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Third-party Apps and Plugins

216 files

  1. Mame No-Nag Updated Monthly, Current Version:

    **This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    Contents: mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    This version also allows the games Akai Katana and Dodonpachi Saidaioujou  to be played.
    It's advisable to download the full mame official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    If you are using your own installed/setup of mame then make sure you also set in the mame.ini  'Skip_gameinfo  1'
    If you got Launchbox to setup mame for you when asked, you only need to replace the exe and play.
    As some are not sure about  False Positives, and report a virus was detected, As goes for all versions i upload, they are all ran through virustotal before i upload, and if by any chance something did end up with an issue it would be noticed very quickly after upload and would be removed/restricted.
    0.275 - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f3dbd8d54625431dc87389dc995040293e5fbee0033a305c832eb1f6d8f18975
    All NEW versions of the No-Nag will be posted in this download thread only, if you wish to get the new releases every month, either follow myself or the thread, As the download section will not show any new releases.


       (13 reviews)



  2. Community Theme Creator

    Manuals / How to
    Refer to my YouTube channel or visit Faeran's Theme Creator Workshop videos to better understand the new features.
    Dave Paterson - YouTube
    Development Live Streams - YouTube
    COMMUNITY Theme Creator - Patreon


       (20 reviews)



  3. Bulk change game Titles to Alternate Names (by Region)

    Game Title - Alternate Name
    Inspired from a comment by @AstroBob (December 2024)
    Challenge accepted. 😎

    Some (many?) games have Alternate Names and are saved as such when metadata is scraped from the LaunchBox Games Database.  These are generally used for different Regions.
    Using this plugin, you can bulk change the game Titles in a Platform to an Alternate Name found for a selected Region.

    Requires LaunchBox v13.19 (or newer)

    Download and extract the contents of the download into your /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder.
        i.e.  D:/LaunchBox/Plugins/GameTitle-AlternateName/GameTitle-AlternateName.dll

    Start LaunchBox From the Tools menu, select Game Title - Alternate Name Select a Platform Select a Region     Only possible Alternate Name Regions for games in that platform will be shown.     If the Alternate Name doesn't have a Region. it will be listed as [Blank] Click Change Titles
    If a game doesn't have an Alternate Name for the selected Region, nothing will change for that game.
    If any of the games have more than one Alternate Name for the selected Region, you have the option to:
        (default) manually select the Title for each game having more than one Title for that Region     (optional) replace the game Title with the 1st one it finds for the selected Region (check Select First Title)     

    If you didn't check Select First Title (default):
    When clicking Change Titles, after the games that had a single Title for the Region are updated, you will be shown a list of games that have multiple Titles for the selected region. Select a game, then double-click the Title you wish to use.

    Updates (internet connection required)
    If an (U)pdate for this plugin has been released on the forums,
    The plugin title in the Tools menu will show as: (U) Game Title - Alternate Name (The addition of (U) at the beginning) At the top of the plugin window, it will show "Update available" Click the Info/Support icon, then click the Update Available button. This will open the plugins download page in your default browser.
    As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, requests and comments and welcome.
    "Be good Humans."  (Brian Phelps)


       (2 reviews)



  4. LaunchBox Games Database Image Viewer-Plus

    View and add images from the LaunchBox Games Database directly to your game. 
    Compare images you already have against the database. 
    Remove images from your collection.

    Scenario #1:
    You're looking through your collection and you notice a game is missing an image. (An Arcade Cabinet in this case)

    Solution #1:
    Edit the game Go to Media < Images Click Download Media Click Uncheck All Check Arcade Cabinet Switch to the EmuMovies tab Click Uncheck All Click Download Arrow through the images until you get to the newly added images Find the one you want and click Remove Image on each of the others Click OK to save Solution #2:
    Open this plugin Click Arcade - Cabinet Double-click which image you want to add Close the plugin
    Scenario #2:
    You have multiple Arcade Cabinet images in your collection, and you've discovered you can only ever see one-at-a-time.
    Solution #1:
    Edit the game Go to Media < Images Arrow through the images until you get to the Arcade - Cabinet Images Arrow through each one until you decide on which one you want to keep Click Remove Image on each of the others Click OK to save Solution #2:
    Open this plugin Switch to Local Images Right-click the image(s) you don't want and select Remove Image Close the plugin
    An internet connection An associated LaunchBox Games Database ID# for the selected game
    Download and extract the contents of the download into your /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder.
        i.e.  D:/LaunchBox/Plugins/LBDBimages/LBDBimages.dll

    Start LaunchBox Right-Click a game Select LB Games db Images * *If a game does not have an associated LaunchBox Games Database ID#, the menu option will be disabled.

    Switch between the LBDB Images and your games' [Local] Images (lower right corner)
    LBDB Images view:
    Select a filter on the left to view only those image types
    Double-click an image to add it to your game
    Check Hide images you already have to not show...yup...images you already have **
    Local Images view:
    Select a filter on the left to view only those image types
    Right-click an image and select Remove Image to remove it from your collection
    **This only checks for an exact CRC32 match between the database images and your local images.  "Pretty close" is not an "exact match".
    Click the DB Id # to navigate to the LaunchBox Games Database webpage for that game (opens into your default browser)
    Mouse-over an image to see its image type and region (if available)

    Plugin Updates: 
    If an (U)pdate for this plugin has been released on the forums,
        a) the plugin title in the right-click game menu will show as: (U) LB Games db Images
        b) At the top of the plugin window, it will show Update available
    Click the Info/Support icon, then click the Update Available button. This will open the plugins download page in your default browser.

    As always, all thoughts, views, suggestions, opinions and accolades are welcome.
    "Be excellent to each other."  (Bill S. Preston, Esq)


       (2 reviews)



  5. Unofficial RetroAchievements 1G1R DATs and CUEs/GDIs.

    These are 1G1R (1 Game 1 Rom) DAT files that are used with rom managers such as ClrMamePro and RomVault to scan for RetroAchievements-compatible roms in your collection. There are also CUE and GDI files that are compatible with the DATs. These will be updated beginning of every month and if there's any major issues/problems that need to be fixed that can't wait for the next month, I'll fix and update them ASAP. Please feel free to notify me of any errors/problems you encounter and/or suggestions you may have.
    Please note that as of 27/02/2025, I will not be releasing an update for the next 1 to 2 months +- due to restructuring the dats, but once they're all done, I should be able to keep them accurately up to date more often than once a month.


       (4 reviews)



  6. Super Pause Menu

    This is the download page for Chadmando's Super Pause Menu. For installation instructions and further information about Super pause menu please visit the main discussion page.
    UPDATE  Feb.23/25 - 2.4.0
    Added a strategy guide menu! Place any amount of strategy guide files within the strategy guide game folder and a new menu item will be added to the main pause screen called "Strategy Guides". The last open strategy guide page will automatically be bookmarked, available to be recalled during, or even on the next play session. Supported file types are image files including jp2 files within a folder OR a .zip, .cbz, .7z, .cbr, .rar, .pdf, archive, or even a .txt file. The strategy guide filename (minus extension) will be the name used on the Strategy guide menu. The default strategy guide folder will be located in Launchbox\super pause menu\Strategy Guides\[Platform]\[Game Title] or Launchbox\super pause menu\Strategy Guides\[Platform]\[Rom Filname (minus .ext)]. The strategy guide root folder and the sizing attributes can be changed on page 6 of the "Customize Menu" option in the Super pause menu settings (Located in tools -> Super Pause Menu Settings in Launchbox). The conversion process can take a bit of time, the quickest method would be to use non-jp2 images in a folder, rather than an archive. The longest loading time would be an archive file containing a bunch of Jp2 images. .txt conversion can take a bit of time as well (converting it to a multi-"page" image). Added sqlite3 dll to help store more complex information, such as the strategy guide bookmarks. Included imagemagick convert program in resources to convert jp2 images to regular .jpg images that Super Pause Menu can handle. Added folder, .zip, .7z, .rar, .txt support for manuals. Changed the default "Back" menu key to escape, instead of delete to avoid incidental deletion of anything. Added some basic emulator settings for Yuzu emulator (Nintendo Switch). Added some emulator settings for Daphne emulator Added some extra .bat support. If launchbox/bigbox runs a .bat file for an emulator, which then in turns launches an emulator executable (such as may be needed for Daphne), super pause menu will wait 10 seconds for the emulator to launch after the .bat file. Enabled forceful activation to EPSXE emulator Changed the font sizing to all custom profiles so it can fit in "Strategy Guides". Changed font size handling on the main menu to avoid any single menu item taking up multiple lines Super Pause Menu will now delete the temp folder it creates after a play session in the super pause menu folder Added a "Loading..." animation to the Strategy guide and manual selection. Tested with LB/BB version 13.19

