Make sure that in the Big Box Options -> Views –> “Show Games List Title” is enabled. Info: Never rename the theme folder! The theme folder has to be named exactly "Unified" or the theme won't work properly! (that's btw. an universal tip for all other themes as well)
    Known issues:
    The logo of the Platform/Playlist and the individual video border don't show up in the Game Details screen and the theme displays the generic Big Box logo and metallic video border instead when it gets opened through any other Games View than the Text List View.
    Tips for tweaking your LaunchBox setup for this theme:
    In LaunchBox: Tools -> Options -> Cart Front Priorities -> Select all Cart and Disc related entries, deselect everything else. In Big Box: Options ->Transitions -> Change "Game Image/Video Transition” to “Fade” In Big Box: To avoid spinning cart art go to: Options -> Views -> Make sure that „Remember separate View for each platform” is checked. Than go either to the Keyboard Mappings or the Controller Buttons settings and set up a key/button for “Switch View”. Now you can go back to your platforms and switch the games Views for each platform individually on the fly. Use the Unified Platform videos from EmuMovies for an overall uniform look. You can either download them as free user from the EmuMovies website or if you are an EmuMovies premium user you can get them directly through LaunchBox under: Tools -> "Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos".  
    Individual platform artwork not showing up?:
    The media files that are inside the “..\LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme\..” folder have to be named exactly like your platforms inside LaunchBox. I've went with the HyperList/RocketLauncher naming conventions for the filenames in this package.
    If Big Box doesn’t show any individual artwork for a system that is listed above you may need to manually rename the relevant files for that platform in all four sub-folders.
    Also make sure that in the Big Box Options -> Views –> “Show Games List Title” is enabled!
    Discs are not spinning / showing up?:
    Make sure you have the right Games List View selected and Disc images in your Cart Image Priorities enabled (see the tips section of this download description).

    Thanks and Credits:
    @ninja2bceen for creating the default and various other pointers All the artists who created the original HyperSpin themes, pointers and other work that helped me to create this theme (please contact me if I have forgotten someone!): Gibbawho @Styphelus Unknown50862 @Klopjero Neonrage @knewlife @Creloce Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames @ninja2bceen @THK adamg @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/ Rkh Rondar @scooter1974 Zinger19 Aloner187 @guyverjay MetalThrix SophT Ledgerewskie hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh @viking @bmonomad @Jason Carr  


       (40 reviews)



  21. CriticalZone / CriticalZone - BlueBox

    Here you can download alternative versions of the CriticalZoneV2 theme that comes bundled with every LaunchBox installation.

    CriticalZone is a BigBox theme designed for the usage of widescreen platform videos and utilizes videos as backgrounds.
    This theme was designed for widescreen displays with 16:9 aspect ratios and optimized for a display resolution of 1920x1080. It will also work with other widescreen resolutions and 16:10 aspect ratios but it may not look as polished.
    Available Versions:
    - CritcalZoneV2 - BlueBox: A blue color variant of CriticalZoneV2. It features blue texts instead of green and has a different Default background created by @SentaiBrad
    - BackgroundVideoOnly: All Views, except the TextList Views, will only use video loops as backgrounds. Also available as BlueBox version.
    - BackgroundFanartOnly: All Views will only use Fanart images as backgrounds. Also available as BlueBox version. -> Use this version if you have performance problems!
    - 1.8: The original and now old version of CriticalZone. It's officially EOL and won't get supported by me in any way. It's just still here for archiving reasons.
    There’s also a red 80’s/Cyberpunk themed version of CriticalZone called “CityHunter”. It’s maintained by @keltoigael and can be found here:
    How to install:
    Just download the version of choice and extract the archive into:
    Open the Options menu in BigBox -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to the version you just have installed.
    IMPORTANT: CriticalZone V2 requires LaunchBox v7.11 or higher!
    Known issues:
    - The description texts in all Platform Views and CoverFlowWithDetails Games View won’t fill the whole space of the descriptions box when you use CriticalZone with a higher DPI setting than 100% or a lower display resolution than 1902x1080. It gets progressively worse the higher the DPI settings and/or lower the resolution is.
    Thanks & Credits:
    Thanks to @SentaiBrad for creating the new Default background video for the BlueBox variant.
    Background video of the standard version: In The Deep - FREE Video Background Loop HD 1080p by NIZ.co (http://niz.co/wp/)


       (5 reviews)



  22. Holly

    This is a theme that I've been hacking away at for a while.
    It has 4 views -- A fullscreen video view with and without scanlines and a widescreen view with and without scanlines.
    I included all the playlist logos that I created.
    I was inspired by the Chicuelo theme.
    Just exact the folder "Holly" into your themes directory and install the font.



       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  23. PASC V3.zip

    ·       The UI has been re-designed
    ·     5 Views per Platform and Game (4 x Horizontal and 1 Text)
    ·       The supplied Configurator.exe makes it easy for the end user to personalize the Theme from color options, wallpaper, video borders, video border overlays and the use of Clear Logos, Boxes etc..
    ·       Contains a new plugin, game genre and play modes are now represented with the use of icons!! The typical “Action;Platformer;Shooter” text is no more!
    ·       Code and graphics have been optimized, ensuring the user experience is not degraded even when the Theme is running on a lower spec system.
    Note:  Theme works very very well on a GPD Win2, no performance issues whatsoever.
    Thank you to the following: -
    A very special thank you to @Rincewind, his valuable time, contributions and ideas pushed me to develop a far greater theme than I had originally planned or imagined.
    1. Unblock the .zip file once downloaded
    2. Install the 3 fonts located in the fonts subfolder
    3. Click the PASC V3 Configurator.exe  - This will allow you to personalize the appearance.
    Customization Examples



       (2 reviews)



  24. Coverbox - Sega 32X

    Giving full credit to faeran for creating the great coverbox themes originally I present a modified Genesis theme to fit the Sega 32X. It includes the original copperplate font referenced by the theme.
    Unzip the file to your Launchbox/Themes directory
    Install the copperplate font located in the fonts folder if you haven't already
    navigate to your 32X platform in bigbox
    set the theme to coverbox 32X
    I thank faeran for their great work on these and hope I'm not coming off as crass by aping these and making mods to them.


       (0 reviews)



  25. CoverBox - Sega Saturn.zip

    I have tried my hand at modifying the fantastic coverbox Sega CD theme by faeran to fit the Sega Saturn. I included the Saturn font inside the Fonts folder.
    Unzip the file to your Launchbox/Themes directory
    Go to the fonts folder and install the SegaSaturn font
    Go to bigbox and open your Sega Saturn window.
    Choose the CoverBox - Sega Saturn theme.
    Full credit to faeran for creating the theme. I just made some small modifications to it.


       (0 reviews)



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