    UPDATE  Jan. 08/25 - 2.3.1
    Fixed an issue if someone had an incorrectly labelled .cbr file as a cbz, and vice versa, it will now try opening up the manuals as the opposite file type if there are issues the first time. Added logic so the menu will display the word "Error!" within the gui breifly if the cbr or cbz file has issues opening (ie, no contents in the file). Changed how the menu retrieves the manual pages when "turned" for better performance. Uploaded the proper settings file, accidentally compiled the wrong one into the last package. UPDATE  Jan. 08/25 - 2.3.0:
    Added CBR and CBZ support for manuals Updated settings program, now has "alternative manual root folder" selection. Will be used for launchbox and attract-mode for CBZ, CBR manuals. Can be used in conjunction with launchbox's pdfs. Updated launchbox dll plugin from .net core 3.1 to 6. Can now push game filepath to the pause menu Updated default emulator profile for mame for the default hotkeys for v 0.273. Ensure your command line parameters for mame  are "-keyboardprovider dinput" inside of Launchbox. For attract-mode (and +) Command arguments in would be [name] -keyboardprovider dinput Added a folder in \Super pause menu\Emulators for older emulator hotkey configs. Called "Older and alt emulator configs" Changed the pause/unpause button in mame to F5 to match the new mame default keys. If a game were to be closed externally while the pause menu screen was up, there is potential for the game to be muted on next launch. I added some logic to unmute on the next launch if that were the case. Removed manual folder path option in the attract mode plugin menu, can change the setting in the settings.exe
    New CBR, CBZ options on the last page of the Customize menu page. The default root folder is Launchbox\Super pause menu\Manuals, but can be changed. Supporting the standard launchbox filename convention of special characters replaced by underscores, but they can also have the same filenames as your game files. It will look for CBR,CBZ and PDF files. Can be used in conjunction with launchbox's pdf manuals.
    UPDATE  Jan. 03/25 - 2.2.0:
        Added a highlight border for around the selection menu. This can be disabled or enabled on page three of the Customize menu settings in Tools->Super Pause Menu Settings. The border can be used independently of the highlight bar.     Pre-loaded sounds into memory to speed up the menu     Passed on the new custom hotkeys items to the preview launcher.      Added a plugin for attract-mode and attract mode + compatibility. Super Pause menu.nut is now included in the plugins folder, but is not needed for LaunchBox/Bigbox, it can be deleted.     Included a Manual file named "Super Pause Menu Manual.pdf" in the Super Pause Menu Folder.     Created a new default profile theme with a different background image. The original profile can still be used if wanted, renamed "LB Classic". UPDATE  Dec. 12/24 - 2.1.0:
    Added a highlighted menu selection bar to more closely match the look of launchbox default menus. The bar is added by default, but can be disabled, or you can change the color if wanted in Tools->Super Pause Menu Settings->Customize menu (page 3). Disabled the highlight bar in my arcade theme. I prefer the look without it. Changed the color of the highlighted font of my gameboy theme to accomodate the selection bar. Changed the color of the highlighted font of my PS1 theme to accomodate the selection bar. Changed the color of the highlighted font of my PS2 theme to accomodate the selection bar. Changed the font size of the default theme to 40 Fixed Y alignment issue on main page with more than 7 items (Old limit) If you want to update from v2.0.0 you can just copy and replace over Super Pause Menu\Super Pause Menu.exe and Super Pause Menu\Settings.exe from the zip file into the Launchbox\Super Pause\ Menu folder. If you want my updated themes copy over whichever .ini files you want from the zip file Super pause menu\Profiles\ into Launchbox\Super pause menu\Profiles\.
    UPDATE  Dec. 9/24 - 2.0.0:
    Fixed a controls menu issue. Added the ability for the user to add their own menu items to the main menu. When the menu item is selected it will execute a customized AutoHotkey script. The menu item can be specific to all games in the emulator or specific to a platform, or even just a single game. For now I maxed it out to 20 custom menu items per emulator, but I can change that if anyone wants the choice in the future. This can be handy for swapping discs, switching out memory packs, changing controllers, etc.
    To update to this version from V1.9.9 you can simply replace the old settings.exe and Super Pause Menu.exe from inside the zip file folder name "Super Pause Menu" to your Super Pause Menu folder located in the launchbox folder. -The options are located in the settings program in Emulator hotkeys->Custom Hotkeys.
    -Use the drop down menus to choose if you want the script to be specific to the emulator, platform, or game. If the games/platform drop downs are blank, you will need to launch a game with the chosen emulator/platform with the pause menu activated for it to be added to the history. Enter the script you want and save it. The menu label will then be saved to the menu items list. You can choose a another blank item from the Menu Item list if you wish to add another. The items will be displayed in the Menu Item numerical order to the pause menu underneath Save State and Load State (if they are enabled).
    -You may want/need to change your font size to fit all your menu items on the screen. This can be located on the third page of the "Customize Menu" option.
    UPDATE  Nov. 10/24 - 1.9.9:
    Fixed a font sizing issue between saving/loading and the main menu Added some limited support for attract mode front end emulator UPDATE  Jun. 6/24 - 1.9.8:
    Added the ability to add up to 20 custom pictures anywhere on any custom profile, or to use some of launchbox's resources if wanted instead. Launch super Pause Menu Settings from launchbox's tools, when the settings program opens choose your emulator of choice, click on "Customize Menu",  you will find Additional Images drop down menu to select an existing or new (blank) image for the profile, then click on the EDIT/ADD/Remove button Added an alignment calculator to get more precise image alignments in both the main menu, and also in the additional images menu. When launched from the additional images menu it will grab the current profile's background image's width and height, as well as the current custom selected image sizing attributes. You can use this to help make more pixel precise alignment measurements, using the pixel sizing of the background image to convert your custom image measurements into a percentage (so it will look the same on different resolutions). This program is independent of the settings program and you can launch as many as needed. Cleaner layout on the "Customize menu" options in the settings program. Updated all my default profiles to include images except for the arcade profile Changed font for gameboy advance emulator Re-fixed menu flickering by adding double buffering Updated the addons .DLL to include more Launchbox/Bigbox images Tested on launchbox/bigbox 13.14 on windows 11 UPDATE May. 22/21 - v1.9.6: Fixed Dinput joystick support, added XY axis input for dinput analog sticks. Added anti-lockup measures to suspended emulators. If the emulator is unable to resume after a suspension, the pause menu will force kill the emulator after 5 seconds. Tweaked the behavior of the pause menu to resume games for better compatibility. Tested in launchbox/BigBox version 11.11.
    UPDATE May. 18/21 - v1.9.6: Changed the way the menu launches for better compatibility. Re-compiled the .dll, should have fixed issue where the settings program sometimes would not launch from the tools menu of launchbox. Tested in launchbox version 11.11.
    UPDATE Mar. 27/2021 - v1.9.5:
    Added multiple monitor support! The pause menu will now detect whichever monitor your emulator is running (if it is the active application) and will automatically open up on that monitor. This came with much more hurdles to overcome with font scaling issues, but I am pleased with the end result. Added a mute emulator option in the settings program under the "Emulator Settings" page. The Pause menu is now more bigbox/launchbox aware, when opened with these launchers it will ignore and not latch on to any external running emulators. Semi-fixed a weird issue where the menu would not launch if the a game was launched twice. I think this is a restriction with of how launchbox handles opening applications before starting a game. Since I am not so saavy with visual basic, I opted for a workaround. The menu will now remain silently open after closing a game. If it detects another launch of the same emulator it will assume it is that same game and reload itself with the same profile, images , layout, etc. From my limited testing so far I have had no issues with the menu not opening anymore. This comes with the added bonus of launching the manual instantly on the second launch. Added context menu items for the pause menu icon in the notification area. Reload, and Settings. Added a Launch/reload Pause menu button to the settings program for testing out new layouts/hotkeys. UPDATE Mar.14/2021 - v1.9.0: Added the ability to simultaneously use the keyboard and joystick to control the menu! The "Menu Keys" menu within the settings program is now separated into two sections. The default joystick mapping is Xinput controller 1, the pause key is the guide button, up and down on the D pad for navigation, A for select and B is for back.
    Added a sounds option within Customize Menu to disable/enable navigation sounds, and added a new profile theme for gameboy advance, where it uses the gameboy screen for the save/load screenshots. The background image is not my own creation, just wanted to add something new. I added the new theme to retroarch and visualboy advance emulators.
    I think I finally ironed out all the DPI/Scaling issues. Since I have a 4K monitor myself I wanted to make sure it looks the same in 4K as it did in any other resolution. The pause menu should now detect the dpi settings of the monitor of the active window, and adjust accordingly. While testing out I was able to switch resolutions/text scaling on the fly and the menu looked the same after every launch.
    UPDATE Mar.10/2021 - v1.8.0: Added a controls menu! When an image exists, a new Controls item will be added to your pause menu. I have also changed the menu font sizes of all the provided profiles to be able to fit all the items on the screen. The menu will look for images placed in \LaunchBox\Super pause menu\Images\Controls\[Platform Name]\ or \LaunchBox\Super pause menu\Images\Controls\[Platform Name]\[Game Name]\ . The images can be any filename with a png, gif, jpg, or jpeg extension. If multiple images exist within the same folder, one will be selected at random. This new setting can be disabled within the settings program. I have personally found the best look is to have a transparent background, as you can see in the screenshot below. I may get my girlfriend to make me up some nice Xbox/PS4 Controller layouts for all my default profiles.
    The above example controller image was found here:
    https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/36435-request-show-controller-mappings-before-launching-game/ Created by The IVI
    I also added a new option to use the Cart/Disk 3D or 2D image to replace the menu title.

    UPDATE Mar.8/2021 - v1.7.1: Fixed some clock flickering issues that were really bad with 4k resolutions, changed the Default background to Default.png for better consistency, fixed a window sizing issue at the launch of the menu.
    UPDATE Mar.7/2021 - v1.7.0: Added sounds to the menu navigation to give it a little more life. The sounds folder is located in Launchbox/Super pause menu/Sounds/Default. Currently the three sound files are for Back, Move, and select. You can replace these files if you like, or if you prefer to have no sounds you can delete this folder altogether. I plan on adding some settings options for this feature in the future.
    UPDATE Mar.5/2021 - v1.6.0: Added animated gif support to backgrounds using activeX IE plugin, requested by Krakerman a while back. Semi-fixed broken platform image title option in "Customize menu -> Replace menu title with image if it exists".  When used it will look for your platforms clear logo image in \LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\[Platform Name]\Clear Logo\[Platform Name].png, jpeg, or jpg.
    UPDATE Feb.28/2021 - v1.5 FIXED: Super Pause Menu wasn't working at all in Launchbox 11.9, but was working in the 11.10-2 beta. The new dll in this version works for both versions of Launchbox.
    UPDATE Feb.27/2021 - v1.5: Super pause menu version 1.5, now with a profile switcher! (Upgraded, tested and working with launchbox version 11.0 Beta 2). For best compatibility I would ask that you remove any previous versions the pause menu by deleting the "Super pause menu" folder in your launchbox directory, as well as delete any old versions of "Super Pause Menu.dll" located in launchbox/plugins/ .

    With the new profile switcher you can now share a common graphical theme among different emulator profiles, as well it will allow you to link multiple different themes with a single emulator profile.
    This is good for emulators that can run multiple systems, such as retroarch. The pause menu will automatically choose the graphical profile associated with whatever platform you are playing on, if you have designated one for it. If no associated profile is designated for that platform, it will load up the desired default graphical profile.
    In order to access the profile switcher settings you'll have open launchbox go to -> Settings (the three horizontal lines) -> Super Pause Menu Settings. Double click on an emulator profile to load it's settings and then click on the "Customize Menu Button". There you will see a drop down menu at the top where it says profile:

    The default graphical profile for that emulator will be encased in **stars**. To add more profiles to that specific emulator click on "New/Add/Remove". You will then be given a list of profiles you can add to that emulator.
    If you've launched a game before with the Super pause menu enabled, it will store the name of the launched game platform and you will see it added to the list on the left hand side.

    Highlight any of the platform names and click add>> to associate it with that emulator. For any emulators labeled <Unused> It will automatically create a new theme profile using default settings which you can then modify to your liking.
    Once you are done adding your themes, you can close that window and you will see all your selected profiles have been added to the drop down menu. Simply click on one of the drop down names and you can modify any of it's settings within the "Customize Menu" tab.

    You can change the default profile by pressing the "Set as default" button. This will be the theme the pause menu reverts to if it cannot find a theme associated with the launched platform game. The default theme will be encased in **Stars**.



       (0 reviews)



  7. Flashpoint Importer for Launchers

    FIL (Flashpoint Importer for Launchers)
    FIL is an importer tool for several launchers/frontends that allows one to add platforms and playlists from BlueMaxima's Flashpoint project to their collection. It is fully automated and only requires the user to provide the paths to their launcher and Flashpoint installs, choose which Platforms/Playlists they wish to import, and select between a few import mode options. Once the import is started the current progress is displayed and any errors that occur are shown to the user, with resolvable errors including a prompt for what the user would like to do. After the process has completed, the specified launcher can be started and the games from Flashpoint can be played like those from any other Platform.
    For Platforms, the importer is capable of importing each game/animation along with any additional apps, images, and most of the metadata fields (i.e. Title, Description, etc, see below).
    This utility makes use of its sister project CLIFp (Command-line Interface for Flashpoint) to allow launchers to actually start and exit the games correctly. It is automatically deployed into your Flashpoint installation (updated if necessary) at the end of a successful import and the latest version of CLIFp will be included in each release of this utility so it is not generally something the end-user needs to concern themselves with.
    Before making any changes to your collection, any datafiles that will be altered are automatically backed up (only one backup is maintained at once so any previous backup will be overwritten) and if any unrecoverable errors occur during the import any partial changes are reverted and the backups are restored; however, it is strongly suggested that you consider making a manual backup of your launcher's configuration to be safe. No responsibility is held for the loss of data due to use of this tool.
    FIL can safely be used multiple times on the same collection to update the selected Platforms and Playlists if that have already been imported previously. The method with which to handle existing entries is selected within the program before each import.
    The import time will vary, correlated with how many Platforms/Playlists you have selected, but more significantly the image mode you choose, which is expanded on later. Importing the entire collection usually takes 5-10 minutes with the recommended settings but can take longer with a more basic PC. The vast majority of the processing time is due to the plethora of images that have to be copied/symlinked when games processed so the speed of your storage device is the most significant factor. Running the importer for updates should be significantly faster it first checks to see if the source image from the new import source is actually different than your current one before copying/linking it.
    You will still be able to use the standard Flashpoint launcher as normal after completing an import.
    Flashpoint Infinity/Flashpoint Ultimate
    This tool was made with the express purpose of using it with Flashpoint Ultimate (i.e. all games/animations pre-downloaded), but since the 0.2 rewrite of CLIFp it should work with Infinity as well. Just note that use with Infinity is not tested as rigorously.
    While testing for 100% compatibility is infeasible given the size of Flashpoint, OFILb was designed with full compatibility in mind.
    The ":message:" feature of Flashpoint, commonly used to automatically show usage instructions for some games before they are started, is supported. The entries that use it are added as additional-apps to their respective games as they once were when Flashpoint came packaged with LaunchBox. All messages are displayed in a pop-up dialog via CLIFp.
    Viewing extras (which are simply a folder) is also supported and the corresponding additional apps that open these folders will be added when importing a platform.
    Since Flashpoint originally used LaunchBox as its launcher, most fields within Flashpoint have a one-to-one equivalent (or close enough equivalent) LaunchBox field. That being said there are a few fields that are unique to Flashpoint that do not have matching field and so they are simply excluded during the import, resulting in a relatively minor loss of information for each game in your collection.
    Version Matching
    Supported Launchers
    LaunchBox AttractMode Flashpoint
    While testing for 100% compatibility is infeasible given the size of Flashpoint, FIL was designed with full compatibility in mind.
    The ":message:" feature of Flashpoint, commonly used to automatically show usage instructions for some games before they are started, is supported. The entries that use it are added as additional-apps to their respective games as they once were when Flashpoint came packaged with LaunchBox. All messages are displayed in a pop-up dialog via CLIFp.
    Viewing extras (which are simply a folder) is also supported and the corresponding additional apps that open these folders will be added when importing a platform.
    Each metadata field (i.e. Title, Author, etc.) is matched to the closest equivalent of a given launcher, or a custom field if there is no near equivalent and the launcher supports them; otherwise, the field will be omitted.
    Both Flashpoint Ultimate and Flashpoint Infinity are supported.
    Version Matching
    Each release of this application targets a specific version series of BlueMaxima's Flashpoint, which are composed of a major and minor version number, and are designed to work with all Flashpoint updates within that series. For example, a FIL release that targets Flashpoint 10.1 is intended to be used with any version of flashpoint that fits the scheme 10.1.x.x, such as 10.1,, 10.1.2, etc, but not 10.2.
    Using a version of FIL that does not target the version of Flashpoint you wish to use it with is highly discouraged as some features may not work correctly or at all and in some cases the utility may fail to function entirely or even damage the Flashpoint install it is used with.
    Please see the project's releases page on GitHub to check which tool version targets which Flashpoint version.
    Metadata Fields
    Currently the following fields in LaunchBox will be populated for each game, which is limited by what is available within Flashpoint:
    Title Series Developer Publisher Platform Sort Title Date Added Date Modified Broken Flag Play Mode Status Notes Source Release Date Version Library Language (as a Custom Field) Usage
    Please check the usage section for the tool on its GitHub page. It's easier to keep the instructions up to date when they are in one location.
    If you have a bug or feature request I ask that you submit an issue on the GitHub page for this tool, but if you just want to ask a question, discuss the tool in general, or are having issues getting it working for reasons you don't think are due to a bug then please just make a post here. Since sometimes the line between the two can be blurry don't feel afraid to use the wrong system, it isn't a huge deal.
    FIL: https://github.com/oblivioncth/OFILb
    CLIFp: https://github.com/oblivioncth/CLIFp


       (5 reviews)



  8. Steam Scraper

    Plugin that scrapes Steam Information, banner, screenshots and video to a selected game.
    Requirements: Launchbox 8.8+
    Install: Extract the content of zip file to : Launchbox/plugins/SteamScraper
    Source code: Github (feel free to make a pull request )
    Thanks to:
     @fawkesyeah for the extensive testing
    @CriticalCid for Ideas.
    If you have trouble running the plugin and crashing due CAS error, please right click on the DLL's , properties and then unblock.

    Just paste the Steam URL from the game that you need to scrape information.
    Video Tutorial:
    If you want to add Additional Custom fields and Tags please edit the properties.json :
    Note: This will generate a LOT of tags, I advise to hide it if you are going to use it. (Legacy Settings -> Game Details -> Disable Custom Fields)

    Also if you have the SteamDB or SteamSpy Link only you can use it to get the Steam metadata as well, the regex works just remind to put the / on the final url just like this:



       (6 reviews)



  9. Launchbox MQTT

    Version 2.0.1 -  From Launchbox 13.19 to the latest.
    Version 1.0.1  - Until Launchbox 13.18
    So, basically what this does is expose some of the information to a MQTT Topic, or multiple really, this way you can add the Information on your Homeassistant instance or whatever consumer of that topic is.
     MQTT Server Installation
    Extract to the plugins folder Setup
    Open the Launchbox Menu --> Tools --> MQTT Settings Fill the information about your MQTT  
    { "TotalGames": 14, "TotalPlatforms": 2, "BigBoxRunning": false, "IsBigBoxInAttractMode": false, "IsBigBoxLocked": false, "IsPremium": true, "BigBoxCurrentTheme": null } launchbox/nowplaying
    { "Title": "Donkey Kong Country", "Platform": "Super Nintendo Entertainment System", "Developer": "Rare", "Publisher": "Nintendo", "ReleaseDate": "1994-11-24T06:00:00-02:00", "Rating": "E - Everyone", "LastPlayedDate": "2025-02-04T14:57:47.1845482-03:00", "Genres": [ "Platform" ], "Favorite": false, "PlayCount": 12, "Status": "Playing" }  
    launchbox/retroachievments (I have no idea why this doesnt work, I personally dont use it so Dont know)
    { "GetGameInfoWithProgress": {}, "TotalPoints": [ {} ], "TotalAchievements": {}, "LastGamePlayed": {} }  
    Create the sensors in configuration.yml:
    mqtt: - sensor: - name: "LaunchBox Total Games" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalGames }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-variant - name: "LaunchBox Total Platforms" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalPlatforms }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-classic - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Title" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Title }}" icon: mdi:gamepad - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Platform" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Platform }}" icon: mdi:microsoft - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Developer" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Developer }}" icon: mdi:human - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Publisher" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Publisher }}" icon: mdi:office-building - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Rating" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Rating }}" icon: mdi:star - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing PlayCount" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.PlayCount }}" icon: mdi:counter - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Status" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Status }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-circle - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Running" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxRunning }}" icon: mdi:play-box-outline - name: "LaunchBox Attract Mode" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxInAttractMode }}" icon: mdi:motion-play-outline - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Locked" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxLocked }}" icon: mdi:lock-outline - name: "LaunchBox Premium Status" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ 'Premium' if value_json.IsPremium else 'Free' }}" icon: mdi:crown - name: "LaunchBox Current Theme" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme if value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme else 'None' }}" icon: mdi:theme-light-dark  
    An example of simple dashboard (i'm horrible designing these):

    Code for card:
    type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:mushroom-title-card title: 🎮 LaunchBox Status - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Total Games: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_games') }}" secondary: "Total Platforms: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_platforms') }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-variant layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "BigBox Running: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_running') }}" secondary: "Attract Mode: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_attract_mode') }}" icon: mdi:play-box-outline layout: horizontal fill_container: true multiline_secondary: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "BigBox Locked: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_locked') }}" secondary: "Premium Status: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_premium_status') }}" icon: mdi:lock-outline layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Current Theme: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_current_theme') }}" icon: mdi:theme-light-dark layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status state_not: Idle card: type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Now Playing: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_title') }}" secondary: "Platform: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_platform') }}" icon: mdi:gamepad layout: horizontal fill_container: true multiline_secondary: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status state: Playing card: type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_developer icon: mdi:human - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_publisher icon: mdi:office-building - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_rating icon: mdi:star - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_playcount icon: mdi:counter  
    OBS: This has super limited support, I made this out of curiosity only, I tested it literally 30min so expect bugs or things dont working fully.


       (0 reviews)



  10. BigBox Daily Reboot

    Plugin that adds automated daily reboot support to BigBox (to prevent any slowdowns or errors when running for days). Daily reboot setup is done directly from LaunchBox. Once enabled, your PC will reboot every day at the chosen time if BigBox is running. The plugin is also smart enough to skip the reboot if you are playing a game at the chosen reboot time.
    Tutorial and Demo:
    Copy BigBoxDailyReboot.dll to your LaunchBox/Plugins folder. Open LaunchBox and choose Tools->BigBox Daily Reboot Settings Set daily reboots to Enabled and choose a reboot time. If your PC is not already booting directly into BigBox, create a shortcut to LaunchBox/BigBox.exe and place the shortcut into your Windows startup folder (to get to the startup folder choose Run from the Windows Start menu, type shell:startup in the command box, and hit OK).  
    Release History:
    - Initial release.
    - Improved detection of games being open at reboot  time (Steam games were sometimes not being correctly reported as closed).
    - Added optional debug log file.
    - Added version info to the settings screen.


       (2 reviews)



  11. Rename Media Images/Videos as Rom Name or Game Name Format

    A plugin to allow you to switch between ROM name format and Game name format for your media files.
    Download RenameMediaToRomNames.dll to your PC. Close LaunchBox/BigBox and copy the dll file to your LaunchBox/Plugins directory. It is highly recommended that you make a backup of your LaunchBox/Images and LaunchBox/Videos folders prior to using this plugin.  
    Renaming game media for entire platforms:
    1. Select "Rename Media To ROM or Game Names" from the Tools dropdown in LaunchBox.
    2. Select the platform (or platforms) whose game media you want to rename.
    3. Choose which format you want to rename the media to (ROM name format or Game name format).
    4. Click Start.
    Renaming media for individual games:
    1. In LaunchBox, select the game or multiple games whose media you want to rename.
    2. Right click and select "Rename Media To ROM or Game Names" from the game menu.
    3. Choose which format you want to rename the media to (ROM name format or Game name format).
    4. Click Start.
    Renaming  manuals: (new in version 2.0) 
    To rename game manuals, click the "Include Game Manuals" checkbox prior to hitting the Start button.
    Q. Why would anyone want to use this?
      A. I actually don't know, but I wrote it because some people on the forums requested it. So if you find this plugin useful please let us know why in the comments 😄.


       (4 reviews)



  12. CLI Launcher - LaunchBox Command Line Interface for launching games directly from Stream Deck

    This plugin adds a command line interface to LaunchBox/BigBox for launching games via Stream Deck or having platform and playlist shortcuts. Marquee(s)* and LEDBlinky get updated automatically. Launching games on a remote PC is also supported.
    *All Marquees will be updated when using either LaunchBox or BigBox if you are using the ThirdScreen Plugin. If you're using the default BigBox marquee handling, then your single marquee will be updated when using BigBox only.
    *** Before installing, if you are using the ThirdScreen plugin please make sure you are using the latest version. Download CLI_Launcher.zip to your PC. Right click on the zip file and extract all files. Close LaunchBox/BigBox and copy the Plugins and ThirdParty folders to your LaunchBox directory.   
    Usage (simple game shortcuts):
    Right click on a game in LaunchBox and choose "CLI Launcher->Create Windows Shortcut".
    A dialogue will open to allow you to choose the name and location of the game shortcut. When ready, click "Save" to create the shortcut. To create windows shortcuts for a batch of games at once: Select multiple games, right-click and choose "CLI Launcher->Create Windows Shortcuts".  
    Usage (advanced shortcuts and Stream Deck):
    The currently supported commands are listed below. These can be run from a Stream Deck, from AHK scripts, or directly from the command line. To run a command from a Stream Deck, open the Stream Deck app and drag the Open action onto one of your buttons. Then on the App/File line, enter the commands as shown below including any required parameters. For example:

    Game Shortcuts (launch command): (works with both LaunchBox and BigBox)
         "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "<platform_name>" "<game_name>"
    For example, to launch Street Fighter Alpha 2 from the Arcade platform:
    "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "arcade" "Street Fighter Alpha 2"
    New in v7.0.0 (launch_by_id command): To launch a game using its game id instead of platform name/game title you can use the launch_by_id command. For example:
    "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch_by_id "1e48ac15-55e2-47f7-a33e-486451a16def"
    New in v7.0.3 (launch_by_db_id command): To launch a game using its database id instead of platform name/game title you can use the launch_by_db_id command. For example:
    "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch_by_db_id "2532"
    New in v8.0.1: The option "-t=num_minutes" can be passed to the launch commands. The game will be launched and then automatically closed after the specified number of minutes. By default it will attempt to use the ESC key to exit the game, but for games where that won't work (e.g Windows games) then you can also pass "-altf4" to tell it to use Alt-F4 to exit instead.
    Platform Shortcuts (platform command): (added in v2.0.0 - only works with BigBox)
         "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" platform "<platform_name>"
    For example, to navigate to the Arcade platform in BigBox:
    "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" platform "arcade"
    New in v8.0.1: The option "-all" can be passed to the platform command instead of a specific platform. This will take you to the platform/playlist root menu.
    Playlist Shortcuts (playlist command): (added in v2.0.0 - only works with BigBox)
         Run, "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" playlist "<playlist_name>"
    For example, to navigate to the favorites playlist in BigBox:
    "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" playlist "favorites"
    Open Manual for Currently Selected Game (manual command): (added in v8.0.2 - works with BigBox and LaunchBox)
         Run, "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" manual
    For example, to open the manual for the currently selected game:
    "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" manual
    Remote commands:
    To run a command on a different PC that has the plugin installed and is running LaunchBox or BigBox just add "remote_ip=<ip_of_remote_pc>". For example, to launch a game on a different PC with IP
    "CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "arcade" "Street Fighter Alpha 2"  "remote_ip="
    Q. What if neither LaunchBox nor BigBox are open when the script runs?
      A. The command will get ignored if LaunchBox or BigBox is not open. As of version 8.0.0 you'll also get an error message when trying to run shortcuts without LaunchBox or BigBox being open.
    Q. What if a game is already open when the script runs?
      A. The command will just get ignored if a game is already open.
    Q. Why not just launch the emulator and/or game directly from the Stream Deck or script?
      A. Using CLI Launcher is much simpler and leverages all the work you've already done in setting up LaunchBox to properly launch the game. Also, if you were to run the emulator and/or game directly from a script, your Marquee(s) and LEDBlinky would not get updated for the game.
    Q. Instead of manually entering the command for a Stream Deck button, can I use the "Create Windows Shortcut" game menu item and then just point Stream Deck to that shortcut?
      A. Yes, but... Elgato's Stream Deck app has a quirk where if you use the file selector button to select a shortcut, it will jump straight to the executable that the shortcut points to and it will ignore any parameters that the shortcut was passing in. So to get it to work with a shortcut you have to just type out the full path to the shortcut (including the .lnk extension) on the App/File line instead of using the file selector button.
    Q. If I want to use remote commands, which port do I need to ensure is open?
      A. If you are having trouble with remote commands, ensure port 0xb0b0 is open in Windows Firewall on the remote PC. 
    Q. Why would anyone want to launch a game on a remote PC?
      A. Dunno... but you can now.


       (3 reviews)



  13. Visual Pinball X – Top Scores (hiscore) Viewer

    View the Top Scores for your Visual Pinball X Tables (LaunchBox only)
    This plugin uses DNA Disturber’s PINemHi app to read a tables top scores that are stored in the nvram files created by VPinMAME.  PINemHi currently it supports 425 roms.
    New v2.0  Now viewable in BigBox (Requires LaunchBox/BigBox v13.19 or newer)
    Instead of scrolling through these (in game)
    See this (in LaunchBox)

    If you’ve signed up on the PINemHi Leaderboard site, this plugin will also let you view your Personal Top 10 Scores (these scores are tracked separately from the Tables’ top scores) as well as the Best Top 10 Scores on the Leaderboard.  Signing up is free and you only need to provide a username.  No email address, proof of citizenship nor vaccinations required.  (See Top 10 Scores below)
    LaunchBox/BigBox v13.19 (or newer) This plugin downloaded and setup (see Setting up the plugin below). PINemHi v3.6.3 (included with the plugin download) The emulator the table uses needs to point to “VPinballX.exe”.  This is needed to get the rom info for the table(s). The game needs to point to a valid Visual Pinball table (i.e. file extension .vpx) This is required to get the ROM info for the table(s). Optional Requirements
    Sign up for PINemHi Leaderboards. (see Top 10 Scores below)  
    Setting up the plugin
    Copy the VPXHiScores folder (from inside the zip) into your \LaunchBox\Plugins\ folder (new install) rename New_pinemhi.ini to pinemhi.ini  (see below if Updating) Edit the pinemhi.ini file (\LaunchBox\Plugins\VPXhiScores\PINemHi\pinemhi.ini) Under [paths] (11th line down), edit the path to the Visual Pinball (VP) “nvram” folder located inside your Visual Pinball installation.  (example) VP=D:\Emulators\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\nvram\ The path MUST end with a slash!! (optional) Under [user] (line 27), type in your PINemHi Leaderboard name and code. (see Top 10 Scores below) Save and Close pinemhi.ini Updating to v2.0 (if updating from a previous version of this plugin)
    The pinemhi.ini file has new options since the one originally included with this plugin.
    I have renamed it to New_pinemhi.ini so it doesn't overwrite your old settings
    After copying the files into the plugins' folder
    Navigate to the \VPXhiScores\PINemHi\ folder Open pinemhi.ini Open/Edit New_pinemhi.ini Copy from your original pinemhi.ini under [paths] the path to your VP \nvram\ folder under [user] your 'name' and 'code' Paste (or just type) these into New_pinemhi.ini Also adjust any other settings you may have changed.  i.e. [keys] Note: under [keys] is a new feature "send_button".  This allows you to submit your score without exiting the table. After saving and closing New_pinemhi.ini, rename your original pinemhi.ini file (just in case.  i.e. OLDpinemhi.ini). Then rename New_pinemhi.ini to pinemhi.ini  
    Using the plugin
    Start LaunchBox. Right click on one of your VPX tables and select Visual Pinball Table HiScores Select View Table High Scores (see below for Starting/Stopping pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe) BigBox
    Start BigBox. Go to the Game Details for one of your VPX tables and select VPX HiScores (see below for Starting/Stopping pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe) Navigating the window in BigBox:
    Use Left Joy Up/Down or DPad Up/Down to scroll… you guessed it…  Up/Down.
    Use DPad Left/Right to switch between the score types.
    Use your BigBox assigned Back button to close the window.
    Right Joy will move the window.
    Plugin Updates (new v2.0)
    If an update for the plugin is available, the right-click menu will start with (U)  i.e.  (U) Visual Pinball Table HiScores
    (LaunchBox only) When viewing high scores, click the information/support icon and click the Update Available button to take you to the plugins download page.
    How it works
    To get the top scores for a table, we 1st need to know which VPinMAME rom it’s using.  To get this, the plugin searches the table for the name of the ROM that it uses.  It will then search VPMAlias.txt to check if it has a ROM alias. The ROM name is then passed to pinemhi.exe which extracts the top scores from the nvram file associated with the ROM.
    What to expect
    The 1st time you run the plugin for a given table, you will see the Visual Pinball editor window appear, then close. This is where it extracts the tables’ script. The script gets saved to the same folder as the VPX table, using the exact same name as the table but with a .vbs file extension.  Depending on the table, the .vbs file will be somewhere between 20 KB and 150 KB in size.
    The next time you go to view that tables’ top scores, the plugin will see the .vbs file and not extract it [again].  So you won’t see the VPX editor window unless you delete/move the tables’ .vbs file.
    (v2.0) The plugin now searches the tables file directly for the ROM name. No need to extract the .vbs file.  Power users: If you use an extracted/modified .vbs and change the cGameName = to a different ROM, be sure to change (at least that part) in the table itself.
    Top 10 Scores
    To be able to view your Personal Top 10 and Best Top 10 scores, you need to sign up at http://pinemhi.com/hiscores.php.  This is where you’ll get your name and code to add to “pinemhi.ini “. (See note #4 under Setting up the plugin [above])
    You will also need to have PINemHi’s ROM Monitor (“pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe”) running.  This is a tiny executable that runs in the background and detects when a VPX table is loaded and then keeps track of your Personal top scores as well as downloads the Best Top 10 scores for that table.
     Please read through “PINemHi LeaderBoard installation and config.txt” located in the plugin folder.
    (\LaunchBox\Plugins\VPXhiScores\PINemHi\ PINemHi LeaderBoard installation and config.txt)  Some main points in the documentation (for use with this plugin):
    Setup your Visual Pinball (VP) path and [user] name and code. Keys Make note of which shortcut keys do which action. There are 6 different hotkeys.  Change them as necessary. Controller buttons are also supported. under [keys] is a new feature "send_button".  Setting and using this allows you to submit your score without exiting the table. Run “pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe”. Other IMPORTANT notes: 
    As a final note... The pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe was made with AHK (autohotkey). Microsoft Defender will frequently call AHK executables to be a virus/trojan This is a false positive. Feel free to test it with other anti-virus programs There is an option in Microsoft Defender to allow the program to still be used (make an exception for that file)  
    Starting/Stopping pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe
    You can toggle the Rom Monitor On/Off from the Tools menu.  Depending on its state, you’ll see this:
    Or this:
    (In BigBox, in the Game Details screen, you’ll see either "Start PINemHi Monitor" or "Stop PINemHi Monitor")
    When you launch a Table with PINemHi Rom Monitor running, you’ll get a popup after the table loads showing your Top 10 Scores. Press “L” (default).  This is a nice indicator that the ROM Monitor is running and that your Personal Top Score will be saved.  Alternately, you can set on_at_start=0 in pinemhi.ini to disable the popup.
    PINemHi Leaderboard
    Along with Personal Top Scores, PINemHi Leaderboard has some other cool features not directly accessible through this plugin like daily, weekly and 5-minute challenges. (These are accessible using the shortcut keys mentioned above.) It tracks Player 1 scores [aka Personal Top 10 Scores] as well as Special Scores (i.e. 20 loops [Back To the Future] or 50 martians killed [Attack From Mars]).  You can add up to 9 friends and view each other’s top scores.  There are also a number of Badges that can be earned on various tables.
    Main Site:                       http://www.pinemhi.com/
    Leaderboard:                 http://pinemhi.com/hiscores.php
    VPForums discussion:  https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=44580
    Special thanks to DNA Disturber for creating PINemHi for the Visual Pinball community and allowing permission to use it here, making this plugin possible!!


       (0 reviews)



  14. ThirdScreen Plugin for Platform Video Marquees, 3+ Screen Support, and more

    This plugin adds enhanced Marquee capabilities plus support for unlimited screens.
    - Enhanced Marquee Capabilities:
    Adds support for Platform Video Marquees, Playlist Video Marquees, and Platform Category Video Marquees. Adds support for Marquee Startup Videos. Adds support for animated gif files. Fixes marquee shift issue for TeknoParrot games. Marquee(s) will work in LaunchBox, not just in BigBox. Adds optional blur-fill background effect when media is not stretched to fit the entire screen (as of v2.0.10). - Support for a 3rd screen or unlimited additional screens each displaying their own priority based list of media.
    - Each screen has access to ALL media that has been imported to LaunchBox (all images, all videos, plus rotating 3D box models!)
    - Graphical user interface for setting up screens. Your theme files do not get modified.
    - Ability to stretch or not stretch based on the media type being shown on each screen.
    - Screens are tracked by GPU port stable IDs, so nothing will ever break due to Windows re-ordering display  numbers.
    Demo Videos:
    *** Before installing, please make sure you are using the latest version of LaunchBox. Version 13.0 or higher is required. *** Download ThirdScreen.zip to your PC. Right click on the zip file and extract all files. Close LaunchBox/BigBox and copy the Plugins and ThirdParty folders to your LaunchBox directory.  
    Adding a new screen:
    1. If you are setting up your main Marquee screen, you'll first need to disable the Marquee in BigBox settings in order to transfer control of it over to ThirdScreen.  Open BigBox. Hit escape to go to BigBox settings. Go to Options->General->Marquee Screen and set it to "None".
    2. Select ThirdScreen Settings either from the Tools dropdown in LaunchBox or the settings screen in BigBox.

    3. In the ThirdScreen Settings app choose "Add Screen" in the upper left.

    4. Give this screen a name. If this is your main marquee, make sure "Start with typical marquee media" is checked - this will start you off with the typical expected media for a main marque (e.g. marquee videos, marquee images, banner images, clear logos, etc...). Then hit Continue.

    5. Click "Identify Displays" and take note of the name displayed on the desired display. Then choose
    the corresponding display name from the "Choose Display" drop down menu.

    Choosing which media shows on each screen:
    1. Select a screen from your list of existing screens.

    2. Add desired media to both the game and platform views for this screen. (Tip: You can hover over most drop down boxes and controls to get a more detailed description of what each one does).

    3. Adjust the priority of each media item up or down (items higher on the list have higher priority). ThirdScreen will search the selected game or platform's media starting from the top of the list and working its way down until it finds something to display.

    4. For each media item in your views you can choose whether or not to stretch fill the screen. If set to No, then the item will be uniformly stretched (aspect ratio will be preserved). If set  to Yes, the media will be stretched to fill the entire screen (aspect ratio will not be preserved).  (Your choice will depend on the type of media and the screen dimensions. For example, Marquee videos/images will look best stretch filled on a bar type display but not on a 16:9 aspect ratio display. Video snaps will look best stretch filled on a 16:9 aspect ratio display, but not on a bar type display.)

    Adding startup videos or images for each screen:
    1. Select a screen from your list of existing screens.

    2. Click "Startup Video Folder" to open the startup folder for this screen. Copy any media you want to be displayed at startup for this screen into this folder. Video files and static images are supported. If there is more than one item in the folder, ThirdScreen will choose one of them randomly to display at startup.

    Adding Platform Marquee Videos, Playlist Marquee Videos, and Platform Category Marquee Videos:
    1. In LaunchBox select Tools->"Manage Platform/Playlist Video Marquees"

    2. From here you can add and manage video marquee files for Platforms, Playlists, and Platform Categories. Once added, they will be available for display using the ThirdScreen Plugin.

    Q. How many screens are supported?
      A. As many as you want. The only limit is the number of hdmi or display ports on your PC.
    Q. Can I use this Plugin if I only have a single marquee screen?
      A. Yes, if you don't have a third screen you can still use this for your main marquee. That will get you the added benefits of platform marquee videos, animated gif support, marquee startup videos, etc.
    Q. If I choose to display 3D box models, how can I rotate them?
      A. The 3D box models will be self-rotating. They will continuously spin while being displayed (no need for any user input).
    Q. In Game View, what's the difference between "Add Game's Parent Platform Media" and "Add Current Platform/Playlist Media"? Which one should I choose?
      A. It just depends on your preference when viewing Playlists. When scrolling games in a platform wheel, it will not make any difference which of the two dropdown lists you chose from. When scrolling games in a playlist wheel choose "Add Game's Parent Platform Media" if you want the media to change depending on the type of game (for example, the playlist might be a mix of NES, Wii, and Arcade games). Choose "Add Current Platform/Playlist Media" if you instead want to always display the Playlist's media (for example the marquee or theme video from your Favorites playlist).
    Q. Will my Theme xaml files get modified?
      A. No, the plugin never touches your theme files. You are free to switch and add new themes whenever you want.
    Q. How can I delete/modify media in LaunchBox if it is currently being displayed by ThirdScreen?
      A. You might sometimes run into a situation where you want to delete or modify a game's media files, but LaunchBox gives you an error because the media is in use. No problem, just temporarily disable ThirdScreen when in LaunchBox. Open the ThirdScreen settings app, click the gear icon in the upper right, and choose "Disabled when in LaunchBox".
    Q. Why doesn't Platform view work for my marquee(s) when in LaunchBox?
      A. This has been fixed with version 2.0.6 of this plugin as long as you are on LaunchBox version 13.1-beta-6 or higher..
    Troubleshooting Steps:
    1. Make sure you are using the latest version of this plugin.
    2. If this is your main marquee screen, please first double-check that you have disabled your marquee in BigBox settings. The ThirdScreen plugin will not attempt to use your marquee display if BigBox is using it.
    3. If some image or video you've added isn't showing up when you expect it to, double-check that it is categorized correctly in LaunchBox. It's very easy to add media in LaunchBox and then forget to change its image or video type (I do that all the time).
    4. If you are having an issue, please enable logging for both the ThirdScreen plugin and LaunchBox/BigBox, and then send me the log files after you try the thing that isn't working. The log files will be in the LaunchBox/Logs folder. To enable logging do the following:
    For ThirdScreen: Tools->ThirdScreen Settings, click the gear icon in the upper right and choose "Debug Log File Enabled". For LaunchBox/BigBox: Tools->Options->General->Debugging, check "Enable Debug Logs". 5. If LaunhBox/BigBox will not start at all after installing the dll files, make sure you are on version 13.0 or higher of LaunchBox and also try disabling any Pen or TouchScreen devices listed in Device Manager (there is currently a known conflict with the Windows Pen driver which is affecting some users). (Edit: This has been resolved in v2.0.13) 
    6. If animated gif files aren't displaying for you, try running LaunchBox/BigBox with admin privileges. (Edit: This has been resolved in v2.0.11) 
    7. If you are having issues with the ThirdScreen settings app reporting an incorrect resolution and/or your marquees being incorrectly sized, clipped, or off-center then it is most likely caused by dpi scaling. ThirdScreen v2.0.14 and higher should fix most scaling issues in both Win10 and Win11. 
    8. This plugin tries to fix any marquee-shift issues when a game changes the main screen resolution. As of version 4.0.0 you can select between medium mode, aggressive mode, or disabled. Medium is the default mode and is recommended. If a game changes the screen resolution, medium mode will reposition all marquees to their correct locations. Aggressive mode also hides the BigBox window to ensure it does not end up covering one of the marquee screens. While aggressive mode works perfectly on mine and many other setups, some people have reported that it can interfere with game loading or exiting (including BigBox remaining hidden after exiting a game). If you run into those types of issues you should set the option back to medium mode or disabled. In LaunchBox, go to Tools->ThirdScreen Settings. Then click the gear icon in upper right and select "Medium Shift Handling".
    Enjoy, and please follow the file to be notified of updates.


       (9 reviews)



  15. How Long To Beat (HLTB)

    View how long it takes to complete a game and optionally save these times as Custom Fields for viewing in the game details.  Also displayed are what other platforms (if any) the particular game is available on.
    All data comes direct from How Long To Beat.   Be sure to log in there to save, compare and share times.  Without them, this plugin wouldn't be here.
    The 3 types of timed gameplay this plugin gets are:
    Main Story         (just run to the end) Main + Extras    (Main Story plus Additional Quests/Medals/Unlockables) Completionist   (complete 100% of everything)  
    What makes this plugin different from other HLTB plugins and apps?
    It works Result are 'live' With some luck and little-to-no fear of website updates, it will still work next week, next month, through the end of the year and beyond... without any updates required (fingers crossed)  
    LaunchBox and the plugin file.
    Download and extract the contents into your /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder
    i.e.  D:/LaunchBox/Plugins/HLTB/HLTB.dll
    Select a game Right-click and select How Long To Beat If the game is not found, follow the onscreen instructions to help narrow down results (optional) Click Add to Custom Fields The Custom Fields names will be: HLTB Main Story HLTB Main + Extras HLTB Completionist Reinstated v2.2.2 (informational) Platforms that the game is available for are shown No longer provided.  If platform data is unavailable, a Box-Front image is shown instead. Select a radio button for how you want your times to be displayed and saved.  (Days-Hours-Minutes, Hours-Minutes or Minutes only)     
    New in v2.0.0
    HLTB Viewer and Playlist creator (Requires HLTB times to have been saved to Custom Fields)
    - View and sort HLTB games by title or Time To Beat
    - Launch a game directly from Viewer
    - Create playlists
    Creating Playlists:
    From the Tools Menu, select HLTB Viewer.    Select a platform Select one or (preferably) more games Click on the HLTB Time column header to sort by Times. Click again to reverse the sort. Click Create Playlist  (This will open a new Window) Set the playlists Title, Nested Name and Category (Category is optional) Click Create Playlist
    Playlists will be static.  If you add more games to your collection, just add the HLTB times to the games Custom Fields (right-click game option) and then in the Playlist Creator, check the box Add to Existing Playlist.  Select the playlist. 
    Notes about the names and platform category
    [Unique] Name  - No other playlist can have 'this' name.
    Nested Name     - what shows in the sidebar.  (i.e. HLTB 30-60 Minutes)
    Category              - The [Platform] Category it will be nested under.  (i.e. Arcade How Long To Beat)
    To get the Nested Names to sort properly, edit the playlist and set the Sort Title. In the image above, '30-60' sort title is set to "2".  '1-2 Hours' is set to "3". etc.
    Plugin Updates: New version 2.3.0
    The plugin will indicate if an update is available for download.
    If an update is available, the plugin title in the Tools Menu and in the Right-Click menu will begin with (U) i.e.  (U) How Long To Beat (LaunchBox only) Open the information/support window and click the Update Available button to take you to the Downloads page  
    Remember to Like and Subscribe and check out my other.....🤣.    Just go have some fun and be good humans. 😎


       (6 reviews)



  16. Vidsnap Scraper

    DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk! Please read and understand Youtube's terms of service. I will not be held liable for any misuse of any product or service.
    This plugin makes use of the open source and unlicensed application yt-dlp (forked from youtube-dl) in conjunction with ffmpeg to download game videos.
    It first downloads videos from the link provided in the metadata from LaunchBox, skipping videos longer than a specified duration, and then searches for videos for missing games based on input search terms.
    It is intended for modern Windows games, as this was my need initially.
    Launchbox 13.19 or newer. (Use version 0.5.1 for older Launchbox installations) ytdlp (included in .zip) ffmpeg (included in .zip)  
    Installation Instructions:
    Extract the contents of the .zip folder and place it in your LaunchBox plugins folder.  
    Usage Instructions:
    Select a game or multiple games, right-click, and select "Download Video Snap." Select desired quality. Adjust the maximum duration if desired. The "Get Missing Videos" checkbox sets whether or not to search for videos of games that don't have URL's in their metadata. The "Trim videos" checkbox sets whether or not to trim videos after they have been downloaded. Enter desired search terms for missing videos. Click "Start" to start the download process. Games will download asynchronously. Resuming downloads is also supported natively.  
    PLEASE NOTE: I AM NOT A DEVELOPER! I know very little about C# and programming in general, so I probably won't be able to address many issues that you may face. That being said, I will try and fix things where I can. I've provided the spaghetti source code for anyone to modify, improve, etc. (it seems you need to unblock the forms in the "Resources" folder -> RMB->properties->unblock.) 
    As of now, I'm more comfortable with the usability of the plugin; however, there are still probably many issues. Any comments to provide insight/improvement to the code, etc. would be much appreciated.
    Thanks to @srxz for his source of Youtube Scraper, on which this is based.
    @srxz @JoeViking245 @C-Beats


       (12 reviews)



  17. Movie Scraper (Reboot 2023)

    This is a reboot of the Movie Scraper Plugin by @Slipstream.
    The intent of this plugin is to scrape metadata and media for movies you’ve imported into LaunchBox.
    Why use LaunchBox as your digital movie library?
    Because you can.
    What metadata is imported?
    Title Notes (Movie Plot) Release Date Publisher (Production Studio i.e. “Marvel Studios”) Genre(s) Series (Collection i.e. “The Avengers Collection”) Video Url (YouTube movie trailer)  
    What media is imported?
    Box – Front Banner Clear Logo Disc Fanart – Background Arcade – Marquee  
    Can it import media I already have?
    Yes.  When importing media, the plugin will 1st look in the same folder the movie file is located.
    Do I need to have my own personal API keys for both TMDB and FanArt.TV?
    However, when running Setup the first time, “temporary” API keys are automatically inserted.  For now, they work. But for best, continued results, obtain and enter in your own keys. (See below)
    Are both API keys required to scape?
    Yes.  If either of the keys are missing or invalid, the plugin will exit.
    Do the Movie Titles [in LaunchBox] need to be named a certain way before scraping?
    Yes.  The Titles should be the name of the movie without any extras.
    The Avengers will work. The Avengers (2012) will work.  (new v1.3.0) The Avengers 2012 will not work.* The.Avengers.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT will not work.* *No.  If you have a valid Information (NFO) file in the same folder as the movie, the plugin will parse the file to get the proper Title and movie ID#.
    The Avengers 2012 will work. The.Avengers.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT will also work.  
    Can I scrape more than one movie at a time?
    Yes.  Select multiple (or all) movies in the Platform, right-click and select Scrape Movie.
    You may want to test with just one movie or only a couple at first.  
    Can I scrape metadata in a language other than English?
    Yes.  See Setup: below.  (new v1.3.0)
    Download the zip file Unblock it by right-clicking the file, select Properties, check “Unblock” and click OK. (Alternately, just use 7Zip to open the downloaded file) Copy the folder inside the zip into ../LaunchBox/Plugins/ i.e.    D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MovieScraper2023\MovieScraper.dll Setup:
    Start LaunchBox Click Tools and select “Movie Scraper Setup” Enter in your API keys Click Verify Keys to confirm they are working (Optional) Check “Automatically select 1st Movie when multiple results are found” (Optional) Select a language to use when downloading metadata.  (Default: English)  (new v1.3.0) Click Save Use:
    Select one or movies you have imported into LaunchBox, then right-click on one of them. Select Scrape Movie A “Please Stand By” window will appear indicating scraping is in progress. If a movie has more than one ‘close match’, a window will appear where you can select the correct movie.   Unless during Setup, you checked “Automatically select 1st Movie when multiple results are found”. Scraping is complete when “Please Stand By” disappears. When completed, press F5 to refresh the Box-Front images for the selected movie(s).  Click on a different movie and then back on one just scraped to refresh the images in the right side-bar.  
    Getting your personal API keys:  (both are free to get)
    A TMDB user account is required to get an API key. Once created, log in and go to Profile - Overview - Edit Profile. Go down to API to get your “api_key (v3 auth)”. http://www.themoviedb.org
    Register an account at https://fanart.tv/. Once registered, go to https://fanart.tv/get-an-api-key/ to find your personal key
    The process when scraping:
    Get the API keys from APIfile.xml and verify the API keys are valid If either API key returns “Unauthorized”, the plugin will exit Check if the movie has an NFO file (in the same folder as the video file). If so… Get/store the movies ID#.  (Can be either TMDB or IMDB) Set the ‘games’ Title Check for existing image files in the same folder as the video file. If any exist, copy them into LB Image files need to have the same name as the video file, plus -imageType.png (or .jpg depending on the image type) Search TMDB using ‘Title’.  (If an NFO file exists, search by the movie ID# from step 2 above) If no matches, “The movie could not be found.” [popup message] will appear. When scraping in bulk, a popup will appear at the end of all scraping instead, listing the movies not found If there are multiple matches, a window will appear to have you select the correct movie.  (Unless you chose to “Automatically select 1st Movie” during Setup) If there’s only 1 match (or when a movie was manually selected), set the movies: Title, Notes, Release Date, Publisher, Genre(s), Series and Video Url (link to movie trailer) Download images from TMDB and FanArt.TV. Download images only if the image type doesn’t already exist (i.e. local images weren’t found)  
    Order of precedence for importing images:
    Local images:
    Clear Logo
    Clear Logo
    When selecting a language other than English (new option v1.3.0) to download metadata, Box-Front and Background images are the only ones that will appear in that language (if available).  FanArt.TV doesn't appear to support other languages.
    Big thanks to @Slipstream for the original code and @jayjay for his update.   Thanks to @universeofgamer for the suggestion to add the option to scrape metadata in other languages.
    As always, all comments and suggestions are welcomed.


       (4 reviews)



  18. Clear Logo Creator

    What's this?
    Ever wanted to fill the holes on your 40k games DB for your Commodore 64 platform or create your own nice set of stylish clear logos for your favourite platform? I did, so I created this simple yet useful tool to batch create Clear Logos for each game you can select from your list, starting from a background png image and writing the game name on it, adjusting text appearance and previewing the result.
    How to install it
    Just download the zip and extract its content in the LaunchBox plugin folder.
    How to use it
    Just select as many games you want to create your clear logo for, right click on them and select "Create Clear Logo" form the context menu.
    A configuration form will let you choose
    the background png file to use as the base image of your clear logo (in the downloaded zip file there's an example of a Commodore 64 template clear logo);  X and Y position where the name of the game will be rendered on the base image; The max width the name should take before shrinking to fit the logo; The font name to be used to render the game title (all fonts from your machine should be supported); The base size of the font to be used (if the rendered text exceeds the max width, the font size will be automatically decreased); The foreground color of the text (it supports html standard, so textual colors like "white" or Hex rapresentations like "#FFFFFF"); The shadow color of the text (it supports html standard, so textual colors like "white" or Hex rapresentations like "#FFFFFF"); if blank, no shadow will be rendered; A Check to create the Clear Logo even if it already exists; any clear logo is created as a second clear logo (with "<game title>-02.png" name) so it should not overwrite your main clear logo, but by default no Clear Logo is created if a clear logo named "<game title>-01.png" exists, to prevent priority on your main logos and just fill your holes in the collection, but if this  option is checked ("Create if already exists") the logo will be created anyway for any game selected. Clicking Refresh button a Preview of the generated logo will be created (or refreshed) in the form, so you can test what the Clear Logo will look like, using the Preview Text you can modify, hopefully checking short and long names to see if the position and size parameters are ok. Once you're OK with the preview you can click "Generate" to start the bulk generation. A progress bar will let you know how long it's going to take, but it's a quite fast process.
    I created this plugin because I needed something like that and it's my first attempt to a structured plugin, so it could have issues, but I'm quite happy with the results, I hope you can enjoy it too! 


       (0 reviews)



  19. View game specific commands from MAME's command.dat

    This plugin has been replaced with the MAMEdatsViewer plugin.
    Apologies for any inconvenience.
    See here for the new and improved all-in-one plugin here:
    Inspired from MAME's built in feature in the main UI (and via their in-game Tab menu) and Ben Baker's CPWizard.

    View information from MAME's command.dat to show:
        HOW TO PLAY
    Included in the plugin is a "MAME Command" Custom Badge (LaunchBox Only [unless someone figures out how to show Custom Badges in BigBox])
    This will show the badge  for games included in command.dat

    Installing the plugin
    Download and open the file using 7zip. if you don't use 7zip, first unblock the file (Right click, select Properties, and click Unblock) then open it as you normally would. Extract the main folder from inside the zip file into ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\     i.e.  D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MAMEConmmandDat\      (the main folder "MAMEConmmandDat" and all its subfolders are required for the plugin to work!) Start LaunchBox or BigBox  
    Enabling the Custom Badge
    In LaunchBox, click Badges, Plugin Badges, "MAME Command"
    You can change the badges image by replacing the image ../LaunchBox/Images/Badges/MAMEcommands.png
    Using the plugin
    LaunchBox:  Right-click on a game and select MAME Commands.
    BigBox:  In the Game Details screen, scroll to the bottom on the list and select MAME Commands.
    To scroll through the page, use your keyboard Up/Down arrow keys, mouse wheel or your controller's left joystick (or DPad) Up/Down.
    To close the window, press Escape, or on your controller press your mapped Exit Game (LaunchBox) or Close Active Window (BigBox) button(s).

    Version 0.262 of command.dat is included. Future updates can be found here: https://www.progettosnaps.net/command).  Just replace the existing file located in the plugins /Data/ subfolder.
    As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, comments and accolades are welcome. 😎


       (1 review)



  20. MAME History.xml Viewer

    This plugin has been replaced with the MAMEdatsViewer plugin.
    Apologies for any inconvenience.
    See here for the new and improved all-in-one plugin here:
    View game specific history from MAME's history.xml
    Inspired from MAME's built in feature in the main UI and via their in-game Tab menu
    Requires LaunchBox 13.3 or newer MAME or MAMEui set as the game(s) emulator "history.xml"  (download it from https://www.arcade-history.com/) MAME users:  Place the file in the "history" subfolder of your MAME emulator. i.e.  D:\Emulators\MAME\history\history.xml MAMEui users: Place the file in the "dats" subfolder of your MAME emulator. i.e.  D:\Emulators\MAMEui\dats\history.xml Currently only available in LaunchBox (not BigBox)

    Download and then open the plugin file using 7zip. if you don't use 7zip, first unblock the file (Right click, select Properties, and click Unblock) then open it as you normally would. Extract the main folder from inside the zip file into ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\ i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MAMEhistoryXml\  Start LaunchBox
    Right-click on a game and select View MAME History.

    Updating history.xml
    When loading the plugin, it will check your local version of history.xml against what's available on https://www.arcade-history.com/.
    If a newer version is available, you will be given the option to Update your local copy.
        Updating will attempt to download and then replace your existing file.

    As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, comments and accolades are welcome. 😎


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. MAME gameinit.dll Viewer

    This plugin has been replaced with the MAMEdatsViewer plugin.
    Apologies for any inconvenience.
    See here for the new and improved all-in-one plugin here:
    View game specific "Initialization(s)" and/or "Tip(s)" from MAME's gameinit.dat
    Inspired from MAME's built in feature in the main UI and via their in-game Tab menu.
    Not all MAME games require any initial setup to run, but some do. Currently, the DAT file contains 1439 entries.
    A  badge will be displayed if there is an entry in gameinit.dat for that game.  (See below for Enabling Badges)
    Currently only available in LaunchBox (not BigBox)

    Requires LaunchBox 13.3 or newer Installing
    Download and then open the plugin file using 7zip. if you don't use 7zip, first unblock the file (Right click, select Properties, and click Unblock) then open it as you normally would. Extract the main folder from inside the zip file into ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\ i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MAMEgameinitDAT\  Start LaunchBox Included Files
    MAMEgameinit.dll /Data/gameinit.dat  (v0.263 [latest available] - downloaded from https://www.progettosnaps.net/gameinit/) Using
    Right-click on a game and select View MAME gameinit. Updating gameinit.dat
    When loading the plugin, it will check the local version of gameinit.dat against what's available from https://www.progettosnaps.net/gameinit/. If a newer version is available, you will be given the option to Update the local copy. Updating will attempt to download and then replace the existing file. Enabling Badges
    To enable the badge, click Badges, Plugin Badges, MAME gameinit The Badge image can be changed by replacing the image ../LaunchBox/Images/Badges/MAMEgameinit.png  
    As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, comments and accolades are welcome. 😎
    If you like this plugin, you may also enjoy some of my other MAME related plugins:
    View game specific commands from MAME's command.dat
    MAME History.xml Viewer
    MAME Hi-Score Display - A plugin for BigBox
    MAME Software Lists Import Tool
    See all my plugins here:


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  22. MAME DATs Viewer

    View MAME DATs for games using MAME ROMs.  
    Works across platforms (Arcade, Sega Model 3...) and emulators (MAME, Demul...).  
    DAT - A file that stores specific information [data].
    MAME uses Dat files to display extra information about its systems.  (see The DAT Files below)
    Inspired from MAME's built in feature in the main UI and via their in-game Tab menu to view game specific initialization procedures (LaunchBox only), commands and history (LaunchBox only).

    This plugin combines my 3 other DAT Viewer plugins into a one-stop-shop.
    ⦁    View game specific commands from MAME's command.dat
    ⦁    MAME History.xml Viewer
    ⦁    MAME gameinit.dll Viewer

    Why this plugin? Why now?
    When I created the 1st one for command.dat, I didn't fathom creating any more.  Same thing happened after creating the 2nd one for history.xml.  It wasn't until after creating the gameinit.dll viewer that I realized I should have combined them all into one plugin.  So here we are.
    Why use this one instead of the other 3?
    If you use at least 2 of the other plugins, you may consider using this one instead.  Especially if one of them is the command.dat viewer.  The original plugin doesn't provide the update feature this one has. All 3 Dat files are contained with this plugins folder. So no need to set them up in MAME (or MAMEUI). This plugin uses LaunchBox's multi-menu feature, making a cleaner look when right-clicking a game. It's just one plugin that LaunchBox has to load instead of [up to] three.  
    Important note if switching from the other plugin(s) to this one:
    If you are switching from one (or more) of the other plugins to this one, remove the other plugin(s) from your LaunchBox installation!
    It won't break anything to have all 4 installed.  But will create excess duplicative processing.

    The 3 Dat files are included with the plugin.  No need to download them separately or include them with your MAME installation. Option to update to the latest DATs as they become available.  (See Updating) Choose which DATs to have available. (Remove or add on-the-fly. No restart required) (Updating and re-adding requires an internet connection) Option to have to always have the DAT Viewer window open full screen Badges are displayed for games that have initialization procedures and/or commands.  (See Badges below for enabling them) Option to temporarily disable the plugin and badges (See Settings) Plugin Requirements:
    LaunchBox 13.3 or higher This plugin file (MAMEdatsViewer.dll) (The download includes all 3 DAT files to get you started) Installing:
    Download and then open the zip file using 7zip. If you don't use 7zip, first unblock the zip file (Right click, select Properties, and click Unblock) then open it as you normally would. Extract the main folder from inside the zip file into ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\ i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MAMEdatsViewer\  Start LaunchBox How to Use:
    Right-click on a game Select MAME DATs Viewer Select an available option from the submenu(s) BigBox 
    Select MAME commands from the Games View menu
    Settings: (LaunchBox only)
    Tools < View MAME DATs - Settings
    All 3 DATS will be listed and will each show:
    if the local file exists the local files' version (if exists) the current available version available to download three buttons (depending on the local files' status) Remove Add (requires an internet connection) Update (requires an internet connection) (Option) Full Screen:  Check the box to have the DAT Viewer window always open full screen.
    (Option) Temporarily Disable Plugin:  Checking this will remove the plugin from the games right-click menu and will also disable the plugin badges. It will stay disabled until it’s unchecked or LaunchBox is restarted.

    Badges: (LaunchBox only)
    A history badge is not included because pretty much all (if not all) MAME ROMs will have some sort of history entry.
    A  badge will be displayed if there is an entry in gameinit.dat for that game.  
    A  badge will be displayed if there is an entry in commands.dat for that game.  
    To enable the badge(s), click 
    Badges,  Plugin Badges,  MAME Gameinit,  MAME Commands.  The Badge image can be changed by replacing the image(s) 

    Updating: (LaunchBox only)
    (Requires an internet connection)
    2 options:
    When loading the plugin by right clicking a game, it will check the local version of the selected DAT against what's available online If a newer version is available, you will be given the option to Update the local copy. Updating will attempt to download and then replace the existing file. Tools < View MAME DATs – Settings Here you can check/update all 3 DATs
    The DAT Files:
    Courtesy of: https://www.progettosnaps.net/command/
    Lists the various commands of many arcade games.
    Shows controller command sequences used to make special moves in games.
    gameinit.dat (LaunchBox only)
    Courtesy of: https://www.progettosnaps.net/gameinit/
    Shows information on how to run tricky systems.
    This file lists the initialization procedures of some games emulated by MAME.
    (Not all MAME games require any initial setup to run, but some do.)
    history.xml (LaunchBox only)
    Courtesy of: https://www.arcade-history.com/index.php?page=download
    Contains game information, trivia, facts and tips on the arcade systems supported by MAME.

    Navigating the DAT window:
    Use Ctrl+Mouse-Wheel to change the font size
    Escape (or click the red X) to close
    Left-Joy or d-pad to scroll
    Right-Joy for page up/down
    "Back" to close

    As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, comments and accolades are welcome. 😎
    See all my plugins here:    https://forums.launchbox-app.com/profile/102158-joeviking245/content/?type=downloads_file


       (1 review)



  23. SteamGridDB Scraper

    Preview and import images from SteamGrid Database directly into your LaunchBox collection.
    A personalized SteamGridDB API Key is required.  (See below about getting yours) Downloaded images are saved to the default LaunchBox image folder(s).  
    Download and extract the contents of the download to your /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder.
        i.e.  D:/LaunchBox/Plugins/SteamGrid Scraper/SteamGridScraper.dll
    First Time Run
    Select a game, right-click it and select SteamGrid Scraper.
        The "API key Required" window will open.
    Paste (or manually type in) your personal SteamGrid API key.
    Click Save
    Select a game, right-click it and select SteamGrid Scraper.
    In cases where an exact match for the game Tite is not found, a window will popup listing 'close matches'.
    Double-click a game from the list to select it.
    Click on the SteamGrid image group you'd like to view.  Options are:
    Up to 50 images will show in the Gallery.  If the selected group has more than 50 available, click "2" to see then next 50.
    Use the Zoom slider to increase/decrease the image sizes in the Gallery.
    Double-click on an image to see a larger view. (Opens in a separate window).
    The Icons group is pretty much useless in LaunchBox.  But since they're available, they're included.
    Saving an image
    To add an image to your game, right-click the image in the gallery and select Add Image.
    Select the Image Type (folder) you want to save it as from the dropdown box.  (It doesn't change automatically for you.)
        Only a few select image types are shown by default.
        To see all image folders (types), check the box "See All available image types".
    (Optional) To view your existing images for the game, click View Existing Images Gallery. (Opens in a separate window)
        This shows only the images for the selected image type. 
    (Optional) Click Open Image Folder to open Windows Explorer to the folder where your existing images are and where the image will be saved to.
    Click Save to save the image.
    Getting your SteamGridDB API Key
    Log into your SteamGridDB account.
    Go to your Profile - Preferences - API
    Click 'Generate API key'
    As always, all comments and suggestions are welcome. 😎


       (5 reviews)



  24. Machtendo No-Intro ROM Parse

    I'm now maintaining this script on Github here: https://github.com/machtendo/rom-parse
    What's this?
    This is a Windows Powershell script you can use to sort any No-Intro romset into a consistent and intuitive structure. The goal is to sort and organize ROM files by region, release type and revision.

    This script creates a directory structure to accommodate for all the various release types and flags found in a No-Intro set, which is then replicated to folders for the four major release regions, then sorted appropriately.
    By default, this script creates full sets for each region - for example, (World) releases are actually COPIED to every major region - I wanted to avoid regional biases where I could so that if someone wanted a full Japanese set or a European set, you only need run the script and grab the contents of the corresponding folder. You can disable this by commenting or removing the "Regional Bias" section of the script.
    Only available as a Windows Powershell script, not compatible with Linux or macOS currently.
    Why's this?

    In order to simplify compatibility with various frontends, to satisfy my own preferences, and possibly the preferences of others. A few use-cases can be found below.
    When using LaunchBox, playlists can be created by using the "Application/ROM Path" parameter - the filepaths/folder structure created by this script will allow you to be as granular as you would like. When using other frontends or utilities, usually you're actually just browsing your file/folder structure - the filepaths/folder structure created by this script are meant to be descriptive and (hopefully) intuitive. Once the script is run, one could simply delete entire regions, remove all the various Test Programs, trim BIOS files, delete Demo or Sample roms, Prototypes, and easily create a custom set that suits their individual taste. This script is entirely filetype agnostic - it doesn't care about file extensions, so as long as the set of files you're applying this script to uses No-Intro's flags, this script can be used to sort them - one could also use this script to sort through artwork/image/media files for corresponding ROM files. Instructions
    Simply copy this script file into the folder containing your rom files, and double click to run it. 
    That's it!
    If you happen to receive an error saying something along the lines of "Running Scripts is Disabled on this System" you can open the folder in Terminal or PowerShell and run the script with the following command. I'll defer to this article if you would like more information.
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Machtendo No-Intro ROM Parse v5.0.ps1 Logic & Structure
    How have these files been sorted, and why?
    BIOS Files
    BIOS files are first moved into a _BIOS folder prior to any sorting functionality. This is so that any available version is immediately and easily accessible for use with an emulator if needed.
    I'm going by the three historically major release regions, with a fourth "Other" region to cover the other minor release regions.
    North America US Canada Japan Japan Europe  Italy Spain Sweden France Germany Australia Denmark Scandinavia Other Korea Brazil Argentina Taiwan Mexico Russia Hong Kong Netherlands China Greece Asia No-Intro Flags
    The file structure for the No-Intro flags is replicated to the four regional folders described above.
    Aftermarket Releases - Licensed, Unlicensed, or Homebrew games released for a platform after its "active" or "canonical" lifespan. Hacks - Not strictly within the scope of No-Intro - these ROMs have had patches applied to them to modify, transform, or attempt to improve an existing game. i.e. patches that can be found at RDHN (romhacking.net) Alternate Releases - Re-release of a ROM on a later platform or in a "Classics" Collection, i.e. Virtual Console, Nintendo Switch Online, or compilations such as "Castlevania Anniversary Collection" Official Releases - Licensed games released at the time of a platform's "active" lifespan. Pre-Release - Unfinished games - betas, demos, or prototypes not meant for the general public Test Cartridges & Utilities - These are tools generally used by developers or hardware manufacturers, mostly for testing purposes or diagnostics/troubleshooting Translations - Again, not strictly within the scope of No-Intro, but these are ROM files with an applied translation patch, commonly denoted with the [T-En] flag. Note that the region that these translations are targeting is the region the rom will be moved to - i.e. target language is English, therefore ends up in the North America > Translations folder. Currently, only [T-En] is supported. Unlicensed Releases - Unlicensed games that were released DURING the canonical lifespan of the platform in question without explicit permission or input of the platform's manufacturer. Previous Revisions - Earlier releases of a given title - The latest Revision is kept in the "Official Releases" folder, while the earlier revisions end up here. Notes & Clarification
    Keep in mind, this script is only intended for use with romsets following the No-Intro naming convention. More information can be found here:  https://wiki.no-intro.org/index.php?title=Naming_Convention This script cares ONLY about the No-Intro naming convention - the use of DAT files and ROM managers have not been considered, and splitting up these ROM files may break compatibility with said DAT files or ROM managers. Starting with v5.0, support for parsing/sorting numbered revisions was added - I have not yet verified if this script generates a perfect DAT-worthy 1G1R set. By default, no ROM files are deleted by this script - I'm only sorting and organizing. I am also not responsible for any undesirable effects or outcomes running this script on your machine may have. Feedback welcome in the comments! Tested with the following platforms


       (0 reviews)



  25. Emulators and Their Games / Platforms and Their Emulators

    View all games associated with an emulator.
    Can't remember which games in your Nintendo Wii platform use the Dolphin emulator and which ones use the Dolphin-TriForce branch?
    Use this plugin see which games are used by a specific emulator.
    New 2.0.0
    Platforms and Their Emulators (toggle)
    View all emulators associated with a Platform.
    With LaunchBox NOT running, download and copy the **contents** of the 7z (zip) file into you /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder.
    i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\Emulator-Games\Emulator-Games.dll
    Stat LaunchBox Click Tools Click Emulators and Their Games Select an emulator to see a list of all games that use that emulator.
        If a game uses the selected emulator but is NOT in one of its Associated Platforms (go figure how that happens. ), it will appear in Red. 
    A list of Associated Platforms for that emulator will also show.
        Click on one of the Associates Platforms to view only games that use this Emulator AND are in the Platform.
        Click Reset to go back to showing All games using the Emulator.
    To create a Playlist of the games shown, click Create Playlist.
        The Playlist will automatically be given the name of the selected Emulator. (Change it to whatever you want)
        If you had selected an Associated Platform then clicked Create Playlist, the auto-fill name will be "emulator (platform)".
        The playlists will be added to Platform Category "Emulator Games"
    New 2.0.0
    To view all emulators associated with a Platform, flip the toggle switch.

    As always, all comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.


       (1 review)



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